《CALL OF THE DAO》Chapter 24


"Welcome to my home, seniors." The king spoke respectfully when they arrived at his castle.

Lin Feng looked at the huge castle and thought that the old man was probably a leader of a sect. He based the argument on comparing the castle to the main hall of the Lin family. As far as he remembered, the castle was larger than the latter.

"So his sect must be more powerful than the Lin family? Or are they just being flashy?" Lin Feng thought the latter was more believable. Lin Feng thought high-level cultivators were indifferent towards everything, at least that is how his father was always.

Mei Lin, on the other hand, was getting impatient. She could tell that the king probably wanted to take advantage of their kindness, it was already good enough that they didn't kill them for daring to point their weapons at them, but now they also want to take advantage of them?

"Master, shouldn't we be continuing with our adventure?" Mei Lin asked Lin Feng.

"This is also part of the adventure. Who knows, we might find something interesting to do." Lin Feng answered Mei Lin, seeing her impatient mood. He also felt the king had other reasons for inviting them other than simple politeness.

Mei Lin calmed down after hearing Lin Feng's words.

"There is probably something that has attracted the master's attention." Mei Lin thought to herself. She didn't believe Lin Feng was casually visiting the castle.

Behind them, Mu Lei was following silently, observing them. She kept staring at Lin Feng and looking away with embarrassment.

"Why am I so attracted to him? " Mu Lei thought to herself, the moment she spotted him, she felt attracted to him. Initially, she thought it was only her having a crush on him due to his handsomeness, but now she was rethinking it. She could feel the attraction growing stronger the more she was closer to him, she felt like she was meeting her longtime lover.

"Was he a beloved in my previous life?" Mu Lei thought to herself, that was the only reason she could think off, although the chances of meeting a person from a previous life were small, it was not zero either, usually when two people from a previous life met, they would end up feeling unexplainable love or hate depending on their previous relationship, but if that was the same case that was happening to her then,

"Why doesn't he look at me? Does he not recognize me?" Mu Lei thought if it wasn't because she took the first initiative to speak to him, she doubted if he would have spoken to her.

"I must make you remember me then." Mu Lei muttered to herself while formulating her plans. She failed to note her unusual attraction to Lin Feng was changing her usual character.


"Seniors, please have a seat."

The king spoke respectfully, breaking Lin Feng's thoughts.

Lin Feng and Mei Lin sat as they were directed.

"Go and prepare tea for the guests." The king said to Mu Lei.

"Yes, father!" Mu Lei replied with annoyance in her voice.

"I wonder if the seniors have any instructions." The king said respectfully to Lin Feng and Mei Lin.

Lin Feng was visibly annoyed by the old man. Wasn't he the one that invited them? And why was he repeatedly referring to them as a senior? He was older than them. Lin Feng thought of leaving but decided against it and spoke.

"Do you have anything of interest?"

The old king was taken aback by the question. He had invited them so that he could get on their good side. That way, he would have a powerful backer making his future limitless, so what was the meaning of the question?

The old king suddenly had a bold epiphany.

"Is he one of the kings of hell?" The old king thought to himself, the question was structured, in a way, indicating something was required from him. He had heard tales of devils granting wishes as long as something that interested the devil was given.

"What are you doing?" On another side of the castle, a female voice sounded.

"Preparing tea."

"What! Since when did you concern yourself with such things?" The voice replied in shock.

"Mother, please stop interrupting me. What if the guest is annoyed?" Mu Lei replied to her mother with annoyance in her voice.

The queen was further confused by her daughter's response. From her daughter's statement, she could tell she was concerned about some guest's opinions. As far as she was concerned other people's opinions bothered her the least, so what was going on?

"Is it a powerful cultivator? And where were you when the alarm was sounded?" The queen asked Mu Lei.

Seeing her mother didn't intend to let her go, Mu Lei decided to answer her question.

"Yes, he is a powerful cultivator, so powerful that he extracted the forbidden land." Mu Lei explained with such passion and pride as if the matter of extracting the forbidden land had something to do with her.

"What! The forbidden land problem has been solved? Are you making a joke? If you are, it's not funny." The queen spoke with expectation. The issue of the forbidden land was a problem that had led to the downfall of previous kingdoms. The position of royalty was nothing more than a dangerous responsibility. After every hundred years, the royal family would collapse after the creatures from the forbidden broke free.

"You can go and confirm for yourself if you don't believe it." Mu Lei said while returning to her work. She knew the matter was not something one could believe easily.


"If it is as you say, why are you preparing normal tea? To be able to solve the forbidden land, the strength must be at least in the saint realm, so how can normal tea enter his eyes?"

"What should I do then?" Mu Lei asked in a panic.

"Don't worry. It's the thought that counts, but we still have to do our best." The queen spoke while removing an item from her space ring.

"This is a one hundred thousand year hearb, I was storing it so that it could help you in breaking to the true element realm, but now we will have to use it to show our sincerity," The queen spoke apologetically.

Mu Lei could care less about the queen's words. All that mattered was that the flower could help her get on Lin Feng's good side.

"How should I use it?" Mu Lei asked.

"It's easy. Just put it in the water." The queen spoke while carefully directing the herb inside the water.

The water immediately turned red and gave off a sweet fragrance.

"It is ready." The queen said excitedly while preparing the tea for Mu Lei.

Mu Lei carried the tea back to the reception area, followed by the queen behind.

Mu Lei and the queen arrived at the guest room while the king was still thinking of value that he could use as an exchange.

The king wanted to offer his most valuable treasure, but he didn't think it could evoke interest in the devil.

"Should I offer my soul?" The king thought to himself, but he decided against it. He was not that desperate for power.

"Father, here's the tea." Mu Lei's voice interrupted the king's voice.

The king immediately took the tea and started serving Lin Feng and Mei Lin.

The king looked towards Mu Lei, and an idea struck his mind.

"Should I exchange my daughter?"

The king could see her daughter was falling in love, so why should he not be a matchmaker?

"You can have a seat too." The king suddenly spoke loudly while gesturing for Mu Lei to take a seat beside Lin Feng.

Mu Lei was a girl who dared to love and hate, so when she was told to take a seat beside Lin Feng, she didn't back down because of shyness. She was grateful to her father for giving her the chance.

The queen, on the other hand, stood behind the king while stealing glances at Lin Feng.

"Where were such handsome men while I was still unmarried?" The queen thought to herself secretly.

"Senior, what do you think of her?" The king asked Lin Feng.

Lin Feng was taken aback by the question, was this the reason the old man called him inside?

"She's ok." Lin Feng answered the king.

"Well, it is a done deal then." The king exclaimed happily.

"This benefits all of us." The king thought to himself, he thought to himself Mu Lei was lucky as she now got to stay with Lin Feng forever, it didn't occur to him that devils were rumored to be treacherous beings.

Lin Feng was surprised again when he heard the king mention a done deal. Was he selling her daughter to him? He felt some pity for the girl because, just like her, his parents didn't care for him.

Lin Feng took out an item from his space ring and handed it to the king. It was a shiny round white object, he had gotten it when he was hunting for beasts, and since a beast's skin was so pricy, he figured the object had to be the same.

" Is this alright?" Lin Feng asked the king.

The king took the beast's core with trembling hands.

" It is enough." The king answered while looking at the beast's core. From what he could tell, the beast core belonged to an immortal beast. He could feel the energy coming from the core and couldn't help but look forward to after he refined all of it.

Seeing the king's reaction, Lin Feng nodded. His guess was correct. The item did have value. What baffled him was why it had value in the first place. He had many such cores from hunting beasts, so if he could do it, what was preventing them from hunting?

"Now that we are done, we shall be moving on." Lin Feng suddenly announced.

The king's thoughts were interrupted by Lin Feng's words.

He took Lin Feng and Mei Lin to the boat parking area. Mei Lin took out the boat and they both got in.

Mu Lei followed in excitedly. One would not believe she was sold by her parents just a moment ago.

Soon the boat took to the skies and disappeared.

"Are you sure that was a good idea?" The queen asked after the boat was gone.

"What I have done is beneficial for her, and besides, what would we have done if he decided to take her forcefully?" The king replied.

"Did he want to take her forcefully?" The queen asked.

"Think about it. Why did such a powerful cultivator accept my invitation? And have you not seen the lady beside him? He is someone who enjoys the company of women." The king kept giving excuses to soothe his guilt for selling his child.

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