《Marked (The Crystal Saga series book 2)》The power of knowledge
Rogan was working on his machines in the kitchen when Zoree entered.
Without looking up, he said.
“Good morning.”
“Good morning.” Zoree replied, as she walked to the sink to get some water. It was still new to her to drink from the tap. No more rain water, she thought filling up her glass. Sipping her water, she watched him working on the lie detectors. His face looked serious, as he turned a dial on the back of the machine. Leaning against the other side of the counter, Zoree spoke up.
“What are you going to do with those?”
Still concentrating on his work, he replied.
“I’m a type of person who likes to hear the truth. That is why I chose to fix them.” Looking up, he said. “We use these for our interrogations. There are many out there who wouldn't be able to pass them.”
Placing his tools on the counter, he extended his arm and motioned her to place her hand into his.
Staring at his hand, she reluctantly put her hand into his feeling his warm skin on hers. Placing two metal rings on her thumb and index finger, he then turned on the machine. Holding her hand, he looked into her eyes, and asked.
“Is your name Zoree?”
Trying to slow down her rapid heartbeats, she replied.
“Yes, my name is Zoree.”
Still staring into her eyes, he asked again.
“Are you from Earth?”
“Is your eye color green?”
“Yes.” She replied again, while she started to feel a little uncomfortable about this situation.
“Are you a hunter?”
“Yes, I am.”
However, the next question he asked was a little shocking to hear.
“Did you love your father?”
For a second, she didn't answer. Then taking a deep breath, she said.
“With all my heart.”
Letting her hand go, he pulled the metal rings off her fingers, and with an expression of approval, he said.
“You passed.”
Feeling a momentary relief, she was about to leave, when he reached over and grabbed ahold of her hand again.
“I almost forgot something.” He said staring into her wide surprised eyes.
“What is it?” She inquired.
“I have to mark you, so you’ll be able to leave the house and stay safe.”
“Mark me?” She quickly asked not understanding what is going on. “What do you mean by that?”
“Here on Kaliv” Rogan started to explain to her. “We have a strict tradition we call claiming.”
Claiming? What does he mean by that? She confusingly thought.
“On Earth you are married, but here you are claimed.” Stopping for a second and still looking into her eyes, he continued. “Once a Toraan claims a partner, it is for life. After that, no one else can claim that person, except on two occasions. When the other person dies, or when there is total defiance by the claimed person.” With a solemn face, he added. “Being defiant while claimed is never a smart thing to do.”
“What happens to that person?” Zoree asked feeling a little tense under his gaze and touch.
“You don't want to know.” His answer made Zoree tremble slightly. Then she asked.
“How is this claiming done?” Zoree wanted to know.
“It’s done by consummation.” Rogan casually replied. “Then a mark is placed on the claimed person that he or she wears for life.”
Hearing that, now Zoree felt really awkward to be this close to him. Trying to pull her hand back, he suddenly held it tighter, and said.
“If I don't mark you someone else might, and you may never know who would be that person.”
Instantly, the tall cyborgs image invaded her mind. Swallowing hard, she nervously asked.
“Where do you want to do this?”
Seeing her frightened expression, Rogan didn't want to go through with it. Not like this, he thought with disheartenment.
“There is another way.” He explained. “But this one is temporary and also fairly illegal. However, it won't include consummation.”
As soon as he said that, her expression quickly changed, but for a second there, he thought he saw a flick of disappointment in her eyes.
Letting her arm go, he called for ZON and instructed him on what to do. Walking up to Zoree, ZON asked her to extend her left arm, palm facing up.
“Will this hurt?” Zoree nervously asked.
With his monotone voice, ZON answered.
“Not at all.”
While Rogan watched, ZON placed his hand on Zoree’s forearm, and then pressing down a little, he marked her. On contact Zoree felt a pleasurable warm feeling. As he lifted his robotic hand up, with fascination, Zoree noticed there were strange markings on her pale skin.
Amazed, she carefully examined her new markings, by lightly touching them. As she ran her fingers over them, the only thing she felt was her smooth skin.
“Now you have to remember.” Rogan warned her. “This marking is only temporary. If anyone would closely examine in it, they would know that it’s not authentic.“
“What is the difference between this and an authentic one?” She asked.
“First, a real marking would be permanent.” Rogan replied. “Second, when touched, it would be slightly elevated, similar to a scar.”
“ZON would do that as well?” She asked staring at her arm.
“No.” With a small smile he replied. “That time I will be the one who would mark you.” Turning away from her, he walked away and said. “I have to go run some errands. I’ll be back for dinner.”
“Er, what am I supposed to do why you are gone?” Zoree asked with slight apprehension.
Turning back to her, he said. “Whatever you like. If you want, ZON can show you around the city, there is a lot for you to see.” With that, he walked into the garage. Taking the bike, he left the house.
Inside the City of Yora was something that Zoree found very interesting. Beside the huge crowd and the tall, modern buildings that occupied most of the city grounds, there were also smaller and very uniquely shaped ancient buildings as well. When she asked ZON about them, his reply was that these very old buildings were indeed temples that were erected for the Londaars.
They stopped at the front of one of them, which looked bigger than the others. After getting out of the vehicle, they approached it.
The outside of the sand colored building looked simple, with some strange markings above the huge rounded doorway. These markings reminded Zoree of hers. Entering, she found herself within a very old temple. Inside the air was pleasantly cool and as she looked around row after row, tall, lean pillars were holding up the large flat roof decorated with intricate designs.
Each pillar was also marked with the same intricate design, and some even had nice pictures sculpted on their rough surfaces. In amazement, she touched one slightly, feeling the coolness and the roughness of the stone under her fingertips.
In the middle of the temple stood two large stone statues. At the foot of the statues were many cyborgs lighting up long, dark candles, while whispering prayers amongst themselves. When she got closer, she noticed the statues were alien sculptures.
Their long arms and legs, and large heads were slightly disproportionate to their tall, lean bodies. The taller alien had a flat, wide chest, while the other, slightly smaller one had a narrower, rounder chest. This must be the male, Zoree thought, looking at the tall one, and this must be the female, looking at the other one. On the male’s forehead were three round discs, just like the doctor had on her temples, but his was in a triangle shape and in the middle of his forehead. On the female’s forehead she only saw one disc. So amazed by all these new experiences, Zoree didn’t even hear when ZON approached her. When he spoke up, Zoree jumped a little hearing his loud voice.
“I could see you’re already fascinated with them.”
Turning to him, she asked.
“Who are they?”
“They are the makers of Rogan’s people. We call them Londaars.” He explained. “These aliens are very intelligent. For some reason, one day they decided to collect humans from all across the universe. Then bringing all of them to Kaliv, they enhanced them with special features.”
Furrowing her eyebrows, Zoree asked. “You mean from Earth, right?”
“Not just Earth, but other planets as well.” ZON replied looking at Zoree’s confused face.
“There are no other planets besides Earth with people, right?” Zoree pressed on, even though she sensed that his answer would be something completely different.
“Of course there are.” He said looking at her. “There are plenty of planets just like yours out there.” Then he added. “Because you don't know about them, it doesn't mean they do not exist.”
This type of theory was something that Zoree and all humans knew from old books, but was never proven. A very long time ago, more than a thousand years before she was born, people of Earth tried so hard and so many times to find life within their galaxy or even within other galaxies. With no success and the crumbling and diseased environment that took a huge toll on everyone, they all had to give up on this unrealistic dream.
“It’s good to know that we were never alone.” She said amused. Then she asked.
“You mentioned something about some special features. What does that mean?”
“The Toraan race as you could see is based on human genes. However, they are not truly humans, but something more.” ZON said while they started to walk toward the back of the temple.
“Their brains works different than a regular human brain. With their special enhancements they are able to do things that you for example would never be able to do.”
“Such as?” She asked with great interest.
“They are able to slow down their heartbeats and metabolism to a minimal level, which they do when traveling in space for long periods of time. Also, their brain function allows them to block pain completely if necessary. Or on the contrary, feel more intense pleasure.”
Zoree was awestruck to hear all this. So that is how Rogan’s brain works, she thought with amazement.
“What else can they do?” Zoree asked as they reached a smaller section of the temple.
“They are a very intelligent race. That is something you will find out by experience. Also, when you and Rogan have children, they would inherit his abilities as well.”
At the mentioning of children, Zoree felt a knot in her stomach. Quickly she tried to think of something else to ease her sudden anxiety.
“How far are we from Earth?” She asked changing the subject.
“I do not know the exact number, but I know it takes about two years to get from Earth to here.” ZON replied.
Zoree couldn't believe what she just heard.
“Two years?” She asked incredibly. Then she added. “But I only slept for a night in that sleeping pod.”
“To you it might have seemed like you were sleeping for only one night, but in reality, you slept for two years.” ZON casually replied.
Feeling astonished, she asked again.
“So I aged two years since I left Earth?”
“No Zoree, you didn't.” ZON replied. “In cryosleep you barely age at all. While you are in cryostasis, your natural body functions are at their minimal level. In two years you only aged a day or two, not more than that.”
Zoree was glad to hear that. Looking around, she noticed a large cage in the middle of this section of the temple. There was an animal within the cage. Approaching it, she noticed there was a force field around it slightly shimmering in the air.
“What is this?” Zoree asked with confusion.
Standing beside her, ZON replied. “This primal and very dangerous animal is called, Gorar, and is one of the reasons we have the Protectors within this city.”
“Gorar?” She asked. Then she asked again. “Protectors?”
“The Protectors are a group of cyborgs who hunt down and kills these bloodthirsty savages, to protect our simple and peaceful lives.” ZON explained. “Without them, this city would be defenseless.”
“What about Rogan and his cyborgs?” She asked. “Do they protect as well?”
“Their protection is more on a planetary level Zoree.” He replied as his dark eyes looked at her. Then he added. “If war, or any threat that is imminent to the planet would fall upon us, Rogan with Captains of other regions would go and defend us all.”
“So, he would have to leave and go to war?” She asked with a worried tone.
“Yes, Zoree.”
Somehow this information bothered her. She didn't want him to go and leave her here alone. And the thought that from one of these missions he might never come back filled her whole being with apprehension.
The animal, which was similar to a gorilla, was sitting on the hard ground. Watching him, a sudden feeling of sadness engulfed her.
“Why does he have to be kept in here?”
“To show everyone how dangerous these beings can be, and to avoid them at all times.” ZON replied in his monotone voice.
Looking at the animal, on his wide, elongated head, he had two large pointed ears standing up. His protruding lower jaw was full of long, sharp teeth that looked really menacing to Zoree. His hairless muscular upper body was bent over as he sat there blankly staring at the ground. Lifting his head up, suddenly, he sniffed the air, and then his head turned toward Zoree.
Looking into his eyes for a second she felt mesmerized. Slowly getting up he approached her. Standing on the other side of the force field, his large body towered over Zoree’s small frame, and then he sniffed the air again. When he lowered his head, to Zoree it looked like he was making a bow. Then he straightened up and looked into her eyes. In those eyes, Zoree saw not a savage animal, but something far beyond, something more intelligent.
“You must be a very likable person, Zoree.” ZON said motioning toward the animal, and then he added. “Not just Rogan, but looks like the Gorar likes you as well.”
Looking at ZON, with a hint of excitement, she asked.
“Did he say anything about me?”
“Not much. But I know him, and I know when he is happy, and I can tell, he likes you a lot Zoree.”
Hearing his words gave Zoree a pleasant shiver down her spine. She couldn't wait for tonight when she’d see him again.
Leaving the temple behind, and while driving down on one of the highways, Zoree asked.
“Can you take me to the Protectors, please?”
“Certainly.” ZON replied. “But, why would you want to go there?”
“You mentioned earlier, they were hunters, right?”
“Indeed I did.” ZON replied.
“I want to see if I can sign up with them, to become a hunter.” Zoree eagerly said.
“I don't think Rogan would like that.” ZON replied.
Rolling her eyes, she said. “He cannot expect me to sit home and do nothing, while he is out there somewhere all day doing, whatever he's doing or fighting a war on some other planet.” Then she added. “I’m just not the type of woman who likes to sit home.”
“If you referring to getting bored while at home, we could train together sometimes if you want to, or at least we could do it until you are with child.” ZON casually said.
Again, the mentioning of children came up, which Zoree wasn't appreciating. Instead of replying to that particular subject, she said. “I would love to do that ZON, but first let me sign up with the Protectors.”
Within twenty minutes, they arrived to a large metal building that reminded Zoree of a huge industrial hangar.
Inside, to Zoree’s amazement, Lydia was sitting at a long, large desk, typing something into a computer. When she looked up, in an instant, her face brightened up, then with a huge smile she quickly jumped up. Coming around the desk, she tightly hugged the awestruck Zoree.
“Oh my.” She chimed. “The Lord is great.”
Letting Zoree go, she looked into her eyes, and said.
“I’m so happy to see you again Zoree.” Then she asked. “Where have you been?”
Composing herself, Zoree replied. “I’m okay, but to see you here was a great surprise.”
“What are you doing here?” Zoree asked looking into her gleeful eyes.
“I’m working.” She quickly replied. Then looking behind Zoree, Lydia noticed ZON quietly standing there.
Still eyeing ZON, she whispered to Zoree. “Is that him?”
Suppressing a smile, and with a serious face, Zoree replied.
“Yes, it’s him.”
Still whispering, Lydia said. “Looks like I was luckier than you.”
With a make believe concerned face, Zoree asked. “What do you mean?”
Pulling her further away from ZON, Lydia resumed.
“You do remember how scared I was, right?“ When Zoree nodded Lydia rolled up her sleeve and on her left forearm she had a very similar mark, but hers was definitely real. “Look at this.” She said with a smile. “This is something I would cherish forever.”
Zoree was glad she had her jacket on where her fake mark was hiding underneath. She definitely didn't want to show that to Lydia.
“You look really happy Lydia, I guess everything worked out in your favor.”
Still smiling she said. “Oh Zoree, I have never been happier since my abduction.” Then in a whisper, she said. “Let me tell you something, these cyborg men they really know how to treat a women, especially in bed.” Then she added. “I can't wait to finish my shift, and go home and see him again.”
“Oh, wow he must be really something.” Zoree said with a hint of jealousy watching Lydia's glowing expression.
“So, what brought you in here?” Lydia asked, quickly changing the subject.
“I came here today, to sign up with the Protectors.” Zoree replied.
“I’m not sure if they would allow you to do that, but let me ask Dela. She is my boss, she could tell you if you would be able to sign up.” Turning away from Zoree, she said. “Just wait here. I’ll be back in a jiff.”
Smiling to herself, Zoree walked back to the waiting ZON.
“You know I heard every word she said to you, right? ” Then he added. “Very interesting conversation.”
Shrugging and with a smile, Zoree said. “She’s just Lydia, being Lydia.”
A few minutes later Lydia came back with a female cyborg. On her tall, lean figure she wore a very fitting black, long sleeve top with matching long pants and knee high black leather boots. The only outstanding color she had on her was her bright blonde long hair that brushed her sculpted shoulders. After sizing Zoree up with her blue artificial eyes, she said.
“Lydia told me, you were a hunter.”
“Yes I am.” Zoree replied staring into her mesmerizing blue eyes. Not just her eyes that were outstanding on her young pretty face, but on either side of her face a thin black metal piece was running down from her ears all the way to her chin. Cutting through her right eyebrow, was another thin piece of metal strip, adored with tiny white lights.
“My name is Dela Qaln. For generations, my family was entrusted to hunt down and kill the Gorar. To my knowledge, we rarely allowed a human to become one of us.”
When she looked at ZON, for a split second there was a flicker of recognition in her blue eyes. Turning her attention back to Zoree, her eyes were sizing her up with a strange fascination. Then she said.
“But, we could always make an exception.”
To Lydia she said. “Let her sign up with us, and then send me all of her information.”
Instantly, a wave of excitement rushed through Zoree.
“When can I start?”
Looking at her, Dela replied. “There is a hunt coming up very soon, possibly within a few weeks. I will let you know the exact date.”
Stepping closer to Zoree and looking into her eyes, she said.
“There are many of us who never return from some of these hunts. I hope you are aware of how dangerous this job could be.“ Then she added. “Only the bravest and best will survive in this field.”
Turning away from them, she left the room.
“She’s right Zoree.” Lydia said with a worried expression. “This job is very dangerous. My partner is one of the hunters and he has seen many disturbing things over the years. But if this is what you want, I can't stop you.”
“Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine.” Zoree said, as they walked back toward the desk.
Approaching her office, Dela’s mind was on Zoree. She looked simple and small, she thought with distaste, as she entered her office.
Sitting down at her desk, she opened Zoree’s file, just to be confirm that she is who Dela thought she would be. I can't believe he chose her over me, this puny human, who could never measure up to him like I would have, Dela thought with anger. However, she couldn't believe her luck either. This human would be killed in the first hunt and that thought truly excited Dela. That is why she let Zoree sign up, hoping she would perish soon and when it happens, I could finally get what I have been wanting for a long time now, she thought with anticipation.
Leaning back on her comfortable chair and closing her eyes, Rogan’s handsome face appeared behind her closed eyelids. How she would love to have him. How she yearned for him for years now. Even befriending the woman she despised, just to be able to be close to him. And when she was gone, the excitement she felt was so great Dela couldn't contain herself.
Never revealing her true feelings to Rogan, she stayed in the shadows admiring him from afar. But, she knew the time will come, when he would be longing to have a family again and that is when she would reveal herself to him and be marked by him forever. However, there was one more thing, which Dela knew might interfere with her dreams. It was the great grudge that the two families held against one another for centuries now.
It started between Rogan’s great-great grandfather, Astor and her great- great grandfather, Vos. Both men were competing for the same military position and for the same woman. They fought one another and after Astor injured Vos, he took over the military and also took the woman as well. Vos’ pride and body were gravely damaged and from then on, the two families disliked each other immensely. Eventually, Vos established the Protectors when the Gorar showed up in the woods and the mountains. That is how her family became hunters and Protectors of the city.
She knew her brother Kano would not approve her decision, but she still held hope that one day this old family feud will end and she would become Rogan’s mate and give him the children he desires the most. With a smile, she imagined how it would be.
When Zoree and ZON got home, the excitement she felt was so great, she asked him to go downstairs and train with her.
Taking her jacket off, and quickly removing her boots, she picked up one of the metal spears. With a fighter's stance, she waited for ZON to attack. ZON also picked up one of the spears and quickly he attacked Zoree, which she swiftly counterattacked, then spinning the spear over her head, she lunged at him with full force.
“Not bad.” ZON said. “But, not too great either.” Saying that, he swept her feet out from under her making Zoree fall backward. The impact was a surprising one, but painless. Then quickly she did a push up kick, standing up ready to continue. Holding the spear in both hands, she thrusted the blunt edge at ZON’s head, but before it reached his head, she quickly changed her aim and stabbed him in the stomach area, which made a loud clanking sound.
“Ouch.” ZON’s monotone voice was heard.
With a worried face she quickly asked. “Did I hurt you?”
“Don’t be silly. I’m just making a human joke.” He said, swiftly attacking Zoree. So occupied with their training they didn't see Rogan standing at the foot of the stairs, watching them fight. After a few minutes, he spoke up.
“ZON, I’ll take it from here.”
They both stopped and looked at him, as he removed his jacket and gloves. Then taking off his boots, he gestured ZON to bring him the weapon. Approaching him, ZON gave him the spear, and then he left the room.
“ZON took it very easy on you, but I won’t. Are you up for a challenge?” Rogan asked with a mischievous grin, spinning the spear so quick, the only thing Zoree saw was black blur above his head.
“Bring it.” She encouraged him with a smile. But when he didn't make a move, Zoree attacked first. Quickly blocking her strike, he swiftly turned around, slamming the edge of his weapon down on her backside, making Zoree flinch.
“Did I hurt you?” He asked with a huge grin.
Not saying anything, she attacked him again, but this time changing her aim, she aimed for his head, but instead, she hit his metal neck.
“Are you trying to kill me?” He said amused. Quickly spinning the spear again, he managed to hit her in the same spot. And this time he hit her harder, making her flinch again, as she cried out.
A sudden frustration took ahold of her. Changing her tactics, she aimed at his legs. But as he blocked the attack, the end of her weapon got entangled into his loose T-shirt and as she pulled her spear back, the shirt came with it, exposing his strong upper body for Zoree to see.
For a second she stood there awestruck. This was the first time she saw him without his shirt and the view was something remarkable, Zoree thought while she couldn't take her eyes off of him. There was a smooth transition where his flesh met his metal neck. Despite the color differences, it looked almost natural, and the same applied to his arm as well. These robotic parts were a part of him, which Zoree knew with time she would get used to and maybe even love. No, she quickly thought, I can’t do that.
Taking advantage of her surprised state, he swiftly attacked her knocking her backward. As soon as Zoree hit the floor, in a split second he was on top of her, hovering over her body. Breathing heavy, Zoree’s wide eyes looked into his while his face was only inches from hers. As he leaned over to kiss her, she quickly spoke up.
“I signed up with the Protectors today.”
In an instant, his expression changed. Looking at her and with an angry tone, he asked.
“You did what?”
“You cannot expect me to sit home and be a good wife and do nothing while you are out.”
First his face looked surprised and then confusion took over his handsome features. Instantly she regretted her cold sarcastic reply, but it was too late to take it back now.
Pushing himself off of her, and sitting back on his heals, he said.
“You are forbidden to do that Zoree. I do not allow you to join them.”
Quickly sitting up, she abruptly retorted.
“Am I your slave, or am I a person who can freely do whatever her heart desires?”
Her stubbornness surprised him, but somehow he sensed that she was not the type of woman who wanted to stay home. On the other hand, he knew how dangerous was the life of a Protector, and if he could help it he would never allowed her to do that type of job. Also, it came as a surprise for him that they let a human sign up with them.
Standing up, he said. “This is my final say, you’re forbidden to do that.”
Extreme anger and frustration started to boil up inside Zoree watching him looking down on her. She didn't ask for this. She didn't ask for all this to happen to her. She wanted to be free and do whatever she wished to do. And now this man, who stood in front of her was telling her that she was forbidden to do something that she truly wanted to do, in an instant, Zoree’s mind went mad. Getting up, and standing in front of him, with accusing eyes, she asked.
“Why are you doing this Rogan? What do you really want from me?”
When he stayed silent, she continued. “There must be a reason why you came to the auction that day. I’m not stupid you know. I could feel that something is going on here, but I just don't know what it is.” Placing her hand onto her chest, she asked.
“Who was the person this necklace belong to?”
Rogan knew he should tell her the truth, but he was also scared that if he did that, he might lose her for good.
“Answer me!” Zoree yelled, her eyes intently looking into his.
Taking a deep breath, he said. “To answer your questions. The necklace you keep so dear to your heart belonged to my father. The father that your father killed decades ago.”
Zoree was in complete shock. Looking into his worried eyes, she removed her trembling hand from her chest, while he continued. “When I told my mother about you, she was begging me to give you to her, so she can do her strange and unorthodox experiments on you. But I said no to her, so I can keep you safe.”
The words that came out of his mouth were truly frightening and deeply disappointing. The only reason he came to get her that day was because what happened in the past between their fathers. The only reason he was interested in her because of this stupid necklace she cared about for so long. This stupid thing was the only thing that caught his attention and nothing else. Zoree wanted to scream from the frustration and pain she felt right now. How stupidly naive I was, she thought, while she reached into her shirt and ripped the necklace from her neck and threw it at his feet.
“Keep it.” She bitterly said. “It belongs with you.” Then she added. “You shouldn't have come to the auction, it was a waste of money for your games.”
“I don't play games, Zoree.” Rogan said, stepping closer.
Backing away from him, she asked. “Then why are you doing this, please tell me?
Stepping closer still, his intense stare penetrated into her glossy eyes.
“This necklace means nothing to me anymore. It's been a very long time and I have moved on. The one thing I truly desire is you Zoree. Only you.”
Listening to him, her chest rose with each breath, while her breathing became rapid and uneven.
“I like you Zoree.” His pleading eyes roamed all over her face, and then he said. “I would love to do nothing more, but to touch you and kiss you right now.”
Seeing the tears running down on her pretty face, he swiftly rushed to her, and instantly pressed his hungry lips onto hers. Holding her trembling body in his strong arms, his tongue found hers giving him a feeling of pure ecstasy. This was something they both yearned for a while now. And to actually experience it, was truly breathtaking.
While passionately kissing, his hands slowly ran down on her back, reaching her firm, shapely backside, squeezing them lightly. Breaking their kiss, his hungry mouth traveled down her soft white neck, making pleasurable small kisses as he reached the top of her shirt. With his hand, he lightly touched one of her breasts feeling the erect nipple through the soft fabric. Slowly lowering her to the floor, Rogan felt her body tremble, as she cradled his hips with her legs.
Zoree’s hands were roaming all over his chiseled abs and back, feeling each perfect muscle beneath his skin. Then, her hands slid up on his back toward his neck, where to her amazement, the metallic part was smooth and pleasantly cool beneath her fingertips. As she cradled his waist with her legs, she could feel his great arousal pushing against her already sensitive parts, while his robotic hand slowly advanced toward her bare breast beneath her shirt.
As he gently enclosed on her soft breast, even though Rogan couldn't feel anything, he wanted to show her that there was nothing to be afraid of when touched by it.
Feeling the smooth, cool metal against her heated skin was something unexpected, but very pleasurable. Then, his mouth came down on her breast and through the fabric of her shirt with a slow circling motion he licked the erect and very sensitive nipple now, while Zoree’s whole body trembled with great pleasure.
Zoree felt lost within his kisses and touches. She wanted nothing more, but to give herself to him. It had been years since she felt a man’s touch and the sensation that engulfed her body right now was just overwhelmingly beautiful.
Rogan had to control his great excitement, because feeling this raw and pure desire for Zoree was now getting unbearable for him. He wanted to take her right now. As he started to unbutton her pants, suddenly fearful thoughts of becoming pregnant came into Zoree’s dazed mind, and in an instant, she stopped his hand, and then pushed up on his body.
“Please…. Rogan…. I can't do this.” Her emotional tone surprised him.
“What’s wrong? Did I hurt you?” He quickly asked, realizing her body was shivering under his.
Shaking her head and with tearful eyes she replied, as she sat up.
“Not at all.”
With trembling hands, she fixed her shirt and put her boots back on, while Rogan watched her with a puzzled expression. Without saying anything else, she ran out of the room.
Sitting on the floor, Rogan felt confused. He didn't understand why she stopped him. To him, it felt like she was enjoying this as much as he was. When he heard the front entrance door open, quickly he ran upstairs. Rushing out of the house and scanning the area, he caught a glimpse of her disappearing into the dark woods. Quickly, he ran back to get his boots, hoping to find her before someone else did.
- In Serial229 Chapters
Heretical Oaths
Volume 1 is complete! Volume 2 is complete! Volume 3 is updating on Sundays and Thursdays! Since times long lost to history, magic power has been gained through a contract with divinity. The vast majority of mages are pacted to the eight core gods and the sixty-four lesser ones. Lily Syashan—formerly Lily of House Byron—holds an oath to a forgotten god. Exiled into a peasant village after her parents were executed for treason, Lily swore that she would gain power and succeed where her family failed. To build her power, she will need to kill, destroy, and ruin. Whether her target is an Altered monster or another human getting in her way, Lily will need to be ready to defeat them all. The journey to the top won’t be an easy one, but Lily is prepared to do whatever it takes to finish it. You can read three chapters ahead (number subject to increase) and support Heretical Oaths at my Patreon. Link to my Discord! Updates on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays at around 12 PM PST. Disclaimer: This fiction contains multiple LGBTQ+ characters.
8 399 - In Serial24 Chapters
Lost in the New World
During an intense battle in the wastelands of the New World, Fel Evenstar fell into a mysterious cavern, activating a portal that whisked him to the underground world. Follow Fel Evenstar on his journey through the New World, encountering strange creatures, exploring the ancient art of magic, and adapting it to his modern technology. I publish a chapter every Sunday and I hope that you'll enjoy this novel!
8 241 - In Serial22 Chapters
Your average Reborn Game System story, similar to The Gamer and Solo Leveling. Written for fun rather than novilization like the others, so it is smaller and less intense. It is set in an AU Warhammer based on a slightly modified version of Warhammer Fantasy's End Times.. So you might notice names and events but don't expect it all to go the same way. And the Main Character is not the only Player in this game~ I'm kind of a catastrophe when it comes to ethic and drive. So don't be alarmed if there isnt an update for a week or three. Or if there is three updates at once. It's a rewrite of the Rehammer that is around, which means the start is mostly the same with some small changes. Chapter 15 is the first fully new chapter of the book. though Chapter 14 has a large addition. You effectively can skip to that and not missing anything major if you read the old one, if you don't wanna rewrite.
8 82 - In Serial9 Chapters
The Necromancer's Notebook
Typist's Note History of File #004789301: -Original stored in filing cabinet of one Detective Greary of Arkham police department until death in 1913 from heart attack, then moved to “Cold Case” cabinet in main office. - Originals relabeled “Case File #0003876: Evidence: Open” and moved to APD sub basement one, cabinet 08. July 8th 1925. - Box labeled “Case File#0003876: Evidence: Open” moved as part of district consolidation to Boston Police Headquarters Retention Room 10, row 9, shelf 5. April 30th 1975 - Contents of Box labeled “Case File#0003876: Evidence: Open”, reviewed by Retention Clerk Casey Damaset #11238 and labeled for removal. Contents of original documents typed by #11238 and refiled as document #004789301 in Final Retention cabinet January 2nd 1993 before originals were destroyed. Originals comprised mostly of handwritten notes stored loose leaf in a box with no discernible organization or order. For the most part seem to have been pulled from the same notebook approximately two inches by four in dimensions, bound along the spine like an old pocket book. No indication was made anywhere of the manner in which these documents came into the original officer’s possession. They have been recorded in the order in which they were found, with appropriate notes included to indicate where materials have deviated from the norm. Priority for retention: Low. Labeled for destruction at Final Retention Cycle end 2010. To read in full: Click here. Or start the first chapter.
8 151 - In Serial47 Chapters
The Monster Within
Ever since they were kids, Odion sensed something otherworldly about his twin brother, Apollo. The night their foster parents were murdered confirmed what Odion had felt all along. Seven years have passed since that fateful night, and those paranormal events still haunt Odion. Something far beyond human comprehension lurks within Apollo, and keeping it a secret is of Odion’s utmost importance. However, his deepest fears rise to the surface when a list of grisly murders takes place the night of their high school dance, making Apollo a prime suspect. Knowing the police will be no match for him, Odion embarks on a mission to take his brother down—even if that means he dies trying. Apollo knows he’s innocent of the crimes that took place the night of the dance. But with virtually no way of clearing his name and nearly every task force unit in the province of Ontario searching for him, Apollo is forced to make a decision. Sacrifice his freedom for a heap of crimes he didn’t commit or defend his rights by unleashing the monster he had buried within, even if that means many innocent lives will be forfeited. The Monster Within is the first book in Marcel Jones’ urban fantasy series A Life of Fear. If you liked Vicious, Carrie, Akira, or Chronicle, and you want to be transported to a world where having superpowers could end up costing you your life, you will love reading this page-turning thriller.
8 81 - In Serial8 Chapters
Camp Camp ~ includes a new LGBT character :)
A new camper arrives at Camp Campbell and Max thinks the new camper seems to be here under suspicious circumstances. Max does some digging and pulls up this new camper's history with two other camps.I think it would be cool and amazing to have a transgender character in Camp Camp... this is just a cute idea I had one sleepless night. If you have any suggestions on what I should change or add let me know :)*Please know the image is not mine - the original artist can be found here https://funcdyscat.tumblr.com
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