《Uncovering The World!》Volume 3 Chp 44: Truth Revealed


it's 2016, yeepee!

This year I'm going to focus of novel writing and see at the end of the year if i truly improved :D

Anyhow guys and gals, enjoy reading!


Kioni's POV

I always had this dream which was about my past with my real parents who I really can't remember their faces...

Though I forgot how they look like... I still know deep down that they are my parents.

The dream ended sadly as they left me in the street and walked away from me...

No matter how many times I tried chasing them, they would always... always be to far for me to reach...

That dream was always common to me but the dream I have now has a different ending.

Instead of me trying to chase them, I didn't at all in this dream as I don't need to due to how I'm not lonely anymore.

Saladin, Sherah and especially Qino was there and so I didn't need my parents anymore.

Instead of me crying when I wake up every time, it was different now as I felt joyful and didn't care if I can't see them ever again.

I rubbed my eyes as I pull myself up and made sure that my body is still wrapped with the blanket as I'm naked right now.

Saladin and Sherah was sleeping on my side while also being unclothed.

Yesterday was... quite the experience and I never knew it would hurt when he placed it in...

The pain was intense but I managed to hold the scream as I don't want Saladin to stop nor feel bad as to what he was doing.

Though right now, I feel quite nauseous...

It made me feel really bad and it came out of no where.

I tried rubbing my forehead and felt the heat with the headache.

I wonder why I'm feeling like this and my breasts feels quite tender or sensitive you could say.

This made me curious if this is what happens after sex? and all girls feel the same...?

I got out of bed and noticed that Qino was still sleeping while making a sullen expression which kind of sadden me a bit as to how she is shivering while holding the blanket tightly.

Though I can't do anything for her right now as I felt like vomiting any second and so I rushed into the bathroom and tried vomiting into the sink but nothing comes out...

My eyes are completely watery as I try vomit but nothing came out except my saliva...

The feeling is really bad and I can't help but seek help quickly.

I made sure that I dressed up before hand but it was really tiring to do so as I feel really awful.

There were some books on the shelfs near the fireplace and so I checked each one until I find the book I needed.

It was about 'sex' and so I scanned it in each page but there was nothing related to what I'm feeling until... I saw this page...

The first sign of 'Pregnancy'.... is feeling nauseous...

I dropped the book and was shocked as to what I learned...

It's impossible for me to be pregnant..., wait... I forgot, yesterday was my menstruation cycle and so it was really highly possible...

So I'm going to... bear Saladin's child...

I never thought that it would come this early nor in this year but... it just happened.

What am I going to do...

I can't help but shiver to the fact that I'm carrying his child but which will make me useless to him as I can't protect nor save him at all when I'm bearing this child...


I don't know if I should be sad or happy.

Though I can't stop the tears falling from my eyes from knowing that I'm pregnant.

I then felt my stomach and I said to myself

'Even if I can't protect him while I bear this child, I'll raise him or her no matter what the cost.' - My thoughts

I should really tell them as soon as possible... maybe around breakfast time.

It might not be only me as Sherah had sex with him also, so maybe she's pregnant too.

Before I could do anything, I made sure that Qino is feeling okay.

*****After Some Time*****

Right now I'm eating breakfast with everyone and we are about to finish.

Sherah is not pregnant as I saw her as joyful and redder than ever while feeling nothing but being active.

Saladin was happy and when he just woke up, he yelled out so everyone could hear

"I'm not a virgin anymore!" - Saladin shouting

This made me feel awkward while making Qino feel confused as for Sherah, she just hid under the blanket shyly while muttering something.

Though I ate a lot then usual which I even beat Sherah who is a gluttony when eating and so it made them surprised.

After we ate, I told them that I wanted everyone to hear me out.

I sat on the bed and everyone was looking at me as I say

"Everyone... I'm pregnant..." - Me

Sherah made a gasp while for Saladin... well he fell down.

Qino made a slight frown then congratulated me which made me wonder as to why did she have that annoyed face at first.

Sherah then said to me

"I-I-I don't know what to do as my f-friend is pregnant and we're the wives of the same husband w-which made wonder if I could... do anything to help?" - Sherah

I just replied back while making a smile

"Please raise the child with me." - Me

A tinge of redness could be seen on her right cheek as she nods.

Though I don't what to do with Saladin being in the ground while having foam on his mouth.

Qino was poking his cheeks while asking us on what to do with him.

Sherah then squatted near him and started slapping him on the cheeks which woke him after some hits.

He then got up and was still having this surprised reaction while

Once he saw me again, the looks on his eyes changed while blinking rapidly.

Saladin then utters

"Y-y-you're pregnant?" - Saladin

"Yes." - Me

"I'm a father?" - Saladin

"Of course when I give birth unless you're... planning to run away from this responsibilities?" - Me

"No I will never... its just so shocking that I'll be a father this soon..." - Saladin

"I thought the same... but it doesn't matter as we will raise him/her better than our parents did for us..." - Me

"Which includes also me-" - Sherah

My nauseousness has decreased by talking which relieved me quite a bit.

She then looked and puffed her cheeks out which then she says to Saladin while having slightly red cheeks

"Make me pregnant also Sal! as I really want a child to take care!" - Sherah

Saladin was tensing and having a bright red face which always make me think that he can be suited as a girl sometime.

He then replied

"..Okay..." - Saladin

Qino then inserted inside the conversation by saying

"But Master, where are you going to raise the child as I never heard from you having a permanent house to stay at." - Qino


This made everyone in the room silent and then me, Saladin and Sherah shout out loud


We have forgotten something crucial which is something Qino said.

It makes complete sense to have a house and a good lifestyle before having a child... but what are we going to do now...


Leth POV

I was being followed by my subordinates and Honey(Yin) as I walk through the halls in hurry due to his highness orders.

As I was going to walk to the left hall, one of my subordinate panicked while telling me

"That's the wrong way captain!"

I Then shrugged his words off by waving my hand and I said

"Please, I know this place like my own room." - Me

Though Honey(Yin) stopped me from going to the right by pulling my ear and yelling

"Listen to what they say Dear!" - Yin

"Fine-Fine, I understand!, so please stop pulling my ear!" - Me

I then decided to move to the right as my instincts told me so.

*Whack*, the back of my head has been slapped by Honey which then she says.

"Don't be thinking inside of you that you're the one who figured out it was right!" - Yin

"How the hell did you know on what am I thinking!" - Me

"Well duh, as you always speak like that ever since we were small!" - Yin

"Since when we know each other since we were small?!" - Me

"Do you want me to dye the floor in your blood or do you like to continue spouting nonsense?" - Yin

She then showed me her immense aura while having a pissed off face which made me shudder as she shows me her fist.

"I get it Honey, so please don't hit me anymore as I'm going to lose my mind next time you hit my head again." - Me

As we walk up the spiral stairs while feeling the breeze from the opened windows, Yin then says

"You are always good at acting even though I never could beat you with your sword skills." - Yin

"Is that a metaphor for my 'Excalibur' or do you really mean it?" - Me

Authors notes: "Excalibur is a term used in this world frequently as a synonym for penis if you don't know already."

Her face then gets reddened then punches my back which gave a jolt of pain through my body.

"That's another reason why we don't have a child yet!, just because of your idiotic thinking!" - Yin

I then looked at her while rubbing my back and rolling my eyes.

"Not my fault that you're easy to tease." - Me

She then became flustered while blushing as she says

"Just concentrate on walking!" - Yin

"That's what I'm trying to do in the first place." - Me

I then gone right instead of straight as I remember my friendly friends telling me that it is always right to go right.

Authors notes: "Shiro is that you?!"

The soldiers following us while including yin then shouted to me

""""It's straight!"""""

*******After some pointless walking********

When we entered the chamber of his highness, all of us did our symbolized bow and awaited till his majesty would say otherwise.

"You may stop with that foolish way of bowing." - Sulphnire

We then stopped according to what he said and then I asked

"Your highness, is there a problem as to why you bring me and my squad here?" - Me

He then stood up and approached us while placing both hands on his pocket.

We heard him then say

"There is going to a war between us and Nilfre, which they are already marching towards our home country as we speak. Luckily our scouts were able to find out about them before they could be able to make a surprise ambush." - Sulphnire

His highness then started looking at the painting of a beautiful lady who was his wife but died unfortunately.

I then replied to what he said after feeling slightly shocked

"Isn't that foolish for Nilfre to be holding a war against us as we pretty much out number them while having the best advantage due to our unique transformations?" - Me

Yin then also says to his highness

"Normally my husband spouts non sense but now he has a point and so why would those humans dare to attack us?!" - Yin

Sulphnire looked back at us while making a serious look and then says

"If it were that easy, would I actually need to use my most strongest soldiers for that then?, well of course not as there is something different which causes me worry." - Sulphnire

"And what may that be?" - Me

"Their siding with the Ogres while having an alliance with the Skotadmura(Dark Elves) and is charging at full force." - Sulphnire

It was unbelievable what we heard...

Every soldier in the chamber including me and Yin were frozen still while felt anxiety as to what is going to happen to our home town.

I then asked

"H-how did they manage to bring in the Ogres as I understand about those Dark Elves?" - Me

If you didn't know already, Ogres are the most frightful creature like humans who have intelligence due to their evolution from normal hobgoblins. The strength they posses is able to obliterate a town with just two of them. Another of their perks is the ability to evolve, which is even more frightening as they can ascend even more further!

We know little about them but we heard that they lived in the Triancleir which is a dense forest and half the size of our continent. It locates only to the east of us which takes six months of traveling to reach.

Sulphnire then replied to my question

"They seem to have promised the Ogres something to bring them to side with even the humans who they hated the most." - Sulphnire

"Then what may we do to fend of them, your highness?" - Me

"Enough with calling me 'your highness' and just call with my name instead but anyhow, I need you the Captain of the guards and your advisor Yin to dispatch all soldiers in each squad while bringing any volunteer in the surrounding villages if they want to fight for the country then head to the walls of Hjontruzel." - Sulphnire

All of us then replied positively to his highness after bowing.

We are in a verge of war and so I need to get my head straight.

His highness then asks one more thing before we leave

"Leth, can you please bring that purple eyes lad to the chambers as I need to say something to him." - Sulphnire

How does his highness know about Saladin?, well I need to ask at least

"I can do that but what reason would you want him." - Me

His highness face is filled with seriousness as he says

"You know that he is actually part of the Dwarmura's(White Demon Elves)? and don't think I didn't know that you brought him here." - Sulphnire

"Yes I am aware that he is from that cursed clan as to how there isn't any race who has purple eyes except them." - Me

"They may be hated because of their overwhelming ability to manipulate the dark lightning and predict future while hearing some rumors that they can even visit other dimensions but that lad is different." - Sulphnire

"How so?" - Me

"His eyes shows me clearly as to how much he suffered but is still able to live through. Those specific eyes of his can make him a great King, mark my words Leth, that child has the capabilities to rule a country and change this world from just witnessing his presence and aura. From the first time I laid eyes on him, I knew he is someone that is special but still has a long way to go." - Sulphire

"I also notice that by seeing his aura but... why would you say that he would become a King?, as there is only six of them currently known in this world which includes you especially." - Me

"I might be going senile as I don't have a proper successor yet and I may have done something unforgivable to my daughter Nyorin but I'll not go back on my words for marking that guy as a king in the future." - Sulphnire

There was nothing to say but just bow and leave the chamber while heeding the thought of what the his highness or Sulphnire just said as war is coming.

My subordinates were waiting for me as I exit the large yew door.

Well I got to admit, without them then I might get lost in this place...

*****Hours Later******


Saladin's POV

I was asked by Leth to visit the his highness chambers as there is something needed to be asked by him.

Before I did that though, I made sure that I cooked lunch with QIno.

After I ate, I then made my way to the chamber after I give my farewell to Sher, Kioni and QIno.

I'm in a joyful mood as I'm going to be a father!

Oh I can't wait to teach my child all the things needed on this world while making him a lady killer unlike my past self.

Though I wonder what that child thought would be if he/she notices that he/her has two or maybe more mothers...

I think it would be fine... as they say, more parent can cause a bright future for the kid?

I should not delve into that situation right now.

Anyhow, I remembered the castle interior and every room which is very easy to know while I can't imagine someone so dumb to get lost in this place...

After some time of walking through this beautiful castle, I finally reached inside the chambers for Sulphnire.

Should I bow and give respect or treat him nothing but shit as to what he did to Nyorin.

As I enter the chambers, I bowed slightly then asked the man who is sitting on the throne while sipping on a glass of what ever wine it is.

"Do you want to see me?" - Me

After he took a sip, he then replied

"Yes I would like to and please follow me as we need some where to sit and chat peacefully." - Sulphnire

He got up and walked towards a door on the left which I also followed him.

It leaded us to a small room that has tons of decoration and a fire place with a table in the middle of the place.

There were two chairs surrounding the table and so we sat on them.

On the table, there was a bottle of wine which looks expensive and jewel like glasses for wine surrounding it.

He then asks

"Would you like some wine and believe me, they aren't poisonous." - Sulphnire

"Even if they are poisonous, I would not be able to swallow it as I'm weak with alcohol." - Me

He made a laugh then says

"That's a shame that you couldn't stand it as I really fond drinking with someone." - Sulphnire

"Is that so." - Me

He then drank a sip then says

"So is Sherah perhaps someone special to you?" - Sulphnire

"Yeah, she is my Lover." - Me

"Married already?" - Sulphnire

"Not yet, but maybe in the near future." - Me

"Well take care of her as she's a good girl and a powerful one at the same time." - Sulphnire

"Will do... and what about your wife, Sulphnire?" - Me

He made a chuckle but it quickly turned into a bitter smile while he shakes slightly the glass of wine his holding.

"You're the first one to call me by my name in a while and... my wife died already." - Sulphnire

"I'm sorry to ask..." - Me

"It's fine as she died when she gave birth to Nyorin." - Sulphnire

"What happened to cause that?" - Me

"My wife was already badly sick when she is pregnant and she didn't have much time left already... but at least, she managed to fulfill her last wish and that is to give birth to Nyorin." - Sulphnire

I can't help but feel saddened and speechless.

"That daughter of mine was the youngest while being the first one to have a weak blood..." - Sulphnire

"But that doesn't give you the excuse to force her into marriage with someone she hates whole heartedly." - Me

"You got a point in that and I also hate myself for forcing her but... I don't have a heir to succeed the throne... and I wanted at least one of my daughters to have a son so I can finally depart this world." - Sulphnire

"You should know that you are forcing her to marry a person who killed your second daughter." - Me

He then raised his eyebrows, and then says

"Isn't that just a lie told by Nyorin to stop the marriage?" - Sulphnire

"Your foolish to think its a lie but it's the actual truth." - Me

He placed the glass his holding on the table and started clenching his fist tightly.

"Don't worry, as I'll do something with that man who killed my daughter and all this time I thought that she left abroad." - Sulphire

I can't help but raise my eyebrows as I say

"Why do you believe my words so easily?" - Me

"Because I know your the type of person who understands on what is the point with lying to someone." - Sulphnire

"..." - Me

"If you hadn't interfered by giving me the dark great sword then I still would have healed Sherah's mother but I would ask her to work for a short time with me." - Sulphnire

I can't help but smile and say

"You made my view on you change, Sulphnire." - Me

"Well don't expect to much from my words as who knows if I'm lying to fool you." - Sulphnire

"But I know your the same like me, as you don't like lying right?" - Me

He then laughed then drank the wine and after words he says

"I knew that you are someone fun to talk with." - Sulphnire

"The same with you." - Me

We laughed and then he said

"You know my daughter Nyorin right?" - Sulphnire

"I do, very well." - Me

"What does she think about you?" - Sulphnire

"Nyorin... confessed her love to me and until now, I don't know if I should decline or accept..." - Me

This made him surprised slight until he smiled and say

"Why not accept her feelings and you can have her as your second wife." - Sulphnire

"The problem... is that I already have a second one who is pregnant currently..." - Me

"There ain't no problem, you can just have my daughter as your third wife instead and I think you already know on how she can't open to any male but you ever since that incident." - Sulphnire

"But are you willing to give your daughter to some commoner like me?" - Me

"Of course and don't treat yourself as a commoner as you have the royal Dwarmura blood and also have friendly terms with me and many more people in this castle." - Sulphnire

"...How did you know I'm from a Dwarmura race?, and I thought you mistake me with those Dark Elves." - Me

"Your eyes clearly shows where your from and I purposely mistake you as I don't want anyone else to hear of your demon like blood line." - Sulphnire

"Do you know about my bloodline, Sulphnire?" - Me

"Not really as your the first one I met with that blood and I think you'll find out very soon as what your blood possess and who knows if you already gotten those dreams." - Sulphnire

This surprised me as to what he said.

"Dreams?!" - Me

"Yes dreams, as you are able to see the future or another dimension in your dreams." - Sulphnire

"So all the dreams I had till now may happen in the future?" - Me

"Or is something that is happening in another dimension with a different you." - Sulphnire

"that's unbelievable but it already happened to me." - Me

"You should not share those dreams as some of them hold more worth than a continent wealth." - Sulphnire

"..." - Me

"You might be wondering why your quite special than everyone else and why it has to be you right?, no one can be like you even if you switch souls as your able to live through your sullen life." - Sulphnire

"I really don't know what to say..." - Me

Sulphnire then laughed and got up from the chair.

"You're truly someone enjoyable to talk with and please bring my daughter here next time as I want see both of you together before my time is up..." - Sulphnire

I also got up and gave a hand shake to him while I say

"Don't worry as I'll bring her here and maybe... if she accepts still, I'll make her my wife also..." - Me


Thank you for reading folks and please give your feedback as it truly helps me get better :D

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