《Marked (The Crystal Saga series book 2)》The prize
Instantly, every eye turned toward the voice that came from the back. Then the crowd split, letting him pass.
His spiky, black hair blew in the wind as he approached the astonished Zoree. Stopping in front of the auctioneer, he motioned for him to continue. Clearing his throat, the old cyborg spoke up again.
“Three hundred thousand going once, three hundred thousand going twice.” While the old cyborg resumed, Zoree’s wide green eyes locked onto the Captain’s. On his handsome face, he cracked a small smile, as he amusingly watched Zoree.
“Three hundred thousand as the final offer. SOLD!” The old man loudly stated. Then turning to Rogan, he said.
“Rogan, take your prize.”
Stepping up to the amazed Zoree, he extended his arm toward her. Placing her trembling hand into his gloved hand, he gently held onto her, as he escorted her away. As they walked past the tall cyborg, Zoree noticed his furious eyes watched them with great intensity.
While passing through the crowd, Zoree couldn't believe what had just happened. Walking in front of her, and holding her hand, was the Captain. Just to think that a few weeks ago he had rudely ripped her treasured necklace from her neck, it was hard to believe, that he was taking me home as a prize, Zoree thought with astonishment. At least I’m not going home with that cyborg, she thought while a strange excitement coursed through her still trembling body.
At the end of the flat area was a huge parking lot right beside a wide, busy road, where all kinds of vehicles traveled at high speed.
Crossing the parking lot, and passing by several peculiar looking vehicles, they stopped right next to a sleek white and dark gray speed bike with golden accents. Looking at the bike, and then to him, then back to the bike, and arching up one of her eyebrows, Zoree said.
“Oh no.”
Amused by her surprised face, he asked. “Is there something wrong?”
Staring into his face, she swiftly motioned down toward her pretty dress, and then she said. “How am I supposed to sit on that, wearing this?”
With a mischievous grin, he said. “You’re free to take it off.”
Hearing his answer, Zoree’s eyes grew wide. Furrowing her eyebrows, she said.
“I think I’ll just keep it on.”
“As you wish.” He replied. Getting onto the bike, and patting the small second seat behind him, he gestured her to hop on.
Bundling up the front of her dress, she took her seat behind him.
“Oh.” She muttered, as she felt the heat of the leather seat underneath her bare bottom. Turning his head back, he said to her.
“You better hold on tight.”
Grabbing her hands, he placed them around his waist underneath his leather jacket. Tightly pressing her body against his back, through his T-shirt, she was able to feel his chiseled abs, as she was holding onto him. With a press of a button, he started up the bike leaving the parking lot and everything else behind.
The bike sped past many other vehicles on the busy road as they headed toward the taller buildings within the city. Tightly holding onto him, Zoree tried to see if she could look around, but they were going so fast, she was unable to turn her head. Pressing her face into his back, and as she inhaled the pleasant smell of his leather jacket, Zoree started to smile.
Feeling her hands tightly holding onto him, Rogan’s mind was in turmoil, while speeding down on one of the main highways. In his heart, he knew that he made the right choice to come and get her. Their initial and short meeting on his ship left Rogan wanting to know more about her. There was something that intrigued him every time he thought of her. Even though, her father killed his, which he didn't want her to know, at least not for now, he thought, he still found her very interesting, despite what happened in the past.
And let’s not forget, as Daren said, she was not bad to look at either, Rogan thought with a smile. For some unexplained reason, he wanted to get to know her, and that is why he came to the auction. Deep inside he knew he couldn't bare the thought of anyone else claiming her.
Once a Toraan claims a partner, they claim it for life. It was a strict and well-known tradition on this planet. Humans would say marriage, but for Toraan’s the concept of marriage was something completely different. For them, claiming was something that each and every one of them respected and cherished. He still wasn't sure about claiming her yet, not unless she wants to, he thought with a hint of excitement. However, if it comes to that, he would be glad to do it for her.
When they finally arrived, to Zoree’s surprise they were not within the city but on the outskirts of it, close to a wooded area. The single story house they stopped at was a very simple looking one. Attached on one side was a wide two-car garage, and that is where he parked the bike.
Getting off, she quickly pressed down on the front of her dress covering up her nakedness. Looking around, on one side of the garage, she saw dark brown metal cabinets lining up the wall, possibly hiding tools and machines within them, she thought.
Also, beside the bike was a small vehicle with tinted windows. Turning to her, and pointing to the car, he said.
“I don't have much use for this, but you are welcome to use it anytime.” Seeing her frightened expression, he quickly asked.
“Do you know how to drive?”
Shaking her head, she replied. “I never learned. Walking is what I like to do.”
“I could see that.” He said gazing at her legs.
“What do you mean by that?” She asked with confusion.
“Never mind. I’ll teach you.” He said with a smile. Then he opened the door, and led her into the house. A large bright kitchen greeted her, as she stepped into the house. On the long countertop they were strange looking machines lined up in a row. Looking at them, she asked.
“What are those?”
“Lie detectors.” He swiftly replied walking past her.
Staring at the machines, Zoree wondered if it was for her.
“Come.” He said. “Let me show you around the house.”
Leaving the kitchen behind, Zoree walked into a recessed floored living room. On one side of the wall a large screened television hung and facing that was a comfortable looking wide dark gray sectional couch. There was hardly any furniture in this house, she thought as she quickly sized up the room. Walking past the living room, they entered a short, dimly lit corridor.
The corridor led to a rounded room with four doors. Two were side by side in the middle, and two were on opposite sides of the room. Walking up to one of the middle doors, he opened it, and said.
“This room is my office, for now.”
Peeking inside, she saw a small, neat room with a wide window. There was a large desk with a chair and a few monitors and computers, and a bookshelf with books of all kinds. Why is there no pictures or paintings anywhere in this house? She curiously thought. Closing the door, he walked up to the next one, and when he opened it Zoree saw a large, spotless bathroom with white tiles covering both floors and walls. There was a walk in shower accompanied by a large jet tub. Approaching it, Zoree said with amazement.
“What’s this?”
Standing in the doorway, he smiled and said.
“It’s a jet tub, or some might call it Jacuzzi.” Then he added. “It’s broken. I haven't used it in a long time, but if you want ZON can fix it for you.”
Facing him, she asked.
“ZON? Is that your plumber?”
“Sort of.” He casually replied. “He is definitely a very handy thing to have around.”
Did he just say thing? She thought, walking back toward him.
She looks really pretty in this golden dress, he thought with fascination, as she stood in front of him. Looking up to his face, and feeling a momentary awkwardness, she swiftly asked.
“What about the other doors, what’s behind them?”
“Oh.” He said. “I almost forgot to show you your room.”
Leaving the bathroom, he walked up to the door that was on the right side of the rounded room.
As he opened the door, the first thing Zoree saw was a big window that brightened up the whole room. Underneath the window, there was a large, modern bed with matching nightstands. Also there was a small desk with a chair, where she could see another monitor and a computer. Again, she didn't see any pictures or photographs in here. It was just too plain and odd for her not seeing them. The walls of her home back on Earth were decorated with many pictures that she loved to look at from time to time.
“This is your room, Zoree. “ He said, walking behind her.
Facing him, and with a confused expression she asked.
“How do you know my name?”
Her expression amused him, and then, he said.
“I received your medical file, while we were heading this way.”
Still confused, she asked.
“My medical file?” Then, she added. “But how? I didn't see you reading anything since we got here?”
Touching his forehead with his index finger, he replied. “It’s all up in here.”
She didn't understand what he meant by that. Embarrassed to ask more questions, she stayed quiet.
Seeing her doubtful face, he said.
“I’ll explain it to you later.”
Leaving her room, he turned to her, and said. “The other door is my bedroom. You do not need to see it, unless you want to.”
Zoree didn't know what to say. In a way, she understood why she was here. And the way he respectfully treated her, she didn't think he was going to drag her in there and have his way with her.
Nervously standing in the doorway of her room, and clutching the front of her dress, she asked.
“Is that what you want to do…Rogan?”
Letting out a deep sigh, he wished he could say yes and just swoop her up and take her in there. However, he still wasn't sure if he was ready to make this kind of commitment.
Their uncomfortable moment was interrupted by a loud banging noise that came from downstairs. Stepping back into the narrow corridor, he removed one of his gloves, and then he pressed his palm onto the smooth surface of the wall. Suddenly a door size opening appeared inside the wall. Following him down the steep stairs, she noticed this was a basement of kind, but nothing like what she had back at home.
The expansive room, beneath the house was padded with a deep green colored flooring. Zoree had to take her sandals off just to be able to walk on it. The walls here were empty as well, except for one portion, where variety of weapons were placed on racks, occupied the space.
There was a robot in the middle of the room. His back was to them as he leaned over to pick up several long metal spears from the floor. When he heard them entering, he turned around. Right away, Zoree noticed he looked like one of the male prison guards. After putting the spears back on the wall, he turned their way and looked at them.
“Hello Rogan.” He said in a deep, monotone voice. “I see you brought a guest with you.”
As he approached them, he extended his robotic arm, and said. “Nice to meet you. My name is ZON. I’m a personal robotic aid for this household.
Staring at his robotic hand, Zoree didn't want to touch him. But, she didn't want to be rude either. Hesitantly, she placed her hand into his, which to her amazement, he gently shook.
“My name is Zoree.” She said, politely introducing herself. “Nice to meet you too, ZON.”
“Rogan, you have good taste, she looks lovely.” He said, while his black eyes sized her up.
Immediately Zoree blushed, and then she removed her hand out of his.
“I always loved your straightforwardness ZON.” Rogan said with a meek smile. “However, I have to go and leave this lovely lady in your hands. I hope you two will get acquainted while I’m gone.”
A sudden anxiety engulfed Zoree to hear that he was going to leave her here with the robot.
“How long are you going to be gone?” She nervously asked.
“I’ll be back for dinner.” Rogan assured her with a smile. Then he went upstairs, and within minutes, she heard his bike leaving the garage.
“Are you hungry?” ZON asked. “I can make you something if you want me to?”
“Yes please, that would be very nice of you.” Zoree politely replied.
While ZON was busy in the kitchen, Zoree walked back into her room and sat down on the comfortable bed. To her right, there was a large closet door. As she opened it, with an astonished face she saw a variety of clothes hanging on a metal horizontal rod. After her eyes scanned over the colorful fabrics, she looked toward the floor. There were many shoes lining up the back of the closet. Picking up one of them, she placed it against her bare feet. To her amazement, it was perfectly matching her size. Then something caught her eye. A small, round, black box was nestled between the shoes. Lifting it up, she slowly opened it.
Taking a short, sharp breath in, she couldn't believe what she saw in there. A huge smile appeared on her pretty face as she pulled out her necklace. Quickly putting it on, then finding some shirts and pants, she swiftly took off her dress. Within a few minutes and all dressed up in her new clothes, she left the room.
Inside the city, Rogan arrived at his mother’s apartment. Soon as he knocked on the door a female robot opened it, letting Rogan in.
While waiting in the elegant and beautifully decorated living room, Rogan walked to the large windows that completely covered one side of the room. Even after so many years, the breathtaking view of the city always amazed him. He loved this city and its people, and he loved his planet as well. Being a Captain, his responsibility was not only with the city, but also with the planet.
When other, sometimes more primitive planets called a war upon them, he and Captains of other regions, together and with great victory they defeated the enemy. Also, there was another responsibility that he was entrusted with, just like his father and his father before him. It was to collect humans from all across the universe. Still looking out and lost in thought, his mother’s reflection appeared in the window. Turning around, he approached her, and then gave her a big hug.
“You look good, Rogan.” She said searching her son’s face. “You look happy. What happened?”
Letting her go, he sat on the couch, and said.
“I was at the auction today.”
With a confused face, she asked.
“Why were you there?”
Looking into her eyes, he replied.
“Because I bought someone.”
“A human?” She asked incredibly. “Why would you do that?”
“Please, mother.” He started, lifting up his hand. “She is different than anybody else I have ever met.”
Taking a seat across from her son, she asked with a slightly irritated tone.
“What is so special about her, that my son, who is a very successful man, let alone being good looking has to buy a human instead of finding another Toraan woman for himself.”
Somehow, Rogan knew this news would upset his mother. But the thing that he’s about to tell her would most likely make her truly furious. However, something like this, he just couldn't conceal from her.
Taking a deep breath, he said.
“She is different, because her father was the one who shot down father’s ship.”
“What did you say?” She asked with an astonished face.
“Yes, mother.” He started. “Her father destroyed father’s ship.”
“What are you planning to do with her?” She asked with apprehension.
“I don't know yet, I haven't decided.” He replied.
“What do you mean, you don't know?” She accusingly asked. Then her eyes widened and said. “Did you already claim her?”
“No mother, I have not.” Rogan replied as he stood up. With a sigh, he added. “I just came here to tell you, because I didn't want you to get surprised when you find out about, Zoree.”
“Zoree? Is that her name?” She sarcastically asked. Then she said. “Why don't you give her to me. I could use her. She’d be a perfect subject for my new program at the hospital.”
“No mother.” Rogan swiftly replied. “She will not become one of your experiments.” He said, intensely looking at his mother.
Following him to the door and with a pleading voice, she said. “Why are you doing this Rogan? You know how much I loved your father. Please, give her to me, so I can get something back in return to compensate his loss.” Her voice sounded pleading, but underneath that, there was a hint of anger and frustration that Rogan quickly picked up.
“Please mother, let me make this decision.” Rogan replied looking into her eyes.
“I hope you know what you're doing, Rogan.” She bitterly said. “You're still young, and have plenty of time to find someone who can give you the one thing you and I want the most. Please do not use this woman to get what you desire.”
With a sorrowful voice, she added. “Only if I could have saved her.”
“Mother, please do not talk about her.” Rogan’s angry voice filled up the room.
Looking at the floor, in a low voice she said. “I’m sorry my son. This is something that is not easy to forget.”
As Rogan’s face softened up, he hugged his mother, and said.
“I feel the same way, still I cannot allow the past to control my future. All I’m asking is that you trust me, and when the time comes and you meet her, please mother, do not say anything about father. Let me handle this.” With that, he said goodbye to his mother, leaving her apartment behind.
Later that evening when he arrived home, there was a familiar looking vehicle parked on his driveway. Putting his bike away, he rushed into the house to find Zoree sitting in the living room, with Daren. Their loud conversation stopped, when he entered the house. Right away, he saw she was wearing her new clothes that show off her nice figure. Looking up, and as her pretty eyes met his, for a second, he thought he saw a hint of excitement in them. Then his attention turned to his friend, who said with a wide grin.
“Hey Rogan, you didn't tell me you have a new guest staying in your house.”
“Nice to see you too, Daren.” Rogan replied as he walked into the living room. Then he added. “I guess you already entertained her.”
“Indeed I did.” Daren replied with a smile. “She is a very polite listener.” He added winking at Zoree.
Sitting down at the edge of the couch, and facing them, Rogan said.
“I just hope you didn't bore her to death.”
“No, he hasn't.” Zoree spoke up looking at Daren.
Looking at them both Rogan asked. “So what were you two talking about?”
“Just some things about Kaliv and Yora.” Daren replied as his eyes met Rogan’s. Then he said. “Did you know that Zoree is an excellent hunter?”
From Daren, he looked to the blushing Zoree, and said.
“We haven't gotten that far yet.”
Taking his jacket and gloves off, with a great surprise, Zoree saw that his left arm from elbow down was not flesh, but the same smooth dark metal just like his neck.
Staring at his arm, she was about to ask him about it, when ZON came in from the kitchen with a large tray of food.
While they ate, Daren kept glancing at Zoree, and then to Rogan. He just couldn't believe his friend actually did what he did. This type of action coming from him was something totally unexpected. Looking at them both, he could just feel the tension between the two. But not seeing a mark on her, he knew that she hasn't been claimed yet. What are you waiting for, Rogan? He thought with a smile, as he took another piece of bread from the tray.
After dinner, Rogan stood up and said to Daren.
“Let me walk you out.”
When they were outside, and before Rogan could say anything, Daren spoke up pretending to be angry.
“I thought you were my friend, Rogan.” Then he quickly added. “I was in complete shock to see her here when I came over. I thought you were only going to return the necklace, not actually buy her.”
“I was going to tell you, but everything happened so fast that it slipped my mind.” Rogan replied with a mischievous grin. Then with a more serious face he asked.
“Did you say anything else to her besides our geography?”
“You know me better than that.” Daren replied. “I’m actually happy for you. It’s about damn time you met someone. But I see you haven't decided yet.” With a mischievous smile, he added. “Are you going to do it?”
“Please Daren, I think it’s time for you to leave.” Rogan said with a mischievous grin, as he walked his friend to the car. After getting in, Daren pulled down the window and said.
“Oh, by the way, if I were you, I would take her to the ocean.” With a wink, he added. “Have fun, I’ll see you in a few days.”
Rogan watched his car disappearing in the distance, and then he walked back into the house.
Zoree was in the kitchen cleaning up, when she heard him coming in. Looking up, she asked.
“Do you want me to do anything else?”
When Rogan didn't reply, looking at his robotic arm, she quickly added.
“Why are you doing this to your bodies? I’ve noticed that you and Daren or indeed everyone else here has some kind of robotic body parts. Why are you doing this?”
Stepping closer to her, he asked. “Is it bothering you?”
Looking away, she quickly said. “No, it doesn't. I just don't understand.” Then she added. ”I would never do something like this to myself.”
Stepping closer still, he looked down into her wide eyes, and said.
“There are choices we make in life. Some purposely done, and some by pure accident. I have had my share of both.”
Then he reached up, and lightly touched her hair with his robotic hand. Instantly, she recoiled from his touch. Slowly, he removed his hand, knowing that she was not ready for him. Stepping away from her, he said.
“You should get some sleep tonight.”
Before she left the room, she turned around, and as she placed her hand over the medallion that was hidden beneath her top, she said.
“Thank you, Rogan.”
A few days later, after breakfast, they took the bike and headed out, but not toward the city, instead they rode in the opposite direction. Tightly holding onto him, Zoree enjoyed the warm wind as they made their way toward a flat, sandy area. All around them, the foreign terrain was full of trees that Zoree had never seen before. There were also others, riding their vehicles in this area. Taking a sharp left turn, and leaving them behind, they sped by a tall treeline that cut the ground in half.
The area where they stopped looked private. It was littered with boulders of all shapes and sizes that were jutting out from the abandoned bright sandy ground. After dismounting the bike, Zoree heard a beautiful sound that she only heard in movies she used to watch with Nathan. As she parted the tall foliage that covered most of the area, the astonishing view that greeted her was breathtaking.
The endless sparkling blue water that rolled over the sandy ground was something so magical, and the air, which was filled with an unusual smell of the ocean, was so amazing, it left Zoree speechless.
Standing beside her, Rogan watched her awestruck face gazing at the ocean. With a huge smile, she turned to him, and to his amazement she swiftly hugged him. After a few seconds of holding each other, she then let him go, and ran toward the water. The sound of her laughter filled up the morning air.
“What are you doing?” He yelled, seeing her taking her boots off. Looking back at him, she yelled.
“I’m going for a swim!”
Feeling the hot ground baking her feet, she quickly stepped into the cool water. Then, she walked in further, enjoying the ocean.
Taking his boots and jacket off he rushed after her. But before he could warn her, she quickly disappeared under the water.
Wading into the water, he swiftly submerged, while a rush of anxiety engulfed his body. Then he caught a glimpse of her, as she was about to surface a good distance away from the shore. She is pretty fast he thought, swimming after her.
As Zoree re-surfaced, with gleaming face she looked toward the shore. Not seeing Rogan there, frowning, she started to swim back, when suddenly, someone grabbed hold of her leg. Pulling himself out of the water, Rogan appeared in front of her.
Holding her by the waist, he pulled her closer. While their bodies gently floated in the water, with longing eyes, he looked into hers. The desire to kiss her was unbearable, and the way she looked at him now, somehow he felt that she wouldn't protest against it.
Gazing into his eyes, and holding onto his wide shoulders she slowly leaned forward. Their lips were only inches away, when they heard a loud, angry voice coming from the shore.
“Hey! You over there! Get out of the water!” The security cyborg shouted standing on the shore.
Quickly letting him go, she swam toward the shore, while he followed. After the security guard reprimand them, he left them alone.
Sitting down, they decided to stay a little longer. Turning to her, Rogan said.
“I was going to tell you, no swimming was allowed in here, but you were faster than I expected.”
“You’re not allowed to swim?” Zoree asked amazed.
“In this planet, we like to keep the ocean as clear as possible.” He replied. “But there are places around here and in the city that are specifically created for the purpose of leisure and fun. Next time I will take you there.”
Gazing at the ocean, she said.
“This is just too good to be true. I have never seen the ocean back home. I heard that it was just too dirty and dangerous to go there.” Then she added. “The only time I saw it or heard it was when Nathan and I used to go to the movies.”
Furrowing his dark eyebrows, he asked.
“Nathan? Who is Nathan?”
Realizing her careless mouth, she quickly said.
“It’s someone I used to know.”
Sensing that she didn't want to talk about this person, he swiftly said.
“I think we are dry enough to get back home now.”
Turning to him, she asked.
“Why are you doing all this?” Then she added. “You barely know me, I barely know you, why did you came to the auction?”
But, before he could reply she asked again. “Why did you take the necklace, and then give it back to me?
He really didn't want to tell her about his involvement with the necklace. However, he knew that soon, she was going to ask those questions.
“The necklace belonged to someone I used to know.” He replied. “But it was a long time ago. It seemed like, that piece of metal was very important to you, so I decided to give it back to you.”
Then he added with a grin. ”As for the auction, aren't you glad that I came to get you?”
Looking at his smug grin, she knew he was right. If it weren't for him, she would have gone home with that horrible cyborg, and the thought of that made Zoree shiver.
Not saying a word, she nodded her head, and then she started to put her boots back on. Walking back to the bike, they left the beach.
That night, when Zoree was lying in bed, thoughts of all kinds were going through her head. Thinking back to how her life had changed in the past few weeks from being alone and depressed, to being happy and to having someone, made her feel good. However, she still wasn't sure about his true intentions. But, just thinking about what almost happened in the water between them filled her with great excitement. For some reason, she wanted to experience his touch again. The feeling he gave her when he held her up in the water, yes, she wanted to feel that again. Despite his metal body parts, deep inside Zoree was yearning for him and quickly getting up, she started to walk toward her closed door. Standing by the door, her trembling hand was hovering over the doorknob, while her heart was racing in her chest.
Rogan’s hand slowly closed on his doorknob, while he stood inside of his room. He truly wanted to open it and rush to her. His crazed mind was in turmoil over the strange and unexplained feelings that he had felt for Zoree.
He hadn't felt this way for a long time, and it filled him with great happiness. However, at the same time it also made him feel truly scared. As he contemplated by the door, suddenly memories of his past rushed into his mind, tearing down the happy thoughts he felt at this very moment.
Pulling his hand away, he let it drop to his side. Turning around, and placing his back onto his door, he slowly slid down, burying his head into his hands.
Zoree gradually lowered her hand. Turning around, she went back to bed and pulled the covers over her head. Her inner demons were telling her to stay away and don't get involved. In her heart she knew that she had to keep her distance. She didn't want to experience the feeling of losing someone ever again.
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