《Dragon Sovereign》Ch 4 Overwhelming Strength: Part 2


--------------Clouds, Uknown Place---------------------


I am standing above the clouds watching the army of 8 million march towards my mansion.

As I watched them draw nearer and nearer, I said "HALT!" with a soft voice but every single one of them heard it very clearly as it was being carried by the wind itself.

They all come to a sudden halt as they heard the voice.

Looking towards the sky, they saw a youth descending from the clouds as if the wind was bending to his will and his long red hair was dancing around him and his deep yellow eyes looked at them and they felt like he could see right through their souls.

They all felt uneasy.

"Who are you?" Said a young looking man with black short hair and a muscular body.

He had a height of 2 m with silver armor all over his body and a long black sword at his back.

"Turn around or turn into ashes!" I said with a cold tone which sounded throughout the entire field.

"I don't know who you are but step aside kid or else you will diffidently die!" He said while releasing a heavy aura which made the surrounding people gasp in astonishment while looking at the proud and strong young man.

"Get lost kid, today I will get my hands on my woman, " A youth beside him said

"Woman?” I asked

"Kelona Ostrea. Now, get lost kid!" He said while looking at me.

After hearing his words, I knew who it was so I lightly smiled at them which sent shivers down their spines

"I will not repeat myself. If you want to live, run away now. If you are stupid enough to stay thinking that I am but one person and you are many, I will show you the gates to the netherworld!" I said with a cold tone.


I sent my gaze over all of them and saw that no one moved at all. Some even started laughing.

I closed my eyes and released 1% of my aura as I said "Tell me, kids. HAVE YOU SEEN

DEATH BEFORE!" with every word growing colder and colder.

My aura spread throughout the entire field and sweat was visible on every one of them.

They looked at me with trembling eyes as I turned into a 500-meter long dragon with Azure like red scales that covered my entire body and 200 meter long red wings come out of my back with 4 50 meter long legs and hands with 10 meter long claws on them which were sharper than any sword they knew.

I opened my cat-like yellow eyes which slowly turned completely red as I released 20% of my aura which killed half the army as I looked up to the sky.

"ROAR!!!!" I released a roar so big that it was heard throughout the entire world.

Whether it was this continent or the others, every single creatures' soul trembled as it heard my mighty roar and space itself trembled at its power.

I slowly turned my head towards the remaining soldiers who either fainted or died from my roar.

I soared into the sky with one flick of my wings and covered the entire field then I released fire breath and burned everything under me into ashes.

The ground itself into magma.

I turned to look a the distance to see 4 people standing on a cliff looking this way with pale faces.

I once again soared into the sky and with just one flick of my wings, I vanished and reappeared on the huge cliff grabbing the cliff and looking down on the ant-like creatures with my blood like eyes.


When they saw me cover that entire distance faster than the blink of an eye, they tried to run away but I locked them down with my battle aura and they could not move an inch at all.

They looked at my huge face and sharp teeth looking down on them and felt as if they almost lost their souls.

"Little dragon, why did you send people to my doorstep!?" I asked looking at the white haired youth with a white gown and pale face.

For some reason, I like to toy with this kid.

"Senior, I didn't believe that this was your house!" Askook said with a shaky voice.

"That's what you said last time as well!" I said with a cold tone

'Hahaha. I will keep him as a toy!' I thought

"Senior, please forgive me. I am still very young and uneducated!" He said

"Then, I will teach you how to respect your elders. From now on, I am your master!"

I said and turned back to a humanoid shape while all four of them were baffled at my words as I looked at the white haired youth.

"Well, are you not going to greet your master!?" I said, looking at him

"Ah, discipline greets master!"

He said while pressing his forehead towards the ground and I just smiled at him

"Raise!" I said and he immediately stood up with an excited face.

I, then, looked towards the 3 others and grinned at them which made shivers run through their backs as they still could not move.

"What about the rest of you?" I said to which they replied with a confused face.

Looking at them, I understood what they were thinking about.

"Don't you want me to educate you!?"

I said with a smile on my face and they realized what I meant.

I retracted my aura and they all pressed their foreheads on the ground and yelled in a union "Disciples greet master!"

I nodded and I looked at all 4 of them with a calm face and a slight smile.

"From today onward, there will be no 4 Great Clans. From today, you will be united under my Rezai Clan. I will send you all back to talk to your families and tell them about this matter. After you finish, come to the mansion floating in the sky and I shall give you your first lesson. Understood!?" I said while looking at them.

"Yes, master!" They all said.

They all knew that if they went against me, they can be wiped out with just a wave of my hand.

But now, they have become the disciples of such a strong man, of course, they will do anything to learn from him and get stronger.

They were all very excited.

"Ok. You have one week to settle this!" I said as I waved my hand sent them all back to their homes which confused them first but made them excited even more.

I looked towards the millions of soldiers moving towards my house and I casually waved my hand again and they all were sent back to their homes.

I looked towards the place where the other 4 Soul Immortals were and I vanished from the cliff I was standing on.


http://royalroadl.com/fiction/6693 = Lord Of Glory

http://royalroadl.com/fiction/6609 = Dragon Soveriegn

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