《Dragon Sovereign》Ch 2 Strongest!


.........................................Fort'City, Ostrea'Castle...............................................

...............Kelona POV:..............

"This is so embarrassing, I can't believe I am doing this to a man I know nothing about, i am just glad that he didn't kill us all after hearing everything we said"I thought as I looked up to the youth standing next to me while holding my hand "How did get so powerful, I have never met someone like him before."i thought again, before he released an aura that overwhelmed me as I started shaking and sweating like a pig while at the same time I was trying to make sure I didn't wet myself before my knees went out that huge aura just left like it has never been there, I gazed upon the youth who was looking at me, when our gazes met I turned my head around as I felt my heart beat so hard on my chest as if it wanted to jump out.

"ah sorry about that I haven't had a good fight in a while" he said while waving his hand, and again with just a wave of his hand everyone who was sweating like pig turned back to normal while their clothes which have been drenched turned normal as well "just what is this man" I thought

"so where is he?" he asked which baffled me and everyone here as well

"..." complete silence in the entire room, I looked at him then back to my family who also had complex feelings on their face, no one knew how to respond, because he said he might as well level Sidoa.

"young man you seem very strong as matter of fact I can see you are stronger than all of us here but, the people from Sidoa is far more powerful than us even if we are considered as one of the great clans it's only because of our money, in terms of actual strength the other clans are far stronger than us, if we didn't have our great supreme elder we would have been gone long ago, but sadly our supreme elder died, while fighting against the 2 supreme Rulers from the Dragon Clan and Eirane Clan, now they want to split our land for themselves after wiping us out, no matter how strong you are young man you can't match those monsters and our only path to survival is to make an alliance with a Sidoa Clan by marrying Kelona to the young master."said my father while looking at me with a helpless face, I also felt helpless "I don't want to marry that monkey of a man but that was the only way to save my clan it seems"I thought with a helpless expression.


............................Rezai POV:.........................

"someone stronger than me you say" I said while looking at the man in front of me, his face went pale " I am not a monster, so what's with that face"I, though, then I sent out my soul awareness and covered the entire Continent, if these people knew what I just did they would think I am so sort of god.

"there are no one on my strength here, there seem to some interesting figures, ah there is also a dragon to, but too bad he is not a pure blood" I thought while observed everything in the continent, I sent a mental connection to the dragon I saw "Hello, young man!" I said

"WHO IS THIS?!" he said with a worried expression "This will be fun" i thought with a huge grin on my face which made everyone in the room make a confused face, i waved my hand and a chair came under me and I sat down, while looking at everyone there with pale faces.

"I am someone you don't need to know,"I said to this dragon who understood

"My name is Askook, for what reason have senior contacted me?" he said while being polite

"Some of your men attacked the girl from Ostrea clan in my forest?" I said with a cold voice

"Tell me, how should I punish you?" I said while laughing so hard, where everyone started at me with blank expressions

"I am talking to someone please don't mind it I will be right with you," I said to them as they all had wired faces before I heard the dragon say.

"Please, Senior I didn't know that it was seniors home, please forgive this little one, I will also make sure to kill those men," he said with a pale expression "this is not fun," I thought


"Then I leave it to you, don't come into my forest again UNDERSTOOD!"I said with a cold voice

"Understood!" he said

I cut off the connection and turned to the people standing in front of me "Well it seems like thing will get interesting around here" I said with a smile which left them confused. I stood up and walked towards the window after I got there I waved my hand and a huge mansion came out of no were,which left everyone who saw the flying mansion on top of the castle speechless.

"Well shall we proceed to my house staying here feels uncomfortable," I said while looking at them

"This is your house, but how is this possible!" I said Kelona while looking at the mansion then back at me, I took her hand and we vanished right in front of them, which made them*gasp*.

I took Kelona inside my house where there were walls made out of jade-like glass and the floors were also made out of jade-like glass, they gave off a warm feeling which settled my heart as I looked towards the pale-faced women next to me "why do I want to just embrace her, I never felt like this before but it's a good feeling"I thought while looking at her.

"so care to join me for tea," I said which made her snap out of the awe she held on her face

" I have never seen something like this before, this entire place is made out of immortal ore, this house alone will make every clan go crazy," she said while looking at me

"Well, it took me some time to find the ores to make it, but it was worth it," I said while I moved her to sit on the chair opposite to me.

"Tell me everything you know about this continent I haven't been here before," I said which is not a lie, this place changed so much it made me speechless on how far they have come.

She then started to tell me everything she knew, for some reason she kept getting red when I looked up to her from my tea, which was cute.


http://royalroadl.com/fiction/6693 = Lord Of Glory

http://royalroadl.com/fiction/6609 = Dragon Soveriegn

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