《CALL OF THE DAO》Chapter 23


The king and his guards were preparing for war when suddenly they saw an old man. The old man looked at them briefly, seemingly perplexed by their actions, before bolting past them.


That's all the guards could hear before the old man disappeared. The events happened so fast that the guards could not manage to react.

"Your highness!" One of the higher-ranking guards called out to the king while trembling. He wanted the king to advise them on how to proceed.

"Continue being vigilant, don't let your guard down." The king spoke out the only words he could think of.

Mu Lei, the princess, looked at her father, trying to give his soldiers hope, and sighed. It was things like this that made her not want to succeed her father.

The mist blocking the view of the soldiers suddenly cleared. The soldiers were preparing to start firing blindly but what they saw made them hesitate.

They saw a man and a woman, no it wasn't a man and a woman, but instead a boy and a girl staring at them, the boy had long black hair that reached his back, he wore black and white robes, he gave off an aura that demanded worship.

On the other hand, the girl had the same long black hair. Her face had a vague semblance to that of the boy. She was slightly shorter than the boy. She wore a white dress, making her look as delicate as a flower protected from the wind.

The soldiers were scared when they discovered they spent their time observing the two people instead of directly attacking them. Thinking of this, they mobilized their qi and prepared to attack. It was then that they discovered another problem, they couldn't use their powers at all.

The king was also having problems summoning his qi. It seemed that the qi was no longer obeying them.


Mu Lei, on the other hand, looked at the boy. She looked into his eyes and felt she was looking into a black hole. She quickly looked away lest she became mad.

"What's the matter with these people?" Lin Feng muttered to himself after seeing the gathered crowd.

"Do they also want to enter the forbidden land? But why are they armed like they are going to war? Or is it their way of entering the forbidden land?" Lin Feng asked himself several questions, but he found no answer.

He approached one of the people who he assumed to be leading the crowd and asked.

"Is there a problem? Why are you dressed like you are going to war?" Lin Feng asked.

The king saw the two people approaching, but he could do nothing even if he wanted. Hearing the question, the king's fear was off the charts. How was he supposed to say they were indeed preparing for war?

Mu Lei saw her father was unable to answer and quickly came to his aid.

"Seniors, there is no problem. The people are dressed like this because they want to enter the forbidden land." Mu Lei spoke as carefully as she could, even she was surprised by the words that came out of her mouth.

"So that is how it is." Lin Feng nodded at Mu Lei's answer.

"You can go in, but the forbidden land has undergone some changes." Lin Feng spoke to Mu Lei.

Mu Lei and the people gathered heaved a sigh of relief. They then turned and looked towards the forbidden land. They didn't spot any creature they were expecting to fight, the land's appearance confused them. There was no difference between the outside and the forbidden land.

None of them had seen inside the forbidden land before, but it was according to reason that inside a forbidden land should be different. The overabundance of a specific element usually forms a forbidden land.


The southern kingdom expected the inside to be filled with snow, so why was the forbidden land not different from the outside?

Also, why were there no creatures inside? Could the two people have something to do with it? Everyone was having the same thoughts.

"Is that the change he was talking about?" Mu Lei suddenly thought of a possibility.

"To be able to clear a forbidden land by their strength, how powerful are they?" Mu Lei asked herself.

"We shall be going then." Lin Feng suddenly broke the long silence.

"Seniors, please wait." The king finally spoke.

"Is there an issue?" Mei Lin spoke coldly.

The king could feel the voice making his scalp go numb, he almost stopped talking, but he gathered his courage and continued since he had already started the conversation. He could only follow through.

"I wonder if the two seniors have time to visit my house?" The king spoke with fear written all over his face.

Lin Feng was about to reject it when he remembered his purpose for being away from the small mountain was to find new things to do. Maybe he would be lucky and find something new to do. Thinking of this, Lin Feng accepted the invitation.

"I don't see any reason to refuse." Lin Feng replied to the king.

Hearing this, the king was excited, and he praised himself for his courage. When he saw the seniors wanted to go, he had stopped them with impulse, who knew they accepted his invitation.


Thousands of li away from Lin Feng's current position, an old man was breathing heavily.

"I hope this is far enough." The old man spoke to himself.

The old man was the same former lord of the forbidden land of Bing.

"What should I do now that I am free from that cursed place?" The old man was happy now that he had escaped the forbidden land but discovered he had nowhere to go.

He took out the fruit he was given and caressed it lovingly.

"Even though the devils are fierce, I still have to thank them for allowing me to become a saint. The old man knew he was a few bites away from becoming a saint. If only a tiny nibble were enough to push his cultivation to the pseudo saint realm, what would a whole bite achieve?

"Should I go to the land of saints?" The old man questioned himself, he knew the mortal realm could not accommodate him any longer, and he wondered if the immortal realm could accommodate him.

He put the fruit back in his space ring and bowed towards the direction Lin Feng was currently in.

"If you ever need the old man to do anything, I will use every inch of my old bones to accomplish it." The old man spoke to himself firmly. He had already made up his mind to serve Lin Feng, he didn't know if it was a blessing or a curse, but he knew if it was a blessing that would be good, but if it was a curse, it was unavoidable.

Thinking like this, the old man turned into a stream of light and disappeared, his destination unknown.

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