《Dragon Sovereign》Ch 6 Birth of the 8 Emperors!


----------------------Nelding Estate----------------------


----------------------Nelding Estate----------------------


It has already been a week.

I must admit that these people work fast, it only took them one week to completely convince and tell their people of the union of the clans. Although many disagreed with that idea, no one has the power to say it.

In 2 weeks, there will be a banquet for the creation of the Rezai clan.

Right now, I am sitting in my chair at my Mansion looking towards the two groups of people who are looking at each other. One of the groups are the 4 immortals from the Gerst Jungle while the other 4 are the ones from the clans.

"You!" Askook said while pointing his finger at the blue lady

"Long time no see, white bird!" The blue lady said while smiling at Askook

"Why are you here and who are they!?" He said while looking at the new group of Soul Immortals he has never seen.

"Why else would we be here, master told us to come here!" She said

"Master?" He asked with a confused expression before connecting the dots and then he put on a complex expression

"Enter!" I sent mentally to all of them before they all entered the mansion and were baffled to see that this was definitely not a mansion made of Immortal ore, but something of even higher quality as they felt their souls refreshed the moment they came in. They felt calmness and tranquil inside of their souls in the likes they have never seen before.

A normal person can't see the masterpiece this mansion is but they were one of the experts in this world so they could see the complex way this mansion is made.

After that, the scenery changed and they felt startled as the walls turned into nothingness and a new world which the likes they have never seen before.

They looked at the grass field that stretched so far that it felt like it would never end and then they looked towards the small pond in the middle of this grassy world and the youth sitting right next and they all recognized him as he looked at them.

"Disciples greet master!" The 4 from the clan said in a union as they fell to one knee while the other 4 had confused expressions on their faces.


I started laughing as I looked at their faces.

"Since you got here in one week, I will accept you three as my disciples" I said and they suddenly realized who I was and also said "Master" in a union.

I nod and tell me them to stand up, then they stood up and looked towards me.

"Sit!" I said while looking at all 8 of them as I thought about chairs and 8 new chairs were placed right in front of me, and they all sat down.

"From today onward, the eight of you are my personal disciples, that means that you eight need to forget about the past whether you hated each other or not. From now on, you eight are comrades who will be fighting together and defend each other. Am I clear!?" I said

"Yes!" They all replied.

"Good. I only have 3 rules. 1-Never fight each other or I will kill you and crush your souls so that you can never reincarnate again. You are allowed to spar with each other as long as you don't carry any ill intent" I said

"Rule number 2-You are not allowed to have a disciple without my consent!" I said as I looked at them who were trying to put everything I say into heart.

"Rule number 3-You are not allowed to pass on the teachings I give you to anyone else. As long as you follow these rules, I won't care for anything you do, Understood?" I said

"Yes, master" They all replied

"Now introduce yourselves!" I said.

The black woman started "My name is Gennes Quiven and I am at the Soul Immortal level and I am a Cultivator of the Darkness and Fire Affinity"

Next came the silver woman.

" My name is Lenna Quiven, I am also at the Soul Immortal level and I am a Cultivator of the Wind Affinity"

After her came the blue woman.

"My name is Amara Eilmenor and I too am at the Soul Immortal level. I am also a Cultivator of Water so if anyone needs a healer just find me," She said with a smile and after her came the man.

"My name is Airdan Leogolor and I am a Cultivator of Darkness" and next to him was Askook

"My name is Askook Zerelth. I am at the Soul Immortal level and I am a Cultivator of Fire"


After him came the man with a long brown hair and brown eyes and looked about 20-26 years old with a yellow gown.

"My name Verath Eirane. I am at the Soul Immortal level and a Cultivator of Earth"

After him came a man with short blond hair and yellow eyes with a long black gown which had several markings.

"My name is Nessonth Sidoa. I am at the Soul Immortal level and I am a Cultivator of Light"

After him came a woman with long blond hair and yellow eyes which matched Nessonth's

She had long white gown on with a face that looked like it belonged to an 18 years old girl, I looked at them with a satisfactory smile as I nod for them to sit down.

"Okay. Now that we are done with introductions, I will start with your first lesson; you must listen well!" I said while looking at them as they all nodded and perked their ears so they won't miss anything.

"In order to understand, let me ask you, at what level do you think I am?" I asked them as they replied with confused faces before Amara said, "At the Soul Sovereign level?" I looked at her and smiled

"I am a lot stronger than a mere Sovereign!" I said which left them baffled as their minds went blank.

Looking at their faces, I understood their feelings as I followed my answer with "Now let me ask you again, do you know why you eight feel like that there is a huge wall stopping you from moving forward?" I asked as they had a 'How did you know?' expression on their face

"Well?" I said which made them come back to their senses and they all turned their heads from left to right, to tell me they did not know.

"The reason is simple. In order to become a Sovereign, you need to truly understand your heart, in order to breakthrough you need to spend your time doing what your heart really likes as that will help you by making your soul stronger and the stronger soul you have, the stronger you will get also vice versa. Do you understand!?" I said and they all understood

"So, the first of you who finds out what you truly enjoy with all your heart will receive a Gift from me!" I said as their eyes shined with a bright light as they understood that the gift won't be something cheap.

"Master, can I ask a question?" Amara asked me

"Go!" I replied

"What is this place?" She asked me and I looked at them as they were all looking at me with questioning eyes

"This place is the World I created inside my mansion" I said which resulted in their face turning lifeless

"Master, how long will it take us before we reach your level?" Askook asked

"It will depend on you and your will!" I replied

"You eight need to get strong enough to take on the Immortals from the Capital" I said which resulted in them becoming confused

"Master, can't you just appear there and wipe them out? I doubt they will be able to move an inch before they die!" Askook said and the rest nod at his statement.

I looked at him and shook my head as I told him "If I fight I won't gain anything from it while if you fight you will gain experience. I am already strong while you are weak!" I said with a smile and they understood my meaning.

"Also, at the moment, you will all die if you meet them in the field. Even if they are six, they have stronger souls than you while one of them will become a Sovereign soon!" I said as they displayed an ashen face.

"Master, how is that possible!?" Nessonth said

"Yes, it is possible and when he reaches the Sovereign level, they plan to attack us here so you don't have a lot of time. As for the reason they have reached this level, it is because of the people at my level helping them. Don't bother asking, I will only tell you when you become stronger" I said as they thought a lot about my words.

"Then master, can you tell us about the other Worlds you mentioned in your book?" Gennes asked


http://royalroadl.com/fiction/6693 = Lord Of Glory

http://royalroadl.com/fiction/6609 = Dragon Soveriegn

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