《Legacy of Ennea》Chapter 27 - Recovering


After a day journey...

I see a line up long enough, that it could take hours if we wait...

"What happened here?" I asked...

"I believe the condition in Auxem has been recover... so people started to coming back..." Euclio said...

"And also... they want to live under the descendant of the god!" Precilla said to me...

They thought me as a demon is frustrating me... but when they thought me as their God, it is troublesome...

"Let's just pass the line up..." I said

And everyone nodded...

While we pass, the people that have been line up looked at us...

At first they were about to angry for me cutting the line... but when they see my face...

"I-It's Nicolas-sama!"

"T-The God is here!"

"Son of Archduke is heree!"

"The Wizard King has arrived!!"

All of them gives me praises...

I ignore them and continue our ride... until we meet the gatekeeper...

"N-Nicolas-sama..."the gatekeeper said while bowing...

"Hey... how is the city?" I asked him...

"This past month, people keeps coming... but this week is the peak... after your name has been change by the Mera Sect..." the gatekeeper said...

"I see... thanks for keeping the city safe..." I said to the gatekeeper...

And he looks happy...

"Of course Nicolas-sama... it is my duty..." the gatekeeper said...

We decided to leave the gate, and check the mansion...

Our mansion is located on the hill... and the only houses there...

After ten minutes of riding horse, we arrive...

"Nicolas-sama has arrived!" the soldier announced...

And we arrived at the lobby...

The are some guards waiting for me already...

"N-Nicolas-sama!" the guard they greeted us while bowing...

I get down from my horse... and they bring our horse to the stable...

"Nico!" Rin come and hug me...

I hug him back...

"Where is Nathalia? Also, Nate and Leon?" I asked

"They are in a meeting" Rin explained

"Hmmm okay we should wait somewhere else then...." I said...

"How about we have a bath first..." Euclio said

"Hmmm sounds good..." Precilla looked interested...

We all decided to take a bath...

After we bath... we move to the library...

"This room brings memories..." I said

I used to come here with Rueger and Nathalia when we were younger...

Ed looked interested in this library...

But before he takes a book... I give him a book

"Advance Holy Magic?!" Ed said a bit loud...

"Yeah... learn that okay..." I said

And he nodded...

Ed left the library to train alone...

"He looks a lot happier after he meet you Nico..." Ethan said with a smile...

"R-Really?" I asked...

"Yeah... he never show any expression to me... but since he met you, everything changes... and he started to smile and laugh... thanks..." Ethan said to me...

"N-No problem... he is my brother after all..." I said...

Ethan has been friend with Ed for quite a long time... since they live in the palace...

"He is Nico after all!" Euclio said to Ethan and Ethan laughs...

What's wrong if it's me?

I don't get it but I let it go...

Until the door to the library opened...

"Nisan!" Nate, Nathalia and Leon?? Shouted

The three of them hugged me... and I fall to the ground...

"Aww... that's hurt... all of you sure get heavier..." I said

But Nathalia sounds offended...

"It's been only a month! You used to left me for a year!" Nathalia said to me...


T-That's true... but a month feels like a year... since a lot has happened...

"Heee? Precilla?!" Leon just realized...

"R-Really?!" Nate also see her...

"Hello..." Precilla said with a smile...

We talked quite a lot that day...

So, in the meeting, they discussed about Mera Sect... and Nathalia decided to allow the Mera Believer join the military...

And our armies are increasing...

Also, Auxem School has been active once again...

Santa-sensei has return to school and the activity in school has been started since a week ago...

And apparently, I got a letter from Auxem School that it will be an honor if I become one of the teacher and I will be teaching Fusion Magic class...

Ughh, sorry Santa-sensei... but I am not into teaching... not like my grandpa...

"Nisan... you can trust Auxem to us..." Nate said...

Leon and Nathalia nodded...

"Y-You sure?" I asked with doubt...

"Yeah... you deserve holiday... so, do what you want... and take this as well..." Leon said while holding both Rin's shoulder...

"Ummm Rin?" I said in confuse...

"He keeps telling us that he missed Monica... and I have no idea who she is..." Nate complains...

Euclio, Erin and I laughed...

"Sure! We will take Rin back..." I said and Rin smile happily...

Leon and Nate looked at Ethan...

"Ethan will be with me... King Ethen asked me to take care of him..." I said...

I looked at Ethan and he nodded...

"Okay, I guess the three of us will be enough..." Nate said...

"Hmmm I guess I will accompany you Nate..." Precilla step forward...

"Y-You sure?" Nate asked...

"Why not? I believe your brother is protected already..." Precilla said... and she looked at Erin and Eria...

I look both of them and they looked back at me with cold eyes...

I feel the chill...

"A-Ah.. sure, please protect them Precilla..." I said

"Of course! We are family after all!" Precilla said with a smile...

And I nodded...

Everyone in this room looks happy...

"Oh, by the way Nisan... what are you going to do now?" Nathalia asked me...

"Hmmm..." I give a thought...

"I guess we will continue our study..." Euclio said...

"Hmmm? Study?" Leon asked...

Euclio and I nodded... also Ethan and Ed...

"We haven't finish our adventuring! We need another year... even Ethan and Ed just start their adventure this year..." I said

And they looked surprised...

"I guess the three of you follows Daigo's step..." I said

And Nate nodded...

Daigo now become the prime minister of Staviel Kingdom...

"I never thought managing the city is really hard..." Nate said...

"But it is fun at the same time!" Nathalia said...

Nate nodded...

"And we are helping each other!" Leon continues... and both Nate and Nathalia nodded...

They made a good teamwork already!

"You should try adventuring! It is fun!" Ethan said to the three of them...

"Yeah! I kill a lot of monsters!" Ed continues...

"Hmmm maybe next time, there are too much things to do..." Nate said

We continue our conversation until the next day...

We decided to stay here in Auxem...

I wake up and see the old ceiling...

I sit on my bed and look at the clock...

"I-It's 7 AM!" I said

W-Where is Rueger! He should be wakin-




"Hey... wake up Euclio..." I wake Euclio up...

"Ughh gimme five more minutes..." Euclio said...

"Then... I will be going down first..." I said



So, both of us went downstairs and move to the training ground...

I see Nate, Leon, Nathalia, Ed and also Ethan train themselves...

When I enter the training ground... I see Eria and Erin talks with each other on the bench...

Both of them become really close...

"Nisan! You are late!" Nate shouted...

"I-I know..." I said and join practicing...

When I come toward Nate... Nate asked me...

"Nisan... who is she?" Nate asked while directing his eyes on Eria...

"Oh! She is Eria... and she is really strong! I believe she is in the same level as Erin..." I said

Nate looked impressed...

"Eria! My brother wants to challenge you!" I shouted...

And she stand up and come closer...

"N-Nisan... I neve-"

"Hmm?" Eria is beside me already...

"He said that he wants to see your style..." I said to Eria...

"I guess I have no problem..." Eria said to Nate...

And Nate gulped...

Everyone leave their training to see the duel...

"It's just normal duel... no killing, no permanent damage... and one side will win after the other side surrender or can't fight..." I said and both nodded...

Nate prepare his stance... and so does Eria... but Eria showed a weird stance... and Nate looked troubled...

"3....2....1.... go!" I said

Nate move forward... while Eria is in defense stance...

But Eria move forward in her defense stance, and makes Nate nervous...

Nate swing his spear but dodge by Eria...

Then, Nate tries to knock her with the body of spear... bot none of the attack hit her...

And until Eria parried one of Nate's attack, and Eria begin to attack Nate...

Eria slash to his Nate's right but Nate is able to dodge her attack... and then Eria spin around and attack Nate's left side and do a two hit combo...

Nate able to dodge both attack...

And again Eria spin and give three hit combo to Nate's right...

Nate is able to dodge the attack but still, he looks in trouble...

Nate never in defend position forthis long...

I just realize from Eria's attack...

Everytime she spins, her attack combo plus one...

Until the 8 hit combo....

"Stop!" I shouted...

Everyone looked at Nate... and he is out of the line already...

"The winner is Eria..." I said

Everyone is surprised by her style...

Her style is strong... but I believe it is more to offensive than defensive...

Both of them shake their hand...

"She is the strongest knight in Sera..." I said

And Nate hanged his mouth open... also everyone else... except Euclio, Erin and Ed...

But then Eria praised Nate...

"You are the second person that could keep up my combo..." Eria said to Nate...

"R-Really?!" Nate sounds really proud...

And Eria nodded with smile...

When Eria smile, she looks like a completely different person...

She is....

"Nico... you are red..." Euclio whispered me...

"W-What?! Shut up!" I said to Euclio...

And he laughed...

"Let's eat!" I said to everyone and all of them agrees...

After we had our breakfast... we decided to return to Sera...

"You sure you don't want to stay here longer?" Nate asked me...

"T-That's fine... we need to return adventuring... also, I will find any clue about Tousan..." I said to Nate...

Nate nodded...

"Make sure to tell us first before you act!" Precilla said...

And I nodded...

For us... Precilla is like our older sister, she is the one that take care of us... and worried about us as well...

"We should go to Auxem School first..." Ed reminded me...

"T-That's true!" I just remembered...

Ed and Ethan has to choose their place for adventuring...

"Okay! Then we will join you to Auxem School..." Precilla said...

Nate, Nathalia and Leon nodded...

"Y-You sure?" I asked...

"Yeah, we are free for now..." Nate said

So, we decided to visit Auxem School... to let Ed and Ethan choose their future...

We use three carriages to visit Auxem School... and apparently... it is Sunday! And there are a lot of person walks in and out in the lobby...

When they see our carriage arrives, they wait for use to get down...

Nate goes down first, and everyone welcome Nate...

"Nate-sama! Welcome!" the students greeted him...

"It's Nate-sama! He is so cool!" I hear other student praised him...

Then, Ethan get down...

"P-Prince Ethan is here as well!" Another students looked surprised...

"I thought he is in Epius!" some other student said...

Then Leon, Euclio, Nathalia... get down... and the students become silent...

Too much royalty in the carriage...

Until I get down...

"Nicolas-sama!!" a student come to me... and he bow to till his head to the floor...

"H-Hey! What are you doing!" I said in panicked...

"I-I am sorry for badmouthing you when you are still in this school!" the students said while still bowing...

Not only him... but there are more students followed him...

"Nicolas-sama! We don't deserve to be alive!"

"I-I better die!"

"NO!" I shouted...

And they all looked at me...

The lobby become silent at once...

"I won't forgive anyone that commit suicide!" I said loudly...

And now they are crying...

"N-Nicolas-sama! You are too kind!"

"Why did I get the idea to badmouthing you!"

"Then! Do you forgive us?"

And I nodded...

"I never hold a grudge against all of you..." I said with a smile...

And everyone looks happy...

"So... never judge someone from its look!" I said also with smile...

"Long Live Nicolas-sama!" Everyone shouted...

I wave my hand on them and pass through the crowd...

This is troublesome... when they hate me, I could ignore them... but when they praise me, I can't just ignore them...

We reached in front of Santa's office room... but we have to wait for several people...

While we are waiting, several people come to talk with me...

I suddenly become a star... but it is actually troubling...

Euclio keep laughing at my troubled face...

Not Precilla...

"Excuse me... but we need Nicolas right now!" Precilla said to other 5 people that surrounded me... and she dragged me out...

After we return to the other...

"T-Thanks Precilla!" I said

"No problem..." Precilla said with smile...

And I looked at Eria...

S-She is mad?!

"What's wrong Eria?" Erin asked Eria...

"N-Nothing..." Eria said and face away...

W-We are quite sure that we feel bloodlust from Eria...

S-She is scary!

After the student inside the room left, it is finally our turn...

All of us enter Santa's room... and Santa looked surprised...

"So... this is Nate, Nathalia, Ed, Leon, Ethan, Euclio, Eria, Erin, Rin and Precilla!" I introduce to Santa...

"Ummm, and who will consult with me today?" Santa asked me nervously

Too much royalty in a room...

And both Ed and Ethan raised their hand...

Santa then write their name on a piece of paper...

"Have you decided where to go?" Santa asked...

And both of them nodded...

"South Sera..." Ethan said...

"Sera?" Santa asked and he looked at me...

I nodded...

Santa look back at Ethan...

"Sure... no problem..." Santa said and he write something on the document...

After he finished writing, he continue the conversation with a question...

"Okay... so Nate, Nathalia and Leon... the three of you will stop studying in Auxem School?" Santa asked the three of them nodded...

Santa let a sigh...

"That is really sad... but I guess you have no choices as well.." Santa said

"Yeah, we really want to continue but..."

"I have an idea..." Euclio suddenly said...

Everyone looked at Euclio...

"How about you go adventuring here... in Auxem..." Euclio said...

And none of us had thought about that...

"You can manage the city, also do adventuring... I believe adventuring only takes several hours, and then you do your routine back in the mansion..." Euclio said...

T-That is true!

All of us look at Santa...

"Sure... that is a brilliant idea! As expected from the Prince of Qiteron Kingdom!" Santa said with a smile...

"R-Really?!" Leon sounds happy... and Santa nodded...

"Yeah!!" Leon, Nate and Nathalia said happily...

Precilla looked happy as well...

When they are busy with themselves I talk to Precilla...

"You should teach them how to adventure..." I said to Precilla...

"Leave it to me!" Precilla said...

As reliable as ever!

We left the room with joy...

Thanks to Euclio's idea...

Leon, Nate and Nathalia keep hugging Euclio even when we are in the lobby...

I laughed at Euclio... his face looks... uncomfortable...

But then, we see our carriage is ready... and I feel a bit sad...

"So... it's time..." Nate said to me...

"Yeah... or maybe... I shoul-"

I was thinking to move here... but Nate stopped me...

"No, you don't have to... you should take care of the guild there! I believe they need you as well! You are their leader right?" Nate asked me...

And I nodded...

I am grateful to have a very understanding brother...

I hug Nate... also Nathalia... also Ed!

Ed looked a bit shy... but then he accept it...

"Thanks Nate... Nathalia... for understanding..." I said to the two of them...

"Yeah don't worry! We will do our best to maintain this city..." Nate said with responsibility

"Ah, don't forget to take a rest! Nathalia! Remind Nate to take a rest!" I said to Nathalia and she laughed...

"You worried too much Nisan!" Nathalia said...

We release the hug...

I see Rin, Erin, Eria are inside the carriage already...

"Then... we will be off..." I said to them...

"Yeah! Be careful!" Nate said...

The rest of us enter the carriage, and before I entered the carriage, I looked at our surrounding

And then I just realize that people are watching us... and hear our conversation...

They looked at us with amaze...

"T-They are so cute!" some random girls said...

"H-How stupid we were! Thinking him as a demon! Just how kind he is to his siblings!" some random Mera Believer... said...

"Good luck Nicolas-sama!" a student said...

Ethan and Euclio enter the carriage with me...

"Goodluck with your studies all of you!" I shouted from the carriage...

And the carriage started to move...

"I-I got blessing from the god!"

"H-Hey! This year I can pass my grade!"

"I feel lucky now!"

Ughhh they really thought something like that?

Even Euclio laughed really hard...

"I-I think I should believe in Mera as well!" Euclio said while laughing...

"Ehem..." Ethan clear his throat...

We all looked at him...

"A-Actually... I am one of them..." Ethan said... and all of us looked surprise...

"Oh! He is!" Euclio just remembered...

And so do I

"I challenged you that time..." I said to Ethan...

"Yeah, and you bullied him..." Euclio said to me...

Erin, Rin and Eria looked at me with surprised...

"N-Not because I want to..." I said

"Oh, you even fight me without your sword..." Ethan said to me while laughing...

"T-That is..."

"Yeah! He keep pushing Ethan with his Wind Magic... and when Ethan comes closer, Nico pushed him harder..." Euclio continues...

Rin, Erin and Eria looked at me with unbelievable face...

"H-He did that?" Rin asked Ethan with a bit scared...

And Ethan nodded...

"But it is my fault as well..." Ethan said...

And everyone become silent...

"Yeah it is... the old you was so dumb..." Euclio said...

And Ethan nodded...

"So... I actually do a bad thing to him... since I thought that he is the descendant of demon... and I really pissed him of, and Nico challenged me to a duel and he humiliated me..." Ethan confess while looking downward...

I patted his head... and he faced me...

"It's because you hurt someone precious to me! But now, you are one of my friend! And I will do the same thing if someone hurts you..." I said with a smile...

And Ethan smile...

"Yeah I know... thanks" Ethan said with a smile...

"Thanks for forgiving me Nicolas-sama!" Ethan act like other Mera Believer!

"H-Hey! Don't you dare call me..."

"Nicolas-sama! I can't forgive myself for doing bad things to you! Please punish me!" Euclio join the play...

"Agh I will punish you soon when we arrive at Sera..." I said and Euclio looked afraid...

We all laughed...

After three days of journey... we can see Sera...

"Hmmm no bandit?" I asked Euclio...

"I guess Nate take care of them... West of Perius Kingdom recently is free from bandit..." Euclio said

West of Perius Kingdom are Auxem, Haven and Sera...

"He did?" I asked...

"Yeah he did! Your brother is actually quite good at it! And your sister is a genius!" Rin said...

"Hmmm... I know that Nathalia is a genius... but Nate... I thought he only knows practice..." I said

"Yep! He practice daily! And never missed a day! I believe he will surpass you one day!" Rin said to me...

Ughhh Nate has surpassed me already...

Seeing our carriage, the gatekeeper let us in...

We decided to greet Lerrich first...

During our way to the inner gate, there are some people notice our carriage, but they don't know that I am inside the carriage... maybe they thought that I am Nate or Nathalia... since this royal carriage is a close carriage...

So we passed the inner gate as well, and see the views change... Auxem's houses ... then finally, we pass the final gate... the guard allowed us immediately....



Is everyone in the carriage react...

I have been here for more than twice... but still, the view is just too magnificent...

The flowers are blooming... and it looks really pretty...

I also spotted some deers near the forest... also, I see the river flow from the forest....

"I really want to stay here..." Rin said...

I really misses Rin...

"Hey! Let's eat steak later..." I said to Rin... and he looked at me like he look at the steak!

"R-Really?!" Rin asked me with expectation...

"O-Of course!" I said

We finally arrived in front of the mansion... and we see...

"Fredrich!" I called his name...

"N-Nicolas!?" He come toward me and give me a bow...

"Hey... we are friends, you don't need to do that..." I said...

"Ahh sorry... it's been a long time... now I am not used to it..." Fredrich said

Fredrich is Lerrich's first son and only child...

"You are not going to school?" I asked Fredrich... but...

"Oh the school has open already?" a voice from the door heard...

And a man come out...

"L-Lerrich-dono..." I call his name...

Lerrich see Ethan and give him a bow...

"Welcome Ethan-sama..." Lerrich said and Ethan gives him a small bow...

"Thanks for welcoming us..." Ethan said

Since Ethan is the son of King Ethen, and also the next king... people respected him as well...

But Ethan is my friend, so I never call him with -sama or something else... just his name...

"And indeed... the school has operated since last week..." I said to Lerrich...

"I see... then Fredrich! Prepare your stuff, and you will continue your study..." Lerrich said to Fredrich...

Fredrich nodded and entered the mansion...

Also, Lerrich sees Eria...

"Eria... you have returned..." Lerrich said...

And Eria nodded...

"Oh, have you all eaten?" Lerrich asked us...

We shook our head...

"Then, let's eat..." Lerrich said...

But I promised Rin already to eat in the steak house...

Lerrich about to enter the mansion... but I stopped him...

"Ah... Lerrich-dono... I am sorry, but we have plan to eat already... how about you joined us?" I invited him...

Lerrich looked surprised but then he smile...

"Sure... then, where we are going to eat?" Lerrich asked me...

"Steak Restaurant!" Rin said happily...

Eria looked at Rin speechlessly... also Erin...

But Lerrich laughed...

"I am surprised that you know that restaurant as well... it has good food quality with good price and it taste delicious as well.... Very well... let's go..." Lerrich said

Lerrich is a kind man... I like how he view other people, and also how he treats other equally...

We all travel to Steak Restaurant by using two carriage...

I am in the same carriage with Lerrich and also Ethan and Euclio...

But no important conversation we talked about...

We arrived in front of the Steak Restaurant...

Everyone around us look at us...

"L-Lerrich-sama is here!"

"N-Nicolas-sama as well! The god is here"

I am not god... ughhh

Lerrich laughed when he sees my troubled face...

"I think I should be one of the Mera Believer..." Lerrich said

"D-Don't!" I said

And everyone laughed...

We enter the restaurant since no one guarding the door...

"Welcom-" a high elven welcome us...

But her words... were cut...

"L-Lerrich-sama! Nicolas!" Monica said in panic

"Monica!" Rin called Monica happily...

"Rin?!" Monica called Rin...

I still don't understand how they greeted with each other...

We are directed to the second floor by Monica... everyone on the first floor looked at us speechlessly...

While the second floor is only for us... that's what Monica said...

"Order anything you want... I will treat all of you..." Lerrich said...

"R-Really?!" Rin asked without no manner...

Lerrich smile...

"Sure! You can order anything!" Lerrich said...

"Ummm I hope you prepare your money Lerrich-dono..." I said to Lerrich...

"Of course!" Lerrich said and he put a sack of gold on the table...

"When I say you can order anything, I mean it!" Lerrich said with a smile...

Here we go! The Lerrich we knew!

We order the food... and Rin ordered three meals...

This Rin... while Lerrich only laughed...

"So... Eria, I believe you have something to say..." Lerrich ask Eria...

And all of us look at Eria...

What does she want to say?

"I want to resign from my position as a knight..." Eria said...

All of us looked at her in surprised reaction...

But Lerrich are not...

Lerrich nodded...

"I see... I know that this is happening... and also, I can't keep you all the time... so you are free to choose your own life... and especially when you are still 16... you have a long live..." Lerrich said with a smile...

W-What?! 16?! She is on the same age like me?! But she act really mature!

Eria looked at me in a bit troubled...

"S-Sorry..." I said to her...

And seeing us, Lerrich and Euclio laughed...

I-I believe nothing funny has happened!

"Oh, also..." Lerrich said and he looked at me...

"Thank you for saving me back then..." Lerrich said to me...

"Ah... that is my responsibility as well..." I said to Lerrich...

"If you didn't cast healing magic on me... I won't be here..." Lerrich said...

"Don't worry Lerrich-dono... I will do what I can while I am still breathing..." I said with a smile...

And he looked at me with a smile...

Then, our food come...

We eat our food... while Rin eat his three meals...

"So... what is your plan?" I asked Eria...

"Hmmm me? Adventuring..." Eria said to me...

"I-I see..." I said

"How about joining our party?" Euclio asked Eria to join us...

And Euclio hit my shoulder while smiling...

"No... I have talked with Ethan already, and we decided to create a party..." Eria said

"R-Really?" I asked...and I believe I just showed her my disappointed face...

"Sorry Nico! But your party is strong already... we plan to be the next Diamond Rank Party in this city!" Ethan said and challenged us...

"Hmmm I don't mind... so I believe Ed will be in your party as well..." I asked Ed...

And Ed nodded...

"You still got two other slots... choose wisely..." Euclio said

And Ethan nodded...

"it sounds fun... should I join?" Lerrich said

But all of us showed a surprised reaction...

Then he laughed...

"All of you sure are funny..." Lerrich said while standing up...

"I will be leaving first... since I have something to attend... please come to me, if you have any problem..." Lerrich said...

"Sure.... Thanks for the food Lerrich-dono...." I said

"No problem! Thanks for giving me another chance to live..." Lerrich said it again and give a little bow... and I am speechless...

Lerrich then face Ethan and give a bow as well...

"I will be going" Lerrich said while leaving us...

"Bye!" Rin shouted...

And now we are left...

Monica come and sit next to us...

"Hey! You all return!" Monica said...

"O-Of course! And we will be coming here more often..." I said to Monica...

"That is great! By the way, you are on the news!" Monica said to me...

She then showed us the newspaper...

"Nicolas Maxwell, the hero of Perius Kingdom?!?" I read it...

"H-Hero?!" Ethan looked surprised...

"H-Hey what happened?!" I asked...

"Hmmm... I don't know... but I guess it is cool right?" Euclio asked me...

This is going to be troublesome...

So, first I am a noble, second, I am a descendant of God... and third, I am a hero...

And as a result, when we left the restaurant, everyone has been waiting for us...

"H-Hero! The Hero that save Epius from disaster!"

"The Sage!"

"Not a Sage anymore! He is the Wizard King!"

"God! He is a God!"

I ignore them and enter my carriage...

All of us enter the carriage...

"To our house please..." I said and the driver nodded...

We left the crowd..

And after ten minutes... we started to pass a lot of trees...

We are in Forest of South Sera...

Then we see a house... near the river...

The house has 4 floors...

And also... we see a knight...

I get down from my carriage, and the knight is approaching me...

He then release his helmet and...

"Lieve!" I called him...

"Nicolas! Welcome back!" Lieve greeted us...

"Hey Lieve! What are you doing here?" Euclio asked while giving him a high five...

"Lerrich-sama assigned me to guard your house... since there might be more people come to this house..." Lieve said...

So, he is going to protects me from the horde of the living!

"Thanks! We will be inside the house! Tell us if you need something..." I said to Lieve and left him...

"Sure! Take a rest! All of you!" Lieve shouted...

I think I will take a rest... it's been a tiring day...

Look at Euclio's face... he is pale already...

"Eria... you will sleep on the third floor..." I said and she nodded...

"Ethan... you will sleep on the fourth floor... and Ed...you sleep with Ethan..." I said

Both of them nodded...

I carried Euclio's shoulder... and we are going to our room on the second floor...

Rin's and Erin's room is also on the second floor...

I put Euclio on the bed... and sleep next to him...

I let a sigh while laying on the bed...

"It's good to be back..." I said

Then, I hear a knock...

"Come in..." I said

It is Ed!

"Nisan... we will be going to the guild now, to register ourselves..." Ed said

"Sure... be careful okay..." I said and he nodded...

Ed's Point of View

I decided to go to the guild with Ethan, Eria and... Rin...

Rin said that he will gladly show us around...

After asking permission from Nisan... we walk outside the house...

This place is awesome! I really like the surrounding of this place... I feel so peaceful...

When we left the house, a knight is coming toward us...

He gives Ethan a bow...

"Ethan-sama" he said while bowing

But then he looked a me...

"Oh! I thought you are Nico!" The knight said in surprised...

I wonder why people always thought me as Onisan...

"I am his brother..." I said to this knight

"I see..." he said...

Then, the knight look at Eria...

"So, you left?" he asked Eria...

"Yes, I think adventuring is much more fun..." Eria said to this knight name Lieve...

"I see... if you are traveling with Nico... I believe Nico will be safe... take care of him for me okay?" Lieve said to Eria... and she nodded...

Hmmm, why does everyone care about Nisan so much...

"Hey Lieve! We need a carriage!" Rin said...

"Hey Rin! Sure... wait here, I will take care of it..." Lieve said and he run to the forest...

After a few minutes, a carriage arrived...

"Here you go!" Lieve said while jumping from the driver seat and leave the horse driver...

"Thankss!" Rin said...

"No problem..." Lieve said

All of us enter the carriage...

"To the guild please..." Ethan said

"Okay Ethan-sama..." the driver said...

The carriage start moving... and we left the house...

On our way, Ethan told us something...

"Hmmm you see, we are currently only have ten gold coin... that is from Nico... and we should be able to manage it by ourselves..." Ethan said to all of us...

The two of us nodded

"What Nico give us for free is place to live..." Ethan said

"How about the transport?"Eria asked...

"I don't know as well... I guess it is provided by the guild..." Ethan said...

And after 10 minutes of traveling, we arrived in front of the guild...

Everyone is looking at us already...

"Nico?! What's wrong with your eyes!" a boy older than me come toward me...

He has a blonde hair... and I believe that he is a swordsman...

"Hey! You found a cure to your eyes?" a girl with pointy ears come to me... she hold a bow on her hand...

They are... a gold rank adventurer... I know it from the boy's necklace... and the boy is the party leader I believe...

"Hey Rin! Long time no see!" another girl come toward Rin and she has blonde hair...

"Ummm you see... I am not Nicolas..." I said to them... before we have miss understanding

And the three of them looked surprised...

"But I am Rin!" Rin said to them...

"I-I see... sorry for missing you for someone else..." The boy that looks like the leader said...

"Hey Rick! He is Nico's brother!" Rin said to the blonde boy that looks like the leader...

"W-What?!" the three of them sounds surprised...

"H-He has a brother?!" the elf said...

"Ummm sorry guys, but we have to register ourselves on the guild..." Ethan said to them and about to leave...

"S-Sure... let me help you!" the boy name Rick said to us... he walks now beside Ethan...

"You sure?" Ethan asked...

"Of course! But first..." Rick stopped walking...

And so all of us...

"You should decide who is the leader of the party..." Rick said to the three of us...

But what I feel is Eria and Ethan is looking at me...

"No... I guess Ethan-sama should be our leader..." I said

Everyone is surprised with me calling Ethan with -sama...

"E-Ed!" Ethan said in panicked...

"Ummm I mean... Ethan...." I revise my words...

"How about you Eria?" I asked Eria...

"Hmmm I guess I don't mind..." Eria said...

"T-Then it is decided already!" I said

"Hmmm I guess you should practice your leadership here as well..." Rin said to Ethan while smiling...

I wonder why Rin is so cute...

Without realizing, my hand is about to reach Rin's face...

"Ummm Ed?" Ethan called me...

I pull my hand...

"R-Rin is too fluffy..." I said

And Rick laughed...

"You are indeed Nicolas's brother!" Rick said while laughing...

"S-Sorry Rin..." I said...

"Let's go! Before the line is too long!" Ethan said...

We nodded...

"Also, you should decide your role in the party..." Rick said when we are waiting...

"Role?" Ethan asked...

Rick nodded...

"Hmmm the three of us are swordsmen..." Ethan said to Rick...

"You sure?" Rick sounds surprised...

Ethan nodded...

"Then, you should find a mage..." Rick said...

Eria, Ethan and Rin looked at me...

"Ed is a mage as well..." Eria said proudly of me...

"R-Really?! That's great! You sure are Nico's brother!" Rick said happily...

W-Why does he compare me with Nisan... Nisan is much stronger than me...

"Not like him... I can only control two elements..." I said to Rick...

"Wow! That is great already!" Rick said while patting my head

"T-Thanks..." I said

I think Rick is a good person...

Then suddenly, an elven girl come...

"Wow... Petra-san... what are you doing?" Rick asked...

Hmmm Petra? I think I've seen her once...

"Nico... you finally return!" Petra said while giving me a hug...


"Wait! What happened with your eyes!" Petra said while looking really close to my eyes...

"Umm Petra-san... he is Nico's brother..." Rick said to Petra...

She looked surprised and slowly move further from me...

T-That is a nice cover

"I see... then, what can I help you?" Petra asked me...

"Ummm we want to registered ourselves as adventurer..." Ethan said

Petra looked at Ethan and her jaw fall to the ground...

She looked surprised...

"E-Ethan-sama... welcome to our guild..." Petra said...

"Sssttt...." Eria, Ethan and I said to Petra...

Then she shut her mouth...

Rick looked confuse...

"Hmmm just who are you?" Rick asked Ethan...

"I-I am just a normal adventurer" Ethan said...

Since Rick is a Dragon Race, he might not know about Ethan...

"Come! Let me serve both of you! Let's go to the second floor!" Petra said

Then we registered ourselves as adventurer...

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