《God Amoung - A ZCorp Story》Chapter 4:the first mission


ZCorp Organization Amazonian branch, Brazil, 2051.

"How did things end up like this?"

My name is Khalif Hendrawan, my colleagues call me Hendrawan. I have a wife named Sinnon Hendrawan, we were just married a year ago. But we have little time to meet with each other.

Just two years ago, our house got blown up by an ICBM sent by Balden Technologies Inc.

I ended up joining ZCorp as an operative, Sinnon as well. So instead of being sent on the same missions, we were sent on separate missions. Thanks Your excellency Johhan Wahab "Gaming", Director of the ZCorp Organization, Veteran of the 2039 Extradimensional war, Major-General of the ZCorp Private Army, front face of the ZCorp Organization, 61st monarch of Jabodetabek, 90th in line of the Jogjakarta throne, heir to the Indonesian presidency, Supreme Commander of the Global Defense Force.

Yeah, for reasons unknown, I was forced to say The Director's full name for my first 5 years as an operative.

I am currently in a helicopter, about to start my mission in the Amazon, Brazil.


"Agent. Hendrawan, I have a special mission for you, it would also serve as your operative training"

Director Johhan said as he stood behind his desk. He is wearing a black trench coat with military decorations. It reminds me of the SS uniforms.

"Four days ago, I received a report from the intelligence department, the ZCorp branch office in the Amazon, located in Brazil. Was bombed by a terrorist, and further investigation reports that it is currently being occupied by hostile forces. Although Brazil is currently in a civil war, we are a neutral third party, so I want you to investigate who occupied the branch office, second, rescue any person of interest, and eliminate the leaders of the occupation forces. After it is completed, you can shoot a flare and then reinforcements will arrive to recover the branch office, in other words, you're going to Brazil"


"That seems... a bit much, sir? I've been an operative for less than 13 months"

"Shut, this will serve as your training too. Only.. If you fail, you're going to die"


This guy is sending me to a dangerously sounding mission far away from home?

".. I understand sir"

"Good, I'm counting on you, agent Hendrawan"


So here I am.

On my way to Brazil, riding a helicopter, in the middle of the night.

About to jump off into the middle of the Amazon rainforest.

Some info I got about the branch office, the branch office was built in the border of the habitat of snake people, it serves a first respond to any hostile incursions by non-humans, and to also monitor them and make plans for the recovery of the Amazon Rainforest from the Non-Humans.

The GIDO said they would rather napalm bomb them though, and I agree, because if the non-humans were napalm bombed, I wouldn't be in this mission.


"Hey agent! This is your drop-off point!"

"Yeah yeah!"

The pilot reminded me.

As I look down, a vast rainforest stretches across as far as my eye can see.

This should be fun.


This isn't fun.

I landed, my parachute got stuck on the trees.

I landed in front of a snake person.

This day just got worse.

I am being chased by a snake person.

I ran as fast as I could, doing epic parkour along the way. However, the non-human kept up using some sort of magic.

I fired my pistol, the snake person let out a tiny yelp, but managed to dodge all the shots. I emptied my magazine on her.

I kept running until I was met with a dead end in the form of a cave.

After contemplating, I decided to go in and lose her inside the cave.

However, after going inside and running for a couple of minutes, I slipped and fell unconscious.



"Hey you, human, you're finally awake"

I woke up to a feminine voice.

It was the snake person from before.

Now that I got a good look at her, she has the upper body of a human female, with a moderately sized breast, C cup maybe?

She wore a t-shirt for her upper body, her lower body is, of course, a snake body, so she doesn't wear anything.

"Who are you?"

The snake person asks.

"I think the proper etiquette is to tell me your name first"

"..I am Carla of the Horn family, the chief's daughter and heir to the Medusae Village"

"I am Khalif Hendrawan, I am a traveler passing"

"Lies, I've seen many human travelers, and you look nothing like them. Who do you work for?"

"I-i'm just here to investigate the... uh fort, that is located like..west of here"

I decided to be honest as there is no point in lying to her right here, as she can decide whether I live or die today.

"So you're not with them?"

"With whom?"

"The people in the evil fort"

"The people in the evil fort?"

Does she mean insurgents that occupy the branch office right now, or the former personnel of the ZCorp Organization?

"Can you tell me what they look like, or who they are?"

"I think they are what you humans call, the Providence of Aldané"


The Providence of Aldané?!

The cultist that sacrificed an entire hospital to their IMMORTAL ALL SEEING ALL KNOWING GOD one time in London?

If they occupy the branch office, that means they are going to do something that'll disrupt the fabric of time itself.

....this also means.. They have some extradimensional beings protecting them.

And this also means they will have some sort of magic-cult-trick.

I need help.

And the ZCorp isn't going to give it to me until I finish my mission.

"..hey.. Carla, do you want to get rid of the people in the evil fort?"

"..why are you helping me?"

"Because I am with a mission"

I cocked my pistol, wore my jacket, and put on my sunglasses while I walked out of the cave.

I am looking fucking badass.

I can't see shit because it is in the middle of the night, tho.

So, we are going to destroy the cult occupying the Branch office.

With an unexpected non-human ally.

The GIDO won't like this.


GIDO Headquarters, Artificial Island of Atlantis.

In an office decorated with military decorations, flags of countries, and alienoid trophies. Stood a man that has seen some shit. The Director of GIDO.

"Director, the cleanup operation in the Sahara against the non-humans have been completed, we have captured a number of-"

"How many times do I have to tell you people!? Just kill them all! They don't deserve to live! They're not humans!! Get it. NOT HUMANS"

The director yelled at his subordinate.

"A-apologies sir, I will inform the cleanup squad now"

His subordinate quickly left. And he is left alone in the office.

He is a man with an iron will.

He is a delusional man.

He is a paranoid person.

He is a racist, a human supremacist, and a radical secularist. Hating non-humans and religions are a part of his life.

"Well then...I was informed that ZCorp has launched its investigation on the Amazon"

The man is the Director of the Global Interdimensional Defense Organization.

Malim "tenebris" Malike, the most hated man by non-humans, and the most loved man by humans.

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