《CALL OF THE DAO》Chapter 22


Lin Feng thought the old man was a slave that had escaped his master. Thinking of this, Lin Feng felt pity for the old man.

"Old man, you don't have to be so polite." Lin Feng addressed the old man.

"Here, you can take this." Lin Feng spoke to the old man while handing him a space ring that contained some spirit stones and fruits he had plucked from his garden.

The old man was confused by the development, but he still managed to squeeze out an appreciation .

"I thank the seniors for their great generosity." The old man said politely.

The old man then observed the contents of the space ring and froze.

Shock, disbelief, awe, and various emotions could be seen on the old man's face.

"Is this fruit a saint-grade treasure?" The old man asked himself.

He took the fruit out and used various techniques to determine its grade, but he still failed. His cultivation was at the peak immortal venerable, so for him to be unable to grade an item, the quality had to be saint grade and above.

The old man decided to test his theory.

He took the fruit and moved it towards his mouth. He then took a small nibble from the fruit.


The old man heard a loud sound in his mind. He felt his cultivation regressing until he was a mortal. The old man panicked, thinking he had been tricked, when he suddenly heard another loud sound in his mind.


His regressed cultivation started returning, void formation, human immortal... true immortal. Immortal lord,.. immortal venerable... pseudo saint. His cultivation rose and stabilized at the pseudo saint.

"Heavens! It is a saint-grade fruit." The old man thought to himself excitedly.

"For it to remove the impurities from my cultivation, it must be a peak saint grade fruit." The old man muttered to himself.


He held the fruit with trembling hands, he had tried multiple times to break through the pseudo saint realm, but he had failed miserably. Now that he had finally advanced, he was naturally happy.

The old suddenly thought of something, why was he given a fruit that would help him breakthrough when he needed it the most? The old man knew there was no such thing as free lunch. The water core that helped speed up his cultivation had thought him bitterly.

"Are these people the devil race?" The old man thought to himself with fine beads of sweat on his forehead.

Lin Feng looked at the old man's behavior and thought it was funny. First, he was cautious, then he became happy and suddenly became afraid.

"Don't worry, what I gave you is yours to do with as you wish." Lin Feng told the old man. He thought that the old man must have been punished for eating by his previous master, so he thought he would be punished for eating.

The old man hearing this, felt more anxiety rather than being reassured.

"Senior, please tell me what the old man can do for you?" The old man said to Lin Feng with visible fear on his face.

He had already regarded Lin Feng as a devil. From what he had heard before, devils never did things that were not beneficial to them.

High-ranking devils could be summoned in exchange for numerous blood sacrifices. The summoner would then state their wish to the devil if the devil were in a good mood. The wishes would be fulfilled, granted the summoner exchanges it for something the devil desired through a contract.

From what he heard, devils usually used cunning words to confuse people, one would think he had exchanged a family member for a wish, but the truth was the person had probably already sold their soul.


Lin Feng didn't know how he should answer the old man. He looked towards Mei Lin for help.

Mei Lin, seeing Lin Feng's gaze, nodded to show she understood his intentions.

"Stop being a nuisance to my master. The things were given to you on a whim, so appreciate it and get the hell out of here. If you continue to be a bother, I wouldn't mind erasing your existence." Mei Lin sounded a mental transmission to the old man.

Hearing the cold voice in his mind, the old man was scared witless. He could judge that the woman was not joking about erasing his existence if he became a bother. He didn't even bother to confirm if it was true or not.

"Seniors, thank you for your generosity. The old man will repay it one day." The old man spoke politely then directly bolted like a child that had committed a mistake.

Lin Feng was surprised by the old man suddenly turning tails. He looked at Mei Lin and commented.

"Are you that scary?"

In Lin Feng's point of view, he only saw Mei Lin stare at the old man menacingly before he ran away.

"Thanks, master." Mei Lin replied, taking it as a complement for chasing away the nuisance.

Lin Feng looked at the girl and thought she was strange to take being scary as a compliment.

Outside what used to be the forbidden boundary, a group of people had gathered.

These people were the king, his daughter, and his guards. After being informed by the guard, the king came to investigate. He had begun to examine for any change when a sudden noise disrupted his concentration.


Everyone present heard a loud breaking sound. They turned and looked towards the sound direction only to see the once impenetrable barrier break like shattered glass.

"What the hell is happening?" The king exclaimed cautiously.

"Everyone move back. The barrier is breaking. The creatures inside are going to attack." The king shouted.

"Sound the alarm." One guard shouted while moving back.

One guard immediately took a large horn from his space ring and immediately used his qi and blasted the horn.

"What! That's the warning horn from the forbidden area guards." A merchant who was going on with his business suddenly stiffened after hearing the horn blare.

"Run for your lives." A panicked man beside the man suddenly exclaimed.

The man acted like a signal. Immediately the man spoke, the mortals started running in every direction they could. Weak cultivators circulated their qi and turned into a stream of lights and ran for their lives.

The older and stronger cultivators who knew the meaning of the horn prepared themselves for battle. In just a few minutes, hundreds of li around the forbidden area, everything was quiet. Some mortals were dead after experiencing the full wrath of a stampede. Others were hiding in their houses while holding their breaths.

The kingdom's army was mobilized. They formed a formation with weapons ready. The king was already using all his means to summon his ancestors who were in the immortal territory. He knew only them could handle a threat from a forbidden land.


The final sound signifying the total breakage of the barrier was heard. The soldiers and volunteers who had come to hold back the creatures from the forbidden land mobilized their qi.

The guards pointed their weapons at the forbidden land while their hands were filled with sweat, they knew none of them was going to survive, but they still stubbornly refused to leave.

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