《God Amoung - A ZCorp Story》Chapter 6: fighting Moses


We clashed.

The old and fragile looking stick is unexpectedly hard.

I expected that it would be cut through immediately like all those fanatics.

I attacked him with my sword swings and shooting my gun periodically.

All he did was blocking my attacks and defending, and sometimes, he would counter attack, but I dodged it everytime.

After I disengaged from him, and recovered my stamina after going all out. He raised his stick into the air with his right hand, and after a bright light emanated from the stick, it transformed into a longsword.

Just like Johannes's sword, which from now on I will be calling it "Grave Digger", or D.G for short. Inspired when robbed the corpses of all the people I killed. Just like GraveDigger, Mose's sword emanated a bright light.

He lunges at me with a fast speed, I almost had no time to evade or block him.

He rapidly swings his sword at me, even though I am managing to block all of his attacks, my stamina is draining rapidly.

I gotta make my attack count.

After dodging and blocking Mose's attack for a while, I decided to counterattack.

After Moses attacked me, I evaded to my right and swung my sword to his abdomen. After that, I swung rapidly and cutted deep into his arm and back, giving Moses no time to block nor evade.

After slicing him up, I finished my combo by kicking him in the stomach with my right leg.

He fell to the ground and his stick has become more fragile, almost breaking.

"Time to end this, old man"

"ليس بهذه السرعة"


He spoke another language, Arabic it seems.

Moses took something from underneath his robe.

It appeared to be a fruit of some sorts?

It could be an apple, but apples don't usually shine in bright light and are golden colored.


"That! Why did you have that!"

Isaac who was watching our battle the entire time spoke up for the first time in a while, he seems to be flustered as to what Moses has brought.

Moses had bitten the apple(?) fruit thing.

Instantly after he swallowed, his body began shining brightly, filled with holy energy.

"Fuck this man! Khalif right? You're on your own, I'm not gonna stay here and die!"

Isaac said that and escaped by flying.

The Administrator office that has expanded had been returned to normal, the distance between me and Moses is actually quite far, considering before i was pointing a gun at him at point blank range.

Moses had also gotten to his feet, standing menacingly.

Before I could react, he dashed towards me, and multiplied to 4.

I was getting beaten by 4 Moses's.

I couldn't dodge nor can I block their attacks.

I was kicked through the wall, destroying the wall and landing outside in the Branch office's field yard.

"So this is how it ends huh"

I was prepared to die, the situation was hopeless.

What kind of power did he suddenly have? It's like entering a cheat code in the console command.

At that moment, someone came.

"Khalif! Geez why did you think leaving me behind was a good idea!"

It was Carla, she ran to me at full speed.

"Here, i thought this belongs to you"

She handed my my railgun rifle that i threw away when i found Grave Digger, how stupid of me.

"Ah, thanks"

I took the railgun rifle and noticed that it still has more than 400 ammos.

Needless to say, I fired at will at the Moses's that are now glowing a yellow aura.

"Stay back!"

I shouted as I threw a grenade at the four Mose's.


"Take cover!"

I threw myself at Carla and felt the heat and the shockwave from the grenade explosion.

As I looked at the four- no, there is only one Moses now, half of his face is blown away. And it revealed a complex machinery inside his head.

Just his head though, because when I cut his body during our sword fight, it was all flesh.


We both stare at Moses whose head has now regenerated into its previous state.

After regenerating his head, Moses took his staff from the ground and spinned it with one hand.

"..clearly..you people are quite a threat to us. I don't know what happened during the millenia when i was dormant, but... to think humanity has progressed this much to the point where your weapon can injure me"

Moses spoke in english for the first time, not arab accented english, but British english.

"But enough playtime, i will end this right now, by reviving our god Aldane who has been shut out from this dimension"

He raised his staff into the air and he teared the sky. A purple portal appeared, and on the other side, I saw a massive eye, looking at our world.

One of Its arm reached out from the tear and tried to help Moses open the portal.

"With this, your dimension will now be one of us-"

His words were cut off as a sword penetrated through his head. It's Grave Digger.

No.. more like, grave digger grew a person.

"wha!? You! When did you revive?!"

"Silly Moses, i never became dormant nor did i ever die"

Grave Digger grew a golden man, a machine, made out of gold.

The tear that is in the sky is also closed, but the giant arm that came out of the portal was cleanly cut off, and is falling to the ground.

"Well Moses...why don't we settle this once and for all"

Is the last thing I heard before losing consciousness to the giant explosion that happened in front of me and Carla.

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