《Dungeon Isolation》Chapter 7 - Monster Within


Frankfrt looked at the dungeon with the number #28, feeling nervousness crawling across his skin like bugs for the first time in his life. He lost track of how long he has been waiting for the barrier to come down, but it never has.

Even then, Frank still waits for the dungeon break to happen.

Outside of Frank’s confusion, a total of one month and fourteen hours have passed in real life. Translating this into dungeon time, then five months and three days have passed.

Only, nothing has happened even after so long.

"Leader...what is going on?" Frankfrt had to ask, as his palms started to get cold.

"Just stay put and keep warm." Kristov replied, not severing his own gaze from the dungeon opposite.

Their team consisted of four people, all of which are able to clear rank 2 dungeons in a party. However, they were strangely more pressured by this rank 1 dungeon than they have ever been. Call it, a sense of foreboding they all felt instinctively.

Andreas, a larger Arisen who was able to manipulate the element of fire very well, started leaving the defense-post daily. This might be in order to hide his fear from others, or to just be ready at the peak of condition whenever the time was needed.

Kulbert who was usually silent at any situation, spoke out due to the sight.

"Andreas keeps leaving the post and I find it odd." But there was a reason he did not speak much...

"Yes. We can all see that." Kristov stated in annoyance.

"Do you think he is doing somethin-"


"Then, why is he lea-"

"Because the other dungeons need clearing." Kristov said before leaving the room and descending the steps.

Kulbert, an odd ball who did not possess the common sense everyone else had, was a irritated by Kristov's manner of speaking. However, to go against a squad leader of the Dungeon Lockdown Agency would not be pretty, as there might be higher ups coming down to sort them out.


Even Kulbert, as thick as he might be, recognised the result if he tried anything on Kristov.

Moreover, Kristov's Arisen power was fairly dangerous to the rank 2 observers, since it rivaled that of a rank 3 Arisen.

Kristov, as a team leader, never imposed on the squad members. Only leading them into dungeons that were potentially above rank 1, or commanding them as necessary due to mishaps or mistakes they commit. After all, if one of the members is not watched carefully, they might end up killing themselves from overconfidence and underestimation of a rank 1 dungeon.

They were assigned as regular observers for a reason: inept experience.

In heart, Kristov wanted the best for all the members of the team. Which is to get stronger and advance up the rankings of the German Arisen Sociation, in order to live a better life and have more freedom. To do so was incredibly hard from the restrictions placed on the members he received.

First of all, he only had rank 1 dungeons to train with and they did not pose a major threat. Only the occasional surprises happened because the dungeon suddenly changed or even a rank 2 monster was birthed by an extremely low chance.

To this day, the highest ranking monster Kristov had ever encountered in the cluster of rank 1 dungeons was a rank 3 Orc. Thankfully, he had lead a few members into the dungeon and not went on his own, otherwise he was not confident he could survive an Orc even with his Arisen sword mastery.

But recently, the matter regarding #28 of the Freiburg dungeons had become common talk for the observers, gossiping about how long the person inside could survive or when the dungeon will be cleared and the person will be revealed. Could this dungeon also have a few aberrants?


Also, is the survivor a civilian or is it an Arisen?

The answer they most wanted was "civilian" due to how unusual it would be for one to survive for such a long time, but more than likely it should be an Arisen. Since the dungeon should have been populated with a few rank 2 monsters from staying uncleaned by anyone, therefore it should make sense that the survivor is a low ranked Arisen.

For such a long time, waiting as they already are, the dungeon did not break and no monsters ran outside the fallen barrier of the dungeon, because the barrier had not fallen and nor was it looking like it will.

For Kristov, everything was too quiet and this put a great deal of pressure on him. It was too unusual.

But could it be that a rank 4 monster had spawned and killed every monster inside? No, since it would have already left the dungeon and massacred a dozen of observers before roaming free and finally dying at the hands of a high ranking Arisen.

Though, the other option was valid as well, which was the person inside had slain the boss of the dungeon but did not leave. But, that would not stop other monsters obtaining the boss's key and leaving the dungeon barrier and making a part of Earth a mating ground. This can only be said if the boss’s key was not with the person who had slain it.

However, if the key is with the person who had slain the boss, then that meant Kristov and the crew were just wasting time because someone refused to leave a dungeon.

But what if a civilian had slain the boss of the dungeon, but did not know basics regarding a dungeon. What would happen then?

“Kulbert, go and see if you can catch up to Andreas and enter the dungeon together with him.” He shouted his command from the outside, and the person obeyed with a reluctant expression.

Frankfrt had been making a troubled face for the past few minutes, and his thoughts ran rampant about the mistakes he was making this morning.

As they were training for coordination, Frank kept messing up from the fear he felt every time he took a glance at the dungeon barrier. To his imagination, it felt as if a monster was trapped inside and was staring at him with large red eyes.

But that feeling slowly died as the day went by. In the afternoon, the anxiety that pressured Frank and everyone else went away like the morning cold.

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