《Dungeon Isolation》Chapter 6 - Part 2 of Warped Reality


The smoke surged up, rising and dispersing at the slightest touch of the dungeon's spherical barrier. It was looking like the fire will calm down soon, given that Alexander has already been waiting at the same spot for over an hour, without a clear objective in mind.

Strangely the goblins on the other side did not leave either, as the taller one spoke an incomprehensible tongue, seemingly giving out orders. To which, a few goblins dispersed into the smoke cloud of the fire station.

At the sight of this, Alex's eyes became sharper.

'The slug is important? Even though the goblins did react a little excited when they saw the slug on fire...but I didn't think it would be that important for them to even go into the thick smoke.'

After lightly feeling his broken arm, Alex went along the street while remaining vigilant to not get sighted by the cretins, as he made his escape.

On either side of the street, houses were collapsed and furniture was sprawled across the grounds, which was a welcoming sight for Alex.

Opening a torn luggage case underneath a piece of rubble, Alex grabbed a few clothes out.

He cut them up into long strips, and tied his left arm into a sling.

The arm had not ceased to protest and sting, so putting it in a sling would negate some movement made when Alex walked.

It would have been great if Alex could find a splint for the arm, and maybe attempt to heal it, but a lot of shops were ruined and nothing seemed usable anymore. Actually, the whole dungeon had transformed from having safe structures, to completely ruined buildings.

He can't even begin to imagine what kind of beast could destroy buildings made of stone and cement, but thinking back to the slug...made him not want to dwell on it anymore. Imagine if his thoughts jinxed him to meet another type of creature, possessing a size like the slug before. Moreover, what if the creature with the huge stature can move like the wind. How would Alex deal with that sort of monster? Easily, by running away and never meeting it again. But if the thing locked onto Alex and wanted to duel it out. Then of course, Alex would be dead at the first counter.


He isn't a monster, and humans are not meant to fight large creatures in the first place. They can only hunt animals with guns, and that is it. They can never duel fairly against a giant, it would be crazy! If someone told Alex to fight a creature of large size, then he would first question the man's sanity. However, give Alex a tank and a machine gun or even a nuclear artillery turret - with a manual on how to use it - then he is all set. Then the man can ask again. Alex is confident that a giant would still be put down with what creations humans have made, by using technology.

Going back to the site of the exploded gas station, the goblins were starting to clear out and the leader was walking away. Clearly, they had gotten what they wanted and were dispersing.

Alex gripped the sharp make-shift dagger.

It was always happening when he made eyes on that specific goblin, but he just couldn't help it.

It was an instinct.

His mind cleared and his focus switched to an extreme tipping point, becoming more mechanical in feeling and senses.

Tailing the goblins, Alexander's thoughts were clear and silent.

He thought of nothing, but focused on everything.

However, how many times will this uncontrollable switch turn on, before Alexander is just a thoughtless monster at all times?

Even now, the pain from his broken arm elevated and the surrounding noises felt like they were being heard through headphones. He was tuning in further and further into a personality he left behind.

'Goblins - seven up front, but fifteen in total. Weak and unintelligent. Dangerous in numbers.'

'Hobgoblins - one. Lower form of intelligence and fast to attack. Weak on its own, and lowered guard when among goblins.'


Pictures suddenly came up Alexander's silent mind, and a scene formed of a hobgoblin being brutally stabbed in the back multiple times. There were goblins all around, but they were too slow to catch the stabber as he sprinted off.

'I'll go with that.'

Running to the side-alley and bypassing the goblins that had been scouting.

He placed extra effort to step where it was clear of rubble, to not be heard.

A street opened up and Alex dashed down it with far greater speed than ever before. The moment a hobgoblin walked around the corner, a small dagger pierced its neck - 'I failed the plan, I stabbed from the front' - and continued stabbing away.

He stopped when the goblins in the back ran forward after witnessing the riddled corpse fall to the floor.

The small shiv that became blunt from the heavy use was replaced by a shiny sword.

'Hobgoblins - zero.'

Alexander's breathing suddenly became rushed.

He wanted to sit down and take a rest, but goblins were rushing in from all around.

'Oh no...'

Becoming stricken with fear, he ran from through an opening and kept going until he felt nothing of his legs.

Suddenly stopping, Alex fell to the floor and sat down.

Looking down at a victim's blood all over his bandaged chest, he felt angry.

'I need to control myself.'

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