《Uncovering The World!》Volume 1 Chp 5: Hell in this world (Rewritten)
Saladin POV
Damn it... This man is already working me so hard that I can pretty much foresee my grave being built.
Like seriously, I'm swinging this sword that's taller than me over and over for I don't know how many times.
It truly was irritating.
Before this I had an interaction with Nyorin.
I took out my sweaty shirt in front of her and she did nothing but slapped me twice before punching my guts before continuing training.
The pain lasted all throughout the training I had...
To make things worse... Is when every time I felt tired and slowed down my pace... I get immediately hit on the back by that bastard!
It caused my back to be scorching red while being painful as hell.
Normally I would ignore the pain but there is no such as that when it comes to that man trying to hurt this King.
Well at least on the bright side, I'm not the only one suffering.
Looking at my right I could see Nyorin having an expression that seemed like she was agonizing to the point of being close to death.
She's currently wielding a thin bladed weapon(rapier) and thrusting the air rapidly in succession.
It's not that she doesn't take breaks but the amount of time of catching a breath isn't even considered to be one in the first place.
After piercing the air with such force, she then moves on to her second regimen.
Instead of staying in one place like before, this time she starts lunging the weapon while moving forward with a step.
She then repeats that process while alternating both legs.
Having done all of that, that girl Nyorin is already having the looks of a person that is about to collapse any moment.
In my case, I think it is quite entertaining to see her suffer. Just to nourish my unique needs once in a while.
I then notice that she turned around to at me and left find the grin I'm purposely showing.
My 'beautiful smile' caused her to look at me with hate before lip telling me 'I'll kill you.'
Though her hostility towards me was slightly removed when I showed that blood was flowing out my mouth. (Which I made purposely.)
After a while our master told us training was over.
Hearing his words, both me and Kyoni immediately fall down collapsed in the ground exhausted after dropping the weapons.
Before anything though, I removed the stain of blood on my chin and lips before panting for air.
When our session of relaxing was over, our mentor threw towels and pairs of soap to us and said loudly. "Go rinse your bodies as it smells from your training" - Muzaik
Before I could do what ever he says, I really wanted to ask to him "I swung the sword whole morning for five days in a row now but you still didn't teach me techniques for it!"
He snorted before replying back with an energetic voice. "So yer can get used to the heavy sword before getting into the complicated bits."
For once his answer makes sense to me. Maybe he isn't completely retarded then I thought.
I grabbed both towel and soap and asked where to bath.
He then pointed towards the river not so far from where I'm standing.
My body already felt exhausted so walking there is such a pain in the ass.
As I was limping my way there, I wondered to myself if I should start completing my life list.
Finally after a while and huge amount of effort, I reached there.
By 'there' I meant the gentle flowing river.
It contains the reflection of the surrounding trees while some areas being bathed by the sun.
Some chirps of birds could be heard once a while which for once was something relaxing other than that exercise I just did.
But before I do any bathing, I decided to call out my personal pet.
As if she already heard my sea of thoughts, the great O Vearli appeared.
Unlike last time, she's now having a wonderful exquisite charred dress with gold ornaments.
Also a large white ribbon being seen on her behind as it wraps along the waist.
Hearing all my constant description of her and my previous calling, Vearli made a look that shows that she feels disgusted.
She then tells me. "Please stop. I don't need your detailed description on my perfect dress before it gets reduced to thrash by your words."
Since she, I mean 'you' already knows what I'm thinking, I'll just speak normally. "It's been a long time my dear Vearli."
Hearing me utter her name caused her to feel weird as she furrows her eyebrows.
Ignoring my past words, she asks me coldly. "Why did you call me."
I immediately get straight to the point and replied. "Teach me Magic."
My words surprised her as seen by her eyes before she starts thinking deeply.
Before a short while, Vearli casted a spell which opened the portal from before.
She then gestures with her hand to follow her into it which I did.
Entering once again inside the portal, it felt quite comfy to be honest.
Unlike out side, this place is completely safe from all dangers and disgustness of that inferior world.
Nothing dirty nor ugly, just pure white.
The place where your imagination can exist.
Truly a place fitting to a king.
Hearing my description of the place, it seemed like Vearli heard it and is now having a proud look in her face.
She then clapped her hands only once before something happened.
The ground started trembling before huge pillars erect everywhere.
Trees, flowers, grasses and even the sun started to appear.
Though the colors are quite abnormal.
Leaves and grasses as red, flowers and birds being pure white and the sun being blue with the sky as purple.
Quite the weird scenery I say, but it's still beautiful none the less.
Vearli then came close to me and grabbed out two spheres from ring which are colored in light red.
She then crushed both spheres which were size of marbles to dust before blowing upon them.
After words, Vearli started chanting out. "O Ulvikhran the undefying. Please hear thy plead and grant this young lady the needs to resurrect these heretics to become slaves of thou who's the greatest."
A bright red color started emitting from her hand as she points towards the ground.
Two chains of pure black were then shot out towards the ground as it pulls something upwards.
Watching carefully on the ground, I could see something appear and it looked completely horrid.
It was an abomination.
Something that could make anyone piss their pants.
It's some that breaks the law of dead and living.
The monster Vearli pulled looked like something I never saw before but when I surveyed on two of its heads... There was a strange hint of familiarity.
After just a split second, I already guessed that those two faces belong to the thugs I killed just recently before at the mine.
What a wretched fate they have to encounter me that is.
Just look at their poor appearance.
Welp at least they should be glad that hell isn't experienced yet by them.
...Thought they look really disgusting right now.
Having no jaw on both of them as their bodies was combined.
No clothes at all but it doesn't actually matter as everything in its body was mixed to the point of resembling an animal.
Hands on the chest area, a leg being on the shoulder, three arms as legs and so on.
Really horrible to look at.
As I survey it, I noticed the tears on one of the head as it stares on the necklase I'm wearing.
I didn't mind it and decided to ask Vearli. "So why did you show me this... thing?"
She looked at me before replying back. "Believe me, I hate looking at it as much as you but this is the only way you'll get my type of magic."
I was quite shocked from her words before I ask. "So that means you complied to my previous needs?"
Vearli rolled her eyes before saying. "It doesn't matter either way as you would have just command me like a bitch and I can't help but listening the orders."
Her words made me smile before I compliment her by saying. "Surprisingly you're smart."
She blowed her bangs before saying. "It's not 'surprising' as I was always smart but your presence deteriorated my brain cells."
I couldn't help but chuckle from her words.
Ignoring me as usual, Vearli pulled out a small dagger from her sleeves before handing it to me.
Looking at the blade of the dagger... It seemed really mysterious.
Like I thought all weapons were made of metals but this dagger is special.
Just like glass but in a weapon it made the weapon extraordinary.
She then tells me. "Now kill this creature with that weapon. Doesn't matter how you do it as long as that thing is dead."
Hearing her sentence, I gripped tightly the dagger before walking towards the abomination calmly.
I then spun this small fragile dagger and remembering the times when I used torture animals for fun.
With a smile, I stabbed upon the creature's head. Then pulled it out hearing it's anguish.
Though it didn't end there as I kept on making holes all over its body. I was expecting him to be retaliating but his body seemed like stone and could not move.
After stabbing it exactly 135 times, the creature died without suffering pain at all.
The moment when it died, a huge surge of red energy started moving from its body to my dagger and lastly to me.
I then felt the sensation of gaining something.
My body felt really warm as a new exquisite feeling overwhelmed me.
It's as if a new type blood started moving all throughout my veins and arteries.
So this is what it feels like to have the so called 'Magic Circulation' or a better term is 'Mana'.
I was happy... No, a better word is JOYFUL.
Yes, that's right, joyful to the point of me giving a kiss on Vearli as thanks.
She didn't express anything but silence while having the face that shows annoyance.
Though she could fool other people with her expression but not me as I could see slight hints of being surprised in her eyes.
Being impatient I started discovering the new types of killing abilities I have.
Like for example the red bolt I fired out towards the dead corpse on the ground which pierced through it before leaving a bloody hole.
It was so simple as with just the thought of controlling the flow of energy in my body towards my hands, I could release it in the form of a bolt.
I was really happy as the book I read before is coming to use pretty nicely.
Averting my eyes towards Vearli, I found out that she's having a surprised look again but this time her mouth was slightly open.
Seeing her being like that, I asked. "What's the matter?"
She then came close to me and instead of answering me, she questions. "How is it possible for a mere half breed who used to not even have a single drop of mana to be able to exert a spell? And please don't tell me its all because of the book you mentioned in your thoughts as that's impossible!"
I was flattered from her words as I reply back. "Maybe because I'm a genius?"
Vearli was gonna dig her fingers into my throat but she controlled her temptation.
She then sighed before saying to me. "I hate to admit it but... maybe you really are a genius to do able to pull that of. Even if you apparently learned it from a book which comes form goddamn who knows where."
I replied back. "I'm flattered."
She then immediately snorted before saying. "Don't get overconfident though as you're just a pile of shit that combined together in comparison to other people who specialize in magic. If I were to place you in the ranks of magic, I would say that you're just at the first step of Beginner stage: 1."
Hearing her caused me to slightly tilt my head as I mimic a person who's surprised.
She then continues by saying. "There are seven stages when it comes to magic each one contains five sub stages from 1 - 5. 1. Beginner: 2. Apprentice: 3. Advance: 4. Sage: 5. Great Master: 6. Divine Sage: 7. Limire Supreme:
Then there comes the classes for Mage: (I) Arcane Master (II) Clerics (III) Elementalist (IV) Dark Cultivator (V) Enchanter (VI) Enhance Giver (VII) Sorcerer
Arcane Master: The mage that harness the surrounding nature energy in order to cast spells. This type is the where the great magic of Demonkins and Godlings originates, as they instead of absorbing from nature, they ask instead to their respective master.
Clerics: Mage that specialize in healing while being completely power once they reach the ‘Stage Great Master’ as they could turn their once healing spells into reverse anti health restorer.
Elementalists: This is the most common type which is found in about 50% of all mage’s now a days. They convert mana into one of the eight elements for their bidding just like their name suggests. The types of elements differ among everyone awith a certain affinity towards one of them. Though there are cases where individuals who are gifted enough to posses double, triple or more affinities. Also for your knowing, the elements are: Lightning, Earth, Water, Wind, Fire, Light, Darkness and Kaos.(Between Light and Dark magic)
Dark Cultivator: People like me and possibly you too are what you call Dark Cultivators. This is the class where souls are used in various ways to gain powerful magic.
Enchanter: Nothing much to say about this blacksmith related class except for making materials stronger.
Enhance Giver: This rare class focuses in increasing the speed, strength and sturdiness of the body by using mana.
Sorcerer: A class that wields wands or staffs in order to focus their mana into one point in order to increase the power of their magic. This is mostly commonly seen as a class for people with low mana control.
Author’s Words: “Later I’ll also describe on how some classes would merge with one and another to form an entirely new class. While some also upgrading to a higher existence.”
Vearli then looked at me as if I were an ant before saying. "So how do you feel now? Worthless? Or like a person who lived under a rock for years?"
Her question made me chuckle before I start stretching my back and then replying by saying. "Nope, but instead completely... Exited!!!"
I then laughed maniacally while rolling in the ground left and right which depicts my over filled joy.
My dear pet demon lady was having an expression that clearly exclaim in her head. "Truly a high end psychopath."
After having my quality session of bathing in the grass, I stood up energetically with a large smile in my face.
I then told her. "Thank you." before I continue. "Since you have made this King happy... Then you're worthy to be diagnosed on how curvy and beautiful you are."
Vearli felt a shiver on her body as I thoroughly ravage her with my eyes.
Her expression turned ugly as she looks at me as if I were a sex fiend.
Seeing her beautiful face, I made a cough before saying. "Truly a perfect lady. Just the right proportion distributed between your hips, bust and bottom which is my personal favorite." I then licked my lips in front of her in a way to show my sincerest affection.
Having heard what I said, Vearli's eyes suddenly emitted a red spark as her body trembles in anger.
She then pointed towards me as she chants silently.
Before any moments to spare, a huge surge of crimson energy started to accumulate in front of her fingers as it collides each other forming a sphere.
Then she utters out "Temper!" Which caused the crimson sphere to turn into a cylinder. Vearli's eyes glow fiercely before she loudly says "Manifest!"
The crimson cylinder she produced was now having its shape change weirdly before turning into a long spear.
My eyes were glued into that magnificent masterpiece as I applause with awe.
Hearing my clapping noise made her even more furious which caused her to throw the spear towards me.
Since Vearli was technically a slave to me, the spear of course would miss as I know she won't kill me... but I felt it. The cold joyful feeling of almost dying from getting impaled on the head.
As I look behind me to see the damage the spear did... I was left with a sincere feeling of respect.
Trees ceasing to exist, ground turning to nothing but a crater and the scene of grasses burning around the damage area was truly exhilarating.
I looked back towards my dear demon lady to find her kneading her forehead as she sighs deeply.
Her recent spell caused me to enlarge my view on how magic works.
It is way better than being stuck swinging a metal scrap around.
I know you can hear my thoughts Vearli, so tell me if you are interested in teaching this person any sort of spell?
She looked at me with knitted eyebrows before she says. "Go fuck yourself and die by a wretched disease which was due to your eternal limp cock!"
I'm sorry that I triggered your period earlier than you wanted so in order to compensate from my nuisance... I'll just leave.
Without letting her speak any word, I escaped the portal after making sure that the loot I had before was intact.
Though before I left, the word "Bastard" was said out loudly by Vearli.
Hearing that I couldn't help but wave to her before I return back to the original world.
Currently I'm in the river scrubbing myself with this fragrant soap in my extremely attractive body. (Even if I have loads of scars.)
After that, I wash myself with the flowing river.
Looking at my squeaky clean self made me feel satisfied and so I decided to just sit down on the grass and let my feet enjoy the water.
There was nothing to do and so I decided to just watch the clouds in the blue sky.
Thinking on how far above those fluffy cottons were... made me feel jealous.
Oh how I wish I could have a simple life.
If I were a cloud then no one can notice this silent king from above watching over them.
I really wonder if I am really meant to be alive in the first place.
Like there isn't a single thing that I did to benefit this accursed planet.
Not now nor in the past...
Speaking about my childhood, it made me remember a pleasant memory.
It was at the time where I loved everything.
Not a single thing went bad that time.
Though my parents didn't care for me, I had my uncle.
He was a really kind person as he treated me as if I were his actually son.
That man occupation was quite the weird one I say. Being a Paladin and Bard at the same time while also a master in close combat arts.
Every time he would visit, I would eagerly clutch his pants and ask about his adventures around the world.
At that time, my interest towards different places with their indigenous creatures was at the peak from stories by my uncle.
He used to always carry me into his lap before showing me all kind of unique items he aquire after conquering 'Dungeons' or 'Labyrinths with treasures.'
Once he showed me a belt that turns him into a Naga. (Hybrid of human and snake) Which was quite scary at that time.
Also a red gem which contains the still beating heart of a baby Draknux. (Seven legged Dragons. Usually found guarding the treasure room in a Dungeons.)
But out of all unique treasures he had... The incomplete world map was the one that engrave on my soul.
You might be thinking 'A world map? Isn't that normal?' Which is wrong as there isn't a single completed map of this world ever created and my uncle is the only one who mapped out at least 60% of the whole planet in detail. (Some even say that my Uncle was an immortal vagabond.)
That single map showed six continents and many small islands in places.
My uncle told me that each continent was divided by either large bodies of ocean or sky high walls.
Though out of all the continents, the pitch black colored continent on the left was what intrigued me the most. (It was also larger then any other continent.)
When I asked my uncle about that place, he made a smile before saying "That very continent is the place where no one from the five continents gone and return to tell the tale. Also a place where I will one day see it for my very own eyes and it's the only thing keeping this old tiresome body going."
He says that undiscovered races and legends exist in that continent.
There was also tales of scrolls that can permanently grant someone the ability to fly.
Just like that, there are loads of note worthy stuff like: Necklaces imbued with secret holding; Creatures that are said to be extremely powerful; Similar variants to our races were all living in that place.
My uncle told me even more information that would cost the entire life living expenses of a noble.
Since I was a child before, I asked him if I can explore that land which made him chuckle before saying "Maybe when you're older though it's really hard to the point were death catches you in all direction."
Him saying that changed me completely and my ambition.
At that time, I didn't care about my life as I would do anything to leave that garbage hole.
My dreams at that time were altered completely as I wished to become an Adventurer but not any typical one but instead the apex out all of them.
Knowing my goals, I asked my uncle to teach me all sorts of survival tricks that he knows.
At first he doesn't want me to learn but later he gave in as I was persistent. (So persistent that I asked five times a day for two months straight.)
He thought me on how to create fire in any place.
Also how to skin, gut and cook any sort of creature or animal I'll encounter. Though it was seriously disturbing and nauseatic on how he was removing intestines in front an six year old child.
Uncle then strictly teaches me the basic training on how to kick and punch properly as a way to defend my self.
Still persistent about the dark continent, I asked uncle the name of the dark continent.
He replied back with only one word and that is 'Vildraxian.' (Meaning the 'Birth of legends' in our language.)
It was really... a wonderful memory I say... until I changed.
My training halted and didn't progress and further as I was instead chasing after girls..
Even I would enter in their very own bathroom is how far astray I became.
There is a reason as to why I became like that.
It was due to my uncle never returning after I turned seven.
My father told me that he died and said to not bother with him, but I didn't falter as I waited and trained all the time hoping for that one day he will come back and bring me with him to venture through out the vast lands.
Ever since he left. There was no one to protect me... even my very own parents didn't.
I was bullied.
My body was played with.
Stones that pelt at me.
Scars were made.
Even if I wanted to fight back, their guardians would come over to beat me up.
No friends to rely on and even if there were... They were fake.
With all that pain, I can't clearly remember as to what happened that time as I am afraid to remember.
I didn't know the reason at that time as to why was I hated.
Out of insanity my mind set changed.
I slowly started to uncover the truth that this world is disgusting.
After waiting five more years and he still didn't return... I gave up.
Yes, that's right I fucking gave up.
I was tired of pointlessly training for no reason so I decided to try inherit my fathers business and die early.
My father was a douche but he was wealthy.
I looked for astounding or wealthy girls that could possibly change my fathers mind on me and let me inherit his tradition.
With all that trying it was still utterly futile while my personality received a change of permanently craving women.
Having to slowly unravel the beauty of girls, it changed me into a freak in front of everyone's eyes in my town.
Though everyone think I was that simple, I made my way into torturing, killing, abusing and poisoning the people that I hate except for my parents. (Even if I really wanted my father dead.)
Out all of the past children that bullied me, I couldn't find Her who I wanted to rape, torture and kill slowly so badly to the point of imagining it every day.
Like any normal boy, I gained the best feeling and that was fantasizing about people deaths.
Also the gifted talent on tricking people to my bidding while daily pestering girls to get some happiness.
If I'm bored, I would find dead bodies to loot and experiment with.
At that I knew that there was no one that could help me and so I decided to embrace my new self dearly.
Slowly the pleasure of doing stuff to individuals that I despise... die out.
Then books were the only thing relieving my boredom which also thought me on how to act.
Truly I love myself.
No one can be as handsome and perfect as me.
Though until now I still wonder how would I have turned out if only my uncle visited me.
After narrating my story in my head, I could have sworn that I heard Vearli.
Proceed with caution. Mature content ahead.
After a while of thinking I saw Nyorin with a bath towel covering her pearl white body while not noticing me.
In this past five days, me and her got to know each other a bit more better. Though we still do have fights and arguments with each.
Nyorin then starts walking towards the river and the closer she gets the more I can survey her slender body.
With another movement, she stepped into shallow river and was about to remove her towel until she saw me.
We looked at each other for a moment silently as I notice her face starts turning red while looking at my butt naked body and my trusty Excalibur.
Well... I wonder how loud she would scream. Sigh, and I thought this type of scenario is impossible to encounter in real life.
Nyorin inhaled deeply before screaming loudly enough that all the birds in the surrounding area flew away.
She then was gonna run a way but the flowing water made her slip.
Nyorin tried her best to balance herself as she was going to fall down.
Luckily for that girl that I ran and caught her in time before the ground touches her. ( bitches love the quote 'got to go fast' )
Nyorin’s eyes was gazing at my nude upper body as I carry her in a princess carry.
I then said with a the most charming accent I have. "I don’t think anyone would want to see an unconscious princess floating in the river half naked now do we?" Before showing her a grin.
She was about to reply back but suddenly her towel slipped off her body revealing her precious small pair of rubies and her untouched holy grail with tiny shreds of vines protecting it.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Authors note: the up section you just read was censored for the laughs.
Seeing that I couldn't help but frown before saying. "Pitiful."
Knowing that I saw her parts and hearing my words caused her to scream with anger as she tries to cover as many parts of her body. Nyorin then without a moment of me noticing, punched below my chin with an upper cut making me feel cold river naked on the river and slowly my conscious drifts away.
Nyorin’s POV
For the love of... Sigh... This fiendish fucking bastard apparently was waiting for me while being completely naked in the river.
I don’t know who the fuck would do something like that?
He even saw my uncovered body and my hidden parts that no man should see except the ones who I want.
The man in front of me was unconscious and naked.
Fishes could be seen gathering around his *cough* thing.
Bubbles were being made with his mouth as I stare upon him.
I would have loved to see him float until he falls down a waterfall but unfortunately my master needs this useless bastard.
Shaking my head, I became determined and started pulling his body out the river and place him near a tree.
Before I could puke my intestines out, I covered his body with a towel. (Not mine of course)
Knowing he won’t wake up anytime soon, I decided to take a nice long relaxing bath.
After being satisfied with my clean self, I left the river then dried my body before wearing a new batch of clothes.
By the time Saladin woke up, I was already fixing my wet hair with my hands.
He stared at me before looking at his body which then he made his towel into some sort of skirt to cover his *cough.
After words, he made his way behind a tree and by the time he appears again, his finally wearing clothes.
Seeing as Saladin sighs while he walks towards me, made me feel irritated for some reason.
At least he’s smart enough to keep distance between us or else I would have done something.
I saw his expression turned pitiful as he says. “I didn’t expect that you would punch me who is forever handsome after saving you.”
I can't help but furrow my eyebrows from him being narcissistic as I reply back angrily. "Well duh, you saw my exposed body!"
Hearing my words caused him to raise one of his eyebrows before saying out loudly. "What is there to see or admire with your hand sized pair of peaches!"
His words caused me to curse out loudly at him. “You impotent mother fucking toad!”
After saying that, I forward kicked his stomach but this time with more force.
My flawless attack caused him to fall into his knees as he bows slightly while holding his stomach with both and having a pained expression.
I could hear him grit his teeth before he says to me.
"If I knew you would be this wild! I should have just leaved you dare and let the fishes feed on you!"
Recalling that he did technically save me caused some of my hate to disperse.
I let out a 'Tch’ noise before looking at his pitiful state.
Maybe I was kind of harsh.
Seeing that he wouldn't look at me caused me to roll my eyes as I say to him with much difficulty.
“Ah... Thank... Thanks for saving me there back then.”
He then raised his head slightly showing his shock look in his face.
Saladin then says. "Is... my ears deceiving me?"
Knowing that he still acting like that, I told him. "Well you better be satisfied as that's the last time I'm saying that to you."
His eyes sparkled before showing a nasty looking grin.
He then says. "Totally worth taking in the kick to hear you say that indeed."
Saladin then stands up as if he never gotten hurt at all while showing a happy expression.
"Wait... you lured me?" I asked.
Saladin averted his eyes before replying back "Maybe." He then starts whistling a tone that resembles someone almost getting caught.
I could help but laugh weirdly as he’s truly an odd one.
As I was about to say something to him... A loud screech was heard nearby us.
It made us cover our ears with both of our hands instinctively
After the loud noise was over we let go of our hands.
The next thing we felt was utter fear that shook our bodies.
My head was ringing badly as I couldn’t help but tremble in place.
We then heard loud sounds of foot steps as a creature appears.
Our body was covered in deep silhouette of the monster in front of us.
It had long steal like claws, dark rotten fur filled with flies surrounding it, eyes with a slit pupil,
mouth filled with sharp decayed teeth with two large tusks impaling upwards, body five times larger than me, nose of a pig with smoke coming out of his nostrils, legs of a goat and lots of scars in its body.
My knees gave in to the ground as I look at it with despair.
No weapons and no magic to defend myself... What can I do?
At that time I can see my life was about to know its demise.
Thanks for reading.
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8 70 - In Serial11 Chapters
The Adventures of a Reincarnated Rat! (ON HIATUS FOR NOW)
I was a failure at life. I failed at every single thing I did. I even failed at living peacefully. I wonder what did I do wrong? One day I decided to live my life to the fullest! I died in a week or so after that. I was happy though. I knew that I couldn't fail at anything anymore because I was dead. I failed at dying! I actually reaincarnated into a rat! The world I was reincarnated into also seems to have a game-like system. Great...Me, the guy that never played games seriously in his whole life is reincarnated into a world with a game-like system, I mean, what could go wrong? It's not that I will die from a goblin at the first night...right? STORY IS CURRENTLY ON HIATUS BECAUSE AUTHOR IS A DUMBASS THAT ALMOST FAILED HIS CLASSES BECAUSE OF WRITING.
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