《Restarting life as a peasant》Chapter 2


Wolf is big, very big, it might weigh at least 70 kilos, but I knew how to deal with dogs. I lived in a country with the massive stray dog population. Those dogs were docile most of the time but I had the misfortune of meeting some vicious ones. Of course dogs never attack alone, but you usually don’t fight the dogs, just bluff out of your way, appear big, and shout a lot and you are safe. I started shouting “This way come here” Girl started to run toward us, I just took pitchfork from the hands of Sam. He was shaking and I said to him "Relax, it won't attack three people at once" While the girl ran to us the wolf slowed down, it saw my pitchfork. Girl panting said "Thanks" and hid behind my back. Sam is also trying to hide behind my back. But the wolf didn't attack. Because I didn't show any fear. We stare at each other for 20 minutes. Then it turned back and walked away. If it was hungrier things would have turned out differently.

Girl was around my age, I didn't know her well, but her name was Samantha. She said "Thanks Hank, I didn't know you are this brave." And said to me in a flirty way "How can I thank you? '' I know where this is going, she was pretty but I didn't intend to be some sort of womanizer in my new life. I intend to stay in the village and morals of this world are something similar to our own middle ages, so spoiling virgins you don't intend to marry is frowned upon. So I said, "You thanked me already, that is enough." She understood my way of thinking quickly. She said "I was gathering mushrooms before the wolf started to chase me, my basket must be around that way" show north with her finger "I want to give mushrooms to you."


We went and got the mushrooms, there were a lot of them. She must work hard to get that much mushrooms. So I only accepted half.

In the village Sam and I went to the field. Father and Tim plowing there with a plow pulled by two oxen. Tim was one year older than me. They looked tired. I said nothing of the adventure. Just said, "Dad, Tim, you go home and rest. We take care of the rest." Dad said "Are you sure son? You just got healed" I said "I am fine dad"

The day ended with us eating mushroom stew in the home. Field work is tiresome. But my aim is having a peaceful life. Doing honest work, finding a girl, marrying and settling down. Those seem boring even stupid to you. But I craved normalcy. I saw more than my fair share of war, struggle and evil. I just want to be happy in a fair place, having decent people around me.

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