《Uncovering The World!》Volume 1 Chp 7: Was it really a Dream?
Thank you for reading chapter 7 of Uncovering the World.
I appreciate if you comment about what is your thoughts about my chapter.
I really thank you with the bottom of my soul for reading from chapter 1 to 7.
Nyorin POV
Again like last time...
I'm utterly useless.
Don't you dare think I didn't do anything as I kept on shouting at Saladin to just leave me behind.
There's nothing I can do but just watch him fend off the creature.
Hah.. I feel... Truly useless...
Just like what my father said.
He was right.
There truly was no place fitted for me in this world.
Am I just going to lie down here and watch..?
Well... I'm alive at least.
Saladin is just someone I knew. Once he's dead... I'll just forget him.
Like they say... don't fuss any more on the not living... It'll just be a waste of energy.
As I watch him, I notice that perhaps I'm wrong.
Even if I felt weak towards the monster... it doesn't mean also he would.
That's right, I'm nothing compared to him.
Unlike me, he can use... a rare skill such as enhancing.
I'm older than him but I feel envious.
He can fight confidently against the creature with a smile on his face.
All of his quick witted tactics and strength display is quite amazing.
Though that is all.
He's just another gifted child.
Saladin never trusted me at the beginning and even if he did, I'll still push him away.
Foolish human, I'm not a cheap girl.
A while later...
Seems like the fight ended.
He apparently brought out a large sword and stabbed upon the creatures neck and so it died.
My conscious felt fuzzy and I couldn't help but grip my fist tightly as I feel pity on me.
I'm weak.
There's nothing else than that.
So... it seems my dream.. is really hard to achieve.
Saladin POV
Another dream..
From my view, it seems that I was kept on a bed covered in dead flowers.
There was a man in his 20's sitting on a chair beside me.
Without me noticing, I already gotten up to observe him...
It was blurry.. but I could make out that he had a pure white hair and a golden eye while resembling an elf.
Out all of the things about him... his red eye caught my most attraction as if I knew it...
He had eyes that were moist as he smiles towards me. Quite a weirdo... but why... do I feel...
I don't understand.
Aside from him, I further observed on where am I.
It seems to resemble a familiar wooden room while having all living requirements fullfilled.
There was an opened window beside the bed which had curtains flutter from the breeze coming outside.
The man beside me said something but I couldn't get a single word except... "....Been.... A. .. Journey... miss.... meet.... again...."
I couldn't understand him and before I ask something... my entire scenery changed.
Before I knew it, the next place I'm in was a graveyard.
My feelings were quite mixed right now... as I survey the name on one gravestone.
What is this dream trying to tell me.
The name on the grave was. "Saladin Valirus. Died at the age of ??? The most hated among foes and friends. He died alone."
Out of all words that I read, the 'alone' part made me furrow my eyesbrows....
Before I could rub away the dust to find out on how I died...
I woke up.
Saladin POV
I don't know what to say about that dream.
When my eyes opened, the first two individuals I saw were Muzaik and Nyorin.
They were sitting down beside me.
I tried getting up.. but the pain was really annoying.
Though I'm quite surprised that it isn't as awful as I thought.
Muzaik prevented me from further trying.
I changed my expression to make it look like usual before asking him. "What happened after I became unconscious?"
He smiled before replying back. "After Irr heard the sound coming from d monster, Irr immediately ran towards you and Nyorin. By the time Irr already reached there, Irr saw that of both you guys were already unconscious. Seeing that the monster was already dead, Irr brought both of you back before using healing magic by the use of scrolls on you guys. Later, Nyorin opened her eyes before you did."
My head was still feeling weird. That fucking dream and what's up with him saying 'Irr' instead of 'I'.... annoying weirdo.
I then ask. "Hmm, I really wonder why would a creature like that appear here... and why was it so powerful?"
Muzaik closed his eye before replying. "It is what people called a 'Nugraix' and was rare to encounter. It seemed to originate from forcefully breeding different creatures. Usually they wouldn't harm Humans and instead befriend with us but... the thing you fought was different. It's my first time seeing such an oddity. Like how the Nugraix has rotten skin and a lot of blood lust. Even if that's the case, you are quite lucky that the Nugraix you fought was already considered weak and would be labled as an 'E' rank monster or 'E+' as it was something different."
I couldn't help but wrinkle my eyebrows from hearing his words. With out giving him a chance to talk, I questioned him. "You must be joking right? Is the age already hitting you? Who in the right mind would label that creature as something near 'F'."
Even Nyorin nodded to my question as he looks upon him.
Muzaik revealed a smirk which made me want to rip of the skin on his face..
Muzaik coughed before saying. "Well it's like that as the creature matches the E ranking perfectly. You guys should also keep in mind that there rankings from U to A. Rumors also say that there exists beings that trascend 'A' also."
Great, oh great, the monster who I thought was annoying to deal with is just a mere weakling.
Look at I who felt proud on uterly destroying a mere dust.
Sigh* I feel pity at myself.
I notice that Muzaik starting surveying me with a complex look as he holds his chin and thinks before telling me. "I'm still pondering how a 14 year old himan is able to handle an E rank monster. Normally it would require at least three to four well trained knights."
Ever since I woke up, Nyorin seems to be avoiding looking at me.
Even now when Muzaik said those words, she looked really annoyed and angry.
Her hands were trembling as she grips her sword hilt and looks on the ground.
She... might be suffering by feeling weak?
Eh, who knows what goes around her head.
Though her appearance is quite obviously telling me her inner thoughts.
..She's nothing to me... why am I thinking much.
I hate that dream.
I wonder if I should tell them the truth about my ring... NAH!
They're just outsiders I know for a while.
What was I thinking.
Who knows what greedy minds they have.
I then heard Vearlie tell me. "Wise choice, you're not that stupid. I suppose."
See even, the great Vearli said that I was correct.
Nyorin after a while looked at me, she then asks. "Are you going to explain to us about your enhancement skill?
I knitted my eyebros before replying back. "Uh.. What do you mean?" I personally made sure to act like a retarted kid who lived under a rock for years.
Her eyes looked furious at me before saying. "I know you're acting... actually you were acting from the start!"
Hoho, this girl isn't as stupid as I thought.
I made sure to show her a grin hwile hiding it away from Muzaik before replying back. "...I don't uderstand.. why are you angry all of a sudden." I looked at her as if my heart died.
Then after I pretended to cower, I told both of them. "It's is true that I.. have enhancing magic.. Are y-you happy?"
Nyorin gnashes her teeth in rage as an intent filled with hostillity can be felt.
Muzaik who was the retard of the bunch, looked at me with delight before praising by saying. "You're able to use enhancement magic! This is something to be proud of!"
He was creeping me out as he resembled a molester at this moment.
Guh, when will he die.
Nyoring then continues asking by saying. "Then how the hell did you learn on how to fight?"
I smiled before immediately making up a lie before replying back. "I used to watch my father train and so I copied him."
Nyorin new I was lying but couldn't rebuke as she has no proof.
Clearly I cna tell that her mind is going mad.
It ecame silent for a while before Muzaik starts nudging Nyorin.
Her expression distorted as if all blood paled out.
She then after lots of efforts, tells me. "Thank you... for saving me and not leaving me behind."
I then replied back by saying. "I wouldn't... leave a beautiful person such as you..."
My clear acting of utter needs to woo her is quite bad but it's fun seeing her expression change furiously.
Muzaik then pats my shoulder before telling me. "You're one lucky and impressive lad. Did you know that you just saved the second heir of the Bertaliz clan? If I were back at the castle, right now I would have granted you a heap of gilds!"
I swear this man can't get more cliché than he already is!
With no other choice but to follow the flow of the talk, I asked him for the details.
Like for real, what is a princess doing in the middle of the forest with only a single knight as an escort, mentor, father or even secret lovers.
Like any retard would, he explained to me her backstory without any thinking.
Basically what he said is that Nyorin is apperantly the third princess of the famous shape shifter clan. As what the retardo man just said before, it was named Bertaliz.
Her clan lineage is that of the great Fenrir.
They can freely gain the strength of beasts and shape shift themselves into a stronger and faster body.
Normally all of them looks like human except sturdier and fiercer looking than usual.
Unlike her siblings she was born as a half breed just like me. That of a Fenrir and a human.
Even if she has that sort of blood, it didn't affect her in any wya as everyone treted her normally.
Until the day she turned 15.
At that age, the special ritual of all Fenrirs would be held.
It was a simple tradition of simply touching a red plant in front of the whole clan in order to gain the ability of shifting.
As you can predict, something went wrong in the ceremony.
She did gain the gold tyrant eyes of her father as predicted but... she was only able to change... her eyes color and gain only a miniscule strength.
The change also only lasts for only ten seconds and nothing longer.
Since that day, people treated her differently.
Before the maids of the castle that she's in would treat her with respect, but now they would constantly gossip.
Even going so far as to refuse to everthing she needs help with except on special occassions like when she was sick.
After that she tried her hardest to extent the duration of her shifting ability but it was futile. Every time she does try, it ends up with her losing consciouse.
Her father was disappointed at Nyorin and sought for something to prove use of her.
The father noticed that her only trait was her beauty and so forced an engagement with another noble from a famous clan.
She was shocked to the bones as to what her father said with her being married to a man she loathes.
The man she is promised to marry was the very man that murdered her older sister.
Her older sister got killed after she was found out spying in the headquarters of that man looking for proof of his wickedness.
The older sister didn't enter alone as she was forced to be accompanied with Nyorin.
Both sisters loved each other so dearly.
They both where in a condition where the older sister was binded by a magic trap device as she was about to get hold of the plans of that wicked man.
Nyorin tried her best to help her get free but it was futile. //////////////////
They both heard people about to discover them.
At that moment Nyorin had to escape herself while having a torn heart as she remembers what her older sister says to her.
Afterwards she never heard of her older sister again.
She tried to convince her own father that her sister was killed by that man but he didn't listen.
And at that moment she had made a decision.
She asks her most noble knight who was Muzaik to escape with her and flee from that place.
The Knight agreed as he pledge to protect the princess until she told him otherwise.
Then a year passed of her traveling around looking for someplace to be.
They were expecting them to be on wanted lists but they were not as if her father never cared about her in the first place,
After this story I could tell the similarities between our life.
'the only difference was that she had it worser...'
"But sir Muzaik!, you don't have to go that far on thanking him" - Nyorin
"It was the only thing I can offer unless..."
"What do you think of Saladin my princess?"
Nyorin started having a flushed face and then said
authors note: the cliche is real in this dialog ^
'I swear one day I will do the most epic sounding bitch slap on her' - Me
Muzaik then prepares his voice then says
"princess Nyorin of the house Bertaliz!, please do think of me not protecting you for long as I have to visit my family to and please don't act childish!"
"..." - Nyorin
"So princess tell me your honest feelings about him" - Muzaik
"I honestly don't know, but I know he is cool when his serious and caring towards others..."
She said while getting flustered slowly.
'Hah.. cool and caring... wait is she talking about me!'
"So Saladin tell me honestly on what you think of her"
"We just met for five days and sometimes she can be bitch-"
"Hey!" - Nyorin
"But if you get to know her she has a sweet personality while being entertaining at the same time not to mention her beauty which I can't deny" - Saladin
This made Nyorin for a sec to have a blank expression then immediately her face became red while she hold both her cheeks with her hands.
'Fuck I just cheated Kioni... I hope she forgives me'
"I didn't ask for your opinion about her... but doesn't matter as I now have a plan"
both me and Nyorin said in unison
""what plan?""
"Both of you get married and I'm free to visit my family" - Muzaik the Ultimate wingman knight
"...!" - Nyorin with shocked expression
"So basically you want me to marry a girl that I barely now in order for you to be free"
"Isn't she pretty or you don't prefer older girls?"
'Well I got to be honest here and I got to say she caught me and made me like her..'
"I don't mind her age but still we barely met..."
"Royal arrange marriage doesn't even give both grooms the chance to see each other until their wedding ceremony"
"Well you got me there but what about Nyorin opinion?"
We then looked at the blushed Nyorin as we await her answer
"Um I also d-don't mind being his lover..." - Nyorin
I was shocked at what she said and made me think differently about her ever since
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