《Marked (The Crystal Saga series book 2)》Kaliv
In the dream, Zoree was back in her empty little house. Walking through her living room and passing her mother’s room, she headed toward Kayla’s. As she approached the room, she noticed a soft, calming light filtering through the slightly ajar door into the dark hallway.
Stopping in front of the door, for a few seconds, her hand hovered over the doorknob. Then, she slowly opened the door wider. There was something small bundled up in a white blanket on top of Kayla’s bed.
As she approached it, to her surprise, it made a gurgling sound, and then it moved. Reaching out, she opened the blanket and saw a beautiful baby with dark eyes looking at her. His chubby little hands grabbed onto her fingers, squeezing them lightly. Lifting the baby into her arms, an immense love and happiness engulfed Zoree.
“Hello there.” She said, with a big smile.
As soon as the toothless little mouth opened, a small, cute giggle enveloped Kayla’s room.
Looking into the baby’s dark brown eyes, she smilingly asked.
“Who are you little one?”
Suddenly, she felt a gentle tug on her neck. Looking down, she saw the medallion was back, and now it was within the baby’s grasp. With a surprised face, Zoree watched as the baby lifted the medallion to his little round face. Then placing it into his mouth, he softly suckled on the foreign metal, like it was a pacifier.
She was about to take it from him, when suddenly the door slammed and a familiar humming sound started to fill up the room. When she looked down, the baby was gone, but not the medallion.
When she woke up, the first thing Zoree felt was extreme nausea. Then the headache followed. Opening her eyes, she saw a bright light above her head coming from the top of the sleeping pod, which was slowly opening letting the cool, clean air inside.
Lifting her hand in front of her, she ran her fingers over the smooth plastic shell that was almost completely open now. All around her, people were waking up, but not everyone took it so well. The man next to Zoree was leaning over his pod and emptying his stomach onto the smooth floor right under Zoree’s pod. The nauseated feeling returned with full force, and she had to really concentrate to keep everything down. She quickly had to look away before she was going to do the same.
When everyone was awake, the cyborgs rounded all of them up. Then in a single file, escorted them into a large hangar. On one side of the wall was a big square metal door. Standing at the back of one of the line and while looking all around, Zoree heard muted cries and scared whispers from her fellow humans, who were slowly pushed closer to the large door.
Zoree had no idea what was behind it. The fear and anticipation was now making her body shiver and shake. Then, she felt a hand on her back. As she turned around, her eyes locked with the tall cyborg. Pushing her forward, he almost made Zoree collide with the young woman in front of her.
A few minutes had passed, then with a very loud sound, the big door slowly lifted up. Everyone froze. All eyes were on the door that was now halfway open, letting in a blinding light, which brightened up the darkened hangar.
As the door opened wide, squinting into the blinding whiteness, all Zoree saw first was brightness. Then, as her eyes started to adjust, she saw buildings of all sizes in the near surroundings. The cyborg, standing behind her, stepped around, and then walked toward the front of the line.
As he ordered people to step off the ship, his deep, loud voice was even heard in the back.
“Come on people, we don’t have all day!”
Slowly, the human lines began to move forward, walking onto alien land. As Zoree got closer to the door, she could see the tall buildings now more clearly. Some even reached all the way into the blue sky.
Stepping off the ship, her worn leather boots made a crunchy sound on the small pebbles that were covering the landing area. Stopping for a second, she looked around, and was truly amazed by this place. The bright blue sky was beautiful with its white and fluffy clouds that were almost touching the top of the tall, lean buildings. As her eyes passed over the area, to her amazement, in the far distance, she saw snow capped mountains. Just like home, she thought with a hint of happiness. As she turned around, her eyes landed on the man, whose dark eyes were looking into hers, as he stood with his arms folded behind his back in the middle of the hangar door. The Captain, she thought with strange excitement. Then, one of the female cyborgs walked up to Zoree and said with a monotone tone.
“Keep going, human.”
Turning forward, Zoree kept walking with the others while she still could sense his piercing gaze on the back of her head. There was a two-story metal building, where all the humans were escorted. Before Zoree entered, she quickly glanced back, only to see the empty doorway now.
Inside, the air was clean and pleasantly cool. They walked everyone through a seemingly endless narrow corridor, which led into a wide and long courtyard. On either side, in every few yards were doors lined up side by side.
Zoree and three other women were placed inside one of these holding cells that reminded her of a prison cell. Lining up the walls were two bunk beds, and one narrow horizontal window, which was facing the only door this cell had. Nervously looking at each other, one of the women, who looked to be in her late forties spoke up first.
“My name is Tilda and I’m from Alaska.” Her brown eyes landed on Zoree, and asked. What is your name?”
“My name is Zoree and I’m from Old Colorado.” She replied looking at them all.
Then, the other two women also introduce themselves. One of them, whose name was Lydia, was in her early twenties and the other who was in her late fifties was named Jackie. Both of these women were from The Dakotas.
“What do you think is going to happen to us?” Lydia nervously asked, her eyes roaming over the small room.
“Nothing good, that’s for damn sure.” Jackie replied with distaste in her voice.
“There must be a reason we were abducted.” Lydia kept pressing on.
“Everything is happening for a reason, my dear.” Tilda said, as she sat down on one of the lower bunks. Then leaning back, with an expression of approval she said. “This is more comfortable than my lousy mattress at home.”
Zoree kept quiet, and listened to their conversations. She didn't know any of these women, but somehow she found them fascinating as they talked and even laughed. She thought, it was a little odd, giving the situation they were in.
While the women still talked, Zoree took one of the upper bunks. Lying back on her comfortable mattress, she closed her eyes, and tried to recall her strange, but nice dream she had on the ship.
Later that day, the cell door opened and with a tray in her hand, a female robot with pale synthetic human face walked in, and placed the tray onto the only table they had within the cell, beneath the narrow window.
Zoree and the other three were in complete shock to see this robotic person being in the room with them. As soon as she placed the tray of food down, without saying a word, she quickly turned, then left the room, leaving the awestruck women behind.
“Did you see that…thing?” Jackie spoke up with an astonished voice.
Then Lydia’s nervous voice was heard. “Do you think they are going to turns us into that?”
“They better not.” Tilda replied, and then she stepped to the table to see what was on the tray. Picking up a nice red apple, she was about to bite into it when Lydia spoke up again in a rushed tone. “It might be poisoned.”
Frozen for a moment, Tilda looked at the enticing apple in her hand, and then shrugging she said.
“I don't care, I'm starving.”
With that, she bit into it, enjoying the sweet, tasty fruit.
“Oh, wow this is good.” She said in between bites.
When she finished the fruit, the other two started to eat as well. From her bunk bed Zoree curiously watch them. Then Jackie threw her a nice shiny red apple.
“Here you go.” She said. “Try one.”
Biting into the delicious fruit, reminded Zoree of the apples she used to get from Mrs. Palmer. This one tasted just like those, she thought incredibly.
Then suddenly, her expression changed into sadness and despair. Putting down the apple, she was thinking about not just Mrs. Palmer, but also her home and the graves, which she might never see again.
When the women finished their food, lying down, one by one they fell asleep; except Zoree. She couldn't sleep at all. Her mind was in turmoil over her abduction and over the people she left behind. In her heart, she knew, she will never see any of them again. Also, she knew she will never see those precious headstones again, and that thought quickly brought tears to her eyes. Placing her hands on her chest, she hoped she still had her necklace. Right now, it would have given her some comfort. Even though, it had belonged to an alien, over the years she had grown to love that medallion, and now she wished it was still with her.
Thinking about the Captain, she tried to hate him for what he did, but somehow she just couldn't. There was something in the way he looked at her, Zoree found very interesting. Almost as if he was looking for something in her to find. The more she tried not to think of him, the more he kept coming back to her confused mind.
Sometime, early in the morning, the door opened again and the same female robot walked in, and then spoke up in a monotone voice.
“Wake up everyone.”
Opening her eyes, Zoree stared at the robot that stood in the middle of the room looking from her to the other women. Her synthetic black eyes landed on Zoree again, and said. “Get up and follow me.”
Reluctantly, all four women followed the robot out of the room. In the courtyard, already many women were standing in front of their opened cell doors with more female robot guards.
“Oh my Lord, this is it.”
Lydia whispered to Zoree, as they were all walking toward the end of the courtyard, where several large doors were present.
Straining her neck to see in front of her, Zoree was curious what was behind those doors. With her five foot three inch height, she was almost lost amongst the other taller women, and was not able to see ahead.
As they got closer to the room, Lydia nervously grabbed ahold of Zoree’s hand and tightly squeezed it. Zoree herself was terrified too, but she tried not to show it, so she let Lydia hold her hand as they walked through the door.
Inside, were numerous metal showerheads sticking out of the white, sterile walled room. In the back section were toilet stalls and sinks lined up side by side against the same white wall.
When all women were inside, one of the robots closed the door, and spoke up.
“Undress now.”
With frightened eyes, all women looked from one to another. When no one made a move, the robot spoke up again.
“Undress now.”
Slowly, some of the women started to take their clothes off. Then, others followed.
Zoree was petrified to take her clothes off in front off all these women. She always felt self-conscious about her body. Even though, she was fit and strong, she never really liked to be naked, not even around Nathan. Every time they made love, she made sure the lights were turned down, so he wouldn't see the stretch marks covering her soft skin just below her belly button.
He always told her not to be ashamed about it that this was just a beautiful reminder of their child she carried under her heart for nine months. But to her, was still uncomfortable. And now she was forced to do something that she would have never done, if it were up to her. Still fully dressed, Zoree looked to her roommates to see that all of them already took their clothes off. Holding their bundled up clothing in front of their stomach, covering up their privates.
Suddenly, Zoree felt a strong grip on her shoulder. Turning around, she was face to face with one of the robot guards.
“Undress now, human.” She ordered in the same monotone, emotionless tone.
Looking into her black artificial eyes, Zoree felt a shiver running down her spine. The robot’s grip was unpleasantly strong, and Zoree didn't want to find out what else this thing could do to her if she wasn't complying with this order. Unwillingly, she took her clothes off, while all eyes were on her. Then bundling all of it, she held them in front of her stomach just like the others did.
All of them were ordered to place their clothing in a large plastic bin that stood at one end of the room. Then, all robots were handing out a bar of soap to each and every woman. Within a few seconds, simultaneously all the showerheads turned on, sending warm water down on their naked bodies.
The water feels good, Zoree thought, standing under one of the showerheads. While she lathered her body with the fragrance free soap, she wondered if she would get her clothes back. However, that was not the case. Soon as everyone finished, they were all ushered through a different door, which led to another room. Placed on a long counter top were dark blue uniforms folded on top of each other.
Each woman picked up a uniform. After putting them on, they were separated into groups of ten. One by one, through another door, each group was taken out of the room. Zoree and nine other women of all ages were escorted to a narrow corridor that to her smelled like anxiety, fear, sickness, and confusion. Just like a hospital, she fearfully thought. The unpleasant odor of iodine that lingered in the air was getting stronger as they reached the end of the passageway.
There was a long, narrow metal bench against one side of the wall next to a single white door and that is where the robot guard sat everyone down. One after another, each woman was ordered to enter. When it was Zoree’s turn, with great anxiety she walked through the door and found herself within a white walled, gray mosaic tiled hospital room. Inside was a dark haired woman wearing a white lab coat. Her back was to Zoree and next to her stood one of the robot guards watching Zoree with her dark emotionless eyes. In the middle of the room was a bench, which looked like what a gynecologist used back in Durango, she thought with despair. When the woman turned around, she quickly sized Zoree up with her dark brown eyes, and then she said.
“Please, remove your uniform and lay down on the bench.”
Zoree stared at the woman’s face who appeared to be a doctor of some kind. On her aging, but still beautiful face, she had several dark metallic lines running down not just from her hairline across her forehead, but from under each eye, two metallic strips were coming down all the way to her chin and to her ears. On one of her temples, Zoree noticed two small round metal discs embedded into her skin. Her dark, long straight hair was pulled back into a simple ponytail, and underneath her lab coat, she wore a black uniform jacket with matching black long pants.
Zoree didn't want to take her uniform off, but the way the guard was looking at her now, she had no choice, but to comply.
“What are you going to do to me?” Zoree inquired, as she placed her clothes onto the metal chair that was placed beside the door.
“Nothing that would hurt you, I promise.” The doctor replied. Then she motioned her to get on the bench. Lying on the cool bench, and while pulling on a white plastic glove on each hand, the doctor approached her.
First, she checked Zoree’s wide, fearful eyes, shining a small flashlight into them. Then, she asked her to open her mouth. After checking her mouth, she put the flashlight away, and gently grabbing one of Zoree’s breasts, with a circular motion she started to massage it. When that was done, and finding nothing wrong, she placed her hand on Zoree’s abdomen and slowly pressing down, she checked to make sure everything was in order within her body.
While the doctor examined her, Zoree tried to think about something else. It has been a long time since she had something like this done and Zoree felt really uncomfortable to be exposed like this. Then the doctor asked her to open up her legs, which she kept tightly closed. This was just getting too much for Zoree. She didn't understand why this doctor has to do all these examinations. However, she didn't want to get into trouble either, reluctantly, she spread her legs apart, letting the doctor check her private place. While her fingers were inside Zoree, she said in a formal manner.
“Looks like you had at least one child in the past.”
Zoree slowly nodded while the doctor’s fingers were still searching inside her. Pulling out her fingers, she quickly removed her gloves, discarding them into a trash bin. Placing a machine with a robotic arm above her, she turned it on and ran a scanner over Zoree’s whole body. When the machine finished, she walked back toward her table, where a glowing monitor was present. Then she said.
“You could get dressed now.”
After typing in a few things, and without turning around, she said.
“I need your first name and date of birth.”
“My name is Zoree, with two e’s and my birthday is 3615 March 29th.
Typing this information in, the doctor turned around and swiftly said.
“That’s all for today. You’re good to go.”
“Good to go, where?” Zoree asked incredibly.
“You’ll see very soon.” She replied with a flat tone. Then she motioned toward the guard to escort the patient out.
When Zoree got back into her holding cell, the first thing she noticed was Lydia sitting on one of the beds, crying her eyes out. Squatting down in front of her, Zoree quickly asked.
“What happened? Did they hurt you?”
Between sobs, Lydia shook her head, and then looking up, she said. “I… found out...why we…were taken.”
Still sobbing, she continued. “The doctor who examined me today, she…. told me after I kept asking her why she was doing all of this, she told me.... I’m perfect for…breeding.” Finishing her sentence, she started to cry even harder than before.
Instantly, frantic and scary thoughts crossed Zoree’s troubled mind.
“Are you sure?” Zoree asked with disbelief.
Nodding, she said. “Yes, I’m sure.” Then she added. “And the worse thing is I only slept with one guy before, and that one time we were together was very uncomfortable and painful for me. I cannot imagine to endure the same thing again with some alien man.”
Looking into Zoree’s eyes she continued. “I’m so terrified right now Zoree, what are we going to do?”
Suddenly, something clicked in Zoree’s mind. Then she asked.
“Where are the others? Where are Jackie and Tilda?”
Shaking her head again, Lydia replied. “I don't know. When I came back no one was in here.” Looking into Zoree’s eyes, with a thin smile, she added. “But I’m glad to see you, Zoree.”
None of the older women returned to the cell, not that day and not even the next. It looked like they had disappeared for good.
A few days later, while they were all taking a shower, Zoree found out that only the young and healthy ones that could produce offspring were left behind. All the older women were gone.
So it’s true then, she thought with disheartenment. They’re going to use our bodies for breeding. This was something totally unacceptable to her. She didn't want to get used for anything, especially not for that. Just the thought that she could get pregnant again terrified her to the core. And on top of all, she would be carrying some alien man’s child in her womb made her want to throw up right now. No! She thought with determination, I will not allow that!
Almost two weeks had passed, since their arrival to this planet. While spending time in the holding cell, she also found out other things about this new place. This planet, which was named Kaliv, was about the size of Earth. Indeed, it was very similar to ancient Earth, when the air was still fresh and clean and the waters were still drinkable and poison free. The city where they were staying was called Yora. The cyborgs or Toraan’s were native to this planet and to the city as well for almost five thousands years now.
Taking humans from Earth was one of their many missions throughout the years. Hearing that, Zoree felt a tiny spark of hope that she kept close to her heart, a hope of finding her father.
The next day, early in the morning one of the female robots came into their cell and ordered them to clean up. After the shower, Zoree and Lydia returned to their cell, only to find some new clothes folded on top of their beds.
Picking up the golden colored sheer fabric, Lydia placed it in front of her body, and exclaimed.
“Oh, my Lord, this is gorgeous.” Then she quickly put it on.
She looks beautiful, Zoree thought, looking at her roommate’s happy face. The strapless, sheer golden dress perfectly hugged Lydia’s nice shapely figure. As she spun around, the wide bottom part of her dress, which was almost see through, looked like a beautiful open flower as it flowed through the air. Also, on top of their beds were a pair of golden strappy sandals, which perfectly fit their feet.
Putting on her dress, Zoree felt extremely awkward to wear something like this. Especially those strappy sandals, she would have never worn something like that, if it were up to her. When she was done, Lydia looked at her with amazement, and said.
“You look so beautiful, Zoree.”
Blushing a little, Zoree replied.
“You’re too kind.” Then she added. “What do you think, why did they give us these dresses?”
Instantly, Lydia’s happy face turned into a worried frown. Then she said. “I have no idea, but I hope it’s not some kind of trick.”
Suddenly, the door opened again, and this time two of the robot guards came in and took them outside to a place which none of them had seen before. This new place was a big open flat area just outside the building. Forming a straight line, side-by-side were all the women wearing their golden dresses. On the opposite end of the area were all the human men also dressed up wearing dark uniforms.
Standing next to the trembling Lydia, Zoree’s heart was beating so fast, that she thought it would break through her ribcage. In front of them stood all kind of male and female cyborgs, silently watching them all. Glancing toward the men again, she noticed standing besides them were their robotic male guards, with pale synthetic faces and dark emotionless eyes.
Turning her attention back to the cyborgs, Zoree quickly scanned the crowd, hoping to see one specific face.
Then, the auction began and one by one, women and men were sold off like slaves to the waiting cyborgs. With shaking hands, Lydia had to let go of Zoree’s, when one of the cyborg men bought her off. As Lydia walked away with her young, tall cyborg, Zoree felt exposed without her. The warm wind started to pick up, lifting her long dark hair, and also her dress as well, which she had to keep pushing down with her trembling hands. All around her people were sold off, and she was almost the last one of them when it was her turn.
Standing amongst the others was one cyborg whose artificial blue eyes never left Zoree. His deep penetrating stare gave her the shivers. Every time when someone offered a price for her, he always topped everyone with his offer. Looking at him, Zoree was terrified to go home with a man like him.
Standing taller than the others, his pale skin was marked with black tattoos around the back of his head and on either side of his lower face reaching all the way to his ears, which were also black as well. There was a white vertical stripe painted on his chin beneath his lower lip.
His buzz cut brown hair gave him a military look, and his dark metal neck, which continuously extended into his exposed strong, upper body, cut into his sternum all the way to his upper chest. Both of his wide shoulders and lower arms were also covered with dark metal plates.
He was truly terrifying, and just to think that this man was going to touch her and do more with her, she wanted to die right here, right now. Why does he want me? She thought with despair, while the auction for her carried on.
The auctioneer, who was an older cyborg, spoke up again.
“One hundred and fifty thousand going once. One hundred and fifty thousand going twice.” As he said that, the tall cyborgs blue artificial eyes glowed with excitement.
Then, just as the older cyborg was about to say the offer one final time, someone from the back of the crowd spoke up in a loud, deep voice.
“Three hundred thousand!”
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