《Uncovering The World!》Volume 1 Chp 9(2): Was it a lie?


Derejird here!, Sorry for the previous two chapters as they were rushed and short.

Please enjoy reading and comment if something is in your mind about the chapter.


Nyorin POV

I noticed Saladin came back from the hunters guild.

I greeted him and immediately noticed his changed expression as he sees me.

'Did I do something wrong?' - I thought to myself

Saladin had something to say to me and so I sat beside him in the bed.

He called out my name and said something that I wished anyone but him to find out.

Yup, he saw me touching myself while calling his name in a vulgar way.

My heart was beating loudly as I don't expect him to find out.

I noticed my face becoming red while I touch both cheeks with my hands.

I explained him on why was I doing that as I was curious on what my sister said.

He replied by saying why was I calling his name while I was pleasuring.

I confessed my love, and I truly do have feelings for him as I always think about him ever since we entered the town.

My feelings were told from my mouth to Saladins ears.

Even though I knew he won't like me back as I was vulgar, but he told me that he didn't felt disgust towards what I did instead he made me promise to never do that again.

I cried as he hugs me and I decided to say my love towards him.

As I was going to finish the word love.

It was interrupted by Saladin and he told me to keep our promise and confess after eight months.

I settled down and ask Saladin some important questions.

I found out he was actually one year older than me and keeps me as someone more than special.

Since before we entered the town, i noticed all his good points which made me fell in love with him.

One time when we were shopping for food items, and I noticed a pair of cute boots.

Wanted to purchase it but didn't have enough dera to buy it.

Saladin saw me wanting the boots with my eyes.

Without hesitation he bargained to lower the price of the boots and purchased it with his extra dera's.

He handed the boots to me and asked to not owe him back.

After that day, I kept on thinking why did he do that?

Another time was when we where in the inn and had only two beds making both me and Saladin share.

I didn't actually mind but it was congested and so I thought to sleep in the floor while letting Saladin keep the bed.

But I was late as he first used the floor as his bed.

I insisted to sleep with me as I felt it was my fault for him sleeping there.

He smiled and said to me to not worry and sleep on the bed.

What he did just now made me realize on how good of a person he is.

We sparred everyday at afternoon.

I was winning most matches until later, I never was able to beat him again.

He didn't mock my failure on beating me but kept on appreciating me.


We talked a lot and every time we do, I felt I would not mind being with him for the rest of my life.

He was both funny and kind.

Though at the start I despised him but now I changed my mind.

I felt my heart beat faster every time I talk to him.

Some of my Fenrir blood caused me to having a urge for mating.

I pleasured myself while thinking about him and after doing that I made up my mind of being with him forever.

My happiness could not be explained.

There is one thing though, he still has a sad expression every time I pretend I'm not looking at him.

I fall asleep while leaning on his shoulder while having a happy expression.

Later I woke up in the middle of the night.

I get up to look around and noticed master was sleeping while I can't find Saladin.

It seems that Saladin placed me in bed and insulated me with a sheet of blanket.

I stood up and opened our rooms door slowly and exit.

'Where could he be at the middle of the night'

Voices then were heard of Saladin and so I followed it.

I didn't want him to notice me as I spy on what he is doing beside a window as I hide behind the corner.

He was talking to himself while having the most saddest expression I ever saw Saladin had.

I heard him saying

"What did I do!, what's wrong with me!" - Saladin

He was hitting the window with his right arm lightly as he says that.

"Nyorin has feelings for me but my heart keeps on feeling pain..." - Saladin

"I was lying to Nyorin and myself about my feelings as I don't know what to think of her..." - Saladin

As he said that I felt a strong pain in my heart.

"I don't want to lose anyone else and want that feeling again..." - Saladin

"My feelings towards Nyorin is really complicated as I don't know if I love her or even like her" - Saladin

My heart felt even more pain as he says that.

"Especially our pacing of having love is to fast..." - Saladin

"I'm horrible right?, I try to forget about Kioni and decided to love Nyorin instead" - Saladin

"It's not like I dislike Nyorin..., I really have feelings in my heart but I don't know if it's in a level for love" - Saladin

"I'm a horrid person am I?" - Saladin

'I forgotten about his trauma of his previous girlfriend dying and now he is in a really sad state' - My thoughts

I slowly with out noticing sneaked behind him and pulled his behind shirt for him to notice me.

My eyes were having drops of tears fall down as I heard on how Saladin was confused about me.

He then turned and looked at me with a surprised face.

I looked at his expressionless eyes with some redness from what I assume crying before.

I then hugged him and told him

"I heard everything and I can say that I was forceful and so I will wait as long as time takes till I can receive your answer..." - Me


He was shocked on what I said and slowly caressing my top hair.

His body felt muscular and warm as my tears form while I cry.

He then said

"I'm sorry... and please wait till I settle down this feelings of mine"

I decided to push forward and go aggressive mode with a goal of him being mine.

My head then quick came close to him and kissed his lips with mine.

'This was my first kiss'

I finished my kiss and looked at his surprised reaction then I said

"You will fall for me and will become mine~" - Me

I then quickly head to my room and jumped to my bed.

I covered myself with the blanket entirely so that no one can look at my red face and glistering eyes.

My eyes gave in to the tiredness and led me to sleep.

Saladin POV

I woke up and noticed I was the only one in the room.

Memories of everything that happened yesterday came pouring to me.

My face became red as I touch my lips from the kiss Nyorin did last night.

'That sly succubus...'

I then got up and changed to my normal clothings for going out.

Then opened the door and exited my room.

I spotted Nyorin and Muzaik eating breakfast while sitting in front of a table.

I then greeted them and looked at Nyorin as I sit.

She then glanced back while blushing then continued.

Seeing the chair I then sat on it.

We ate quietly and enjoyed breakfast.

After we are done, we then started our training session.

It consist of me enhancing my long sword skills while also sparring with Nyorin.

In the past month my long sword skills have improved dramatically.

Switching between one handed and two handed while in combat trying out different ways on to attack.

From weak agile strikes to strong slow strikes.

When I was in the library, I found a book on enhancing swords with elements.

The book was complicated to understand but my master thought me how to.

To be able to enchant your sword, you need to picture it in your mind being what you want it to be while keeping that clear picture in steady.

It was easy picturing it but the hard part was joining my soul with the enhancement.

You need to be able to merge with the sword as one.

It was impossible at the start to focus my sword with magic but I kept on trying.

After a couple of days I noticed the difference as I see my long sword covered in a light glow.

I then repeated and trying to make the glow brighter.

My sword has been covered with bright red flames and as I swing it leaves a trail of fire in the air.

It was cool and all but only lasts a minute for me.

Exceeding the limit of time holding the enhancement causes me to lose consciousness.

I finished my training session and had some free time.

Nyorin invited me to go shopping with her but I refused.

She then made a adorable face as she pouts.

I pulled both of her cheeks and told her to cheer up and as I say that she quickly smiled.

Nyorin made me promise to go out with her next time.

I told Nyorin and Master that I will be out till evening.

They bid me their farewell as I exit the inn.

The town is crowded with humanity flocking everywhere.

People selling items, Individuals trying to haggle and women selling their fresh fruits in stalls.

This city doesn't have much crimes as patrol guards are mostly every where.

Vendors shouting out their merchandises and adventurers purchasing items was heard clearly.

I was making my way to the blacksmith while trying to not bump into someone in this crowded place.

The sight of the blacksmith banner has been seen and I head towards it.

While I was walking, someone bumped into me causing that person to fall down.

I looked at the person who bumped into me and in front of my eyes was a short black haired girl who had a worn out cloth covering her eyes while being tied firmly from behind.

Her height is about mine.

She was wearing a old worn out black robe with bandaged feet.

Her face has some dirt on it but I can tell she has a beautiful face with her peach skin color.

She had a long stick with her and now she is looking for it as she tells me

"Sorry, I'm really sorry for bumping into you"

I then grasp the stick she is looking for and hand it over to her.

"Here is your stick" - Me

She grabbed on to it and says

"Thank you"

I then replied

"Your welcome and do you need help?"

She shake her head indicating a no with a smiling face.

"It's rare to find someone to treat me kindly and not try to take advantage of my blindness"

I then replied

"How do you know as I might be a bad person?"

She then replied

"It's because I can sense your kind aura oozing out from you"

The person then smiled one last time but quickly turned to sadness as she walks her way and makes distance between us.

The crowd then blocks my sight of her.

'It must be a tough life for her...'

Third person of Saladin

Saladin enters the blacksmith place and greets the owner of the shop.

The shop is frequently visited by Saladin.

He has a good impression towards the owner who is called Dmer and his apprentice Klevine.

Saladin usually goes in the shop in order to learn ways on making stuff to aid him in combat.

Usually he would make throwing knifes, small spiky balls and very think steel wires.

But today he had something in mind as he asks Dmer to hand him iron ingots to him.

The thing he is making is something special for Nyorin and that was a bracelet with a perfect pair of earrings.

Both Dmer and Klevine were teasing on who Saladin is going to give that to.

He didn't got bothered and before he knows it, he was completed.

The accessories he made is then placed in a box then was wrapped with fine sheet of paper.

He exits the blacksmith shop while saying his goodbyes to Dmer and Klevine.

Thank you for reading :D

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