《Dungeon Isolation》Chapter 1 - Dosage of Fear and Adrenaline


The goblins came out the darkness and went straight towards the can of soda. A few seconds later, they identified the object as scrap metal and moved on.

Thus, Alexander Flite had gotten the time to make distance between them, running away in fear.

'It should be a level 5 Goblin, found in stages 1 to 5'. Alex started to think about the goblins in Ginlore, comparing them to what he just saw. 'When I fought them in Ginlore, their intelligence was their weakness'. More thoughts crept in. 'Those two goblins seemed to have defeated a Large Rat - which is level 6, and found between stages 3 and 7.'

His thighs went numb from pain and he pulled something at the lower part of his leg due to the exercise. He stopped running after a sudden pain exploded from his side and jolted his mind. His lungs felt like they were doused in fire.

His breathing became painful and hoarse, and it made him feel light headed.

'This isn't good'. As he bent over to start puking, his eyes locked onto a scuffle happening between two creatures on the other side of the street. A large overgrown rat was staring at the other's mouth, in which held a chunk of meat. 'By the looks of things, they were fighting over food'. The one without food, raised its sharp claws aiming for the eye, but missed.

The other rat dodged then turned to run away. But, the rat headed straight for him!

Alex lost himself in fear when he looked at the size of the rat running towards him. Then, when he finally turned around and was going to run, an invisible barrier stopped him. 'Is this a dungeon?'

When he thought of that word and the reality in front of him, a few scenes played out in his head. The scenes were of the experiences he had in Ginlore about dungeons. They wouldn't allow a person to leave once someone enters, only after you find the escape orb at the lowest level can you finally leave, or if you have a special item...


The rough heaving of his chest slowed down a little, and he had became calmer.

He looked around and saw a trash bin nearby, so he quickly staggared towards it and rummaged around, not feeling the slightest bit repulsed from the filth touching his hands. His fear crawled up his spine, and it made him push his hand deeper. Soon his hands made contact with something metalic, and he grabbed and pulled, revealing a short metal pipe the length of a pencil.

Despair fell over him when he looked at the little pipe.

The sound of tapping started to become louder.

The rat with the meat passed by without glancing an eye at Alex who was stricken with fear. The rat just ran straight through the barrier and disappeared. However, fear had overcome Alex as he saw the next rat staring at him.

He threw the pipe towards the approaching rat. But the rat dodged in a blur, and leapt towards Alex with its large and long nails. 'It attacked m-'

As he grabbed the bin and tried to pull it up into a throwing motion, the rat's nails had pierced his flesh. The bin had been too heavy to lift, and it tipped over when Alex dropped it, making a lot of noise.

The claws teared through his clothes and drew blood. From the force of the rat's leap, he was twirled around and slammed into the barrier behind him. The rat that held onto Alexander's shoulders was thrown out of the dungeon in a spray of blood as chunks of flesh got ripped from his body.

Not long after, Alex fainted whilst trying to rip a strip of fabric from his shirt.

However, the death of Alexander Flite was cut short as his body spasmed. He opened his eyes and hurriedly breathed in oxygen. His body had stopped working due to blood loss, and it was a miracle he wasn't dead. But, it does not mean that Alexander has escaped death entirely. His pale face, drained of colour, grunted in pain from the struggle to stand.


Everything had become crisp clear for him, even the noise of shuttling footsteps in the distance felt like they were right beside him. Staggering to stand, he swayed from side to side in an attempt to keep balance. 'I need to stop my bleeding'. He moved into a half-destroyed home unobstructed by the fallen debris.

A trail of blood was left behind his passing.

Entering the kitchen, his crystal hearing-seeing sensation went away and Alex felt the whole world turn slower. His arm slowly reached down to the cabinet under the sink, making him bend to peek inside. His balance suddenly disappeared as he collapsed to the floor, grabbing whatever was inside the cabinet to the floor along with him.

A red satchel with a white cross pattern. A medicine bag. Although the fortune to find such a bag during a time of need was godly, his current mental state didn't even allow him to grin as the bag was unzipped and tipped over. Small objects clashed with the tiled flooring of the kitchen; a painkiller, cold remedies, more painkillers for different kinds of headaches and fevers, cough syrup, eyedrops, bandages, thermometer, and a menacing looking syringe with a yellow label.

Alexander took off his shirt, hearing his heart start to beat slower and slower, he grabbed the bandage off the floor and tried to roll it around his arms and chest.

Dropping the bandage and tipping his body onto the small objects on the floor, his eyes closed. A full minute passed - he had blacked out - and the left eye finally twitched and opened, staring straight at the syringe labeled "Epinephrine Auto-Injector", and a description which made Alexander's whitened iris regain some colour: Adrenaline.

His hand picked up the syringe, with the cap removed using his mouth, he pricked the largest vain on his arm and slowly moved the syringe further into his flesh before injecting the substance into his body. The pain which had been absent, slowly assaulted all his senses.

But, his senses were returning and now was the time to act fast.

He sat up and slouched his back against the cabinet, picked up the bandage and started wrapping it around a shoulder accompanied with intense jolts of pain. Tears that were held back started to stream down Alexander's cheeks and onto the crimson soaked tiles of the kitchen. It's a surprise he has any blood left just by looking at the pool formed around him.

Ripping the bandage and tying it firm, he done the same on the other shoulder before moving onto the chest.

Just as Alex tied the bandage covering his chest, the door from the other side of the kitchen slowly creaked open.

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