《Legacy of Ennea》Chapter 28 - Suspicious Man...


When I wake up... it's night already...

Euclio is sleeping like a log... not moving and no sound at all...

I left my room to check on everyone else, I move downstairs, and found no one else...

Hmmm... where are they...

As I remember they were registering themselves to become adventurer... but it takes too long for just registering...


I see a girl staring at the river, outside our house through our windows...

"Erin?" I said...

What is she doing out there...

I open the door that directing me to the river...

When I open the door, she looked back and spotted me...

"Yo..." I greet her while walking toward her...

"Hello..." she greeted me back...

And I stand beside her...

Both of us are facing the river...

And we can hear the sound of flowing river... bird singing...

Fireflies around on the river

It is so peaceful...

"Do you like this place?" I asked Erin...

And she nodded...

"I always feel like home, when I looked at the river..." Erin said to me...

"So you lived near a river?" I asked her

And she nodded...

A few minute passed

"I hate that lion..." Erin said...

"Leo?" I asked

"Yes... I will kill him one day..." Erin said...


Erin's tribe were annihilated by Leo... only Rin and Erin survived...

I believe it is hard for them, but still

"Hmmm I guess killing won't solve anything back..." I said to Erin...

"Still, stupid animal like that shouldn't be a king! He deserve death!" Erin said with a bit anger...

Then we have a silent moment between us...

Only the bird sings... and water flow...

"By the way... where are the other?" I asked Erin and changed topic...

"They haven't return..." Erin said...

"Hmmm that's weird... maybe we should check them out..." I said to Erin and she nodded...

Both of us return back to our home...

"You wake Euclio... and I will find a carriage for us..." I said to Erin and she nodded...

I moved to the front door and see a knight guarding the door...

I knock the door and he look back at me...

And I open the door...

"Lieve... where are the others?" I asked him...

"Hmmm aren't they going to register themselves in the guild?" Lieve said

I nodded...

"Don't you think it takes a long time?" I asked and he nodded...

"Do you need a carriage?" Lieve asked me and I nodded...

"Wait here..." Lieve said and left me...

While I hear footsteps inside our room...

"Nico?" Euclio shouted from the second floor...

"Whattt??" I shouted from the first floor...

He then run from the second floor to the first floor...

"Yo... where's the carriage?" he asked me...

"Lieve is preparing it... where is Erin?" I asked Euclio...

"I am here?" Erin said...

"WHAT?!" Both of us jumped...

S-She is out of the house already?!

"W-What wait... how did you do that?!" I asked her...

"Hmm? I am here already after I wake Euclio up..." Erin said while smiling...

That is still a mystery that both of us never solve!

And the carriage come...

Then the door opens... and Lieve come outside from it...

"There you go... I will be guarding your house..." Lieve said to me...

The three of us enter the carriage...

"T-Thanks... you want to eat something for dinner?" I offer him

"Hmmm treat me a steak!" Lieve said while smiling...


"Okay!" I said...

"To the guild..." Euclio said to the driver...

And the carriage started to move...

I wave my hand to Lieve and he waved back...

We passed several soldiers that are guarding our house...

"Hmmm I wonder how many soldiers are guarding our house..." I said

"At least a hundred..." Euclio said...

"A hundred and fourty two..." Erin said...

"Hmmm? You know?" I asked Erin...

Euclio and I were surprised with that...

She nodded...

"While you were taking a nap... I check their troops..." Erin said...

"I-I see..." I said

She looks like an assassin... scary...

After five minutes of travelling, we left the forest... and after 10 minutes... we arrived in front of the guild...

We get down from the carriage... and I immediately run to the guild...

And I check around...

Hmmm... no sign of Ethan's party...

"Hey!" a girl come and greet me...

"T-The nice receptionist!" I said

I forgot her name...

And she looks a bit troubled...

"Uhhh Mel? Meil? Miel?!?" I said

And she smiled....

So.., Miel is her name

"Looking for your brother?" she asked me...

And I nodded...

"Do you know where did he go?" I asked...

"Oh... he is doing a platinum rank quest now..." Miel said with a bright smile...

"P-Platinum?! Wait! I thought he just registered today?" I said...

"Oh please... you become a platinum adventurer in a day..." someone join in...

"Petra!" I called her...

"Yo Nico..." she come and give me a hug...

Then he checked my eyes and let a sigh...

What's with that...

"I give him a gold rank adventurer..." Petra said...

"I-I see..." I said

But not everyone else...

Everyone that hear our conversation looked like an idiot...

"Do you have any idea when will they return?" I asked Petra...

"Hmmm it should be by now..." Petra said...

And then, we all hear a carriage stop in front of the guild

I decided to check on it... not only me... but everyone in the guild...

It's not a carriage... it's a wagon...

I see Ethan, Ed, Eria and Rin... also Rick?! And his party?! Get down from the wagon...

The first one that realize us being here is Ed...

"N-Nisan?!" Ed shouted...

And everyone that comes out from the wagon looked at me as well...

Everyone around us started to whisper...


"Yeah... he is Nico's brother!"

"He is Nate Maxwell?!"

"No! Apparently Nico has another brother..."

The news spread already?

The four of us come closer to Ethan's and Rick's party... including Petra...

"So... how's the mission?" Euclio asked Ethan...

"Easy..." Ethan said with a smile...

"Yeah! Eria took 5 ogres! That is cheating!" Rick said...

"But Ed took down 6 ogres..." Eria said while smiling...

I never see her this happy?

"Ethan took down the ogre king!" Ed said...

Ogre King?!

I looked at Petra...

"That is a Diamond Rank quest..." Euclio said to Petra...

And Petra nodded...

"Isn't it dangerous? I thought Gold Adventurer could only take Platinum Quest... not Diamond..." I said

She could put Ethan's party in danger...

"That is why... I am promoting Ethan's Party to Platinum Rank!" Petra said...

And everyone gives a loud applauses...

I showed my disbelief face...

"I know it that this is going to happen..."

"Hmmm as expected from Nicolas's brother!"

"T-That is Ethan? Ethan Perius right?!"


Now... Ethan's identity is revealed as well...


But then Ethan raises his hand... and everyone become silent...

"Call me Ethan... and I am Ethan the adventurer..." Ethan said

And now everyone looked at him in amazed...

"As expected from the next King!"

"House Perius is always the best!"

"No! House Maxwell is the best!"

"House Maxwell?"

"Don't you know?! The story about Auxillium?" an adventurer asked...

And everyone listen to him...

"Auxillium family name is Maxwell!" the adventurer said...

Hmmm... [REPEL]ing them is kind of a mistake?

"R-Really?!" everyone started to look interested...

"Yeah... you should ask Nicolas-sama to give you a blessing... and you will remember everything..." the adventurer said...

Hmmm since he know the truth already... I believe that he is one of the Mera Sect... also, he called me with -sama...

All of us move to the second floor...

Including Rick's party...

Then, Petra start the conversation...

"Rick... your party is now a Platinum Rank as well..." Petra said and all of Rick's party looked surprised...

"D-Do you mean it?" Jay asked... jay is the fighter...

"T-This is not a dream right?" Rick asked and looks about to cry...

I don't doubt Rick's party skill at all... their team work is top tier! They could be better in teamwork compare to us...

While us... it's just we are individually strong... maybe our teamwork only become top tier when I work with Euclio...

Also, Ethan's party... Ethan is the only normal person inside it... Ed could use Holy Attributes... while Eria has her own fighting style...

But Ethan is a hard worker... like Nate... and Hard Worker always win against the talented one!

I give a thumb to Rick... and he give me a thumb as well while wiping his tears...

"So, there should be 4 platinum parties in Sera?" I asked Petra...

Petra nodded...

"Oh! Have you heard about the other two Platinum Party?" Petra asked me...

"Hmmm I know Reyner... but I don't know the other one..." I said to Petra...

"They are from the East Guild... and quite a talented one..." Petra said...

"I see..." I said but I am not interested on meeting the other actually...

"And also... they are about to be promoted to a Diamond Rank..." Petra said...

Now, I am a bit interested...

Seeing my face changes, Petra continues...

"The rule of adventure guild is... there should be only one Diamond Party in a city..." Petra said...

The three parties looked at Petra seriously...

"Y-You mean..." Euclio looked excited...

And Petra nodded...

"There will be a tournament... the one that win, should be the Diamond Party..." Petra said...

"S-So... if we lose, we are demoted?" I asked and she nodded...

I don't really mind actually... but Euclio, Rin and Erin look at it as a challenge...

"When will be the tournament held?" Euclio asked...

"Next week... in Seraviel..." Petra said...

Seraviel?! Then! It should be a really big match...

Lerrich wants to get more money...

"Okay... do you know anything about our opponents?" I asked Petra...

"I don't really know them, but one of them is a Nullifier..." Petra said...

"Nullifier?!" Euclio looked surprised...

He then looked at me...

And I let a sigh...

"My enemy..." I said and Euclio nodded...

Nullifier... I never meet any of them... but still, unlike Barrier Magic... it will break your magic... and you will be unable to use magic for around five to ten minutes...

"Woah... finally we got to see someone that use that kind of magic..." Euclio said

Rin and Erin nodded as well...

"H-Hey! Isn't it a problem?!" I asked but the whole room laughed...


"Oh also, they got an Elemental Fighter... a mage that controls Earth and Wind elements... an Advance Spear bearer, and an Advance Archer..." Petra explained...

"That is hard..." I said

"That is an unusual combination..." Euclio said...

"Rin's Elemental Fighter won't work if they use Earth Magic... also Wind element plus Archer is quite a combo... the only normal one is the spear bearer" Euclio said...

It is... the spear bearer is the one that has the least attention... but...

"No... he is the leader..." Petra said..

"W-what?!" both of us in unison...

"Ugh, so, he should have something special..." I said...

And Euclio nodded...

"What are you guys talking about?" Rick said and didn't understand our conversation...

"They are always like this... now, I have done telling everything you need... please leave..." Petra said

D-Did she just drive us out?!

All of us decided to leave the guild...

And in front of the guild...

"Let's go to the steak restaurant..." I said to everyone else...

"Sure! Sure! I have no problem!" Rin said while jumping around...

Rin is... too fluffy...

"Ummm Nico?" Ethan looked at me with weird reaction...

Without my recognition, my hand was about to hug Rin...

"Ughh, Rin is too fluffy..." I said

Ethan, Eria and even Rin laughed really loud...

What... even Eria laughed really loud... but she still looks pretty with her blonde hair...

And when Eria looked at me... I face other direction...

"You just said the same thing as Ed..." Ethan said...

I look at Ed... and he smiled on me...

"Ah, by the way, we will skip the dinner" Rick said...

"Really? Why?" Euclio asked...

"Hmmm we will celebrate our promotion with the guild..." Rick said...

"I-I see... then we will be going..." I said to them and Rick nodded...

"See you later..." Jay said

"Train yourself before the tournament" May said

We left them and walk to the restaurant...

A lot of people were watching us... and as usual, we ignored all of them... until we arrived at the restaurant...

"Nicolas!" Monica greeted...

"Monica!" Rin greeted

"Rin!" Monica greeted...

Why is it always happening?

"For seven people please..." I said and we are directed to the second floor...

It is the exclusive place for us...

"So.. chicken steak for Euclio... and how about the other?" Monica asked...

And Euclio just give her a smile...

He never order other meat beside chicken...

We all ordered food for ourselves... also...

"Oh, another beef steak for Lieve! That's for take away..." I said to Monica and she write it one her note...

After she left...

"Nico! You should train your swordsmanship more! If you face a Nullifier, it will be hard!" Ethan reminded me...

"Yeah... I know... I guess I will train with Eria tomorrow..." I said and face her...

I think she has the best swordsmanship...

Euclio has the best swordsmanship among us... but he is too much to be follow up...

"Hey! You can fight me in a one sword fight..." Euclio said to me...

"Hmmm but you won't progress if you fight me... you should train with Rin..." I said

Euclio and Rin is equal...

Eria is... I don't know... maybe stronger...

"You can train with me..." Ethan said while smiling...


"Both of us in the same tier, aren't we?" I asked Ethan and he nodded...

"I have a good defense! And you have good agility... so we could learn together..." Ethan said...

Hmm that is a good idea...

So I nodded...


"T-Then... I will teach both of you!" Eria said to both of us...

E-Eria?! Teach us?!

Ummm why is she blushing...

But, when she do, she is so cute...

"S-Sure!" I said

Euclio looked at me with his annoying face...

"Then, I will practice with Erin..." Ed said

Erin nodded...

So, all of us has our own study group...

I guess we try a bit harder than we used to be...

After we thought about practicing, the food came...

We eat really fast so that tomorrow, we can practice together

Also, I give Lieve his steak he ordered... and he looked really happy...

"If you went any longer, I will be die of starvation!" Lieve said

The next day...

I train with Eria and Ethan...

I fight Eria... and I lose within five hit combo...

While Ethan, he lose within six hit combo...

"Only a combo different?!" Ethan looked surprised...

"What? You are still winning!" I said to Ethan...

"But I am a defensive player..." Ethan said...

Then, a man in armor come...

"Lieve?!" Ethan and I called his name...

"Hmmm, why don't I test your swordsmanship tier?" Lieve said...

It seems that he understand our situation here...

"Sure..." I said and prepare to duel him...

"Both of you ready?" Eria asked...

Both of us nodded...

Lieve should be an Expert Tier or above...

He is on the same level as Nate, Leon and Nathalia...

"Go!" Eria said

I rush toward him... and...

He is a Valeon Style user!

He prepare his defensive stance...

I attack him with my sword from his side... but he parry it...

I can't stand the clash of our swords...

It is just, his power is greater than mine... and make me lose my balance...

He then try to kick me... but I jump backward...

"Hooo.... Nice choice..." Lieve said to me...

Hmmm... fighting one of the knight of Sera is really hard... He deserve his title...

I come closer... and I give him a swing of my sword...

Lieve was about to parry my attack, but I kicked his sword...

But still, he hold his sword...

He move back a bit and I don't give him a chance to recover...

So I decided to give him a real attack this time...

I am going to attack him diagonally... but when he prepare to parry my attack again, I pull back my attack, since clashing with his sword is a bad idea...

And before I could pull back my sword... my hand that is holding the sword was grabbed by Lieve's hand...

H-He could do that...

And Lieve put his sword right beside my neck....

"Stop... the winner is Lieve..." Eria stopped us and announce the winner...

He then release my hand... and put his sword away from my neck...

"Y-You can do that?!" I asked...

"What? Of course! There is no rule such as you aren't allowed to use your hand..." Lieve said while smiling...

"Woah... teach me!" Ethan said...

Both of them are Valeon Style user...

"Sure... and Nico..." Lieve called me...

And I face him...

"You are in the final phase of Advance Tier... keep training this year and you will be in the Expert Tier"

E-Expert Tier! Finally!

"T-Thanks!" I said to him...

"No problem! Practice more with Euclio, and you will be an Expert Tier in no time" Lieve said...

But then...

A soldier come to us...

"What is it?" Lieve asked...

"The tournament! They are waiting for you Nicolas-sama!" the soldier said...

Tournament!? It is next week event right? Not now!

"Wait... what? Tournament? Petra said that it is next week..." Ethan said to the soldier...

"No... hundred of thousand people has been waiting for you now... please, come with me..." the soldier said...

W-What is happening...

Did Petra told us a false information?!

But she won't tell us a false information... our party, being the symbol of the strongest party in Sera... and we are under the South Guild...

"Call Euclio and Rin..." I said to Ethan...

And Ethan nodded... and Ethan run toward them...

While I call Erin...

Euclio and Rin is currently training in the woods...

While Erin trained with Ed in the opposite site of the house...

After several minutes

All of us has gathered...

We follow the soldier and enters the carriage...

It's Euclio, Rin, Erin, Eria, Ethan, Ed and I...

"Hmmm... I never thought that Petra could ever make a mistake..." Euclio said...

"Yeah, she always been a perfectionist..." Ethan said

We are currently inside the moving carriage...

The carriage is moving to.... Deeper forest?

"Stay on guard..." I said whisperingly... and everyone nodded...

We are following the flow... I believe that this is a trap...

Until it stop... and I see from a window that a mage casting a [FIREBALL] toward us...

"RUN!" I shouted...

We break the carriage... and avoid the [FIREBALL]

The carriage is break into pieces... while the horse is running away...

"T-The driver is..." I said...

But I don't see any driver...

"Ssstttt..." Erin said loudly... and all of us looked at her...

She looked really serious...

The mage is gone... the mage that cast the [FIREBALL]

The breeze blew the dry leaves... and then... I hear something else...

But then, Rin punch it using his Elemental Fighter to the direction of the sound...

A range attack from Rin... and, a man with black clothed appeared and he knocked out to the tree from Rin's hit...

"Assassins!" Euclio said...

And then something I never wanted to hear heard...

A sound of arrow being pulled on the bow...

But I don't see anyone...

'Create Elements'



I summoned a wall from every direction to protect us...

"Eria... Erin... Ethan... the three of you should protect us..." Euclio said and the three of them nodded...

"Nico... create a [FLASHBANG]... and all of us should run toward our house..." Euclio said...

I nodded...

Just what is happening... why the black clothed man is here?! I thought Mera Sect has join our side...

Or maybe... it is not from Mera Sect...

Suddenly... the [PRISON] slowly return to the ground... the enemy's mage are descending the wall...

"Ready?" I asked and everyone nodded...

Then I can see the sky and...[FLASHBANG]

I summoned a really big bang... that could be seen even when your eyes were close...

Also, we heard shouted... the assassins are blinded already!

"Now!" Euclio said and we all jump from the remaining descending Earth Magic and run toward our house...

Euclio and Ed lead the front...

Rin and I on the second row... and behind us are Ethan, Eria and Erin... the three defender...

Eria is not a defender... but she wears heavy armor...

After we run pretty far... I created a big giant wall between us and the assassins...

Rin and Ethan looked surprised with the gigantic wall I created...

"Huh... just what is happening..." Euclio said while still controlling his breathing...

"I don't know... as I know that Petra is never wrong!" I said...

Yeah, she never blundered even once... and I believe that this is not related to her...

"There should be an intruder..." Ethan said...

"Do you guys see that?" Rin said...

"See what?" I asked...

"The enemies..." Rin said

T-That is true...

I never see an enemy...

They are invicible...

"This is not an ordinary assassins... this is far more dangerous..." Euclio said...

Then suddenly... Erin threw his spare sword to a tree...

We all looked at her speechlessly... but then...

Another black clothed man revealed...

He is dead already... the sword pierce his stomach...

"H-How can you do that?" I ask her...

"We should keep going!" Erin said and she started to run...

And in reflex, all of us run as well...

After almost half an hour... we arrived at our house...

I can't take a breath normally... but what we see is...

Lieve and two other knights lies on the floor...

"Lieve!" I shouted...

I run toward him... and see his face...

Ethan put his ear near Lieve's nose...

He then looked at me and shook his head...

"T-That's a lie!" I shouted...

"Nico!" Erin shouted and deflect some arrows...

"Get back!" Euclio shouted at me...

"B-But... Lieve!" I still think that he is alive...

'Holy Magic! Hea-'

Before I could heal him... he was shot by another arrow...


"Rin! Bring Nico back!" Erin commanded and Rin pulled me...

I look around and Eria is deflecting several arrows

Ed dodges arrows...

And Euclio...

He slapped me..

"Wake up! You are a burden!" Euclio tell me...

And somehow I am a bit offended... so I pull my hand from Rin and walk alone...

"Where?" I asked Euclio...

The seven of us are a bit separated now

So I decided to create a big wall to protect us...


The biggest prison I have made for ouselves...

I am covering our house from attack as well...

Since I have the feeling that the enemies are attacking us from the forest... but none of them are actually close with us...

"Everyone! Here!" Ethan said...

He is in front of our door house...

All of us come closer and we decided to talk inside the house...

And in the living room...

"Ed... take every book we need..." I said to Ed... and Ed nodded...

Ed move upstairs...

"So... what should we do..." Ethan asked Euclio...

We all face Euclio...

This is a hard situation...

"Hey Nico... can you create other shape of earth magic... like a tunnel maybe?" Euclio asked me...

"Hmm... sure... Magic is flexible..." I said

"Then, you should create one toward the city... and one toward the waterfall... also other two for distraction..." Euclio said...

Ughh... it's easier than to be done...

"Okay... but all of you have ready? Prepare your belonging in this house first..." I said

"Yeah, there might be a chance that we are not able to return..." Euclio said...

N-Not to return?!

Everyone displayed a serious face...

We all check our own room... and I don't find anything important left...

Then, I see my [PRISON] is slowly descending...

"Hey... everyone ready?" I shouted from the second floor...

Since we are currently preparing our equipment... and important things...

"Yeah!" Rin said

"All clear!" Ed said

"As always!" Erin said

"I'm done!" Eria said

"Let's go!" Ethan said

"Make it now!" Euclio said to me...

I move to the highest floor...

And I see the town from the fourth floor... and created a long tunnel from our house...


And a long hollow earth magic created and it reach the town....

The [PRISON] I created is still descending... It looks descending this big prison takes time...

"To the North!" Euclio said


I don't know where North is, but I face where Euclio face... and created a long tunnel as well...

"Waterfall!" Euclio said


A tunnel is created toward the waterfall direction... and...

"South!" Euclio said once more...


I created a tunnel toward the south... and long enough...

"Let's go Nico!" Ethan said from the first floor...

I decided not to jump from the fourth floor but use the stair...

When I leave the house... I see the [PRISON] is still descending...

"Fast! Before they know which tunnel, we will enter!" Euclio said...

And we all run toward the tunnel which is heading to the waterfall...

When we are inside the tunnel...

"Why aren't we moving toward the town?" Rin asked Euclio...

"Because it is too obvious..." Euclio said...

That's true...

We have been walking for ten minutes... and then finally...

We can hear the sound of the waterfall...

But we are still inside the [TUNNEL] i created...

"Hey... I see light..." Euclio said

The [TUNNEL] is dark... so I manipulate the Holy Magic and Create Light...

So, we have a free torch made of mana...

But... when we leave the tunnel...

"Stop!" A man said and he aimed his bow toward us...

I have seen him before...

"Ulysses!" I said

"Nico?" Ulysses said...

He is the number five of the Knight of Sera...

"Come! Fast!" Ulysses said and we are led to the waterfall...

When we passed the waterfall

And I see Fredrich there...

"F-Fredrich?!" I called him

He is sitting on a big rock...

When he heard his name were called... he looked at me...

"N-Nicolas!" Fredrich said... and he jump from the rock, and hug me...

Fredrich is Lerrich's son... Fredrich Ezate...

"W-Where is your Tousan..." I asked...

"Lerrich-sama is on his way here... and he is guarded by number two, three, four, seven, eight and ten..." Ulysses said to me...

I looked at Ulysses... but he looked a bit sad...

"I see..." I said

Euclio and the other is behind me...

"The Carriage!" Rin said...

All of us look behind the rock where Fredrich sit... and we see our old carriage

"W-Wow... I really hope June is here..." Euclio said...

June... I missed her so much...

Fredrich release me from his hug...

"June? You mean the Pegasus?" Fredrich asked...

And I nodded...

"D-Did you see her?!" I asked Fredrich...

"Y-Yeah... everyday... I think she loves flower... she visits Seraviel daily..." Fredrich said

And all of us looked speechless...

"W-We should go to Seraviel!" I said

"Are you insane?!" Ulysses said to me...

"W-Why?! Seraviel is safe right?" I asked back...

"You don't know?! It is a total chaos out there! Not only Seraviel! But the inner gate and outter gate! There are invisible armies out there... and civilians were killed!" Ulysses said...

They are attacking the city as well?!

"And you decided to keep hiding here forever?!" Ethan asked Ulysses...

"N-No! But it is my duty to keep Fredrich-sama safe..." Ulysses said...

"Then, it has nothing to do with us... I will help them..." Ethan said

Ethan looks a bit mad...

But I know how he feels...

"Calm down... I will help you too..." I said to Ethan and patted his head...

"Hey! Both of you calm down... how can we enter the city! We need like more than an hour of walk!" Euclio reminded us.. But...

"Ssssttt..." Rin said

And all of us become silent...

I hear a sound of flapping wings...

It is outside the waterfall...

We come approach the waterfall and see Pegasus silhouette...

"J-June?!" I called her

And then the Pegasus enter the waterfall...

A white big Pegasus... bigger then June...

I move back a bit

But then I see someone behind the Pegasus... and now all of us at the man...

The man looked at us confusely... but then he stared at me...

He uses a golden armor... it looks like a very expensive armor...

"Hmmm? A Maxwell?" The man said

But then he looked at Ed...

"Two Maxwells... and they are siblings..." the man said to the Pegasus... and the Pegasus neighed...

We are currently in a big cave behind the waterfall... and the big Pegasus is still flying...

Then, the Pegasus touch the floor and walk toward us...

"So... what are both of you doing here?" the man asked Ed and I...

"W-We are in a critical situation..." I said

"T-The city is under attack!" Ed said

But the man show an uninterested face...

"I know..." the man said...

"C-Can you help us?" Ethan asked...

The man looked at Ethan through his golden helmet...

I see a spear and a sword behind his back... and it is made of gold as well...

Only his red cape that aren't gold color...

The man come approach Ethan... but Eria and Erin stopped the man...

"I am sorry, but a stranger should know his place..." Eria said...

The man looks at Eria...

But then... in an instant... Eria's sword fly away...

W-What?!? I didn't see anything...

But suddenly... he already held his sword...

"S-Stop!" I said and I activated my magic...

The man stops... exactly in front of Ethan...

He then stares at Ethan's eye...

"Hmmm you have Ares's eye... " The man said...

Ares? Hmmm I have heard that name...

"A-Ares?! Ares Maxwell?!" Euclio said in surprised...

Then the man looked at Euclio...

"Hey! Your face looked like my grandson!" The man said and laughed...

We have no idea what he is talking about...

"Are you a Maxwell?" Euclio asked the man...

But then suddenly the aura is different...

It is scary... and dark... and confusing...

My vision gets blurry...

Also, we can't breathe properly...

But then... after a while... it stops...

When I can see better...

Everyone has fall to the ground...

I can't move my feet...

W-What is happening...

I look at the man... and he looked at me...

"So... you are quite strong..." the man said...

I feel my feet trembles... and my heart beats really fast... Even Eria, the number one knight fall to the ground... what can I do?!

Then the Pegasus neighed...

"Hmmm? Really?" the man said to the Pegasus...

Then he directed his face to me again... and I feel the chill... I am about to pee on my pant...

"So... you knew June?" the man asked...

And I nodded...

"Hmmm, as a gift from my new friend... I will call June for you..." the man said...

"C-Call? June?!" I said

And he laughed...

We walk pass the waterfall and left the cave...

Then he shouted...

"JUNE!! COME HERE!!!" the man shouted...

At first... nothing happened...

But then... another Pegasus come...

And this time, the Pegasus jumped toward me... and pushed me back to the cave...

"J-June!! I missed you!" I said while crying...

And June keeps licking me...

The man laughed at me and he ride on his Pegasus back...

"H-Hey... how about my friend?" I asked him... and he flick his hand...

I look back at my friends... and....

Euclio looked like drunk...

"Ughh... my head..." Euclio said

"W-What happened?" Ethan asked

"N-Nico... are we still alive?" Rin asked

I direct my view toward the man... but he has gone...

"W-Where? Where is he?!" I asked June... but June shook his head... like she doesn't want to tell...

"H-Hey! It's June!" Ed said

And everyone looked at June...

June neighed...

"J-June!" Euclio and Rin run toward June...

"H-He is big..." Ethan said...

"She is a female..." Erin said

"Oh..." Ethan said...

And we laughed...

"June! Are you ready to pull the carriage?" I asked June and she nodded...

What a smart horse...

I show June the carriage... and she looks... happy...

"Let's save your Tousan..." I said to Fredrich...

I know from the beginning that there is something wrong with Lerrich...

Since Ulysses looks like hiding something...

Fredrich looked at me with his hopeful face...

"How about if we go straight to Seraviel... I believe June can evade every attack..." I said and June neighed...

"She said that of course!" Rin translated...

I know it already... she neighed pretty confidence...

"Then... let's go..." Fredrich said and he join us...

Only Ulysses left...

He looked at us speechlessly...

"Ughhh if Fredrich-sama join, I will join as well..." Ulysses said...

"Yeah!" all of us shouted...

And Ulysses looked even more speechless...

When we are about to mount June to the carriage...

"Ummm wait... how can we get down from the waterfall?" Euclio asked...

T-That's true!

"Oh! I can use Earth Magic and create a path for June to slide..." I said

All of them looked at me speechlessly...

"T-That is a great idea!" Euclio said...

"W-What?!" I asked...

"I mean! Why don't you just create a path toward Seraviel with your Earth Magic! High enough that the enemy won't be able to touch us..." Euclio explained...

T-That is trueee!!!!

"Sure! I will try..." I said

Everyone else mount the carriage to June...

While Euclio and I move toward outside the cave...

"Hmmm... so Seraviel will be there!" Euclio pointed at the higher wall inside the inner wall...

"I see..." I said

"You sure you can do it?" Euclio asked me...

"Ummm... If I am out of mana... look after my body okay..." I said

And he laughed...

"We will leave you here inside the waterfall" Euclio said jokingly...

"W-What?! That is mean!" I said

He laughed again...

I see behind the waterfall... and everyone is prepared...

"You guys inside the carriage?" I asked...

"Yeah!" Everyone shouted...

I looked at Euclio... and he nodded...

I raise my staff and...

[WALL] I created....

And another gigantic wall created... and we are going to ride June on the wall!

"Let's go!" I said to June... and she neighed...

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