《The Inheritor》Ch 11 Teleport Station


While waiting Helena gave him another session of advice, Quinn felt touched and annoyed at the same time. After the badge glowed, everyone went to the platform, and then the platform floated and flew upwards.

Quinn saw it many times while waiting, so he was mentally prepared. The platform flew for a few minutes and stopped near the wall it was nearly 30 meters high. Then on the smooth wall, a door appeared, suddenly open. The platform connected to the doorway.

After that, Blake took their azure badge and placed it on the table, it was for verification. The doorway let them to a small room where few people were sitting. The chair looked a bit strange, it made of very soft cushion, and even a seat belt was there.

Quinn has never seen a seat belt since his rebirth. This is the first time he saw one, which piqued his curiosity. Everyone sat in the seat and wore the seat belt. Three minutes later, a beautiful woman appeared out of nowhere.

"Passengers, please wear your seat belt you will reach teleport formation in 6 minutes."

Then vanished the same way she came in. After that, every minute Quinn felt an intense shake like a mini-earth quake.

Then the whole room moved to upwards, and the door opened. Quinn was on top of the black cylinder, and then the seat belt automatically disappeared. Everyone got down and came outside.

What greeted them was a set of complex formations. The Whole top layer of the black cylinder was covered with weird and mysterious symbols in some sort of pattern. The whole runes were yellow in colour. The formation's yellow colour and inner cylinder's black colour were contrasting, and it was very magical.

Quinn was the only person stunned, everyone else was seeing it like ordinary beach scenery. Quinn was like a country bumpkin.


Before leaving, Helena gave Quinn a hug and even cried while Andre stood beside with solemn face.

"Take care, Quinn."

Helena said at last and released him.

"Take care." Andre rubbed Quinn's head.

Everyone looked at them with a strange expression. Only then did Quinn realize he was the only kid in the entire room. Then Blake ignoring others stare; held Quinn's hand and made their way to the centre of the formation.

Once they reached the core, his parents waved their hands towards them, and Quinn smiled and waved back. Then a yellow screen of light appeared around the core, and his parents were nowhere to be seen.

"Everyone please wear their teleportation badges. Repeating everyone please wear their teleportation badges." A stern voice suddenly ordered everyone.

Then Blake took one azure badge and passed it to Quinn. Then he instructed him to hold the badge in front of his face and squash it. Quinn did as Blake said and then the badge broke and transformed into an azure suit and covered him.

He felt like he fell into a bathtub filled with paint. Then he looked around and found only he and Blake were wearing an azure suit while others only had a transparent suit.

And that was the last thing he remembered before losing his conscious.

When Quinn awoke he was lying on a bed, then he searched for Blake. Blake was sitting in a chair reading some book. It was a digital book, projected from his PI.

"Good morning, Brat you finally decided to wake up. I was tempted to pour cold water to wake up." Blake teased Quinn.

Quinn thought 'what a way to greet. Wait…wait…. did he just tell said good morning, I was in the teleport station yesterday evening and Did I faint because of the intense light? Does that mean I was unconscious for more than 12 hours?'


Seeing the Quinn confusion, Blake knew what he was thinking, so he told. "Don't panic, you were unconscious for 2 days, which far better than others."

Quinn was dumbfounded when he learned that he has slept for more than 2 days. "Grandpa where are we?"

"Quinn we are in Ronadak city. It is one of the largest cities in Unigux and 100 times larger than Peace River city. This house is in Eastern Ronadak, you are here to join Natal Dawn School. Tomorrow the school will start, and so you will have to move to the school dormitory today."

Blake paused a moment before continuing.

"Quinn, you are a bright kid and could be considered as an unparalleled genius in your own right. But when you go to school you will learn that you have a major flaw. So you will have to toil hard and work like a donkey to break your cocoon and become a beautiful butterfly."

When Quinn heard that he had major flaws, he was not worried he had Zenith box and inheritance of the guardian. The only thing that bothered him was the way Blake put it.

'Why can't this old man come up with better examples, should he really compare me with butterflies and donkeys? Aren't there saying like 'a crap leaping through dragon gate' or something'?'

Blake just continued to talk completely disregarding Quinn grudging stare.

"Natal Dawn School will give you a platform for creating this miracle. Only by relying on oneself can a person achieve such a feat. So don't expect me to help you or guide you. Even the school can only provide you with some resources."

"In fact, neither I nor the school can guide you, because your body constitution is too peculiar and unique. Only by forging your own path can you succeed. You can contact me through PI if necessary. And every weekend I will also come to visit you."

While Blake was talking a white stone suddenly appeared in his hand, it was probably taken from his storage device. Then he placed a stone on Quinn’s forehead and told.

“Quinn this is ‘Soul Sealing Gem’ it helps in concealing your real natal soul. If the news about your Grade 10 natal soul is known to the world, you will get unnecessary attention which is detrimental for your growth, so we are better to hide it. This process will be a bit painful, so bear with it.”

Then Blake crushed the gem with his hands, and a white radiance shot from the crushed stone and entered Quinn Glabella. The process was painful but not unbearable, so he easily bore it.

But still, he decided to put an act and pressed his forehead with both his hands and shouted like he was suffering from hellish pain.

“Moreover, never ever utter a word about your Basic Soul to anyone, not even to your closest friend. At least wait till you graduate from the school and safeguard this secret like your life depends on it.”

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