《Dungeon Isolation》Chapter 2 - Dosage of Death


The kitchen had two entrances, one through the living room, and one from the back garden. Shelves and cabinets lined the walls of the kitchen, with cutlery and knives placed high above and out of reach, probably due to children having lived here. Because the owner of this house had children, there were little gadgets placed around the kitchen to prevent access. if Alexander had noticed such details, he would have rejoiced his luck and fortune. Unfortunately, these details had not even entered his mind. As the door creaked open and Alexander finished his rough bandaging, he stood up and staggered out the way he had come from. The fear was still gripping his mind and soul to a constant state of panic. The thought of identifying the cause of the door being opened, just brought more fear. Currently, his mind only wanted to escape anything sounding dangerous. The door's opening was stopped by resistance, a little plastic chain from the inside had stopped it. For a moment there was silence, and then the loud noise of wood being snapped in half echoed throughout the street. A club had made a hole in the door, making it collapse. A goblin peaked inside, noticed the pool of blood on the floor, and entered with a hungry expression. It knew that someone was here. No, it had already knew because the smell of blood had brought it here. But the prey, Alexander, had already limped outside. 'I need to find warmth.' The adrenaline was starting to lose its effect, bringing him back to the boundary of death he had experienced before the adrenaline injection. Staggering around, his vision worsened and slowed down. He had attempted to enter some houses, but they were locked and Alex posessed no strength to find another way in. Using the wall at his side to support him, he walked down the street and spotted an open building. A corner shop. The windows were smashed, and inside most of the food and drinks were gone. 'Warmth.' But the clothes section was somewhat intact, so that is fortunate. Alex wore anything that his hands touched first, be it female tops, jumpers, or even bathrobes, he threw anything on to get some warmth. The wounds on his shoulders had leaked through the bandages, and stitches seemed to be the only way to stop the bleeding. But Alex had no strings or needles, and he didn't even know how to stitch. More so, in such a state with grave injuries and blood loss, he wouldn't even be able to get the string through the needle to start stitching. 'Warmth.' Alex opened a door to the storage room and closed it behind him. In the corner of the room, several cylindrical bags were neatly placed side-by-side. A blanket of sorts poked through one of the round bags, so he ripped it open and wrapped it around himself before falling to the floor and closing his eyes. Time passed. Frankfrt, referred to as Frank by his subordinates, was a civil servant completing his temporary assignment of observing the rank 1 dungeons of Freiburg. Over the last two years, the entire city had turned into a large cluster of dungeons, and all of the civilians had been evacuated. The DLA - Dungeon Lock-down Agency - quarantined the city off the map due to its low threat level. As a result, there were only a few men stationed as observers within. Frank's assignment had been going smoothly up until this point. No dungeons had been triggered or entered, with the sole exception of those that were required to be cleared in order to prevent a breakthrough. The rank 1 dungeons of the city held little to no monsters compared to the other cities of Germany. Especially the capital, where even a rank 7 dungeon had just appeared. All Frank needed to do was wipe out a few monsters, slay the dungeon lord and then leave before repeating the same thing a week later. Yet, the 27th dungeon of Freiburg started to spawn more monsters than normal, bringing about a chance of there being a breakthrough. Frank, together with his subordinates, cleared out the dungeon on the same day it was reported. But for some reason, the problem persisted to the next day. Until the root of it was found a week later by Frank's senior, Kristov. When Kristov was scheduled to clear the 28th dungeon, he had been met with an impossible problem. It was gaining entrance to it. Seeing that the dungeon had blocked his attempt to enter, he first thought of it as another officer currently on duty. However, a few days had passed - which equaled to around twenty days inside the dungeon - and he still gained no entry. That is when he decided to report it to the others. Originally, Frank had been assigned to the dungeons from the 24th to the 30th as an observation officer. Reporting anything strange that was happening, but a senior had found a fault in his work which made him feel ashamed and incompetent. His pride as a rank 2 dungeon sweeper took a hit. So as to prevent another mistake from happening again, Frankfrt increased his work load and checked the 28th dungeon daily. A month had passed quickly for Frank who was under a lot of stress, and the dungeon barrier of the 28th was still up, preventing any Arisen from gaining entrance. Someone had been inside for over 5 months - in dungeon time - without coming out, and Frank started to worry it might have been a civilian who had not been evacuated. Because to enter a rank 1 dungeon, one did not need to be an Arisen, and even normal people can enter before getting trapped due to incompetence. This applied to all rank 2 and a few special rank 3 dungeons that didn't need a portal to enter a different dimension. The powers and energies within an Arisen are required to use some dungeon mechanisms, which includes transportation and booby traps - which is a negative of course. The few recent days for Frank had been very chaotic. Needing to cooperate with the other observers and creating strategies and blockades to stop monsters, they even trained hand-in-hand to bring up their chemistry. All because the person inside the dungeon did not clear it or fall pray to monsters, and now an outbreak will soon happen in the rank 1 dungeon that has been growing unhindered for the past month. "Observer Frankfrt!" A strict man shouted at Frank, who had been spacing out during their training. "I apologize. I need a break." Frank walked out the encirclement of officers and sat on the steps of the watch tower. 'What should I report to my superiors?' He asked himself, turning his head towards the direction of the 28th dungeon. Bang. Bang. Bang. The noise of a door being battered by large wooden sticks could be heard from a corner shop. Three goblins crowded a door leading into what seems to be a storage room, and it smelt of fish. Inside the room, cans of sardines were sprawled around and empty bottles were thrown to one side. A skinny man was pushing against the door of the small room, keeping whatever was trying to come in, out. He wore only shorts and trainers, his chest, arms and fingers were swathed in rolls of bandages. Alexander Flite had woken up three months ago.

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