《Pasted Gunner》#12-Sneaky-beaky inferno


36 days after start of the quest

[Ok. Today's the big day. The day, that will change my life here, to better state I hope. I'll kill them all, probably. Let's check my equipment firstly]

53 vials of HP juice "Ok"

58 carbon bolts "Checked"

127 hand-made bolts "Sits"

CZ 805 Bren A1 with 6 rounds

"Ready and safe"

3 M67 "Hmm"

26 bottles of my precious molotovs "Ok"

Big amphora of "napalm"

2 Leather/wooden "shield" "Yes"

I made something like a bigger shield, because I still remember my first fight with goblins, and it was only one of their archers. In this den, there could be a plenty of them. I really don't want to end like a hedgehog. The shield was made from some planks which were glued by the tar to a soft leather. Onto this leather, I glued several plates of the hardened leather, creating something, that will protect me, or so I hope.

Man, I truly don't like how many things relies on "hope". I hope everything will be alright. ; )

Anyway, I made even the spare one, just for sure. Only one thing is worrying me.

I once tried to shot at it with my crossbow. The result was ... failure, the bolt went completely through, so I really, really hope it will stop goblin arrows.

[I think I have everything I'll be needing in perfect state, so, let's set off]

Several hours later. Periphery of goblin den. Sunset.

The wind was blowing to the east that night, perfect.

[Let's begin the war, bastards]

The Battleplan:

1) Make a big fire westwards from the den. Make it really big and add lot of tar bark inside.

2) Overcome the cliff on the east

3) Use the chaos to be unseen and burn the sleeping grounds, armory, watchtowers, everything

4) Retreat to the safe

5)(Optional) Kill the remnants of goblin forces

[The wind is blowing just right for me, thanks God]

"You are welcome" (who do you think?)

"You just shut up" (John)

"Oh, don't be mean. What would you do, if I didn't do this?"

"Argh, Ok thanks. If you are so good, what about a grenade launcher, mortar or tank."


"And don't you want blue from the sky?"

"No, the mortar will be fine" * Giggle*

"As you wish, here is it"

"You received plastic mortar model"

*Laughter* " As usual, there is lot of fun with you" (He)

"Argh. You're such annoying bastard" (J)

"Haha, get rekt my little minion"


"Ok, ok, keep calm. Here you are and don't be mad, minion" *Gigging*

"Received 5,56×45mm NATO SS109 (x5)"

"...." (J)

"What, you are not happy" (He)

"Just. Fuck. Off"

"OOO, somebody is angry"

*Heavy breathing* (J)

"Ok, you pissed me of. Now, stop it please. You'll be a hundred times more convenient, if you give me some advises. These conversations with you are pointless. So don't insult me again and let me do my job." (J)


Hm. Farewell"

[Such arrogant bastard]

When I calmed myself, I put lot of wood, tinder and tar out of the Inventory.

I assembled it to big pile.

"So be it, light!"

After half hour I ignited it with lot of satisfaction.

Fire was encompassing the pile faster and faster until there was just big inferno, quickly spreading around.

[Time to step 2]

I ran the whole way there, standing under the 4 meters high cliff. I prepared my speciality to throw. It was grappling hook and some wedges. I threw the hook upon the cliff and pulled back. The hook wasn't properly holding and fell down. I tried it again but that hook didn't want to cooperate. However, the third attempt was successful and I started to climb up. When I climb to one half, I used one of the wedges and secured the escape route. Then I climbed up.

The first thing I saw was some crudely made hut directly before me. There were no guards, but I saw some hasty movement in the distance. On right was one of three watchtowers. There was a guard inside, which was looking into distance. He wasn't paying attention, stupid goblin.

I took a look to the left, there was some hut too, just bigger.

I decided to go to the hut directly before me.

This hut was although guarded, by one goblin. Whatever, I pulled out the crossbow, aimed and shot.


I learned one thing, when I fire the crossbow, I should reload it ASAP, you never know when you'll need next shot.

Just when I put the crude bolt in, the next guard ran out. Even though I had been little surprised, I killed him too.

The goblins had been already making some ruckus around, so the sound of the shot lost in it.

I reloaded again and quickly approached the hut. I looked inside.


What I saw wasn't even a hut, it was a cave full of food.

There were barrels of something, piles of dried fruit and tens of dead animals hanging around. I got the idea of burning it off, but I realized, that Inventory is better solve.

I was slowly sneaking to the watchtower, the guardian goblin was doing many things, except guarding. Common mistake, when you are guarding, you should always look behind yourself once in time. Ideally in irregular pattern.

The watchtower was really simple, just four logs, reinforced fence and a roof.

All in all, about four to five meters high.

There was a simple ladder leading up.

I came to the ladder, holding my crossbow ready and whistled.

The goblin turned around, came to the ladder and suddenly fell down with bolt in head. I climbed up and took care about the corpse.

The view from the watchtower was great, the moon was in its first half and the sky was clear. The whole "village" could be described as a couple of huts built around the piece of rock. There was only one entry route, as long as you are not able to overcome the 4 meters high cliff. The goblins are apparently not, whereas I am. I could clearly seen the main hut, which probably leads to another cave. The light from the fire I had ignited was noticeable and the whole camp was starting to wake up.

Only obstacle was the next watch tower, about 50 m far. The guard inside looked more careful than this one. He would have seen me if I tried to crawl there.

That means I had to rely on my accuracy.

I used the fence of the tower as support and the crossbow on it. But I had the 4x scope. I was able to clearly see its ugly face.

[50 meters, that means this one...]


The bolt flew, but it was undercutt.

Instead of goblin, it hit the fence.

I had expected the bolt will remain in the fence, but it completely pierced it, hitting the goblin on the other side.

When I approached the second tower, some kind of liquid was dripping from upside. I looked closer and it was a blood. I climbed the ladder and saw a goblin with my bolt in its groin. There were sprays of blood everywhere. The bolt must had pierced the artery, a fatal injury.

[Fuck, how inconspicuous, I just hope they've got a good smell]

I retrieved the bolt and carried on to the main hut. Several goblins came out, observing the fire and then walked to the main gate.

I proceeded inside. This hut was nothing more than armory, which continued to the tunnel, probably to the main cave. Unexpectedly, nobody was inside, I just heard some noises, growling, snarling and humming from the tunnel.

This tunnel was steadily proceeding down and turning left. I came a little bit down and looked around the#y corner.


There really was a cave, a fucking huge cave. This thing had probably been formed when this piece of rock fell on some stone ditch, millions of year ago.

That created this huge hall, two meters tall, 40m long and 15m wide.

Inside there were tens of beds with goblins, some chests, cabinets and many other things.

[Whatever, let's do this]

I put out the big barrel, which I had prepared before. It was full of flammable oil with some tar. I put it on the ground and stepped several meters back.

Then I equipped a club and threw it on the barrel. It broke with a loud noise and the oil spilled everywhere.

Every goblin wake up, looking around confusedly. But I didn't give them any time and the burning match was already falling on the spilled oil.


And then, inferno begun.

I didn't lose any time and ran out.

I came prepared, so I had several hundreds' kg of clay and stones in my Inventory which I used to close the entrance.

"Enjoy the campfire, basterds"

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