《Restarting life as a peasant》Chapter 1



Have you ever lived in a corrupt country? I lived, it was awful. Your talent and merit meant nothing, everything was dependent on people you know. Nepotism was rampant, no this is an understatement nepotism is rule, you watch people who have no talent no knowledge, no merit rise through ranks. That takes away all your will to work better, be better. What's the aim of learning and developing yourself when someone worthless takes the best jobs because he or she has an uncle in high places.

I somehow manage to get a government position, sometimes people without "reference" get minor positions. But I could not shut my stupid mouth. I tried to fight against corruption. When I find out about a bribery scandal they decide to whack me. They were paranoid, my murder was unnecessary Who was I supposed to go to? Media was in their control, judges were appointed by them, and corrupt countries' leadership was always in the corruption scheme.

They t-boned my car with a truck. And that was that. I was dead.

When I was dying I said to myself if I got another chance I am not going to let this happen again. I am not going to even attempt to fight against corrupt elites, I am either going somewhere nice like Canada or I can't. I am just going to shut up and listen to people who sing praises of the glorious leader.

Chapter 1

I opened my eyes. I wasn't in my own body anymore. I was in the body of a young guy, 15 years old. A worried father and mother standing beside me, a priest using his healing magic on me. I remembered things from this body. I was Hank, Hank Fall. I was a peasant boy, but I was a lucky one. This village, village of Bakerville one of the 12 villages ruled by Lord Marcus Steel, he is a just and generous ruler. So people are not overtaxed. Also clergy here are just nice true believers instead of leeching off people they genuinely help them. Also I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters, loving parents and live in a fertile land, so food is plenty. I get to enjoy a good life.


Priest refused money my father tried to give him. He said “Instead of paying me to help people in need John, you give from what gods are given to you, help people with what talent you have so you can be rewarded in heaven. To me pleasing the gods is the greatest reward."

I remembered what happened to me. I had fallen from a ledge while escaping a bunch of goblins. I felt fully healed. First thing i rise up, mother in a worried voice "son, are you ok, where are you going?" "I, I need some air mother, going for a walk."

First thing first I needed to avenge this body's previous owner, that is some sort of rule in the isekai stuff i read. Those goblins can go somewhere or be killed by someone else, neither is something I prefer. I just went to the barn. Get an ax, and walk to the place I died yesterday. Maybe you wonder how I am so daring. The previous owner of the body I have was running from these little runts. He was running not because he was weak because he was a boy with no fighting experience. I on the other hand lived in a crappy country so I had to fist fight many times, get to beat some muggers and such and thanks to my previous life's crappy country I had to be conscripted and with my bad luck I send to fight on unending war against separatist of my country. So unlike many of the isekai mc's I killed people in my past life and I trained to be a commando by military in my past life.

My brother Sam appeared behind me, he had a pitchfork in his hand, he was 13 and he was the only one that knew where I was going. The previous Hank wanted to be the hero, kill some chicken stealing goblins, so without telling anyone other than Sam he went to the woods. But he panicked, ran and fell. Thanks to Sam knowing where he was going, I am here.


After a half hour walk I found 5 goblins who chased me, in the middle of the woods. I said, “It's time for revenge” in the whisper. Silently got close, goblins are around 1,20 meter tall, they had sharpened sticks as spears, noting else, I just got close then jump at them, slashing first one with a fast move, and then my ax meet with the next ones face, other three start to run away, but I had no intention to let them run away. Just chasing them, hacking them off one by one, with their stubby legs they were unable to run away from a fast moving thin young man 1,60 meter tall.

Sadly goblins had nothing to loot, they had sticks, and loincloths that's it, three male two female goblins dead. Sam looked at me in fear, I did not understand, in village life you kill pests, nobody weird out about it, unlike city folk in villages you slaughter your own animals, that is normal too. I said “What's the matter?” He pointed at a girl running away from a wolf, now that is a threat.

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