《Legacy of Ennea》Chapter 26 - Haven


After five days since we depart from Epius, finally we are one day apart from Haven...

We've got attack from bandit... but Eria and Erin took care of them...

Both of them could kill tens of bandit...

"You got a tough girl!" Persey said to me.. then he laughed...

They are tough!

"Hey! It's Haven!" Euclio said...

All of us has discussed what we are going to do...

So, first we all will disguise as an adventurer... to enter the city...

I will be a swordsman with heavy armor and helmet...

But, not only me... Euclio and Ethan as well... since our face is well-known...

Haven has never declare war on Perius Kingdom... but secretly, they attack us...

So, we will secretly attack them as well...

A long line is waiting to enter the city...

"There will be an inspection!" Persey said...

All of us nodded... and we used our helmet...

After ten minutes... it is our turn...

The soldier check everything on our carriage...

What they found is Hellhound's tooth, slime's liquid extract, also some wolf's pelt... some spare swords and shield... and other normal adventurer stuff...

During our journey, we kill several monsters so we look like adventurer...

But then...

"Hey.. the three of you... open your helmet..." the guards said...

But Persey asked...

"Hmmm what for? They never open their helm since we met them... so please respect them!" Persey said to the guards...

The soldier looked at each other...

But then, the soldier nodded...

"Fine... you may pass..." one of the guard said

So we pass the gate...

After we passed the gate...

"Fiuhhh... that was close... thanks to Persey..." Euclio said...

But Persey laughed...

"Leave everything to me! Persuading is my specialty!" Persey said while knock his own chest...

All of us nodded in unison... and he laughed again...

He is indeed reliable...

"So... we should find a guild..." Euclio said...

Guild... I miss the South Guild in Sera already...

I hope Rick is okay...

Haven... is a weird city...

Everyone in this city is using Red clothes... not all, but most of them...

The houses here is the same as the outer city of Sera... most of them are made of wood...

Also... the guild!

We finally arrive, after half of an hour...

Persey asked several person and finally we reach the place...

The road is busy... with preaches...

Also, there are a lot of churches...

This is indeed the base of Mera Sect...

I get down from the carriage with my heavy armor...

It is... not comfortable...

I wonder why Eria and Erin use it everyday...

The seven of us enters the guild... and when we do... everyone stare at us...

Um... do we look like an idiot?

So, we plan to rent several rooms in the inn...

Persey do the talking...

The guild has inn... that is the standard of the guild...

And we got 4 rooms...

I believe I will sleep with Euclio, Ed with Ethan, Eria with Erin... and Persey alone...

When we put our things on our own room... everyone gather inside my room...

I can open my heavy armor... which is really uncomfortable

I let a sigh...

"I wonder why both of you could endure it..." I say to Eria and Erin...

Ethan and Euclio nodded...

Two of them are not used to it as well...

"I think it is comfortable..." Erin said while hit her own armor using his hand...

And Eria nodded...

"So... what is our plan?" Ed asked...

"I have a plan..." Euclio said...


All of us look at him seriously...

"First... we will need to infiltrate the central church... and search for this Marius..." Euclio said...

"Infiltrate? How?" Persey asked...

And Euclio looked at Erin...

"Erin?" I asked Euclio...

Erin nodded...

"Erin is strong... I know it... and I never feel her presence at all when she stands behind my back..." Euclio said

Everyone nodded...

"B-But... it is a dangerous mission..." I said it

If she got caught... she could be executed at once...

"Don't worry... this is one of my ability..." Erin said...

"Erin... you have to tell us first before you go into action..." Euclio reminded her and she nodded...

Erin stood up

"Then I will check it now..." Erin said...

"Okay, return at 8 PM..." Euclio said...

Erin nodded and left...

"Now... Ed, Persey, and Eria... the three of you are the only one that can move freely in the town... so you have to find a lot of information as you can... maybe about this town nearest event, that Marius will attend or something else..." The three of them nodded...

"Hey! I can go with them as well!" Ethan said

I nodded...

"With our armor..." I said

Ethan nodded...

"That is why, it is our duty to talk with the adventurer..." Euclio said...

"Adventurer?" Ethan asked

"Yes... adventurer is actually the most well-inform person in a town..." Euclio explained...

And I can't argue anymore... since it is true...

Ethan looks confuse... but he agreed with us...

Ethan never be an adventurer, that is why, he don't know the capabilities of them...

They are the source of information...

"So... we will prepare ourselves as well..." Persey said..

We nodded...

"Make sure to return to this room at 8 PM..." Euclio said

The three of them nodded...

"Okay!" everyone said...

Persey, Ed, and Eria left...

I left Euclio and went around with Ethan...

Euclio said that he feels tired... so he decided to sleep...

Both of us wear our armor... and went outside our room...

"Ughhh this is heavy..." I said to Ethan...

"Hey Nico... stop complaining..." Ethan said to me...

"Y-Yeah sorry... let's talk with other adventurer..." I said to Ethan...

But, when we arrived at the guild's lobby... every eyes are on us...

And another man with higher posture also with heavy armor stopped us...

"Who are you?" he asked both Ethan and I...

"Oh... we are adventurer from Auxem..." I said to him...

Everyone around us looked at us...

"Hmmm I am a bit curious with Auxem's adventurer..." The man said...

I know where this talk going to...

"Ah... I'm sorry, but we are a bit busy..." I said to him...

"I challenge you to a duel!" the man said

"YEAHHHH!!" the adventurers around us shouted...

Ughhh... why people loves to fight...

"Ethan... what should I do..." I said to Ethan whisperingly...

"I-I don't know... I hope Euclio is here..." Ethan said to me whisperingly...

Euclio asked us not to create some trouble... but here I am...

"How is it? Do you accept it?" the man asked me...

So... for not creating trouble... I think I should refuse him...

"I ref-"

Before I refuse...

"He accept it..." a voice behind me...


But Ethan hit my helmet...


I almost spill his name out loud...

Euclio! I thought he was sleeping...

"Yeah... I accept..." I said while following Euclio's plan...

And the battlecry of the adventurer heard


"Hey a fight!"

"What? The Platinum adventurer? Fighting an outsider..."

"They said that they come from Auxem..."

Some talks about us...

We move to the duel room...

It is a bit small... compared to South Guild Duel Room...

"Don't use your magic..." Euclio said to me whisperingly...

I nodded...

"What if I lose?" I asked Euclio...

"Then, you lose! There is no need to win..." Euclio said...

I see the man with his sword...

The sword is... nothing special... until...

It shines red suddenly... and a flame covering the blade of the sword...

"E-Elemental Fighter?!" I said in surprised...

And the man laughed...

Ugh... I really want to surprise him with all of my elements... and I will laughed at him...

But Euclio forbid me...

So... I guess I am fine...

A judge come to us...

"This duel ends if one side surrender or is not able to fight... no killing... and no permanent damage... both agree?" the judge which is a woman said...

Both of us nodded...

"Then, the battle start in 3.......2.......1..... Now!"

Fighting a swordsman... without my magic... it will be hard...

"Just hit it with your sword!" Euclio shouted...

T-That is true!

I actually never use my sword in a duel...


The man come at me with high speed...

He is fast!

I dodge every of his attack...

His blade is coated with flame... I hate to say, but the temperature inside this heavy armor is also higher...

He uses Ares Style...

From the beginning of the battle, I haven't unsheathed my sword...

I bet that man is pissed of already...

From my judgement... he is an Advance Tier...

I dodge more of his attack...

Until he try to stabbed me

I move aside and unsheathed my sword...

And the sword glows red... not because of Elemental Fighter... but because of the sapphire...

Everyone looked at my sword in surprise...

Then, I hit the man's sword...

And it breaks in a hit...

I put my sword under his head... and...

"I-I give up..." the man said...

"The winner is... the outsider!" the judge said...

And everyone gives me an applause...

I think, Euclio's Ares Style is much harder to defeat...

Or maybe, we actually reach the Expert Level? I should ask Rueger...

W-Wait... Rueger is...

Rueger is alive... but missing... I have to find him...

I put back my sword... and left the arena...

"Y-You are stronger aren't you?" Ethan asked me...

"R-Really? I don't feel anything change..." I said to Ethan...

"You see, that guy is actually an advance tier... but you dodged his attack easily..." Euclio said...

"Hmmm maybe we should check it to the dojo next time..." Ethan suggested... and Euclio and I nodded...

"Woah... you are so strong!" another adventurer come to us...

"Yeah! He is the highest rank in this guild! There are 2 other Platinum Rank... but they still lose against him..." adventurer two said to me... while pointing to the man that I just dueled...

"Oh! By the way, is there any current event in this town? We are from Auxem, so we don't know anything..." Euclio said to the adventurer...

"Hmmm... I don't know about this town... but I heard that Epius is under attack..." adventurer one

That... we know too...

"Yeah by the undead! But they received reinforcements from Qiteron Kingdom and Aerios Kingdom... they should have win already..." another adventurer join us... let's say he is adventurer 3

"Not only them! Staviel and also Gavenhallen Kingdom also arrived yesterday!" adventurer 2 said

"R-Really? That's great!" Ethan said happily...

"Any news about this city?" Euclio asked again from behind his helmet...

"Oh... they said that the High Priest is going to visit Auxem..." adventure 3 said...

"R-Really? When?" I asked...

"Hmmm I guess tomorrow if I am not mistaken... it's on the 24th of this month..." adventure 3 said...

Then we look at the calendar which is in the guild...

"Today is 24..." I said to Euclio...

"Darn it!" Euclio said

Are we late?

But then, a girl stand in front of me...

"Eria?" the three of us in unison...

"We should go now..." Eria said...

"What time?" I asked her...

"10 PM..." Eria said...

And the three of us nodded...

"Sorry guys, but... we have to go..." I said to the three adventurer...

The three adventurer waved their hand to us...

We left them and return to my room...

When we are inside our room...

I release my armor...

"Ughh heavy..." I complain...

Euclio and Ed released the armor as well...

"Do you know which path they are going to use?" Euclio asked Erin...

"The west gate... the nearest way to Auxem..." Erin said...

"Hmmm do you know how many people will guard Marius?" I asked Erin...

Erin shook his head...

But then, our door is opened...

"Ed?!" I called his name...

"Sssttt..." Ed said...

"You talk really loud..." Ed said to me...

I remains silent...

And Ed come inside to my room...

He close the door and...

"There should be around a hundred soldiers guarding him..." Ed said whisperingly...

"How did you know what we are talking about?" I asked Ed...

"You see, we should talk whisperingly... I can hear your voice from outside..." Ed said whisperingly...

"Okay okay, so how did you know that Marius guarded by a hundred soldiers?" Euclio asked Ed whisperingly

"Persey asked several question to the merchants... and they said that he always been guarded by a hundred soldiers..." Ed said whisperingly

"Let's go... we should prepare ourselves..." I said to everyone

"Okay!" everyone said...

But then, suddenly....

Knocks on the door...

I immediately wears my armor... also Euclio and Ethan...

Eria open the door...


"In the name of the High Priest... you are under arrest..." a female soldier said...

She has a long black hair... and a shield behind her...

She looks like...

"Precilla?" Ed asked...

And the female soldier looked at Ed...

"Hmmm you know Precilla?" she asked Ed...

"A-Ah... yes... she is my friend from school..." Ed said...

And she looked at all of us...

"S-Sorry, he misjudge you for other person..." I said to her...

"I am Precilla's sister... Precia..." the girl sounds so friendly...

"By the way, can we meet the High Priest?" Euclio asked Precia...

The soldiers behind Precia looks on guard now...

"I-It's because this boy is a big fans of the High Priest!" Euclio said while holding both of Ed's shoulder...

"I-I am!" Ed improvised...

"Hmmm sure... you will meet him soon, don't worry..." Precia said...

The guard come inside

"Please hand me your weapon..." the soldier said...

All of us looked at each other...

"Can we have it back later?" I asked

"It depends on the High Priest..." Precia said...

Then Euclio give his weapon to the guard...

So... all of us give our weapon to the guard... I give my Oathkeeper and also the staff I got...

"Okay... your helmet please?" Precia asked the three of us...

"Ummm... sorry, but we are the three mysterios warrior! And we never shows our face to anyone else..." Euclio said...

Precia looked surprised...

But I guess she appreciate us...

"Hmmm I see, then, I guess it is okay..." Precia said

Ed and Erin showed a relieved face...

"Let's go..." Precia lead the way... and we left the inn with the soldiers...

We move downstairs... which is the tavern...

Everyone is looking at us...

"What's wrong with them?"

"They are the adventurer from Auxem right?"

"Did they do something wrong?"

"A-Are they going to be executed?!"


We left the guild and there is a carriage that is waiting for us...

But, in the dark alley, I see Eria and Persey watching us....

They have their weapon readied...

But Euclio stop them... using his hand language...

So they didn't attack the soldiers...

And so far, so good... they didn't arrest us... our hand is still free to move...

"So... what business do we have here?" Euclio asked Precia...

"Hmmm... the guard said that a suspicious adventurer enters Haven... so we decided to bring all of you to the prison to be interrogated..." Precia said

"P-Prison? Did we do something wrong?" Ethan asked worriedly...

"N-No of course... if you are innocent... you are free to go..." Precia said...

This is going to be troublesome...

I look at Euclio...

"Ugh... we will be late..." I said to Euclio

"Yeah we will..." Euclio said

"Late for?" Precia asked...

"Hmm... we have to help Epius... they are currently under attack..." Euclio said

"You mean by the Undead?" Precia asked...

And we nodded...

"Don't worry... they got a lot of reinforcement..." Precia said

And suddenly the horse stop...

"Here we are..." Precia said and she open the door of the carriage...

We get down from the carriage and led to a building...

All of us were directed to a room... and we have to wait for several minutes...

The room has been prepared already... it has 5 chairs for all of us...

It is a bit small room... and finally Precia comes with our swords...

"So... we got information about three suspicious adventurers... and I believe it is you three..." Precia said to Euclio, Ethan and I

The three of us nodded...

"Are we that suspicous?" I asked Euclio... as an act...

"I don't know... but we are quite well-known in Auxem..." Euclio said...

Then Precia put our swords and weapon on the table...

"I believe, this is belong to you..." Precia said while showing my sword to me....

So, I nodded...

"Can you open your helmet sir..." Precia said

"B-But I never show my face to anyone else..." I said to defend myself...

"Don't worry... if you are not the wanted person... we will let you free... and I will forget your face immediately....

So... even Nicolas Maxwell's sword is famous already?! This is troublesome...

I look at Euclio... and he looked troubled as well...

"Sorry, but this is our oath, not to open our helmet until we met the High Priest..." I said

And she give a thought...

"So... all of you are come here to meet the high priest?!" Precia asked... her face show disbelief...

We all nodded... But Euclio...

"Yeah, and I thought you promise us to bring us to him..." Euclio said

"Fine fine... let's go... and take your own weapon..." Precia said...

"Thanks!" I said

We left the building and in front of us...

"The central church..." Ed said

"It is pretty isn't it?" Precia said

It is...

The central church is like a tower... it is huge... but pretty as well...

When we come closer... we can see the beautiful design of the wall...

A soldier stopped us...

"Precia... Daughter of Marius... and I bring him five guests..." Precia said to the soldier...

And the soldier let us passed...

But they asked for our weapon...

We left our weapon with the guard... and enter the central church...

We are walking on a straight red carpet...

There are soldiers guarding the path...

Haven is heavily guarded... I wonder why...

And finally... we see a man sit on a chair... a really majestic chair...

Beside him... I see eight other warriors... they look strong...

Euclio looked at me...

"Not now..." Euclio whispered to me...

And I nodded...

It is very risky to attack now... we have no weapon as well...

"So... Precia... what are you bringing today..." a man said...

"Tousan... they are big fan of you... so I bring them here..." Precia said...

Tousan... so this man is Marius...

But none of us actually say something...

S-Some should act... or it will be awkward...

"O-Oh my god! It is the High Priest Marius!! It's been my wish to see you!" Euclio said from behind his helmet...

"Tousan, they promised themselves not to open their helmet until they see you! Just how great their desire to see you..." Precia said...

Oh no... I feel something bad going to happen...

"Oh really? That is a very kind of you... then, you can release your helmet..." Marius said to us with a smile...

The three of us hesitated...

"C'mon! Your wish is finally granted! You can open your helmet!" Precia said to us...

"Ughh... I'm a bit shy..." I said

"Don't worry! We don't judge people by its look!" Marius said...

"Then... don't be afraid of my face..." I said to Marius and he nodded...

Ethan is the first one to open his helmet...

"E-Ethan-sama!" Marius said...

"Marius-dono... it's been a long time..." Ethan said...

Marius and the other eight warriors give Ethan a bow... also Precia...

"Of course Ethan-sama! And why are you here? And in disguise?" Marius asked Ethan...

"I only want to see your sect... and you are as kind as ever! Allowing random adventurer like us to see you... I am touched by your kindness.." Ethan said...

H-He improvised really well!

"T-Then... let we see our next warrior..." Marius said and face Euclio and me...

This time, the eight of them are circling us...

Precial moved back...

"As I heard... Ethan-sama... you are going well with Nicolas-dono..." Marius said to Ethan...

We are in a big trouble!

"Please... open the helmet..." Marius said

Euclio opened his helmet... and they are now more cautious with me...

I open my helmet and...

'Create Elements!'

I summoned all of the five spheres at once...


Before I finish my word...

A Red Barrier appear in front of me... and blocking me to Marius...

M-Master Tier of Barrier?!?

We are now surrounded by a four-sided Red Barrier...

Only King Feurius can escape this with his Ice...

So... four of the warriors is the one that summoned this Red Barrier...

And the other four is... the swordsmen...

"Nicolas... no! Demon! What magic you are about to cast on me?" Marius said while still sitting down...

"Repel!" I shouted from inside the barrier...

"Repel? Why?" Marius asked...

The soldiers that guard the entry comes...

There are tens of soldiers now... and I can't use my magic... also we can attack them physically since our weapon is held outside...

"Because you are manipulated..." I said

"Me? Manipulated?" Marius asked and he laughed...

"Then! Are you afraid with my [REPEL]?" I asked him...

"And what if you casted a harmful spell to me?" Marius asked...


"He will only use Holy Magic... there is no harmful magic in Holy Magic..." Euclio said

Euclio then looked at me...

I nodded and deactivated all of the basic elements...

The other four warrior that summoned the barrier looked at Marius waiting for his next command...

"Hmmm... why should I trust the words of demon?" Marius asked...

"Demon?! I thought you are the one that told us not to judge people by it looks..." I said to him...

Everyone looked at Marius...

"Mera Sect! You loves Red color! Even Mera Follower uses Red Clothes! But why do you hate Red Eyes?! Don't you think it doesn't make any sense?!" Euclio said

Marius give it a thought...

"That is an order from the King..." Ethan said...

Now everyone looked at Ethan...

The soldiers started to doubt...

Every eyes are on the High Priest...

"Fine..." Marius said...

The five of us looked relieved...

"But... if nothing happened after the [REPEL]... you will be executed immediately..." Marius said...

Now I doubt myself... but...

"Sure!" Euclio shouted and he so sure about it...

T-This is a bet on my life! What if it didn't work for him?!


The four of the warriors deactivate their Barrier Magic...

After taking a deep breathe... I let it out... and cast the spell on him

[REPEL] I used it...

And a view I have seen before shown...

A shiny rope surround Marius... and....

It gone!

All of us looked at Marius...

I-Is something wrong?!

"High Priest Marius?" a warrior called him

But no respond...

The soldier surrounded us become on guard...

And they casted another barrier...

"N-Nico... what did you do?!" Euclio asked me...

"W-What?! I did what I have done to you as well!" I said

But then...

"Stop!" Marius shouted...

Everyone looked at him...

"Put down your weapon!" Marius shouted... and everyone follows his lead...

Also, the barrier is gone...

"You are true... we are being manipulated!" Marius said...

And the five of us sigh in relieved...

"Now! You trust us, right?" I asked...

Then he point out his finger on me...

"And you!" Marius said

"M-Me?!" I asked

"You are the descendant of God!" Marius said to me...

A-Am I?

"B-But Marius-sama! The holy book told us that Red Eye is the descendant of demon!" a soldier shouted...

And the soldiers around is on the same thought...

"Silence!" High Priest Marius shouted...

And everyone now is in silent...

"Can you cast your [REPEL] on everybody else?" Marius asked me...

And I nodded...

"But I need my staff..." I said

"Give him his staff!" Marius said

But no one dare to give him the staff...

"D-Don't you think that Marius-sama is being manipulated by this demon?!" a warrior asked to other warrior...

"T-That might be true!"

"H-He is a real demon!"

They are pointing their weapon on me...

They don't even trust their own High Priest....

Until the door to the central church is then breached...

"What kind of follower you are!" a girl shouted...

When she comes closer... we can see her...

She is...

"Precilla!!" I shouted...

"Hey Nico..." She called me with smile on her face

"P-Precilla! What are you doing here! You have been dismissed!" a warrior shouted...

"Hey! Do you even learn our teaching? It is written in the Holy Book that Holy Attribute is always right!" Precilla shouted...

And then everyone looked confused...

"Let him cast [REPEL] on all of you... and you will know the truth..." Precilla said...

"Guard! Lower your weapon!" Precia commanded...

And the guard lowered their weapon...

Precilla then throw me my staff...

I catch my staff...

"Y-You sure?" a guard asked Precilla...

"Do you believe in the Holy Book?" Precilla asked again...

And he nodded...

"Then... you should believe in him as well..." Precilla said while directing her eyes on me...

I come closer to Marius... and he doesn't let his guard up... he entirely trust me...

Everyone gather... and...


I cast it and send my magic to my staff...

And the power is increase!

I see a shiny rope surrounding each of the soldiers... and the eight warriors... also Precilla and Precia...

And after it gone...

"T-That is true!!"

"R-Red Eye is the descendant of God!"

"N-Nicolas-sama! He returned us to the right path!"

Everyone shouted a battlecry...

But when some people knows the truth, they even want to kill themselves... they feel disgrace on themselves...

And of course, we stop them...

Then... the announcement of Red Eyes is not the descendant of Demon spread...

But some people still show their disbelief...

I can't just [REPEL] the entire world...

So, the announcement tells that, if you want to know the truth... come to Haven...

I left the Central Church and decided to stay here for some while...

We met up with Eria and Persey outside the Central Church after the case done...

"You don't even need us!" Persey said while laughing...

"No! It's thanks to all of us, that we can make this mission a success..." I said

Of course! Without Persey, we can't even enter this city....

We stayed in Haven for a couple of week...

Marius admitted that he had been working with Navroth lately...

He said that he will do everything to get me killed...

Also, he admitted for being the cause of the undead attack... and also, for being one of the Navroth's protector...

His number is four...

Mikhael Klorze is the fifth...

Marius is the fourth...

First to third is still mystery...

Every day I goes to the Central Church and perform my [REPEL] in front of the people...

There are thousands of people each day... come to seek the truth...

And it drains my mana quite a lot...

After a week... we received a message from King Ethen...

"For Nicolas... The horde of undead has stopped... and I believe it is because of your works... we are really grateful, I have sent back the troops of Maxim, Auxem, and Sera... So, make sure you take care of yourself as well...

I also hear the news about Mera Sect, I am grateful now that you can live a bit more peaceful than before... but don't let your guard off... Navroth's eye is everywhere...

For Ethan, I leave him in your hand... I believe that he will grow much faster when he is on your side... Please take care of him for me...

About Reudora Kingdom, let House Perius, House Avom, and House Aslan fight! Also, we got back up from Aerios Kingdom, Qiteron Kingdom, Gavenhallen Kingdom, and Staviel Kingdom... and it is because of you...

You are truly the child that bring us one... and I believe that Jeremiel and Evelyn is proud of you... I hope your mindset about Jeremiel changes...

Sincerely, King Ethen..." I read it out loud...

In front of Ethan, Ed, Euclio, Erin, Eria, Persey and also.... Precilla...

"That is a good news!" Persey said

I nodded while put the letter back to the envelope...

"So, our mission is done here! I guess I have to return to Julian-sama!" Persey said while standing up

"Yes, you are going back already?" I asked Persey and he nodded...

"It's been a long time... I miss my family, also... I believe Julian-sama needs me... I believe we will meet again..." Persey said while giving his hand...

Both of us shake our hand...

"I believe it as well... good luck Persey-dono..." I said

And he left the room...

Then, I look at Eria...

"How about you Eria?" I asked her

"What about me?" Eria asked back...

"Umm... you are not returning to Sera?" I asked...

"Am I troubling you here?" SHe asked back again...

T-This is troublesome...


"I-I see..." I said

So, she is going to stick with us? Hmmm I don't mind actually...

"Oh Precilla! Where is Roxane!" Euclio asked Precilla...

"Roxane? I believe she returned to Auxem after the tragedy about the mansion..." Precilla said...

And now the atmosphere become heavy...

"You see... about your Tousan..." Precilla said...

"N-No... that's okay..." I said

"I believe that the three of them will return..." I continue...

And everyone nodded...

I look at Ethan...

"So, Ethan, you are going to stick with us... are you okay with that?" I asked Ethan...

"Sorry for troubling you..." Ethan said

He is so humble! For the prince of Human Race...

"Of course not! You are more then welcome! Let's return to Auxem in a week... I have to clear my name first here..." I said

They all agreed with me...

This past week... I let Ed, Ethan and Eria try something new...

The three of them becoming the adventurer of Haven...

I don't want them to waste time...

While Euclio, Erin and also Precilla accompanied me everywhere I go...

At first, Ed, Ethan and Eria refused my offer... for becoming adventurer...

But I force them... and now they are addicted to it...

Everyday when they return back to our house in Haven... Ed always have his own story... also Ethan... they looked like enjoying the adventuring...

Also, Eria...

At first she said that adventuring is only for a child...

But when she fight the monsters, she can't even stop...

That's what Ed told me...

After a week, we decided to return to Auxem...

"Are you sure you don't need our troops to escort you back to Auxem?" Marius asked me...

I nodded...

"Don't worry, we can do it on our own..." I said to Marius...

Then Marius smiled on me...

"I hope you can meet Jeremiel soon..." Marius said...

"Hmmm? You know him?" I asked Marius...

And he nodded...

"Of course! He is one of the descendant of God! And so you are..." Marius said...

Oh, that's true... Jeremiel-tousan has red eyes as well... since we are the first line of Maxwell...

"Then... we will be off..." I said to Marius...

He waved his hand...

There are hundreds of people crying for our depart...

"Now they cry when you leave... it is really weird..." Euclio said to me while laughing...

"Yeah, I wonder what has change in Auxem..." I said

"Hmmm I wonder about that as well..." Precilla said...

We are currently riding our horse...

We don't need wagon, since it's only a day journey...

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