《A Demon Between Worlds》Chapter Seven: Old Faces
I was about to go all out, given how intimidating the aura alone felt, but I was stopped short. Facing me was a man who was nearly 7 foot tall, with regal, earthy features, and a mighty bushy blonde beard. Even with his dishevelled blonde hair, there was no other way of describing his features than handsome. It was also clear that under his huge coat and loose jeans, he was built like an Olympic athlete. And most of all, he was very familiar.
“Holy shit, is that you, Barbas?” The figure said, his voice booming.
“You're the Cardinal, Alexei?” I answered with a laugh, releasing the Hellfire that I gathered, “Guess you've moved up in life, eh? And I go by Mark now.”
He man walked up to me, and gave me a giant bear hug. If I didn't get some of my physique back from Lucifer, I think I might have broken a few things, but as it was, I returned the hug without holding back at all.
Upon seeing the Cardinal so relaxed, the goons standing with him relaxed as well, but they were still very unsure what was going on. The two thugs that escaped, however, had a look of confusion, and fear.
“The name was something I found in a book, and I thought I would steal it for myself! And it seems you're still in good shape, Bar- Mark, I mean. That'll take me a while to get used to, but that's just the society we live in.” He said with a huge smile on his face, “It's been so long! I was wondering who it was causing trouble in my area, but I would have never guessed that it was you! Takes us back to old days, eh?”
Facing the old man, I couldn't help but smile back. I was in a pretty bad mood before, given everything that's happened so far, but when facing Alexei, it was impossible to not feel uplifted.
“It does take me back. And it's only been a couple hundred years. You know me, Alexei, a Demon of Sloth, I don't like to go out of my way to do anything, and I was going to come visit you some day.”
And that is true. See, every single Fallen Angel, and by association, every denizen of Hell, is dictated by one of the seven cardinal sins. These sins are derived from the root cause that lead them to be exiled from Heaven in the first place. Of course there's the Devil himself and his pride that lead to the rebellion in the first place, but a lot of the other Angels at the time chose to side with Lucifer for their own reasons. There were those who lusted and envied the humans who stole the Creator's attention, who wanted to show the Creator the wrongs of His ways. Then there are the ones who were wrathful at God's apparently negligence to the Angels after Adam and Eve were created, and still others who sided with Lucifer due to greed and gluttony, bribed into siding with the Morningstar by the devils forked tongue and false promises.
And then there's people like me, the ones who sided with the wrong dude not because of envy, or greed, or anything, but simply because we believed that it would be easier to side with Lucifer than against him. That was probably not the smartest of choices, but you got to live with the consequences. These demons like myself, which are by far the minority, are dictated by sloth.
When we all Fell, God amplified those core desires as punishment, and made them a fundamental part of our natures. Just like how Lilith cannot escape the lust that controls her actions, I can't control being a lazy bum most of the time. That's not to say that I do nothing at all, but rather, I simply live a life that I want, I earnestly peruse what interests me, and whole-heartedly ignore everything else. I also do my damned best to avoid extra work. Sort of like the ultimate procrastinator if you will. I also don't tend to tell people that I'm a Demon of Sloth, it sounds rather lame, but Alexei's been around long enough to understand that no matter what cardinal sin a demon possesses, none of them are to be taken lightly. After all, if I'm pushed into a corner, I will do my best to solve the issue as fast as possible, and damned be the consequences of my actions. It's how I became a general in the first place.
“Of course!” Alexei continued with an understanding smile, “You were always one to go at your own pace! Ah, but what happened here? It's not like you to pick on things that are beneath notice. Goes against your style, as you call it.”
“I was in the middle of asking them some questions, but your... workers, were less then inclined to answer, and were rather rude to my company. One of them even shot me.” I said, pointing to the corpse of the gunman, “But as you can see, I took care of things.”
Alexei frowned at that, “And what of the man over there, and the two who reported the issue?”
“They were part of that group.”
Alexei shook his head at that, and quickly said, “I see. Guards, take them back, their services are no longer required.”
The man on the ground looked at Alexei with absolute disbelief and terror. I'm guessing that he's not going to simply be fired and told to leave. The thug weakly crawled towards Alexei with tears in his eyes, and whispered, “Please, I... I didn't know! I didn't know that you guys were friends! I-I messed up! I'll apologize. I'll, I'll do anything. Please, fuck, please! Give me another chance!”
He was about to say more, but was quickly removed, rather violently, by one of the guards. That man, and his two shocked colleagues, were shuffled into a car, and driven away. I didn't pity their fates at all.
“I'm sorry about that, Mark.” Alexei said, “It's always hard to find good subordinates.”
I just shook my head and said, “That's not a problem, and I know what you mean.”
“Ah right, you said that you came here with companions? You must be hungry, let me treat everyone to the best food money can buy, as an apology. And I'm sure that I can answer whatever questions you might have as well!”
I wanted to tell Alexei that I was busy, but I just couldn't resist spending a bit of time catching up on old times with the man. Demon of Sloth, what can you say? Well, he did save me a lot of trouble interrogating people as well, so I couldn't resist.
“I'll take you up on that offer. The ladies will probably appreciate the change in pace as well, and I think everyone's hungry. Is Irina coming with us?”
“Of course!” Alexei replied, slapping my shoulders, “She'd give me hell if I took an old friend to dinner without her! And it's also a good time for her to meet new people, she's been getting bored lately!”
Alexei took out a cellphone, and after making a few calls, the arrangements were made, and a limo was to pick everyone up. I patched him in on what was happening in the mean time, and he took everything in with a calm expression.
Although he didn't look too worried on the surface, I could tell that he was a little anxious about the situation. Either way, Alexei was always a person who lived in the moment, and he didn't spoil my mood by inquiring about anything at that time. That's why I liked the man so much, he always knew what to say in a situation – or what not to say.
By the time the limo came, I had already introduced Alexei to Becca and Sara, and the three of them hit it off quite well. Then again, it was quite hard to not hit it off with Alexei, given his personality.
“So,” Becca said, sipping on some champaign in the limo, “you've known the boss for like, forever?”
“No no, Becca, dear,” he replied with a smile, “we met... sometime in the 1300's? Or was it the 1400's? Time was difficult to tell back then. But anyway, we used to go hunting all the time back then, dodging the local inquisitors, picking off the stragglers when we could. Oh those were good memories! Every night we would fight just to survive! Good times, right Mark?”
I smiled back, and remembering those days, I wouldn't really say that they were all that great. I was running for my life for the most part, trying to not get killed. But in hindsight, there was a sense of accomplishment with each raiding party that we destroyed, and there was never a dull moment to be had. Maybe those times really were pretty good. Well, I still wouldn't want to relive those days. I didn't quite have Alexei's sense of fun.
“Yeah.” I finally said, “Pretty good I guess.”
“But enough talk about the past! I see that you've been pretty busy lately, eh?”
I looked at Alexei quizzically, and asked, “What do you mean?”
“Oh, you can't hide it from me! I see that you've finally decided to setting down with someone, and she's a real beauty!” he said, looking at Becca with a sly smile, “Becca, my new friend, I know that Mark can be an idiot sometimes, but you can't do better! He's one to keep!”
“Uh...” Becca replied, turning all kinds of red, “We're not, uh...”
Alexei, reading the situation, only smiled and whispered something in Becca's ear. I didn't bother trying to figure out what it was he said. At that, Becca was practically beaming with joy, but quickly forced that happiness down when she saw that I was looking.
I sighed and gave Alexei one of those looks. He just shrugged back, with an even bigger smile on his face.
“And you, young Sara,” Alexei continued, changing the topic for Becca's sake, “I apologize for the situation you find yourself in, but trust me, you're in good hands. I can tell that you are someone who grew up in a good household, so Mark may seem a little... blunt, but he is a good man to rely on on matters like this one. If you have a problem that needs to be solved, and Mark is forced to solve it, then it is as good as done! I will help however I can, of course!”
I coughed at that remark, but Alexei and Sara ignored it, while Becca only chuckled a little.
“Thank you, Mr...” Sara said.
“Just call me Alexei, my last name is of no importance!”
“I understand. Thank you, Alexei, and I have come to realize that Mr. Bastion is trying to help, it's just that this situation is a little alien to me.”
“Of course, that's perfectly understandable! But we are beings that must adapt, and I always say that struggles makes one stronger, so embrace the situation, and live off it! Now, a bit of food and company will make you feel better. We have to pick up my wife first, and then we'll be off!”
“Oh, I didn't know that you were married, sir.”
“Happily so, for almost 400 years now! And you can thank this great fortune to the good Mark there!”
“Wait,” Becca interrupted, “You're telling me that the boss played fucking match-maker? Holy shit! You never told me that before!”
“Well,” I answered, “that was a really long time ago...”
“And I still must repay the favour!” Alexei quickly replied.
Becca blushed again. Great, it looks like Alexei will be trying his best to repay me the same favour that I did him.
We chatted for a while longer, and eventually the limo pulled up to an impressive looking mansion at the edge of town. We went through a few dozen scanners and other really sophisticated looking security systems, until we were led to the entrance.
“Fuck damn!” Becca exclaimed upon seeing the size of the place, “Are we eating here?”
Alexei smiled, but shook his head, “Of course not, we are having the absolute best, and it would be an insult to have you eat here! We are going to the best! But come first, I think that you ladies will want to freshen yourselves up first.”
Alexei then pointed to one of the many menservants around and said, “You, take the two girls upstairs to the dressing room. Get them anything that they want, and remember, these are very important guests. Go.”
“Of course, Cardinal.” The servent said.
“Are you sure we can just use your things like that, Alexei?” Sara said, with a bit of discomfort in her features.
“Not a problem! The clothes up there are just collecting dust anyway, and just consider it a favour to my wife! We can't have her lose face with the quality of dress for her guests. You girls help her pick something nice out as well, she should be there right now. Do that for me, and you can use whatever you want in there!”
“You heard the man, Blondie,” Becca replied, already half way up the stairs, “Let's go and see what this huge fucking place has. I'm sure that even you like to dress up! Fuck yeah! You rock Alexei, and we'll pick something so nice for Irina that you'll be knocked off your feet!”
My old friend chuckled and gave my assistant a big thumbs up. With that, the two girls went up the stairs with the manservant, and I could tell that even Sara was enjoying this little trip.
Then they were out of earshot, I said to Alexei, “Thanks for cheering the girls up, I'm pretty sure that they've had a rough few days.”
“I can only imagine, my friend, situations like this are a lot more dangerous than I can even imagine. Are you sure that you do not want my help?”
“I can't rely on you for this one,” I said with a bitter face, “like I said, this is too dangerous, and you have Irina.”
Alexei only frowned at that, but he knew that it was the truth.
“But if anything happens,” he finally said, “you will let me and my wife help. We owe you that much, and you would do the same for us.”
I thought for a moment, and thinking of no other way to drop this conversation, I answered, “Fine... but only if things are really out of my control.”
“Well, you were always one to invite trouble! Once this is all over, you will invite us out for hunting again, as compensation for making us worry so much!”
I smiled, and agreed.
“And about that nice girl Becca...”
“We're really not in a relationship, Alexei.”
“Why not? This Becca girl matches you perfectly. There's something about her, something I can't put my finger on, that just makes one naturally attached to her. You really can't do better; she'll even give my Irina a run for her money... but Irina is still the best. A close second to her is not bad though!”
I laughed a little, but replied, “I know she's great, but she's human. In a few dozen years-”
“You know that's not a problem! If you want her to have a longer life, I know hundreds of methods of extending mortality. And if it's for you, I can make her a fellow kin, but free from the obligations that is normally associated with it. I really do think that you should settle down. It will do you a mountain of good! See how much happier I am?”
What he was willing to offer me was something that was unheard of, and it spoke volumes about how much Alexei thought about me. See, Alexei was a being that was a few millennia old, the progenitor of many of the supernatural races of today. For him to offer kinship to someone without any strings attached was akin to giving a complete stranger your life, because that was basically what he was offering. Without any constraints on Becca's part, she could potentially go against her progenitor in the future, and the possibility of Alexei's death is real. That was the reason why vampires have blood-bonds that make it impossible for a child to go against their sire.
“You know I can't ask for that, Alexei.”
“But that is not a choice that is yours to be made, Barbas. I am offering it not to you, but to Becca. Now tell me, if she does accept such an offer, or a similar one, will you at least consider her?”
“I don't know...” I said with a sigh, “Look, let's talk about this after everything's over. There's a pretty good chance that I won't even make it out of this alive. But if I don't... can you please look after Becca for me?”
“You will be fine, my friend! You have escaped Hell itself!” He said with a smile, but I can tell that there was uncertainty hidden beneath, “But yes, I swear it on the Yeliseyev name that I will do everything that I can if... such an event happens.”
“Thanks, my friend.”
“Anyway, enough of the gloomy talk! We have a dinner to prepare for! We can't make the ladies lose face.”
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