《A Demon Between Worlds》Chapter Eight: Dinner Party
It took a few hours for everything to be prepared. I was now dressed in a well fitting tux, complements from Alexei, and after asking the host when the girls will be down for the fifth time, I was reassured that they would down any moment now... again.
“Ah!” Alexei said, “There they are now.”
“About time...” I grumbled.
Down the stairs came the three girls. Irina, the tall, slim blonde, was dressed in a dark blue dress. It was modest, showing only a tiny bit of cleavage, and only when she moved. The dress was long and dragged a little behind her, showing none of her legs at all. If it was on anything other than her, I would have called the dress plain, but as it was, the dress seemed to blend into her features, as if the fabric flowed as a part of the girl. To complete the look, Irina was wearing a beautiful emerald broach which matched her eyes, and her hair was down and free flowing.
Beside Alexei stood the other blonde in the group, and she was also wearing a rather modest dress. Sara's dress was pure, snow white, with the sides cut open to expose her long, slender legs. She was wearing black heels which contrasted the rest of her features, but it seemed to match the overall look. On her neck hang a gold necklace that hung low, and her hair was done up in some sort of ball or bob, or whatever it is women call it. It's clearly styled after some fashion that I've never heard of, but it looked nice nonetheless.
Last of all was Becca. Where the other two was very modest, I could tell that that wasn't the approach that she wanted to take. She wore a tight black dress, fixed with a thick leather belt. The dress' cut was slanted, which half of her left thigh exposed, crossing down to her right foot's ankles, giving her a very sensual look. On her neck was a black, silver studded chocker, and her hair was neatly straightened for once. All of the various piercings, save for a singular silver stud on her lift eyebrow were taken off, and the normally chaotic colours that her hair took seemed almost tame with her new look. She looked gorgeous.
“So, boss...” Becca said, interrupting my thoughts, “What do you think?”
“You're uh...” I said, stumbling for once. I am normally more composed, but upon seeing Becca looking like this, a huge contrast to her normal self, I really was at a loss for words.
Looking at my bemused face, Becca beamed a huge smile and ran up to me. She linked her arms on mine, and ordered one of the servants to take us to the limo. I was going to remind her that those servents were not hers to command, but upon seeing Alexei and Irina smiling, I decided to let it slip.
“And you're not looking half bad yourself, boss. But I'm not sure if a tux really suits you. Maybe next time you should try what you wore to work the other day, eh?”
“Ugh, don't remind me, Becca.” I replied with a joking sigh, before turning to the new girl in the room, “And it's good to see you again, Irina. You're lovely as always.”
Irina walked up to me, smiling, and gave me a big hug. “It's good to see you as well, Mark. It has been quite a while. And I'm sure that my husband has already told you this, but Becca is definitely one to keep. I should give you my congratulations for finding such a gem.”
I thought about denying any romantic involvement with Becca, but seeing how worked up my poor security got, I decided to play it cool and just nodded. I noticed Becca hug my arms a little harder.
Not forgetting myself, I turned to Sara and added “And you look great as well, Sara.”
“Thank you, Mr. Bastion. Shall we all get going?” Sara answered with a lovely smile of her own. It seems that this change in pace really got her to cheer up a little bit.
“You bet your butt we are!” Becca exclaimed, before she half shoved me into the car.
The five of us sat in the limo, and after a short 45 minute drive filled with chatter, we arrived at our destination: The Mintz. It was the city's number one restaurant overlooking the waterfront, and getting a table for dinner was pretty much impossible without booking months ahead of time. I've heard about the food before, but given the extortionist prices of the dishes, I've never gone myself.
The front entrance was very posh looking, with huge spotless windows, and all the fluff that you'd expect out of a five star restaurant. Alexei and his wife walked ahead of us, and with a few words the waiter politely guided us inside. We were lead to the back of the restaurant, into a private room, and once we took our seats, the man kindly gave us the menu.
I tried reading some of the stuff on the menu, but everything sounded too fancy for my liking, so I just got whatever Alexei suggested. I just pretended to know what I was doing, and it doesn't look like anyone noticed that I had no idea what anything on the menu were. Becca was likewise at a loss for what to order, but her pride didn't allow for her to ask for help. She was looking nervous, unsure about what to do, especially given how naturally everyone else seemed to approach the situation. Thankfully Irina noticed my secretary's distress, and subtly suggested a few dishes for her to try. The only one who seemed to be at home with the menu was Sara, who skilfully ordered what she apparently said were her favourites, and even suggested that we all try some as well. I guess growing up rich has its perks.
Upon hearing Sara's suggestions, Irina and Alexei joined in and added a bunch of things that they normally enjoy here. Their chat naturally lead to other great restaurants, and I was pretty glad to see that Sara was finally opening up a little. Maybe it's because Alexei and Irina seemed more like the people that she grew up with, but Sara has yet to seem so comfortable in the situation.
Seeing Sara relaxed for once, I decided to join in the conversation with stories of foods from various parts of the world. I'd gone travelling a few years back on a whim, and told them about all the various rather unique dishes I've had the pleasure, or displeasure, of tasting. We chatted for a few minutes about food, world travelling, and the like, and for the most part, the four of us were having a pretty good time.
On the other hand, Becca was at a complete loss. She fidgeted with her forks, and looked like she had no idea why there was 3 different spoons in front of her. She glanced around a bit, and seeing how comfortable everyone else was, I could tell that the poor girl felt out of place. I was about to comfort her, but she spoke first.
“Umm... I don't want to sound rude, but uh, are you sure I can just, like, order anything I want?” Becca said shyly, fiddling with her menu, “I mean, I'm really thankful for the dress already, but I don't usually eat in these kind of, uh, high end places. McDonald's would be pretty fu- err, I mean, it would normally be pretty awesome for me. So like, I don't want to, uh, order anything if it's too expensive. I can't really pay for myself, so I can just drink some tea or something, or mooch off the boss or something. Er, unless he minds. I just don't want to impose... I've been told I do that sometimes, but you guys seem pretty cool, and I don't want to fuck everything up like I usually do, so uh... I'm sorry, I'm rambling. Maybe I should just go, I don't really fit in these kind of places...”
I looked at Becca with a look of impossible awe. Was she actually controlling her speech, something that I had never managed in all the months that she's worked for me, and she was also trying to be considerate? Just wow. I guess pigs do fly over a frozen Hell.
Alexei just laughed at the remark, which made Becca a little bit fearful. She almost started to tear up, thinking that Alexei was looking down on her or something. She really did think that she didn't belong in a situation like this.
Becca trembled, her eyes down cast, and said weakly, “I'm sorry for embarrassing you guys... I'll just leave, I know I'm ruining the atmosphere and stuff.”
“No, no! I am sorry, Becca. I am not laughing at you!” Alexei said, giving Becca a friendly pat on the back, “It's just that I was surprised that you would even think that! Let me tell you, my wife does not get along with most people, but so far she had nothing but praise for you! Any friend of Irina is pretty much family to me, so don't you dare think that you would be imposing. Alexei would never treat family like that!”
“And Becca,” Irina said, half hugging the nervous Becca, “you don't have to watch the way you talk. I, for one, think that you're fine the way you are. You certainly would have my approval if you didn't have that spunk!”
“Same here, Becca.” Sara added, “I know we don't get along, but hey, at least you're interesting.”
A smile creped up my face upon watching the scene, but instead of adding any of my own words of kindness – which really wouldn't be my style – I just rubbed the poor girl on the head, and gave her a quick peck on the cheek.
I was expecting her to blush, or a complaint about ruining her hair, or turn back to her normal, punky self, but instead, Becca broke down in tears. That was the first time I've ever seen my assistant like that. I didn't know what to say.
“I'm sorry guys...” she said, “I didn't mean, I mean, fuck. This is the first time people actually... ugh. I mean, normally everyone hates me, or think I'm annoying. But... thanks, everyone. And fuck, even you, Blondie. I sorry, I need to use the restroom.”
“Of course,” Irina said, guiding Becca out of her chair, “I'll come with you.”
“Sorry about making a scene,” Becca said, “I, uh, I promise to be myself after this, and don't you guys dare tell anyone about this!”
“We won't” Everyone said in unison with smiles.
Becca and Irina laughed a little, and left.
“I guess the situation was a little too much for her.” I finally said, “She usually doesn't get along well with others.”
“Her personality is on the strong side.” Sara replied, “But she's not a bad girl. However, I can understand why other people would be reluctant to befriend her; I doubt I would have given her the time of day if not for this situation.”
“Well I personally think she is lovely!” Alexei added, “Youth should have more spirit, and that Becca girl has more than anyone that I have seen so far in this century!”
“That she has.” I said with a smile, “That she has.”
Becca and Irina came back just in time for the food. They looked freshed up, and Becca had her make up all fixed as well. The took their seats, and Becca had her normal fearless smile back up. I also noticed that she was inching steadily nearer to me as well, but once again I decided to spoil her a bit and decided against moving away.
“Well anyway,” Becca said cheerfully, “Let's eat! I'm starving!”
Becca grabbed the nearest foodstuff to her and shoved it in her mouth, clearly not caring if she stood out any longer. No one said a word about her manners.
“Oh god, this stuff's pretty fucking good!” Becca said, after finally swallowing the first bite, “Do you guys always eat stuff like this? It sure as hell beats fast food!”
Alexei saw the exuberant Becca and smiled, “Well, not everyday, Becca dear. My wife and I usually need an excuse to go out to eat... but if you were to come over again, I'm sure that Irina would be overjoyed to take you out!”
Irina nodded.
Becca's eyes almost sparkled, and said, “Really? You guys don't mind? I mean, I don't wanna like, mooch food out of you or something. I know you guys don't mind, but uh...”
Alexei laughed and said, “It's not a problem! Just promise that you'll bring Mark with you next time! This man is a rare one to get a hold of, and we have a lot of catching up to do.”
Becca just looked at me with eyes filled with anticipation. I couldn't help but crack a smile after seeing the poor girl like that. I think that Becca realized that I was laughing at her, and quickly probed the side of my stomach with her finger.
“What, boss?” She said with a smirk.
“Nothing, Becca, nothing. But you know that don't need my approval to go visit Irina and Alexei. They're your friends too. And yes, Alexei, I will come visit more often in the future, or else I won't hear the end of it from Becca.”
With a warm smile, Irina added, “You two are always welcome.”
And just like that, we made a lot of small chat as the five of us slowly ate our food. An hour later, we were filled on really expensive food, Becca was back to her happy, albeit crude self, and everyone was altogether joyful. On the way out, I pulled Alexei aside and asked him about the location of the little buddy of mine who should have my pass. Being the great guy that he is, he told me, and even offered to give me a ride to the place, and seeing how we still had to make a stop at the mansion (everyone was overdressed), I decided to take up his offer.
When I told the girls about my plans, Sara decided to stay in the mansion, and surprisingly, Becca chose to stay as well.
“Sorry boss,” Becca responded, “I promised Irina that I'd stay for a while, she says she has a lot of shit to show me and Sara. We gotta like, do some girl stuff, you wouldn't understand.”
I just eyed Irina in response. She shrugged, and snatched the two grils away before I could ask about what it was they were going to do.
“Haha,” Alexei interrupted, “It's good to see my wife with new friends! She has been quite irritable lately, but it's good to see her cheerful again. I guess I have you to thank, no?”
“It's good to see the other two in a better mood as well, I guess.”
“Of course!” Alexei answered, his voice booming, “But it's getting late now, why not stay the night first? We can always see our good friend Mr. Bobby tomorrow morning.”
Well, seeing how the girls were already busy with Irina, I didn't feel the need to go immediately. I took Alexei up on the offer, and decided to stay the night at his place. When the girls found out, they where all too happy to oblige before immediately set off to where Irina was again. I spent the rest of the night catching up with Alexei. I hadn't realized until now how much I missed the big guy.
* * *
The next morning, Alexei and I got dressed out of the formal wear, and called for another limo – a different one from the one we were in before – and had the driver take both of us to a rather shady (well, even shadier) part of town. Since this was going to be quick, I didn't feel the need to inform Becca or Sara. If things went the way I think it'll go, it's probably a good thing for those two to not be present either.
When we got to the destination, Alexei and I stepped out of the limo to the smell of rotten garbage, and a street filled with trash. The buildings around us were mostly boarded up and empty, and the few thirft shops that were open had certainly seen better days. Or at least less lousy days. Alexei lead us down a narrow alleyway until we hit a rather unassuming door.
Alexei knocked, rather loudly, and screamed, “Open up, Bobby!”
“We're not open!” A voice from inside said.
“The hell you're not!” Alexei responded, louder, “It's me, Bobby, now open the damn door before I knock down the whole building!”
“Oh shit! Cardinal, is that you?”
“Yes it's me, you fucking idiot!”
“Of course we're open!” the voice responded, “Please come in, Mr. Cardinal.”
I heard a lot of sounds from inside, and before long the door opened, showing a rather ugly sight. The man who appeared from within that door was a skinny thing, with grey, thinning hair, and a face that could only be described as ugly. His nose was long and crooked, clearly broken several times before, his mouth was thin and whenever he spoke I could see black, rotten teeth. He had pot marks and scars all over his ageing face, and half of his left eyebrow was burnt off. The man was wearing an old t-shirt that had various coloured stains scattered on it, and a dirty pair of jeans.
The man, Bobby as his clients call him, took one look at me and his already ashen face lost the rest of its colour.
“Oh...” he said, stammering, “Barbas, I, uh, wasn't expecting you as well.”
“Bobby!” I said, staring the little man down, “I'm sure you weren't. You should know why I'm here, right?”
“Um, to meet an old friend?”
I placed a hand on Bobby's shoulder and guided the poor man inside rather violently. When Alexei and I were both inside, I closed the door behind us without letting go.
“No, Bobby, I don't think so. I'm here for the pass I lent you.”
“Pass?” He said, shifting his beady little eyes, “What pass?”
I tightened my grip, “I think you know what pass I mean.”
“Uh, yeah... that pass... about that thing...”
I glared at him, already knowing the answer, “You lost it, didn't you?”
He quickly answered, “No no! Of course not! It's just uh, not with me at the moment.”
“Well where is it then?”
“Frankenstein has it.”
Ah Frankenstein's monster. An impressive piece of work. Of course, the one in our city is probably not the real one. Ever since the death of the good doctor, his creations have been popping up all over the world, each claiming to be the original. After a few years, the majority of the more cunning and powerful ones took up strongholds in the major cities, and they're practising the art that their creator left them, all of them hoping to revive the man who gave them their name. But since every single one of them imagines themselves to be the only creature worthy of the doctor, they've been at war with one another for centuries now.
They're merciless and extremely dangerous, but the city tolerates them because they're great for corpse – or soon to be corpse – disposals. The major powers all have a contract with their city's Frankensteins, and even small time thugs can get a few dollars off pawning the odd corpse or two. No matter how dangerous or stupid housing a Frankenstein in the city can be, greed will always win out.
“Well get it back then.” I continued, squeezing his shoulder even harder.
“Haha, about that...”
I kneed the idiot in the gut. I don't enjoy having my time wasted loitering around with Bobby.
“Ok, ok!” Bobby finally said, “I sold it to Frankenstein! I didn't think you'd ever want the thing back!”
I let out a deep breath, holding in my frustrations and said, “Then you broke the contract.”
At the sound of that, Bobby's face froze up, and he started to panic.
“Wait, wait!” he gasped, “I-I can get it back. Just give me two, no, just one month! I swear!”
Too bad I didn't have a month. I was willing to let the poor guy off if he was of any help, but since my mood was already foul, I wasn't feeling very generous.
“No can do.” I said, staring into his beady eyes.
Breaking a contract with a demon was a very stupid idea, and Bobby is soon to find out why. I steadied my mind, and using the contract's power, I slowly extracted Bobby's soul from his body, all the while ignoring the screams. The transparent object floated right above his chest, still clinging onto his body, but with a sharp slice of my hands, I grabbed the soul and absorbed it into myself. I dropped the now empty body on the ground, and beckoned Alexei to leave with me.
“Well,” Alexei said, “seeing that never gets old! Good stress relief, yes?”
“Indeed. But we still have the problem of getting the damn pass from Frankenstein.”
“Well, Mark.” Alexei answered with a huge grin on his face, “I think it's time we go hunting again, like the good old days.”
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