《God Amoung - A ZCorp Story》Chapter 5: The infiltration


After trekking through the treacherous rainforest for 5 days, we finally arrived at the branch office. We're hiding and observing it from far away.

"So the Providence of Aldané is really occupying it, and they look heavily defended as well"

As I observed the Fanatics from afar, I could see the branch office being heavily defended with their unholy mages, armed with their own specialized weapons.

Specialized weapons being fucking sticks.

What's this? Harry potter?

Why is Harry trying to summon an ancient god?


Carla is sleeping, while leaning in a tree.

I've learned a lot about her and her people these past 5 days, and apparently, their race is nocturnal, so at this time, specifically, 1311 hours. The entire snake people race is asleep, and I think the GIDO might want this information.

I look towards my equipment that I prepared.

I've been issued an 2050 IRIS Standard Pistol, an IRIS/ADWI Model Z Railgun, which is the size of a rifle now, and Standard Issued ZCorp Glasses, that displays information, night vision, and other functionalities.

I want to finish this mission quickly, not because I want to be together with Sinnon again, but because I want to get promoted as quickly as possible to avoid getting thrown into random missions every time.

I covered Carla with a blanket that I conveniently brought with me. And I quietly approach the fanatics.


I am now hiding in a bush about 30m away.

I heard these people can use magic somehow, but the interrogation on them didn't bear any fruit. They just said that their magic is the blessing of Aldane.

The orders were to kill every one of them, and let none live.

I'll be happy to oblige.

I gotta make good impressions to GIDO as well after all.

"Well then..."


I muttered.

There are about 300 fanatics in the fort, thanks to the Zcorp Glasses i know their numbers.

I went out of the bush and went in guns blazing.

Immediately, the 2 guards guarding the entrance had their heads blown off, the Rifle Railgun is amazing.

I threw 3 grenades into the entrance and inside the fort/branch office building.

Bright flashes appeared from inside the building and the explosion destroyed the windows.

I immediately went in and started shooting everything that is alive inside.

Thanks to the Rifle Railgun, I only needed to reload once, it has 500 rounds of ammo inside one magazine, and the rifle is powered by electricity in firing the bullets.

Unfortunately, some of the fanatics has magical shields around them, and they require about 20-30 bullets to pierce.

I suspect that these guys are the commanders or generals.

While I was shooting at everything, a fanatic lunged at me and I fell backwards.

The fanatic had the hands of a wolverine, the giant claws were heading straight for my brain.

I instinctively blocked with my right arm, and my right arm was injured, with a deep cut. The bones being exposed to the outside.

"Damn it!!"

I shouted, while punching the head of the fanatic that lunged at me, and knocked him off from on top of me.

I choked him and cracked his neck, killing him.

Afterwards, I reached for my pistol with my left arm and begin shooting at him repeatedly. After emptying a magazine into him, I heard footsteps of more fanatics coming this way.


I was trying to figure out a way to fight them, or atleast, escape.

But then I noticed something on the wall.

A sword, more specifically, a claymore with red gems embedded in its hilt.

It is stored in a glass box with a sigh reading, "Sword of Johanes, from the Crusades"


"Well don't mind if i do"

I don't know why these fanatics didn't try to take it, but I guess the sword is useless enough that they didn't care.

When I broke the glass and took the sword, the gems started glowing and the sword started emitting a faint light.

I just noticed, the hilt has 2 crosses on each side.

It might be too late for me to realize, but I think this sword is an ancient artefact from the crusades.

"You! What did you do to Johanes's sword!"

"Sayonara Eres fanatica stronza"

I cut through the fanatic that is shouting at me and instantly cut him in half, a clean cut.

I looked at the other fanatics, wielding Johanes's sword in my left arm, and my pistol in my right arm.

I look so fucking badass, it's a shame no one saw this other than the soon-to-die fanatics.

I cut through the fanatics easily and beheaded a couple too.

And after a while, only 10 remain.

And they are all at the branch administrator room.

I took a glance at the fanatics that I killed.


They are wearing expensive jewelry.

I mean... might as well you know?

Extra income.

I took their valuables and their wands too, in case the nerds at research wanted them.

I ran to the Administrator room and kicked down the door. It unexpectedly disintegrated.

What I saw in the Administrator room was mangled corpses of guards and workers.

And standing on top of them are high ranking fanatics.

"..i'm surprised.."

The important looking fanatic opened his mouth first.

"I thought it would be Aysia that is coming..i never expected they would send an inexperienced agent here"

The fanatic leader(?) Laughed, followed by the other 9.

"Well can an inexperienced agent do this?"

I responded by emptying my magazine into the head of 6 fanatics, piercing them and killing them instantly.

They tried to put up shields, however I loaded my pistol with interdimensional bullets, meaning this dimension will bend to earth's natural rules.


The leader seemed surprised, and he showed caution to me.

"I guess i shouldn't hold back against you too now huh"

In an instant, the administrator room that seemed small, became large to an unbelievable extent. I distanced myself from the fanatic leader.

"Allow me to introduce myself, I am Isaac, the right hand man of the supreme providence, and you are..?"


"Khalif..huh, i know danger when i see one, and when i see danger, it needs to be eradicated immediately, you also killed my brethren who are just trying to revive our god, that's why i will make you suffer a slow and painful death!"

Isaac declared, but I am ready for whatever he throws.

"Ancient magic! Reincarnation technique! Comeforth Moses!"


A bright light appeared in front of Isaac, and a man wearing old arabian clothes appeared.

The man is shining brightly, with holy light, I could tell.

The man has a shepherd staff and he stabbed the floor with it, in an instant, the entire room was split in half, with the point of the split coming from the man's staff.


Did that guy summon Moses?

Moses lunged at me with his staff, he was still emitting holy light, especially his face, which was covered in bright holy light.

My sword and Moses's staff clashed, and my battle against Moses began.

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