《Uncovering The World!》Volume 1 Chp 6: Fear (Rewritten)
I really appreciate having criticism on my chapters and as always
thank you for reading chapter 6 of my novel
I give my humble thanks to the people who followed, viewed, rated, hated, liked, commented with hate and individuals who took their time to favorite this novel of mine.
I didn't notice some improvement in my grammar but I did learn from a lot of spelling mistakes
And so please leave a comment If this chapter is to your dislike or you enjoyed it.
Author notes: I typed this chapter while hearing dark souls OST great grey wolf sif extended
Short chapter filled with fighting.
Saladin POV
Hmm how adorable. I wonder if I should be quivering in fear right now?
Like really? Who can't resist petting that cute monster in front of me?
Inside me, Vearli asked. "I was wrong to presume you had already lost your mind, as right now I could pretty much tell that you've gone bonkers."
You really can't take a joke Vearli?
"Oh really? Please enlighten me on your sort of ability to differentiate if you were joking since the time we met then your real actual jokes? *Sigh* Just pay attention to that beast... It's a weird one I say." Vearli told me.
Roger that captain~
So what to do?
*Cough* I should start pretending to be scared right now or else it'll be abnormal in front of Nyorin.
Aside from seeing the monsters appearance, the sky seemed to have darken while showing flocks of birds fly away.
A strong chilly wind started howling which made the nearby river become restless. The same thing regarding the tall grasses and trees as they constantly sway.
There was an eerie silence left around us and the only thing we could hear was the breathing of the monster coming from his nostrils.
The creature eyes were stuck on us for a while before it starts while its mouth letting out a long snake like tongue with tons of blood dripping from it.
As I look upon Nyorin, she's already on her knees as her expression describes fear all over it.
The monster slowly started walking with earth shaking steps, towards us.
*Sigh* I better start acting.
With haste, I ran and grabbed Nyorin's arm and pulled her of the ground as I shout to her. "Run!"
After both of us covered a certain amount of distance between the creature... we noticed that it didn't move but remained idle.
Observing the creature very carefully, its legs seemed to resemble something that's about to charge at any given moment.
Even the hooves of the monster caused the ground to be excavated before its body came in running at a frightening speed at us.
Its arms tightened around its body as it shows an appearance of something wanting to ram us.
Without a split moment of thinking, I pushed Nyorin with all my strength in order for her to dodge the fatal hit. As for me, I rolled to my left.
Though the creature didn't stop until it landed on a large rock about his size nearby.
All sorts of debris flew every where, including the river which made lots of sound.
If that thing landed on either me or Nyorin, I'm afraid that experiencing being a squashed pie would be the last before dying.
The amazing creature slowly turned around and looked at us with bloodshot eyes and anger.
Its arm had some bones sticking out and fresh blood dripping to the ground.
That's a relief, this creature doesn't have intelligence.
Knowing that I can't proceed in exterminating that thing if Nyorin is here as a hindrance, so I told he run for it but unfortunately she stubbornly refused.
Her eyes showed that she’s worried whether if I would die. Quite the idiotic simplistic girl.
Well whatever.
The monster then moved towards us before widening its arms and preparing to slice us in two with its razor like claws.
Seeing that we have no way of escaping, Nyorin's eyes turned to the color of pure gold before she grabs my shirts collar and jumped upward pulling me with her.
Her sudden large leap with me caused the monster's attack to miss which almost turned uss into sliced pineapples.
We then dropped before rolling on the ground not so far from where the monster currently is.
Nyorin's eyes reverted back to normal before she starts coughing blood.
That sexy transformation which gave her inhuman strength must be taking a toll in her body.
Her mouth opened and she told me. "Please, run while you can.."
As a reply I shook my head.
What an adorable way of risking your life.
I admire you now Nyorin as someone stupid.
You might fool other people but not me. I personally knew that you're tired of living. Also the part where you don't want to be a burden anymore.
I then walked calmly towards the adorable creature while ignoring all warnings from Nyorin.
"Don't be foolish!" "RUN Away!" "What are you doing!" Were all shouts from her.
But before I could start demolishing this creature, I told Nyorin. "Shh, I'm trying to concentrate. Let this charming prince save you."
I could hear a snort come from Vearli inside my thoughts which I ignored.
The monster is right in front of me and so I started.
Just like my Uncle thought me long ago, the secrets of enhancing the body.
I moved my arms in a slow spiral motion like as if I'm changing the current of space.
Also my legs were firmly stuck on the ground while facing my right one to the creature.
I then concentrate all the energy that were accumulated from the surrounding air into my arms while I close my eyes before imagining the creation of a voluptuous female sculpture.
Afterwards I opened my eyes to find that both of my arms were having the appearance of thin gauntlet like armor which is emitting a faint radiance of red light.
First stage: increase human strength.
Second stage: manifest into something which would increase the power by 1.5x
This were the things that my uncle thought me which I remember ill this date.
Before I could concentrate on the approaching monster, inside my thoughts, Vearli loudly asked. “If your had this sort of power then why didn’t you escape on the mines before?!”
Well duh, it was fun in there. Plus Kyoni was a good toy.
“I got no words to describe you anymore...” Vearli replied.
Noticing that the creature is near, I made my stance and prepared myself for any incoming strikes from it.
As I was expecting for a different attack from the it, I was wrong.
Again like a retard, It started charging towards me..
I moved to the right while rotating my body making me dodge the predictable attack.
Though unlike before, the monster turned around immediately and came swinging his large arms towards me.
Without a moment to breath, I ducked and ran towards its stomach.
Like cracking wood, I punched its guts and with follow up I made an uppercut on the jaw.
The monster flinched for a sec before opening its mouth to reveal a huge snake which is completely covered with tiny mouths.
The snake like tongue then lunged towards me like an arrow.
I barely avoided it as my shoulder was wounded.
without hesitation I flipped myself and landed with my hands in the ground.
This handsome man then spun and used the momentum to kick the behind of the goat creature’s leg.
Since my leg was’t enhanced... it was painful... and arousing.
I expected some damage to be dealt from my blow but it didn’t do anything... what a waste of energy.
Again, the creature’s tongue came towards me as if it were a blade. It was also gonna smash me to a pulp with its hand.
As an answer, I leaped back in order to dodge again but I couldn't do anything with its leg aiming towards me and so this king was kicked away.
My left rib cage felt like it cracked while I flew like a bird far away.
I landed on the rock rubbles which scraped a lot of parts on my body.
Immediately, even though it hurts, I got up and felt the pain at its finest.
The monster then walked towards a dead tree that is about its size and plucked it out from the ground and used it as if it's some sort of weapon of his.
It then swung the tree around as if the monster is testing it before started moving towards me.
I noticed that there were some rocks beside me and so I picked a bunch of them before placing on my pockets.
The monster was then close and it used his weapon to swing horizontally at me but I jumped instictively causing the creature's attack to miss again.
My eyes were then locked upon his knees as I punched it with all my force causing a gush of blood to flow while a huge bone is seen sticking out.
Without any hesitation, I used by elbow to crack its knees once more. The result is that it snapped in a way where it can never be used ever again.
I then jumped slightly backwards to cover distance where I can observe the creature.
It agonized in pain and dropped his tree down to the ground.
Aww poor thing.
Seeing its painful cries made me aroused slightly.
As it was howling of pain I grabbed the sharp pointed rocks from my pocket and used all my strength to throw at the eyes of the creature.
Since I bad at aiming it never landed on the eye.
Eventually I ran out of stones and so I used the magic.
I aimed my hand towards the creature and then started accumulating all the energy towards my palm before blasting a huge hole on its eye. Though I didn't stop there as I used it again and this time aimed towards its already misserable knees and blasted it there.
My Red Bolt caused me to rip apart the creatures leg in two causing it to fall to the ground.
One of its eyes now is bleeding terribly while a sharp stone is stabbed and intact to it.
It was roaring in anger while trying to stand up but it kept on failing.
Like a nice person, I didn't stop using my magic at it in all parts though I could only release three more bolts.
After my nice handling on the monster, it finally fell down dead.
Like any wise man, I went and see if there is any loot for me.
As I was about to carve away that good looking horn of his, I was then clawed by his hand.
Blood sprayed from my chest area as I back away and I could help but feel happy that it ain't dead.
The creature stood up with one of its arms and looked at me with anger.
My body was already at its limits as I felt like falling any time soon.
This handsome king didn't know how much he can go on and so like any person, he charged towards it while ignoring all the pain.
It uses its tongue to pierce me like a spear but I moved to the left and ran towards its back.
While gritting my teeth, I jumped up and climbed its back until I'm behind his head.
It was trying shake me of but I held in to it by holding upon its black fur.
Once I was up here there was nothing popping up as an idea in my head until I heard Vearli tell me. "What the hell are you doing? Just get rid of it already! Here have thise sword."
A giant black greatsword appeared floating upon black hue and mist. Its blade was pointing towards the creature neck.
WIthout any thought, I grabbed upon the hilt which released it from its bindings which then stabs the back of its throat.
The blade gone through it as if it were butter and blood started dyeing the things around it with red.
I made sure to hold upon the sword hilt as the monster struggles for a while before slowly falling down to the ground.
The voice of Vearli told me. "I'm taking the sword back."
Just like what she said, the great sword disappeared as it was sucked into my ring.
Hopping down, I felt my legs were about to break any time soon but before I could succomb to my unconscious state, I played around the monsters head like grabbing out the eyeball and etc. In order to see it is dead of course and no other particular reason.
The thing I learned is that the monster is definitely dead if its eye turns completely white.
My body felt tired and I fell to the ground and before my dreams take hold of me, I saw the scene where the creature's soul gets sucked into my ring.
Just remind me to try out some good ole goat meat when I reach town...
Thanks for reading!
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