《Dragon Sovereign》Ch 1 : Awakening?


-----------------------Blyls Forest----------------------

----------Rezai POV----------

I opened my yellow eyes that shined brightly with power and knowledge as I stared at the ceiling

of the cave I was residing in.

"How long has it been. To think that the ceiling would change so much from its beautiful state to

being unrecognizable by me now"

I said while giving out a sigh which sounded sad as I closed my eyes for a minute and opened

them again with great passion and ambition shining greatly in them.

"I wonder how much did this world change in the past 100 million years I have been asleep"

I said while showing off my white and bright teeth as I took one step and moved over 1 km away

from the cave.

I landed on top of a large tree looking at the bright and beautiful moon that shined its beautiful white ray at my long and blazing red hair while the wind moved it from side to side as if it were dancing with it while moving my black gown to show a youth no older than 17-18 years with a height of 190 cm and a breathtaking face that you might mistake it belonged to an angel.

As the wind blew on the young man, it carried voices and delivered it to his ears.

"Hehe. There is no point in running away. you have nowhere to go"

A man's voice sounded in his ear as he turned to look at the direction from where it came from with his yellow eyes that looked as if they knew everything.

He saw 8 men dressed in black clothing chasing after 2 women who looked hurt with wounds they got from the 8 men surrounding them.

The young man's smile turned into a deadly frown as he took a step and vanished from the tree he was on.

In the blink of an eye, he was holding the hand of the man who raised his sword to slash at the young women who were now staring at the youth’s back as he appeared out of nowhere.

The entire place turned silent as everyone watched this youth who appeared suddenly out of nowhere with a majestic aura coming from him.

The deadly silent was broken by the man who lost his arm.


He yelled in pain before the youth waved his hand turned the swordsman into a pile bones and blood.

It turned into a deadly silence again.

The youth looked towards the men gowned in black with a calm and tranquil gaze that did not match the way he killed the man without batting an eye.

This sent shivers down everyone's back.

"Could you please honor this lowly one with your name, senior"

Asked one of the men as he copped his hands and bowed slightly looking at the youth.

When our gazes met, he took a step back and I merely smiled at him as I said

"It's ill-mannered to ask for someone's name before stating yours, don’t you think?"

"Ah, sorry for my imprudence, senior. I am but a mere subject from the Dragon Clan. I go by the name Rai"

He said with a proud face while I raised my eyebrow slightly.

"Dragon Clan?" I asked him

"Yes, senior. I was sent to kill these two women behind you following the orders of the elders in the Dragon Clan" He said


"Is that so? Have you ever seen a real dragon before?” I asked while looking at him with a smirk

"Senior, I have not seen a real dragon before. The only real dragon left is the Supreme Elder from our Clan" He said

"Then I want to you to go back and tell these so called Elders of yours to leave these women alone as they are under my protection from now on. Otherwise… I will turn your SO called Dragon Clan into ashes"

I said while only releasing only 0.01% of my aura which made everyone there drenched with sweat as they just left a shower.

They became pale and fell on their backs.

After seeing them like that, I suppressed my aura and the pressure disappeared as if it was never there to begin with.

“Now scram and don't you ever set foot in this forest again"

I said and they all vanished into the air as they ran using every ounce of energy in their bodies.

As I watched them flee, I only gave small "humph" before I turned around and looked at the confused women behind me.

I didn't let them feel my aura so they didn't know why the men acted like that.

"Are you okay?"

I asked the youth with long black hair and blazing light brown eyes and a dazzling face which made my heart skip a beat before I got out of my trance.

‘What the hell is wrong with me? Why did I lose my composure to a mere woman?’ I thought to myself

"Ah, I am fine. Many thanks to senior for helping us. I don't know how to pay you back for your kindness but if there is anything I can do for you please tell me."

She said while bowing to me with the blonde haired granny who also did the same.

"Raise your heads. There is no need to thank me. As long as you are fine, that's all that matters"

I said while smiling at them showing my bright white teeth which looked like they belonged to an angle as both of the women started at me with awe.

"Please tell me if there is something I can do or else I would feel guilty"

She said while looking at me with a helpless smile .

I let out a sigh then said with a smile

"Well, how about taking me to your home while telling me why these people attacked you"

"Yes, of course, senior."

She said without hesitation.

As I looked at the ripped cloths and wounds on her, I waved my hand and both of their cloths and wounds turned back to normal.

"My name is Rezai. You can call me Rezai. Your names?"

I said while both of them snapped out from their astonishment.

"Ah, sorry for not introducing myself. You can call this one Kelona, Kelona Ostrea. This is my nanny Seria"

She said while introducing the old lady next to her and I nodded.

"So which way is your home and how far is it from here"

I said while looking at Kelona

"It's to the north, about 5 km away from here"

She replied as I nodded and took her hand which startled her as she looked at me.

Our gazes met and my heart skipped another beat before I came to myself again.


‘What is it with this woman. What is this feeling I have when I’m around her’

I thought before she turned red then I smiled and told her

“I am sorry for not asking for your permission. I merely wanted to get you home faster"

She looked at me with a complex face which made my heart warm for some unknown reasons before I started laughing and said as I pointed at Seria who stood there watching with complicated feelings.

"Take Seria's hand as well"

"Okay, Seria. Come take my hand"

She said then Seria came and took her hand.

"Ok. Hold on"


..................Rezai POV..................

I closed my eyes and then the scenery before us changed from the forest we were at to a castle so big that it was almost 1 km long and 1 km wide with a huge gate in front of it.

I looked away from the gate and the castle to see the pale faces of the guards and soldiers who were looking at us with slacked jaws.

Then I turned around and looked at the bewildered faces of the women next to me.

‘What? Have these people never seen teleportation before. Back then everyone could teleport.’

I thought when I heard a man scream "KELONA!!!"

I saw a muscular middle-aged man with short dark hair and light brown eyes which resembled Kelona's eyes with a height of 2 m running towards us before embracing the girl next to me who was still dumbfounded.

As she snapped out from her daydream after she saw the man, she started crying which made my heart tremble as I looked at her crying face while holding her hand tighter before I released it and came back to my calm face.

‘What is wrong with me? Why do I act like this? I haven't even known her for more than 20 minutes yet. Is this love?’

I thought before the man released her and wiped away her tears before saying with misty eyes

"I am so glad that you are safe and sound. Daddy will never let anyone hurt you ever again."

He then took her hand to lead her to the castle but she grabbed my hand which startled me and she looked at me with those half teary eyes.

I could not help but be led inside while everyone was standing there with complex faces as they could only wonder back to when these people appeared out of nowhere.

Inside the castle, it was beautiful and there were lots of old paintings in the walls with the red carpet on the ground going through the entire castle. It was a work of a true artist, a masterpiece.

I followed behind these two people as they went into a room with lots of people in it.

When they all saw Kelona, they rushed to her and hugged her one by one while ignoring me as if I were air.

‘What is it with these mortals? Can't they see the great me?’

I thought while feeling hurt as this was the second time I was ignored as if I wasn't there.

They started talking about what happened and she explained how the Dragon clan found her and killed all her guards and how I appeared and saved them.

That was when they noticed me and they were all startled.

‘What is it with those faces. I don't have anything on my face, do I?’

I thought with a frown.

Kelona came to my side and held my hand with a red face, and everyone there went pale.

I looked at the red faced Kelona and then I looked at the people with pale faces.

"What's the matter?" I asked

"You don't know?" Asked one them

"Know what?" I said with a frown

"When a man holds an unmarried woman’s hand, he is asking for her hand in marriage"

Said the father with an ashen face as he looked at his daughter’s red face.

‘I just found out I might be in love but marriage… That's too fast’

"Are you serious?"

I asked and Kelona's face grew so red that it looked like an apple.

The father then looked at me and said with a dark expression "I am deadly serious!"

‘From what I know, humans are supposed to be happy when they get married yet why is he so mad.’ I thought

"Well, then why are looking at me with that face, isn't marriage a good thing?”

I asked while looking at him with a complicated face which stunned everyone.



Absolute silence reigned over the room and everyone was at a loss for words before someone said.

"She is already engaged"

I looked at him and then looked back to Kelona who was red and looking at her like that I found even more reason to make her my women.

"Hmm, is that so? Well, Kelona, do you want to marry the other guy?"

I asked as I looked at her and she replied with "No!" to which I nodded and looked at everyone else who had dumbfounded expressions on their faces.

"Well there you have it. She doesn't want to marry him"

I said with a proud face as everyone else looked at me and once again silence dominated the room.


"Who are you?" Someone asked me

"Me? I am Rezai" I said while looking at them

"Well, Rezai. It's not so simple as you think to marry Lady Kelona. First, you need to strong and you must have a strong family background. Looking at you, you don't seem all that strong nor does it seem like your family is strong. You only have that handsome face of yours. You won’t be able to handle the young master Hirzoch from the Sidoa Clan" One of the ladies said.

"Is that so? Well, it seems this Hirzoch must be really strong to be able to match me" I said

"Where can I find him? I might as well level this so called Sidoa Clan or what not"

I said while releasing a bit of my killing intent which made the weaker people faint and foam from their mouths while everyone else looked at me as if they were at my mercy before I felt Kelona's hand tremble.

I snapped out of it and looked at everyone before saying.

"Ah, sorry about that. I haven't had a good fight in a while"

I waved my hand and they all recovered and received even more shock and disbelief as they looked at me.

"So, where is he?" I asked



http://royalroadl.com/fiction/6693 = Lord Of Glory

http://royalroadl.com/fiction/6609 = Dragon Soveriegn

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