《Uncovering The World!》Volume 3 Chp 46: War part 2


Yo folks, today I brought to you another chapter of mine!

So let us not wait and dive in shall we!

Enjoy Reading

Sulphnire POV

As I cross the bridge with my loyal soldiers, I ask Yin who was beside me if all Bvregrei are present.

She replied back stating that everyone is here which includes 'Leth, Yin, Lifriekil, Kento, Refleishia, Jeritz and Mekloin'.

Each one of them has a role which helps me in this coming war.

Basically Leth, Lifriekil and Jeritz are in charge for the warriors while Mekloin is in charge for the mages.

Yin and Refleishia are going to command the archers while Leth can also be someone who commands the mages.

each of them has the strength to destroy one hundred soldiers which I'm quite proud of.

Though the most capable has to be either Leth or Mekloin as both of them are close to 'B+' adventurers.

I got this thing stuck in my head which consist of me still not understanding as to why does Nilfre got an alliance with those stubborn Ogres.

We are about 1,430 units in total which includes the help from each village surrounding us.

I really hate asking for extra man from villages but this is something we desperately need in order to win.

Their going to march through our countries border and siege our walls but we must not allow that or else that would be our downfall.

It's not like I don't have confident on my soldiers as they have our 'Fenrir' blood but we don't know exactly as to how many they are.

One wrong move by me and there would be a massacre on my fellow soldiers, which always remind me that I'm a King.

You're watching me right?, Veronica?, ...I hope your doing fine up there and you must be mad that your daughter Nyorin was threated by me in bad terms but I promise I'll make up for it in this war.

there was one thing I need to make sure and so I asked Yin

"How long do you think our mages can last with their mana and aura?" - Me

"About two hours maximum, your highness." - Yin

"Good enough but how about the arrows from the archers?" - Me

"IF we continue to shoot then about 50 arrows on each unit from the archer groups." - Yin

"That will be sufficient but make sure to save at least half of them until I say so again." - Me

"As you command, your highness" - Yin

Sigh* I really can't get used to my past students calling me 'your highness' every time.

Even though when I was in my youth, I didn't do much but chase after a certain girl.

I can't help but feel shiver through my body as to how pitiful I was compared to me right now.

Shining gold armor with a red cloak, my trusty blade sheathed and carried in my right hand and helmet I wear which shows the supremacy I achieved.

Anyhow, its best for me to concentrate on walking towards the walls.

The clouds are getting dark... and it might be telling me that something will go wrong...

It's not the usual warm weather as right now its chilly cold.

We need to walk to reach the royal ranch where we will switch to riding horses and then make our way to the walls which would take at least a week.


It might be quite harsh for the soldiers as I need to cut the amount of time for resting for the maximum outcome on traveling.

I'm still worried if we will be too late by the time we reach there as the nearby villages to the wall might get destroyed by those savages.

The path my units are taking is quite rough as to how we have to overcome hills or swampy terrain, but we got our mages for those cases.

Sigh*, why did those Nilfre people have to come and fight us as I really just want to taste those good liquor that Leth promised me.

Yurnixa POV

Father gone out for war with everyone else which makes the castle sound... quite empty.

As I walk through the corridor, I could hear my steps clearly...

I finally reached the room I wanted to see and so I knocked on it which opened after some time.

Qino was the one who opened and she told me that I could enter which I did.

I give my greeting on Qino and those girls who are sitting on the bed who are Kioni and Sherah.

All three of them were making this sullen worried expression which made me ask them.

"As to why you girls are having that sort of faces?" - Me

Kioni then replied

"Saladin is going for war and we can't help but feel worried that something might happen to him." - Kioni

That bastard left this girls alone and gone to serve a country which isn't where he is born?

"Oh is that so..." - Me

I notice that Kioni is rubbing her stomach while Sherah rubs her back which made me curios and so I asked

"Do you have a stomach ache per chance, Kioni?" - Me

She looked at me directly at the eyes and then she replied

"Its not a stomach ache but instead I'm pregnant." - Kioni

"I see..., wait... pregnant... how is that possible!" - Me

This made everyone startle from my increase in voice which then Sherah replied to me

"She's pregnant... because we did it with Saladin." - Sherah

"I already know that but how is that possible for her to get pregnant that fast and please do tell me how long has it been?" - Me

"About two days." - Qino

"Yeah, how the hell can Kioni get pregnant that fast then?" - Me

Kioni made a puzzled expression then asked

"Is it abnormal for me to get pregnant that fast?" - Kioni

I sat on a chair then told them

"It's already rare enough for humans to get pregnant that fast but how the bloody hell can you get pregnant by Saladin who is half elf?" - Me

I remember Nyorin telling me before that Saladin was half human and half elf which made remember recently.

Sherah then uttered

"How does being elf gotta do with this?" - Sher

"Well, elf tend to take quite a lot of time till it can fertilize in someone's womb which extends from six months to five years. Even if he is half human, its illogical for anyone to get pregnant by him that fast even on a human." - Me

Kioni was thinking as to what I uttered and then she replied

"Then... how come... its a different case about me?" - Kioni


I looked at her closely then replied

"Either its a miracle or your not the race that you actually are." - Me

Everyone became silent including me and we could hear nothing except for the tea getting prepared by Qino.

I really could never predict as to how this sort of event would occur in my absence...

Nyorin's POV

The wind is quite pleasant right now, as it cools my face from what happened back in that town.

Not only did I witness Laura's cold eyes but also blood on ice.

I don't know what is happening to her as she is quite different.

Long black hair with light green eyes was the thing that defines Laura right now.

She asks to duel me more frequently than before and every single time I lose.

No matter how close I get to her, she would just shackle my movements with magic.

I almost felt death before me due to her.

This made me grew fear from laura which stopped me from talking to her that much...

She doesn't eat a lot nor talk much and so I think today I'm going to confront her as to why is she feeling like that.

Right now I'm on a horse carriage with Laura and Jentun is the one who is controlling the horse in the front.

Laura is currently hugging her legs as she makes a downcast expression.

We didn't talk for a day now and so I decided to say to her

"What's wrong Laura?" - Me

She then looked at me then replied

"Nothing." - Laura

After she said that, her eyes then averted from mine.

She doesn't want to talk but I kept on insisting

'Tell me the problem... please Laura..." - Me

Laura kept silent which made me then sit beside her.

I asked again but this time closer

"Laura... your my best friend so please tell me as to why the girl I used to know is now different..." - Me

She looked at me which then I notice the tears coming out from her left eyes which then she says

"Anyone would be different Nyorin... if their loved one has died but it is something much more depressing for me..." - Laura

I couldn't help but bit my lower lip from what she said then I replied back

"You're not the only one that feels like that but you must know that Saladin would be sad if he were to see you in this state." - Me

She then clutched her hands tightly as she replies back

"I know, I know that very clearly but... he is the first one who threated me as someone dear to him and gave hope for me to live in this world..." - Laura

I can't say anything but stay silent and hear her say

"i wanted to live with him in a peaceful life, I wanted to have a nice family with the person who saved my life, but that changed when he died. I don't know who am I anymore without him and certainly I question myself if I should just join him-" - Laura

Before she could finish her sentence I slapped her in the face, which made her shocked as to what I did and then I said while I could feel my tear falling down from my eyes

"If you were to leave me alone... I would never forgive you Laura. Muzaik, Saladin, my mother and my sister already left me behind in this world. I don't know if I could keep being sane if another one of my dear ones would die... so please Laura, don't think of that..." - Me

I can't help but hug her and tell her to not leave me behind.

My tears were flowing as I could hear Laura cry as she hugs me back.

Both of us needs each other or else we will be in cripple and left to die alone...

******A week Later*******

Saladin's POV

It has been a week now since we last left the castle.

The first thing we went to was a large ranch where everyone would change from walking to riding on a horse.

Since I don't know how to ride one, someone had to help me on how to use one which didn't make me capable for riding even after being thought how to... and so I had to ride with someone the whole journey.

It was quite the long one as we don't have time for break except for a quick six hour sleep... (It's like hell all over again...)

The food they served on the journey was bland as they give only a bread with a bowl of hot soup.

Though it didn't differ between anyone as even the King Sulphnire was given the same food as us.

There were some obstacles like swamps and ravines but they were easy to overcome due to the mages magic.

Rest assured, I got my fill on stamina training... as we don't rely on the horses every time.

Monsters would appear once in a while in the journey but they were nothing compared to us...

Though it felt quite good as to be riding side by side with an army for once.

Anyhow, currently I'm standing with every other warriors similar to me before a really large gate.

We finally reached the walls which then everyone separated depending on who are we.

Archers are on top the walls with half of the mages which specializes in long range magic and healing.

The other half of mages are with us the warriors and those guys are specialized in close quarters combat.

I can't lie that my heart isn't beating fast as it really gives me fear as to what might happen.

A total of four Bvregrei are commanding us and we are (including me) going to face the enemies in the front line.

The position we chose is quite stable which I can tell greatly due to how much books I read about wars.

I can't really explain it that well but I can just say it resembles a wide triangle.





Authors Notes: The formation looks similar to the up one.

I got to say that the walls for this country are quite amazing...

Long and very tall while being made out of grey stoned bricks.

80 feet tall if I have to estimate which I can safely say that this wall can protect any sort of strong siege...

Though I really can't believe as to how long it took to cover this country borders with this wall.

Right now, I'm awaiting the orders from Sulphnire as to when we will charge.

Well... I just hope that I'll do fine.

Thank you for reading everyone!

Sorry for it being short also by the way as I really need to think a lot for the coming war ark.

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