《Uncovering The World!》Side story (I): Blinded Life


Thank you for reading this chapter :D

I really appreciated the fallowers and feedbacks.

This chapter is dedicated to the life of a certain blinded girl.

Highly not recommended to skip.

Laura POV

My life was pointless.

I can barely remember the faces of my parents.

The only thing I remembered about them is giving my name which is Laura.

I had no second name and lost everything that made me live in this world.

Walked, walked and walked as far as the wind takes me.

Starving while feeling pain in my feet.

Bumping constantly and stumbling.

My eyes couldn't be healed and so I was stuck blind.

I don't know why I kept moving forward.

My tears every time falls from my left eye when I try to sleep.

Kids making fun of me while calling me a witch and throws rocks at me.

My body hurts... and my feet is tired.

I didn't curse my faith but prayed to anyone above who is watching me to help me find peace.

My parents couldn't afford to keep my well fair as they were really poor.

I kept hearing my existence was a accident by my parents.

Then one day I was brought in front of a large building with my parents having a sad expression.

My parents left me there and never went back to check on me or bring me back.

I cried and cried for my parents to come back but was futile.

The orphanage was a religious type where it teaches orphans on how to go the straight path.

Maids of the orphanage taught me all sorts of things while being there.

They taught me if I was in a bind, the best option is to pray to the above Goddess.

The Goddess this orphanage thought me was the goddess of faith.

In this place you can find all sorts of statues indicating the beautiful looks of the Goddess.

The Goddess was called Feides.

I had no friends in the orphanage and similar aged to mine would ignore me.

My light green eyes which I had was special to me.

I spent my years at the orphanage until the age of eleven where I was adopted into a noble family.

I was happy that I was adopted but the happiness quickly died out as they forced me to wear a maid outfit.

They didn't adopt me for the reason of having a daughter but for the reason of having a maid and future concubine of their son Martus who is going to be the heir of their family business.

I was treated like a pet who is trained only to serve Martus.

Another reason why they adopt me and kept on telling me was due to my explicit beauty is what they said.


My life was nothing but me acting as a personal maid, sleeping in the basement, getting sick frequently and crying to the Goddess Feides to let me out of this shackle.

The Heir was taught magic everyday and was expected to excel and reach the highest rank which is 'Duredral' tier.

I was always beside Martus whenever he was thought magic.

My hate towards Martus was really deep as i was constantly getting groped in my behind and chest by him.

I can't stop him as I have no power to do so.

The only thing keeping him from raping me was my age being not exceeding seventeen and due to that I felt relieved.

My talent in magic is poor as I try the lessons I learned while being with Martus as he sleeps in the class.

Every time when everyone was sleeping, I would try out the magic I learned in secret.

Nothing happened in some elements but there was one certain element that worked for me.

The magic I was good with was the element Ice and having a slight skill on seeing aura if I close my eyes.

When it was my fourteenth birthday, I was given by my adopted parents a present.

They gave me a worn out black robe that was used constantly and has tears in a lot of places.

I was forced to wear the robe for the rest of my time with them as a punishment for trying out magic without their permission.

Then one day my life changed completely as I was holding a bucket of boiling water to clean the floors and accidentally stumbled causing me to drop the boiling water to Martus complete body.

He was screaming in agony as I watch him with eyes of fear.

The water boiled his skin and made a small which was nauseous.

Martus parents and servants quickly gather as they try to heal him.

The father was furious at me as to what I did.

He slapped me causing me to fall down to the ground and blood drips from my mouth while the pain strikes me horribly.

My adopted father then conjured a small fire and cast it towards my eyes.

That was the last thing I ever saw in this world.

My right eyes was completely gone but luckily my left is untouched but was still blinded permanently to the light of the fire.

I was then kicked out of the household without anything but my clothes.

the pain was self hellish from the burning of my eye as I walk away from my adopted parents house.

There was nothing in my mind but moving forward.

Every time I felt hungry I would go to the closest person I hear and ask for food or even beg.


People barely given me food and sometimes even tease me or ignore me completely.

There was a kind old woman who gave me a bag filled with food and a long wooden stick in order for me to walk.

I couldn't see anything but since I studied about aura basics, I am able to see barely the life force of living things.

As I watch people auras I could tell their are differences between each of them.

Sometimes I could see red aura emitting from someone and I could tell they are people to avoid.

Their were green auras, yellow auras, pink auras and all sorts of colors.

Each one giving me a new set of emotions.

I walked non-stop while sleeping to wherever I know is surrounded by people.

Sometimes when I'm resting while feeling numb in my feet, random persons would throw coins beside me.

I quickly grab each of them and ask people what I could buy with this amount of cash, I was given loafs of breads which made me in sure of food until the next town I visit.

There were individuals who would ask me to fallow them but I refused.

One of those people who was angered from my answer of not fallowing him caused my self to get harmed.

To fight back i tried using magic.

I used my ice specialty magic which was a low tier Ice spear.

The breathing of the person couldn't be heard anymore and at that moment I knew I killed someone.

My prayers to the goddess Feides became constant as I ask for forgiveness for the murder I just did.

Sometimes at night I would imagine my self in a place filled with kittens to ease my mind.

I really loved looking at cats while patting their soft hairy heads and ears.

I remembered back in the orphanage, I would try imitating the cats voice by calling out 'Meow~', 'Nyah' and other voices.

Since I am blind I could not see anything adorable for the rest of my life and with that thought caused me to have a really hard depressions state.

I covered my eyes with some cloth I found in the ground.

I don't know how far I walked.

the thing I hear was crowded noise of citizens.

I knew I was in some sort of town.

People I asked told me this town was called Aartuum and is famous for its minerals gotten from the mines far from here.

I walked through the crowd trying to pass my way.

Since my Aura seeing has improved, I could see peoples aura easily making me able to navigate sometimes.

Also I gained a new aura ability where it enables me to see slight particles in the ground which was helpful as I know now If I would fall down a cliff.

I bumped into a person causing me to fall down in my behind.

I dropped my stick and tried looking for it as I apologize to the person I bumped into.

He gave me the stick I was looking for as he calls out to me.

I thanked him and gave a better look at his aura.

His aura was warm and gentle with some mixed feelings of depression.

He was not a bad person is what I could tell from looking at his aura.

Then he asks me if I wanted help.

I shrugged as I don't want him to have a burden of a blind person.

I then thanked him and told him about how it's rare to find someone kind as him and after that thanked him again while making my way out of his sight.

The person I'm speaking to currently was a guard of the city and I asked him wear I could find an inn to sleep for a fee of doing some work.

The guard asked me to fallow him and then he told me to sit at this place.

He told me he is going to bring a person he knows who would hire me in order for a place to stay.

I waited until I could see three red as crimson auras in front of me.

They were bad people is what my senses are saying as I hear them mumble on how I could be a perfect sex slave.

I quickly tried to enchant my ice magic piercing to the person on my right.

I was then grabbed in both hands as I scream and struggle for help.

My eyes were having tears as I felt them touching inside my clothes.

The feeling of deep pressure was felt then.

It was not coming from the guys in front of me but from a person walking towards us.

His aura was familiar and I noticed the three crimson auras turned lighter while having some anxiety in them.

Authors note: How does it feel like if you were in Laura shoes?

Imagine yourself seeing noting but pitch black in your right and really dense fog unable to see anything.

Close your eyes completely and Imagine yourself only seeing fire from every living thing you see.

Really appreciated reading this side story.

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