《Legacy of Ennea》Chapter 12 - Semifinal


Ocean Protector, that is the name of Euclio's sword that he just received from me...

He is super happy... even after a week...

"Hey... today is the day for semifinal... stop gazing on the sword..." I said

"Don't you think it's beautiful..." Euclio asked me

"Stop gazing it like that! Hey! Let's practice!" I asked him

Now, it is his daily routine to clean his sword... this boy looks really happy with the gift I gave...

By the way, about Daigo...

Ethen Perius, Feurius Qiteron and Zeon Aerios sign the paper about the agreement...

Daigo sent the news to his Dad and he told his Dad not to tell anyone at first... until his return to Staviel Kingdom...

Marie Gavenhallen also sign a special contract... which accept embassy between both... and also will stop waging the war if Daigo become the Prime Minister...

In total, Daigo will receive supports from Perius Kingdom, Qiteron Kingdom, Aerios Kingdom (Dragon Kingdom), Gavenhallen Kingdom, and the most important thing... the people of Staviel Kingdom...

I believe that he will win the election and become the next Prime Minister... but also, it mean that he will leave the school earlier than any of us...

Daigo has told Santa already... and he praised Daigo's action...

He will leave after this school year end... which is two months left...

And today is the semifinal... and the first match is Ethan and Ed against Nate and Leon... at 10 AM...

Currently, it is 8AM... and we are eating our breakfast...

Serena is not here... maybe she has some other business...

We are eating our breakfast, while Ethan, Nate and Leon sit on the same table...

"You know... both of you shouldn't discuss any strategy here... since both of you are going to fight each other..." Precilla said

"Don't worry, we had planned the strategy..." Leon said

"Yup... nothing to worry..." Ethan said

I look at Nate... he looks a bit nervous...

I patted his head...

"Don't worry... just make sure you have fun..." I said to Nate

And he nodded...

"Just make sure both of you have fun as well..." I said to Ethan and Leon...

"Yeah! Whatever the result, no hard feeling okay?" Ethan said

"Of course! It is just a tournament..." Leon said

At 10 AM, Euclio and I sit together...

Roxane and Precilla joined us later...

And the match begin...

"Nisan!" Nathalia come toward me...

"Hey!" I called her and hug her...

"Hello Nathalia!" Euclio greeted her...

"Hello Euclio-nisan" Nathalia called Euclio...

S-She called him with nisan? We are not even related!

Oh wait... we do...

"Okay everyone... today is the day to select team for the final battle tomorrow! The semifinal!" Santa shouted and everyone become loud....

"Then, let's call Ethan Perius and Ed... the champion of group A" Santa said and both of them enter the duel arena....

Cheers are everywhere...

"Also... the champion of group B... Leon Aerios and Nate Maxwell!" Santa said

And the cheers are louder than ever... I guess more students supported Nate's team... maybe since they joined the student council...

But I hear shouted...

"L-Look at that! Nate is so handsome!!"

"No! Leon is more handsome!!"

"Both of them are handsome! Unlike his brother!"


That hurt so much...

Even Nathalia laughed at me...

"Don't worry... You are handsome too Nico..." Euclio said

"Stop!! I don't want to hear it from you!!" I said

And everyone laughed...

I see the battle arena... and I see both teams do a handshake to each other...


Then both teams walk to their own position...

After they prepared their stance...

Santa do a countdown...

"3........2........1.... begin!!" Santa shouted...

Leon immediately attacked Ethan... while Nate in an instant launches an attack toward Ed, before Ed could activate any spell...

As a result, both Ethan and Ed were knocked back...

"Cre-" Before Ed finish his spell... Nate attacked him again and again...

But Ed surprisingly evade every attack...

Until one point where he looks tired and unsheathed his sword...

Since fighting against Nate is really hard for a Mage...

Maxim Style of Spear Wielding is playing with close range...

Even I see Ed was knock by the body of the spear multiple of times...

And also... Ethan, he is being attack by Leon continuously, and has no chance to recover....

This should be the advantage position for Nate and Leon... but their face looked annoyed...

Usually, they could finished this under 10 seconds... but now, it almost a minute, and they couldn't knock both of them..

Until in one point... Ethan and Ed are back to back...

Then I see both of them, Nate and Leon launches an aerial attack... from above their head...

And Ethan smile...

"Now!" Ethan shouted...

Ethan blocked both of the attack with his shield...


"Create... Win-" Before Ed finish casting... he was kicked by Nate...

Ed was knocked back pretty far... but not enough... Ed is almost out of the line...

And when Nate try to rush toward Ed, which is pretty far, gives Ed time to create magic...

"Create.... Wind...." Ed said...

And Ed direct the wind toward Nate...

I guess this is the end... magic is cheating... unless you fight it with magic as well...

Nate was pushed back... but then Nate direct himself toward Ethan...

While Leon move quite far from Nate, so that he won't be pushed back by the wind...

Seeing Ethan was pushed back as well by his magic... Ed stop using the wind magic....

"Create... Light" he said

Another element...

But Leon appeared in front of him out of a sudden and try to kick him... but Ed evade the attack and...

A [FLASHBANG] created in front of Leon...

Leon current state is blinded by the flashbang Ed created...

So that gives a chance for Ed to knock Leon back...

When Ed was about to kick Leon...

Nate hold Ed's feet with his spear...

And everyone cheers for Nate...

I see Ethan... he was out from the line already...

So now, it's a 2 v 1...

Seeing Ethan was out already, the cheers become even louder...

Ed move to a place further...

And so does Nate and Leon, both of them separate so Ed won't be able to attack both of them at once...

And something unexpected happen...

Ed's sword... turning to shiny green...

"E-Elemental Fighter..." Euclio said

The audiences looked at Ed's sword without any voice...

Ed use Wind Elemental Fighter Magic... and Ed use his left hand to cast wind magic and push Leon back...

Leon can't do anything but hold stand as long as he can...

While Ed uses his sword on his right hand... and swing it to the air.... creating an air blade toward Nate...

But Nate able to parried it...

Then Nate run toward Ed while parrying every air blade created... and when Nate is close enough, he use his spear and swing his spear toward Ed's head... but then...


Ed created a flashbang and Nate is temporary blind...

Nate moved back while Leon move forward...

Leon move forward but then pushed back by the wind again....


"Nate! Use your eyes!" Leon shouted

But he is still disabled....

And slowly... Ed move toward Nate to make a paralel line so that he can pushed both Nate and Leon...


When Ed is close enough to Nate...

Nate stood up and kicked Ed's face...

And he was knocked back...

Everyone supported Nate...

Cheers are for Nate and Leon...

Poor Ed... looks like the bad guy...


Ed created a flashbang really big that even make the audiences hurt their eyes...

After five seconds... I open my eyes...

And when all of us see the field... Leon is out of the line already...

"W-What happened?" I asked...

Even the crowd is in confuse...

"He kicked Leon when all of us are blinded by the flashbang..." Precilla said...

Leon is out, and now... only Nate is left...

1v1 Ed against Nate...

Nate is currently disabled... he can't see clearly.... So Ed run straight toward Nate

Before Ed be able to hit Nate

"Nate!" I shouted...

And Nate gain his vision back...

Nate grabbed Ed's feet and throw him away...

He fall to the ground

But Ed still stood...

Before Ed cast his wind magic to push Nate out of the ring...

"Stop!" Santa shouted...

And both of them stopped...

We all looked at Ed...

He is out of the line...

One of his feet is out of the line...

"The winner has been decided... it's Nate Maxwell and Leon Aerios..." Santa said

And everyone give cheers to Nate...

"He is so lucky..." I said

"Hmm? What do you mean?" Euclio asked

"Yeah, he regain his vision before he was about to be kicked out by Ed..." I said

"Or maybe... He didn't actually got blinded by Ed's flashbang" Euclio said...

S-So... Nate act like he got blinded by the light... and bait him to come closer, so that he can reach Ed...

"That is a gamble!" I said

And Precilla nodded...

"What do you mean?" Roxane asked...

"Just, what if he used his magic to push him out..." I said

"T-That is also possible..." Roxane said

"But, to pushed both of them with magic takes time... and the other one could recover... so doing physical contact is much faster..." Euclio said...

Euclio has a good analysis... since he can't use magic, he truly understand how magic work...

"Right?" Euclio asked me...

And I nodded...

But Ed could win after make Leon out of the line and cast magic on Nate... I bet that is depressing for Ed...

I see Ed... and he is expressionless as usual...

Both team do a handshake...

And Nate waved his hand on me...

I waved my hand back...

He looks happy, also Leon... both of them have a great teamwork...

My match will be at 2 PM... which means after lunch...

After the match we meet up with Ethan, Nate and Leon...

All of us are now heading toward Mess Hall...

We bought the food and take a sit...

"Ughh... I am a burden for Ed..." Ethan said while leaning his head to the table...

"Hey... at least you did your best there..." I said

"And Ed is not that kind of guy that will be mad at you..." I continues

And Ethan looked at me...

"Wow... how could you know him so well?" Ethan said while still leaning on the table...

"Ahh, we actually talk more often than you think..." I said to Ethan...

"Hey, if you feel bad, you should say sorry to Ed..." Precilla said...

Ethan stood up

"T-That is true..." Ethan said

He then leave us to search for Ed...

"That boy is weird..." Euclio said...

Everyone here is weird

"Everyone here is weird..."

I guess I just said what is inside my mine...

"H-Hey... I am offended here.." Euclio said

"What? You are the weirdest one here..." I said and everyone laughed...

After a while, Ethan return with Ed...

"Hey Ed..." I greeted him

"Hello..." Ed respond...

"That was a great battle..." Roxane praised him

Both Ed and Ethan sit with us...

"Thanks... I never thought that Nate could recover so fast..." Ed said

"Actually..." Nate said

And Ed looked curious...

"The last flashbang didn't blind me at all... I just predict it that you are going to use it, and used Leon as the key..." Nate explained and Leon nodded...

Ed looked speechless...

"What do you mean by Leon for being the key?" Ethan asked out of his curiosity

"Don't you realize... that every time Leon got blinded... he will shouted like 'Ahh'?" Nate asked...

And all of us shook our head

"I see..." Ed and I said in unison...

"So... when Leon shouted, it means that the flashbang has been activated... and you will keep your eyes close..." I said to Nate and he nodded...

"But, how do you know that I am going to hit you?" Ed asked...

Nate opened his eyes when Ed was close enough, it makes no sense for Ed...

"First, I hear your footsteps..." Nate said

"You can hear my footsteps in the crowd?" Ed asked...

"Yes... when you close your eyes, you will focus on your hearing..." Nate explained...

"I see... and the second one?" Ed asked seriously...

Nate then looked at me...

Which make everyone looked at me...

"I hear nisan shouted..." Nate said with a smile...

And silence rules the table...

"W-What?! Hey... what if I don't shout at all!" I said

All what Nate has done are all gambling.... Which is really risky

"Of course! It is a gamble... But if you didn't shout, I was about to open my eyes... it's just a bit late which is make me lose the game..." Nate said

So... I unintentionally helped Nate...

"That is insane..." Euclio said speechlessly...

"That is awesome!" I said in unison with Ed...

Wow... Ed is interested in this kind of things to?

At least I know now, that he doesn't take his defeat seriously...

"Hey Ed, why don't we train together some times... like, I never trained my magic since I enter this school..." I said to make him forget about his lost...

"N-No problem... you can come to me anytime..." Ed said

"Wow... that would be fun to watch!" Roxane said

"Yep! It's going to be interesting..." Precilla said happily...

But then, I remember something...

"Hey! Euclio... we should prepare the strategy!" I said

Our match will begin in an hour...

"Ah... so...." Euclio explained the strategy...

Euclio's strategy that he created was great! Even Ed looked interested...

Euclio is a well planned boy, like he planned what he will be doing for the next day...

"You see... if this plan don't work... it will be up to you Nico..." Euclio said...

Like the previous match, when it was against Noc and Navael... it was Euclio's strategy... and it went according to plan... he is a really smart guy... also a weird guy...

"Okay... let's do this..." I said

"Okay!" Euclio said

We left the mess hall and we are heading to the Duel Arena Building

We split up with the other... they enter the building... while Euclio and I enter the waiting room...


"M-My sword?! I forgot to borrow one from Leon!" I said

I left the waiting room and about to enter the Arena Building, where the spectator watches the fight...

But before I enter...

"Use this sword..." Ed offered me...

"E-Ed! You sure?" I asked...

Usually I used Leon's but this time... Ed offer his...

"Yeah, this is a family heirloom sword..." Ed said while examining his own sword...

"T-Then why do you want me to used it?" I asked...

"I-I don't know... I just always had this feeling, that I have to lend you my sword..." Ed said...

"Wow... if you fine with that, then I will take it..." I said

I took the sword and unsheathed it...

A white blade sword...

"Then... I'll be off..." I said to him...

"Goodluck..." Ed said...

He always looked cold... but he is actually a kind boy...

This swords is lighter than normal sword... I hope I will get used to it...

I enter the waiting room, where Euclio has waited for me...

"Hey... that was fast!" Euclio said me...

I then showed him the sword I held...

"Wow... Ed's sword?" Euclio asked...

"Yes... I hope I won't break it..." I said

"Can I see it?" Euclio asked me...

I give the sword to him...

He unsheathed the sword and examine the sword...

"I think this one is sharp... in fact it is sharper than Ocean Protector..." Euclio said

"T-Then... this is an expensive sword?" I asked in panicked...

And Euclio shook his head

"I don't know about the price... But I know that it can cut everything... that is good for Maxim Style user..." Euclio said


"Because you don't parry attacks... if you parry attacks, you need sturdy sword, like Precilla's and Ethan's which is using Valeon Style..."

"Oooo... how about Ares Style?" I asked...

"Depends... facing an enemy like Precilla and Ethan, I need a sturdy weapon too, or else my sword will break first..." Euclio said

I see... so, Ed notice my style already... and decided to lent me his sword...

"Let's go..." Euclio said...

He wear his light armor... while I wear my robe...

I never use armor in my life...

And I hear Santa shouted...

"And now, the battle of group C's champion, against group D's champion... let's call Nicolas Maxwell and Euclio Qiteron..." Santa shouted

And a loud cheering heard from the waiting room...

We enter the Duel Arena... and we see people watching us...

Ughh... I feel nervous now...

"Then, the champion of Group D, Edrick and Lucy!" Santa announced

I direct my view toward my opponents...

A boy with a silver heavy armor, and he hold a broadsword on his shoulder... and also I see a girl with a robe... she has green hair and green eyes...walking toward the Duel Arena

That girl looks suspicious...

I hear everyone still mocking me...

"Don't let the Red-Eye win!"

"Kill the Red Eye if you can!"

"Just disqualified the Demon!"

But I ignore them... I actually glad that people has less expectation from me...

"Nico... we can do this!" Euclio said whisperingly

Aghh, but this boy has a really high expectation from me... and I won't let him down...

"Yeah, we can't lose here... Nate and Leon is waiting for us..." I said

Both of us come closer toward Edrick and Lucy, and we do a handshake...

"Let's have fun!" Euclio said with a smile...

And both of them looked annoyed...

"Sorry, this guy is a weirdo..." I said

Both of them smiled a bit

"No problem... have fun too..." Lucy said with a smile

"Yeah, no hard feelings okay?" Edrick said while giving me a fist...

I give him my fist and bump it to his fist...

And everyone stayed silence...

We never talked to them... but apparently, they looked friendly...

Both of us move back and prepare our weapon...

"Remember the strategy?" Euclio asked me...

"Of course,... don't mind me, just do your job" I said

And he nodded...

Santa looked at us... and we give him a thumb, means we are ready... and also the other team....

"Let the battle begin in 3.......2........1........Now!" Santa shouted...

Euclio move in front of me to protect me, so that I can cast magic...

'Create Water...'

'Create Wind....'

'Create Earth....'

'Create Fire......'

'Create Light....'

I have created the five of the elements... but...

"Nico... they don't even move..." Euclio said...

"W-What?!" I said in confusion...

I only see that the girl has prepared water magic... since she has a blue spherical ball above her...

"Just be ready for surprise attack..." I said

A minute pass and no attack...

Everyone looked confuse...

"Euclio... let me try to attack" I said...

I then give a wind magic... so that they were pushed back... until...

"Water Magic.... Magic Resistance...." she said

And both of them were casted with Magic Resistance...

Both of their outfit begin to shine a bit blueish... but then, it's gone...

"W-What happened?" I asked...

"I don't know... but all I know is that Wind Magic has no effect at all..." Euclio said

I looked at both of them, and they start running toward us like nothing happened...

I created a [WALL] so they can't come closer...

But, Edrick destroyed the wall with his broadsword and came closer...

"Water and Fire magic won't work either..." I said to Euclio...

"Then, the only effective way is physical attack..." Euclio said...

Euclio start heading toward Edrick... he jumped up high and use both of his sword to attack Edrick's head...

But he blocked it... with his big sword...

I come closer to Edrick and try to kick him but...

A wall of water is blocking my way toward Edrick...

Euclio jumped backward by stepping on Edrick's broadsword...

"Again..." I said

And Euclio nodded...

Euclio run again and do a face to face battle...

But I circle Edrick, and planned to attack Edrick from behind him...

And again, the wall of water is protecting him...


"Barrier Magic!" I used on between Edrick and Lucy... which stop the wall of water...

Now I can freely attacked him...

But when I faced Edrick...

He was ready to attack me... he swung his big sword and...

Euclio used his dual sword to protect me...

I feel the wind from the impact of both swords...

"I-I can't hold it anymore..." Euclio said

And I launched another attack... but Edrick block it with his broad sword...

I return to the ground next to Euclio...

"Euclio... go straight toward the mage..." I said whisperingly...

Our position currently is between Lucy and Edrick...

"Now..." I said

Euclio run toward Lucy...

Before Lucy can cast any magic... Euclio draw a line....

"Barrier Magic..." In front of Lucy...

And Euclio launch a fatal attack...

Lucy created a wall around her using water magic... which slows the attack... and so the attack fail...

She the surround herself with water magic...

While I am facing Edrick...

I evade every attack he gave me... until a point... I found a space...

I thrust the sword towards Edrick's armor...

And it pierced through it...

"W-What?" I said in surprised as well...

Yes... the sword is sharp enough to pierce the heavy armor...

I moved backward... near Euclio...

I guess Euclio couldn't find any spot of weakness...

She is completely surrounded by the water...

"You see... I hate to say but, you have to use it..." Euclio said

I looked at Euclio's swords... it is cracking already...


Before I finished my words... Euclio kicked me away and he hold a big sword with his dual swords...

Edrick has attacked us already...

And I see the crack is getting worse... and finally one of the swords broke...

Euclio moved back...

And he used another sword... his third swords... Ocean Protector....

When he unsheathed it... everyone on the bench sounds like 'Woahh'... amazed with the color of the blade... which is dark blue....

And this time... Euclio launched the attack...

He used Ocean Protector to attack the broadsword... and now, the condition is swapped...

The broadsword used by Edrick began to crack...

And everyone cheers on Euclio...

After one attack, Euclio launches his second attack...

A sound of the swords colide could be heard... also the air pressure...

The cracked on Edrick's broadsword is bigger...

Just one more time...

Euclio was about to launches his third attack... but a wall of water now is protecting him as well...

I think it's now my turn...

I combine both Earth and Water magic... creating a Wood Magic...

Both of the sphere began to shine brighter... the blue sphere and brown sphere...

Everyone looked at me now...

Tousan stand up from his seat...

"T-That is?!"

And I grip my hand really hard...

I feel something growing on my hand...


I aim it on Lucy...

"Fusion Magic.... Wood Magic!" I said

A wood was coming out after combining water and earth magic from the sphere... and creating wood...

The wood is moving in high speed toward Lucy... and pierced the [WATER SHIELD] that surrounded her...

It hit Lucy and wrapped Lucy with Wood Magic... Creating a tree with Lucy being part of it...

Everyone is in silence...

Lucy dropped her staff and I disabled her...

She can't move now... and without her staff, she can't do anything....

The water wall that protects Edrick was gone as well...

Euclio now is able to launched his third attack...

Knowing that Edrick's [WATER SHIELD] has gone, Euclio launched another attack... and Edrick's trying to protect himself with the broadsword...

Unfortunately for Edrick, his broadsword's giant blade is break... and turned to pieces...

After seeing that... he looked speechless... and decided to...

"I give up..." Edrick said

"Yeah!" I said in unison with Euclio...

And Euclio gives me a bump fist...

Then I looked at Santa...

He still looked speechless...

I looked at the audiences... and they stared at us like mad at us...

D-Did I do something bad?!

"Ehem..." I said toward Santa...

But he is still daydreaming...

Then Edrick move out of the line... and touch Santa...

And Santa woke up from his daydreaming...

"U-Uhh... the winner is Nicolas Maxwell and Euclio Qiteron!" Santa said...

But no applause...

Everyone is still staring at the Duel Arena...

Ah yes, before I forgot, I have to undone the Wood Magic...

I aim my hand to the wood and begin to undone it

The blue sphere and brown sphere are now absorbing the Wood...

And slowly... Lucy is able to move...

"Thanks?" Lucy said in confusion...

"N-No problem?" I said in confusion as well...

"That is great nisan!!" Nate shouted...

Everyone then looked at Nate...

And they regain their consciousness...

They begin to clapped their hand...

And slowly the crowd becomes loud...

Even the kings stood from their seats...

"That is my son!!" Tousan shouted proudly...

Ugh... Tousan... everyone knows already...

The crowds gives us applaud for quite a long time...

We decided to enter the waiting room... a room where we can rest...

And we can hear the applauses are getting louder now... I guess some people just gained their consciousness after we left the arena...

"That is a great fight..." Edrick come toward us in the waiting room...

He released his armor... and helmet... so he is a Dragon Race... since he has a blonde hair...

He has black eyes...

"T-Thanks... you guys did great as well..." Euclio said

"I am surprised that you could use Fusion Magic..." Lucy said after she sigh...

"T-That was supposed to be a surprised attack for fighting Nate and Leon... but, both of you are formidable... I can't think any other way besides using Fusion Magic..." I said while praising both of them at the same time...

"Wow... that is an honor..." Edrick said while laughing...

Edrick then takes my hand and said...

"You will be great someday... I believe, one day you will become one of the ten strongest..." Edrick said

"T-Thanks..." I said

Then he released my hand...

"At least I have handshake one of the future ten strongest~ HAHAHAHA" he laughed while leaving us...

"Ugh, don't mind him... he is a weirdo too..." Lucy said while smiling...

"Yeah, but we need weirdos to live" I said

"I couldn't agree anymore..." Lucy said

And both of us laughed...

"I have a feeling that you talked about me?" Euclio asked in confusion

And we laughed again...

After preparing her stuff....

"I will be on my way... thanks for the good fight..." Lucy said

"Bye!" both Euclio and I in unison

She then leaved both of us...

"Hoah, they are good people..." I said after let a sigh...

And Euclio laughed...

"You always judge people after you know them Nico..." Euclio said


Maybe because of a lot of people dislike me... so I should know which people are good, and which one is bad...

"Yeah... but that's okay... that is just your nature..." Euclio said while preparing his stuff...

"You ready?" Euclio asked me...

"Wait... Ed's sword..." I said and I take it from the bench...

"Let's go..." Euclio said

When we left the waiting room... a lot of people was waiting for us...

Mostly people which is not Human Race...

But my friends are all here...

Including the kings...

"Nico!" Tousan shouted...

I look toward the voice source... and I see he is coming toward me with both hand opens...

"T-Tousan?" I said in panicked...

And! He hugged me...

"T-Tousan... not in public!" I said hardly

Everyone around us begin to laugh...

H-He hugs me so hard!

"He is not a demon at all... he is just a normal boy..."

"Yeah, those are stupid sect... accusing a boy for being a demon..."

"Only because of his eyes, he is isolated? That's cruel!"

I hear voices that supports me...

Then Tousan looked at me face to face...

"You always make me proud..." Tousan said

And I feel really happy...

"Aww... don't cry..." Tousan said to me...

"W-What?! N-No I'm not..." I said while wiping my tears

I'm crying?! I'm such a cry baby.... I just received a support and I cried immediately?!

"Nisan... don't cry..." Nathalia said and she joined the hug...

"Yeah! We are always here!" Nate said and he joined us as well...

"Can I join?" Euclio asked....

"Sure!" Tousan, Nate and Nathalia in unison

"No!!" I said

Everyone around us laughed... including Euclio's Tousan...

Eventually, Euclio joined our hug...

"I-I can't breathe!" I said

And everyone released me...

"Let's eat everyone! Let me treat all of you who are in this place!" Tousan shouted

And everyone shouted


Hearing that some people supported me, I can see that Tousan looks happier than me... and decided to treat all of them...

All of us are now heading toward Mess Hall...

I talked to view other people... which is not the Mera Sect... and they keep praising me...

It is a rare moment for me to talked to other person besides my friends...

But now, everyone doesn't even believe that I am a bad person... they ignore the Mera Sect...

When we arrived at the mess hall... Tousan brings hundreds of people and treat them all...

"Order what you like! Let me treat all of you!" Tousan shouted...

"UWOOOHH!!" everyone shouted like a battle cry....

While everyone ordering a meal... I come toward Ed...

I returned the sword to him...

"That is a very good sword..." I praised him

"Yeah... it is... my parents left me nothing but this sword to me..." Ed said

T-That is cruel isn't it?!

But I don't even know where are my real parents... but at least I have Tousan and Kasan, eventhou they are not my real parents...

"I-I see... sorry..." I said

"No problem... I just had this feeling that your style of sword really fits with this sword..." Ed said...


He nodded...

"Only several people can use this sword..." Ed said

"Yeah... I think that fits for people that use Maxim Style... which is rare..." I said

And he agreed...

"What's your level in swordsmanship?" I asked Ed...

"Advance level..." Ed said

"Wow! That is the same level as mine!... do you need a teacher to teach you Maxim Style?" I asked...

"I-I would be glad to..." Ed said

Then I pointed to a small girl that was carried by a big man...

That's Nathalia... with Tousan...

"Are you joking?" Ed looked at me with doubtful eyes...

"Nope... she is in the Expert Level Maxim Style..." I said

And Ed face shows disbelief...

"You can duel her if you want... but you will lose in a minute...." I said

"M-Maybe after the meal..." Ed said with curiosity...

After all of us eat... Euclio shouted an announcement....

"Hey! Let's create a Nico support group! To stop the discrimination on Nico!" Euclio said

And everyone looked at me in silence...

T-This is going to be weird...

"I agree!!" Ethan shouted...

"I always have a thought about that from the beginning" Leon said

"Yeah... that is just the same as bullying right?"

"Bullying is forbidden!"

"Stop the discrimination!"

Now everyone supported me...

"N-Nicolas? Why are you crying?" Ed asked me...

"N-No... I'm not..." I said while wiping my tears...

And Ed hold his laughed... but he can't so he burst out his laugh...

That is the first time I see him laughing..

With Euclio's announcement, a new organization was created

Euclio as the leader...

Ughh, Euclio never stop surprises me...

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