《Dragon Sovereign》Ch 5 Gerst Jungle!


-------------------Gerst Jungle--------------------


I was standing above the Jungle, looking at the 200 Soul Emperors gathered outside a house where 4 people were inside.

There were 3 women and a man inside.

The man had long black hair with blue eyes and looked about 20-24 years old. He was sitting on a chair in a table.

Opposite to him, a woman was sitting.

She had long silver hair and silver eyes. She had an expressionless face and white pale skin that made her all the more beautiful with a silver gown covering her body she also looked about 20-24 years old.

Next to her sat a woman with short blue hair and blue eyes and looked like the water itself as her blue gown covered her entire body. She looked younger at the age of 15-19 years.

On the main seat of the table sat a woman with long black hair and pale skin which made it look like as if she was sick and almost about die.

She looked about 30-36 years old and gave off an elderly aura.

"Elder sister, do you know what that was?" The man asked

"I don't know who or what it was but it was definitely stronger than all of us!" She said with a frown

"But elder sister, that roar definitely belonged to a Dragon. Once, I fought against the Dragon clan's ancestor. He also used that roar but it was a lot weaker and that was 30000 years ago!" The blue women said

"Little sister, are you saying that it belonged to the white dragon of the Dragon clan?" The silver women said looking towards the blue women.

"He is the only Dragon we know of and we have been roaming these lands for hundred thousands of years. If there was another dragon, we would have come across it by now!" The blue women said.


"Little sister is right, elder sister. The only one who comes to mind is that White dragon!" The man said

"Not necessarily. I have lived longer than any of you so I will tell you something!" She said as they all looked towards her

"I don't know much about it but from a book I once read, it said that this world is only a part of many millions more worlds!" She said with a frown, as I raised a brow

'Did she take my book?' I thought while listening to them

"What!? How is that possible? Elder sister, are you sure!?" The man yelled.

"Yes, I read it in a book which was created by a VERY strong person. I was only able to open up a single page!" She replied.

"Then elder sister, are you saying that there are people coming from other worlds to ours?" The silver woman asked

"I don't think so but the book I found had the name 'Rezai' engraved on it with a Dragon seal next to it. I think that the owner of the book is back!" She said

"Hello, children!" I said which startled them as they looked to the end of the table where I was sitting looking at them with my yellow eyes.

"WHO ARE YOU!?" The blue woman said yelling at my direction as she got off her chair

"Calm down, little sister. I am sorry about my little sister's behavior. She is still very young and can't see your profound strength!" The black woman said, bowing slightly to me.

"It's fine. Children need to be educated while they are young!" I said with a smile

"Please guide her, senior!" she said which made all of them look at their elder sister with a shocked face as they didn't know why she called a youth with no aura a senior.


They, then, looked at me and noticed that I had no aura what so ever.

Unless someone was dead, there is no way they won't have the slightest aura around them.

Not to mention that they were powerful Soul Immortals.

That was when they realized just how powerful the man in front of them was and their faces went ashen.

"Tell me your name, child!" I asked, looking at the woman.

"My name is Gennes, senior!" She replied looking at me

"Can senior tell me for what reason have you come to my home?" She asked looking towards me with a curious face.

"I merely came here to see whether or not you want to become Rezai's Disciple?" I said with a smile.

I didn't want to tell them that I am Rezai. I wanted to see her reaction.

"YES!" She replied without hesitation which left the others baffled before they remembered the conservation they were talking about.

"But senior, why does master want me to become his disciple?" She asked and I grinned at her and said "You are the first person to ever open Rezai's book"

"So the book really belonged to Master!" She said while taking out a black book with dragon markings on the cover.

As she opened the first page, a light came out and words appeared on the blank page.

*Rezai* it read.

After I looked at the book, I just smiled at her

"Senior, do you know why I can't go past the first page?" She asked and the book disappeared before looking at me again.

"In order to open the next pages, you need to be worthy of the words written there. You need to work on comprehending the technique there first" I replied.

"As for the three of you, if you can come to the Ostrea clan castle in the north within a week's time, you shall become Rezai's disciples!" I said then vanished from the room and left all of them speechless as teleportation is supposed to be impossible.

After I left them, I spread out my Soul to scan to the entire world and saw all of the 4 continents surrounding this continent.

I watched the beast continent, the devil continent, the Nether continent and the Divine continent then a flash of light went through my eyes as I saw all of them preparing for war

"If anyone takes a single step on my continent, I will turn you into ashes!" I said with a cold tone which was heard by everyone in the entire world.

It caused another uproar everywhere.

First the roar then this, everyone was thinking 'Just what's happening'.

I then vanished from the place I was standing.


http://royalroadl.com/fiction/6693 = Lord Of Glory

http://royalroadl.com/fiction/6609 = Dragon Soveriegn

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