《Dragon Sovereign》Ch 3 Overwhelming Strength: Part 1


---------------------Eirane Clan---------------------

---------Eirane Clan Head, Torch POV---------

As I heard footsteps running towards my direction, I frowned as I opened my blue eyes, which seemed to hold a lot of power, gazing directly at the man in front of me who was sweating all over like a pig.

"I said to not disturb me!" I said with a cold tone.

"Father, I know. But, something happened!" He said as I raised an eyebrow.

"Go on boy, tell me. What's so important you had to disturb me for?" I asked

"Just a while ago, we got information from our spies at the Ostrea castle that a huge mansion appeared out of nowhere floating above their castle!" He said

‘I’ve never heard of flying mansions before’ I thought

"And that's not all!" He said with a pale face

"Speak boy, what else is there?” I said in a cold tone

"Father, it seems like the entire mansion is made out of Immortal ore!"

He said with an excited voice. After hearing his words, my heart started racing as I smiled from one side to the other almost disfiguring my face.

Then, I calmed down and looked towards him.

"Well done! Well done indeed! Go and fetch your older brother and get that mansion. Also, take this time to destroy the Ostrea Clan as well." I said

‘That old goat from the Dragon Clan won't let this go either’ I cursed

‘I need to get help from the Ancestor, it seems!’ I thought as I vanished into thin air.

-----------------------Dragon Clan-------------------

---------Dragon Clan head, Fundor POV--------

‘I was told about the matters at the Ostrea Castle. To think that there is a mansion hovering above their castle and as if that was not a big problem already now, I am told that the entire mansion is made of Immortal Ore. It’s very hard to get Immortal Ore and that can be proven by taking note that there are only 10 Immortal Weapons/Armors in the entire continent which are formed from a small amount of that ore. But now, there is a mansion made completely from it. How ridiculous is that’ I thought.


I looked towards my son and said

"Go and bring half of our army then take it to the Ostrea clan. I doubt that the Eirane Clan will just let us take it from them. Also, make sure that you bring your elder brother. We must have that mansion at all costs. Do you understand? I will go inform Imperial Father!"

After he left, I moved towards where Imperial Father was staying and vanished with one step.

-------------------Sidoa Clan--------------------

----------Sidoa Clan Head, Brian POV---------

"What did you say? If you are lying, I will not let you off” I screamed at my son who was standing in front of me. He just told me everything about the Mansion and the Army movement of the other clans.

‘This is great. If we get our hands on that mansion, we can take over all other clans’ lands. We must get that immortal mansion at all costs!’ I thought

"Go and get our army ready to go to the Ostrea clan and tell them to hand over the mansion. If they refuse, crush them and take it by force." I said with a cold tone.

"Yes, father!" He replied

"Also, take your second brother with you. It seems that he has taken a fancy to one of their daughters" I said

"Yes father, I will go right now!" He yelled before he bowed and left the room.

I went towards where our ancestor lived as all of the ancestors in each clan will be coming out.

‘This will be a bloody fight, it seems!’ I thought as I hastened my movements and vanished.

---------------------Ostrea clan----------------------

--------Rezai POV----------

Kelona told me that there are 2 major powers in this continent.

One is the 4 Clans. They own about 100,000 km while the second 100,000 km is owned by the Royal family. Their power is so great that it can rival the 4 clans combined.


They have 6 immortals while the 4 clans have 5 immortals since the Ostrea immortal died not long ago. But, the 4 clans’ immortals are much older than the ones of the Royal family so there haven’t been any big scale fights yet.

The way these people measure someone's strength is by seeing their soul level.

There are 5 levels. It starts with Soul Mage.

It has 9 stages from 1-9 before one enters the Soul King level which also has 1-9 stages.

After that, there is the Soul Emperor thenthe Soul Immortal with 9 stages as well.

After that comes the legendary Soul sovereign level.

No one knows much about it and it doesn't seem like there is anyone who reached that level.

Once someone enters the Soul Mage level they can live up to the age of 200 as for the Soul King they live up to 700 years and the Soul Emperor can live forever and everything above that level.

There are only 10 people who have reached the immortal realm in the entire world that is known unless there are some hidden experts who also reached the soul Immortal level.

But, I know that there are 4 other people along with 200 Soul Emperors hiding in the forest.

The monsters seem to be classed from F-G-E-D-C-B-A-S-SS.

F-G-E-level monsters are comparable to Soul Mages.

D-C-level monsters are on the same level as Soul king.

B-A-level monsters are on the same level as Soul Emperors.

S-level monsters are on the same level as Soul Immortals and SS monsters are on the same level as Soul Sovereigns.

‘It seems that all the information about the Netherworld, Divine world, Beast world and the Devil world are gone!’

I thought as I watched the army heading towards my direction.

A small grin escaped my lips.

"Looks like I need to educate these kids" I said while looking towards the moon.

I already told all the members of her family that it’s ok and that I am at the Soul Sovereign Stage.

They bowed and thanked me for god knows what.

I was the one who attracted all of these kids on purpose so I just told them to not worry anymore then went inside my mansion while leaving Kelona in her house.

There is still something familiar with her but I can't put my finger on it.

She just seems like a normal Soul King but every time I look at her, I get the feeling that I know her from somewhere.

‘Well, only time will tell!’ I thought as I went into a meditation state after sitting cross-legged on the mat.


http://royalroadl.com/fiction/6693 = Lord Of Glory

http://royalroadl.com/fiction/6609 = Dragon Soveriegn

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