《Uncovering The World!》Volume 3 Chp 45: War part 1


We meet again folks, and today I brought to you a new chapter :D

I don't have much to say now but enjoy reading :)

Saladin's POV

After I shook hands with Sulphnire, I was then asked by him

"By the way what is your name?" - Sulphnire

"Saladin Valirus" - Me

"Quite a strong name and if I'm not mistaken with the elven language than I think 'Valirus' means conquer or valor." - Sulphnire

"Even I don't know that my name means that..." - Me

"Hoho, well there are some perks for this old King but... it looks like I've to get back to work as war is coming." - Sulphnire

"What do you mean by war is coming?" - Me

"We're having war against Nilfre and I really don't know if we could win and so I had to use my citizens to battle for me but I don't force them either." - Sulphnire

If war is coming than that means it would affect the castle certainly.

Not only will the people I care about get harm but also innocent lives.

This might be a trap by Sulphnire as I don't fully trust him yet but I'll just go along.

Though I really don't know if this is going to be the right choice due to how Sher and Kioni is going to react.

Certainly I would not let them come with me not matter what.

We can't even escape this place as the teleportation only works once every two months.

So the only choice is to fight instead of cowering and so I said.

"Perhaps I could join?" - Me

"You should not as your going to be a father soon." - Sulphnire

I already know that more than you... but still, I need to join.

"I never said that I'll die in battle." - Me

"Even if you're willing to, what about your wifes?, would they decline as to what your going to do?" - Sulphnire

Of course they would but I don't want him to see me waver.

I then gave him a smile then replied back

"They won't as I know them very well." - Me

"But why would you want to help this country?" - Sulphnire

Certainly I'm not doing this for anyone as I know myself very well that I can be selfish but this time, there is a good reason behind it.

"Because I can save lives while also collecting experience so that I can use them later on." - Me

Though that's only half of the reason but I'll just stick to saying that.

I then heard him say

"Well I'll not question any further and so if you truly want to join us then just show this emblem to anyone in the army. This emblem will allow you to have a position in the army temporally until the war ends." - Sulphnire

After I grab hold into the gold emblem with a wolf face carved into it, I then asked Sulphnire while having a smile

"Aren't you quite calm for someone who is going to have war?" - Me

He then chuckled and replied

"If the King is worried then my soldiers morale will befall." - Sulphnire

"You're quite the amazing King then. Anyhow, I'll take my leave now, Sulphnire." - Me

I kind of already expected that hew ill say those words as it is already predicted by me.

He gave me a pat in the shoulder and then told me

"It's good to meet you and i hope that we will meet good fortune side by side in war." - Sulphnire


I nodded to what he said and left the chambers.

My arm has returned and I trained myself well to use my right arm properly again but I wonder if it is good in a war.

*****Some time later*****

I returned back inside my room and found Sherah's Mother inside who is talking with all other girls about my past.

It was quite embarrassing as she mentions about how I used to wear a skirt while having a long hair that resembles a girl....

I wasn't aware that it looked wrong to dress up like that when I was young so I couldn't help it.

They then noticed my presence which made them look at me.

Sherah was laughing while Kioni was having this type of expression towards me which looked like a hungry animal.

Qino was trying to hold her laughter while looking at me with teary eyes which slightly annoyed me a bit.

After all of them greeted me, Kioni asked if I could wear a dress of a girl which I refused immediately.

But... I was forced to wear it as Sherah's Mother was going to spill something that could ruin my manhood.

I changed my clothes into it inside the bathroom and then exited it and told them while I could feel my cheeks as hot as the sun,

"Happy?!" - Me

I thought they were going to laugh at me but they in awe as to how I look.

Sherah then told me

"I-I... kind of feel at shame... as a guy is even more pretty than me..." - Sherah

Qino then says

"That's not even funny... as to how does a guy transform to be like that..." - Qino

Kioni was still in shock till now while opening her mouth and being dumbfounded as to what she witness.

Sherah's Mother was just chuckling while looking at me which I don't understand as to how I look like...

The door then opened and it was Leth who entered.

He was looking for me but then he noticed my presence which made him remain silent for a good solid seconds until he left the room while saying.

"It seems like Saladin is not here, sorry for intrusion ladies." - Leth

I then yelled out at him

"For crying out loud my hair isn't long to mistake me as a girl!" - Me

Leth then opened the door again and said

"Sorry but I just wanted to tease you~" - Leth

He then showed me his grin which made me flustered as I march inside the bathroom so I can change my clothes back.

As I exit the bathroom with my normal clothes and everyone again stared at me.

Sherah then says

"Now that I know you can turn to a female quite easily..., you look more handsome then ever Saladin..." - Sherah

Everyone including Leth started nodding to what Sher says...

"Well its best I give my message rigth now Saladin." - Leth

I then replied back to Leth

"And what maybe that?" - Me

"You got the approval of the King to join our war right?, so follow me as we need to get ready real soon." - Leth

Everyone except me and Leth became shocked from the word 'war'.

Sher and Kioni then looked at me with an expression which clearly states that they want answers from me.

Both of them were showing anger while having teary eyes as to how I'm going to participate a a war.

I then told them

"I'm going no matter what you girls say.... and even if I'm acting like someone careless while being an asshole at the same time but it will not stop me from going as I'm doing it for not me but for the people I want to protect." - Me


Sher then came close to me then said

"Then let me join you as I can at least protect you there!" - Sherah

I hold her shoulder then looked at her crying face and replied

"You can't Sher as I'll be distracted if your with me." - Me

She then hit my chest repeatedly while yelling

"I'm not weak Sal!, please.. don't let me have that feeling once again... please Sal..." - Sher

I let her hit me as much as she wants until she is fed up with it and then I said

"I know your not weak, and I know you're really strong but no matter what you will do, I'll not let you go with me as I really care about you and it is much more better for me if I know that my future family is safe here than at war." - Me

Sher looked at me once more time and then she made a sullen expression while saying.

"I can't stop you... and you don't wan't me to go war with you and so I'll protect the castle with everyone included... but still come back without harm." - Sher

I smiled then said after rubbing off the tear on her cheek.

"You know its impossible for me to return unscathed but I'll promise that I'll not die, so don't worry Sher." - Me

She then smiled and then started rubbing off her tears.

Someone pulled my shirt which brought my intention to her who is Kioni and so I heard her say to me.

"You are not forgetting that I'm bearing your child right... Saladin?, so please return safely as... I don't know if I can raise our child alone... nor I want him/her to know that her/his

dad is dead..." - Kioni

I hugged her and then told her

"Don't worry as I'll return safely and another reason why I go to war is so that I can protect you and everyone else." - Me

"I'm still useless until now and I can't help you in anyway..." - Kioni

"You don't need to as our child is inside your stomach and so please take care." - Me

Tears could be seen appearing on her eyes which I can really understand.

I then felt a pat on my back which I looked to find Sher's Mother having a sullen expression then told me

"Saladin you have grown up so much..., but it doesn't mean I'll not stop threating you as my child and so please don't make my heart already saddened from another person death..." - Sher's Mother

"Got it, as I already know how much pain you endured before and so I'll come back for sure." - Me

Before I gone with Leth, I said to Qino who was standing silently while having a downcast expression.

"If I die Qino..., your free to leave and do what ever you want but until then, please take care of my family." - Me

She then looked up to me while shivering with anxiety and then says

"Even if I'm f-free, I have no where to go... I can't even return back to my family, so never say that you'll come back dead..." - Qino

I was kind of surprised that she wanted me alive as I always thought that she wanted to repay her debt and that is all there is to it.

I then patted her hair which is my one most overused bad habit but hay, they don't hate it.

As I leave the room, I gave my last farewell which both Sher and Kioni came running to hug me which I returned back to while give a kiss on both of them.

Before I left, I made sure that all my weapons are in check and grabbing hold into my bag.

No matter what, I'm going to return alive even if I have to break the logic of death flag.

Even though I'm parting quite fast and so suddenly. It is the best time to leave.

I am currently following Leth as we walk through the corridor.

The dagger that I took from the corpse of the jade bandit leader from back then was still in my back.

The spear from the monster in the dungeon is inside my ring.

My body is built not from talent but from hard work.

As I keep that in mind, there is no foe that will keep in bay as I will destroy everyone who comes in my way.

*****Some time later******

I followed Leth till I reached their barracks were everyone is getting prepared to leave.

Soldiers wearing their armors while some are sharpening their swords.

I can notice one of them looking at a picture of what seems to be his family while wearing his boots.

His face was showing as to how he misses his family.

But I can't blame him as I have this pain inside me which consist of 'what would happen if I depart with mine?'

Kioni's going to have my child and Sher also wants one which I can't help but feel fear that I might.... die.

Well I'm already here and so I'll try my very best at least.

Leth told me that his going to prepare and so I need to grab the equipment I need right now.

As I look around the swords and armor racks, someone approached me and when I looked, it was my instructor Ikejurald.

He then fetched a sword for me to use which was a long one and so I thanked him.

Ikejurald was wearing his armor which shows the color silver blue while wearing a cape that extends till the ground and much more detailed than anyones cape.

Showing the emblem of the clan, having stripes of dark blue and white while having a fur type material at the neck area was his cape.

His carrying a helmet on his right while I survey him, I can see that he is having the sword he used on me before, sheathed and placed on his back.

I can't compare as to how overwhelming he looks than before.

The weapon he gave me was an ordinary sword which has all the necessary for it to be a good one but there is something off with it.

I notice that there are symbols on the blade which made me ask Ikejurald as to what are they.

He then replied to me stating that those symbols are something that he placed and it helps the blade from not breaking easily.

I didn't understand as to how he placed them but I didn't question and just mentioned 'thank you' to him once again.

The barracks was quite the big area and is located at the most bottom floor of the castle while being at the middle.

There is a large gate which I can already guess it is for when all the soldiers are going to leave.

Chandeliers were not the things that kept the place lit but instead, torches on the walls which kindled brightly were the ones instead.

In this place, you could get every weapon type while you can choose on which type of armor you want.

I noticed that there wasn't only one door in the area as there was similar in size gate in the opposite direction but it is not made of steel.

As I wear a medium weighted armor, the door in our back opened which then everyone in the room looked to find individuals in robes enter.

Following them were archers and then as expected, Sulphnire with his golden armor.

There were too many soldiers to count and if I were to guess then they would estimate around 1,400 individuals.

I'm surprised that this place could fit them but this castle is already big enough so it might be that I'm acting stupid.

By big I mean the size of a small town. literally.

Sulphnire the King seems to be surrounded by seven individuals who stand out more than the other soldiers.

Ikejurald, Leth and Yin were part of them as they wear incredible looking armor and robes.

Yin is wearing similar to the attire as the archers but the thing different is the color of the shin metal on it which radiates gold shine and she is wearing a cape similar to Ikejurald.

Everyone then gone into their position except for me but Leth helped and showed me as to where to go.

The soldiers are divided into 7 groups and in each groups which was commanded by one soldier who has a different armor color than everyone else.

I am in a group which is commanded by a man named Lifriekil who is a bulky heavily armored guy who carries a large hammer which is also a spear at the same time...

The name of his means 'The Fray Night' in our language which is quite a nice name if I have to say so myself.

In each group consist about 200 units which varies between mages, archers, and especially warriors.

From what I heard from nearby units, the seven soldiers who surrounded the King are called the 'Bvregrei'(Shadows and hands of the King).

The Bvregrei's job is to simply lead the army in battle while following the orders of the King.

Don't think that the group is commanded by one person as there are ten individuals in each of those group that leads 20 units and they are easily identified by the cape their wearing. (I don't know what they are called so I'll just call them as lieutenants.)

Currently in the barracks, everyone is already ready for battle as I can see that there is not a single one who isn't in a group.

But I've been wondering some time now as to how can 1,400 units be enough for war... unless there are more outside.

As I stand in position while watching the Bvregrei of our group talk with one of lieutenants, I notice that the soldier beside me was shivering while muttering something which I ignored as it might make me feel the same as him.

My armor is ash black and covers my torso and shoulders while having leg guards but aside from that, then its mostly leather fabric.

I was going to wear those bulky armors but I remembered that I'm only good if I can move freely without any weight and less flexibility slowing me down.

The sword that my instructor gave me was sheathed and is located near my right waist.

I left the ruined bronze sword which has great sharpness back to Qino for self defense and you might be wondering as to why I gave her that back as there is a chance of betrayal but I don't think of that at all as I believe in her.

After some time of standing, I could hear Sulphnire raise his voice and tell all of in the barracks to hear his words.

The barracks became silent form his thunder like voice.

We then heard him say

"Fellow brothers and sisters in arms. Today we join not only in the similar place were we can get killed but also the blood we will taste of our enemies!" - Sulphnire

You could hear everyone yell out their voice from as to how the King words effected them including me.

"We don't fight for glory nor we fight because it satisfy our vengeance but instead we fight for those who can't protect themselves!" - Sulphnire

"There is no army match to our capabilities and so I swear by the name of my title, if we emerge victor, I promise you that we will have the biggest party were everyone is allowed to come!" - Sulphnire

...That's Sulphnire I guess, though the party was unnecessary.

Everyones eyes were filled with determination as the iron gate in front of us opens.

All units moved in uniform as we march through the large cobblestone bridge which overhangs a ravine with a wild torrent of water beneath.

Thanks for reading folks :D

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