《Legacy of Ennea》Chapter 11 - Ocean Protector


The next day is sunday... and we have no activity to do... just keep training with Rueger and Nate trained with Kasan...

I have told to Kasan that I ordered a sword for Euclio... so they will be delivering it to the mansion...

Also I told Kasan about the cost... which is 6000 golds coin

I don't have the money, but I said that I will pay the money soon... and she looked so proud of me...

I know that my parents have the money, since I heard once about the income of Tousan when I am still 2 years old...

They thought that I won't understand... but I understand...

Tousan get around 90 000 000 golds a year... At that time, I don't understand wheteher is it a big money or not

But he must pay wages for the soldiers which takes a third of the total income...

Also, half of the incomes for the city management... This city is big, which needs a lot of maintenance...

Auxem is the city of diplomacy, where every nation come and strengthen their relationship...

Also, the city of knowledge... where people gained their knowledge...since this city has a school... and the only school in the world...

If Tousan received 90 000 000 golds a year minus the city management and minus the wages for the soldiers... it means he has 15 000 000 golds right? I guess that 6000 golds won't be a bother for him...

On Monday... we returned to school... and we continues our tournament as well...

Group A is now fighting for it's champion... I guess there are 80 duels today...

Group B is tomorrow

Group C is the day after tomorrow...

Group D is the day after Group C

And there are some predictions about the champion of each group...

Group A's ace so far is Ethan and Ed

Group B's ace are Nate and Leon

Group C's ace is my team...

Group D's ace are Gina and Lex...

Later, after the group stage is over, Group A's champion will fight Group B's champion

And Group C's champion vs Group D's champion...

The winner will go through the final...

Ethan and Ed fight another 4 battles today... but all of them ended less than a minute...

Ed's magic is truly annoyed regular person...

He used [FLASHBANG] which finished the match faster compared you used wind magic...

He blinded the enemy and just knock the enemy really hard till he is out of circle...

Also, Ed and Ethan have a great teamwork... maybe like Navael and Noc...

A mage and a fighter...

I am not sure about Nate and Leon's teamwork... it's just... Nate take one, and Leon take the other one...

It's like they have divided their own ration...

But everyone said that my teamwork with Euclio is a top tier...

Yeah, maybe... I just feel that I had a lot of fun... fighting with Euclio...

Also... today is the day where Euclio's sword delivered to my mansion... and tomorrow or even today, they will send it to the school...

I am really excited to see the swords... and also afraid... I hope it will beautiful but strong as well...

Before dinner... the winner of Group A is settled...

It's Ethan and Ed...

They will go through the semi-final match...

The three kings watched the battle all day, which boost the morale of the students...

We eat our dinner in mess hall with Ethan treating us dinner...

But I see no Ed...

"Where is Ed?" I asked Ethan...

"I don't know... I asked him to joined us, but he said that he is busy..." Ethan said


"I see..." I said

"What wrong with him?" Nate asked out of his curiosity...

"Ummm, you see, Ethan's friend is our friend as well right?" I said

And Nate nodded...

"Next time I will force him if you want..." Ethan said while eating...

"N-No, don't force him if he doesn't want it" I said while smiling...

We ate our food and return to my room....

All of us talked about the tournament also tomorrow's tournament...

Until someone knock our door...

"Umm... who is it? Everyone is here..." Ethan said

"Maybe Keito-sensei?" Nate said

I move toward the door... while everyone is following me...

I opened the door and...

The most unexpected person show up...

"M-Marie!" I said in panicked voice

It is a really rare moment to see her visited me...

"Can I talk with you and Ethan..." Marie asked...

"Hmmm? S-Sure... I guess it won't be a problem..." I said

"Ethan... let's take a fresh air for a minute..." I called him

"Me? S-Sure..." Ethan responded confusedly

The three of us left my room and headed for the Mess Hall...

She bought us some drinks...

"So... what is it?" I asked her after the three of us seated...

There are some other people as well since it is still 9 PM

"Hmmm... have you heard the news?" she asked us while not facing us...

"What news?" Ethan asked...

"War..." she said in low voice...

I nodded while saying "Yeah..."

Ethan also nodded...

"C-Can I ask a favor?" She said while looking at us...

"W-What is it?" I asked... she was about to cry... and I panicked...

"C-Can you convince both of your Tousan to help us in the war!" she asked us

She stood up and give a bow to us...

Everyone is looking at us now...

The loud Mess Hall become quite at once...

"H-Hey... you shouldn't bow!" I said

"P-Please raise your head..." Ethan said in panicked as well

"N-No! I will bow until you give a yes!" she said with determination...

This is troublesome....

"F-Fine... but there is no guarantee that it will succeed..." I said

"Thanks" she said with her tears...

She then returned to sit

"You know... why does your Kingdom started the war?" Ethan asked

And she grasped her hand really hard...

"It's because Staviel Kingdom has been corrupted... the people are suffering... the poverty is overwhelming... and we... as the Kingdom of Justice, we will help Staviel Kingdom..." Marie explained

And both of us looked confused...

"So... you are going to help Staviel Kingdom... but why it becomes a war?" I asked

"The government... they didn't approve our presence in their Kingdom... They said that we are just a rat, trying to spy on the kingdom... although the king has actually approved it..." Marie said

"You mean Vierten Staviel has accepted it? Then why can't you helped them?" Ethan asked

"It's because they used the democracy system... the ministers have agreed that they didn't need any help from the outsider... but you see, the ministers are the corrupted one... and the King is being useless now... one wrong move, and the King's Throne could fall..." Marie explained...

I wonder why they paid attention to the justice in other kingdom...

"We just try to keep justice in every kingdom..." she said like she read my mind...

"I-I see... so Gavenhallen Kingdom planned to attack Staviel Kingdom... but does it mean you will increase the poverty of the kingdom?" I asked...


"Yes... so that the people of Staviel Kingdom will chose another King and better ministries..." Marie said

Another King!?

Does it mean Vierten must get off the throne?

"T-That will hurt Daigo..." I said

"I've talked to Daigo already..." Marie said

"And?" Ethan asked

"At first, he supported me... since it is for the best... we just planned to rid off the ministers..." Marie said

"But after the conference... Staviel Kingdom refused to receive any help from Gavenhallen Kingdom... we stopped communicating..." Marie explained...

"So we decided to take over the kingdom... and I guess Daigo agreed... but you know... it will be hard for him... the end of Staviel Era..." Marie said

Staviel is loved by its people... it's just they choose the wrong ministries

Then silence rules the table...

"Why don't we asked for Daigo opinion..." I asked

"I don't mind..." Marie said...

"I'll call Daigo..." I said and stood up...

Then I visited his room for the first time...

I knock the door...

"Wait..." Daigo's voice from inside...

Then he opened the door...

"N-Nicolas?! Can I help you?" Daigo asked...

"Hmmm, do you have a free time? I want to talk about something..." I said

And he nodded...

"Let me change my cloth first... oh and please come in..." he said and offer me to come inside his room...

I enter his room... the room is the same shape like my room... it's just... a lot neater...

"Wait here..." he said and we are in the living room...

I sat down...

After minutes, he changed his pajamas to a casual cloth...

"Let's go..." Daigo said

"Okay..." I said and we left the room...

While walking to the mess hall he asked me...

"So, what is this all about..." he asked...

"You see, I've heard about Gavenhallen and Staviel Kingdom crisis..." I said

And he looked calm...

"Yeah, what about it..." he asked...

"You see, there are several people here that want to help you..." I said

We arrived at mess hall and he looked uninterested...

But he sit down with us...

"So, have you guys thought any other way beside war?" I asked them

"You see... we just need to remove the ministers, right?" Ethan asked

We all nodded... except Daigo...

"You see, there is a dirty way to do it..." Ethan explain... and we all focus on him...

"Assassination..." Ethan said


Everyone went quite....

I don't like the way, but actually, that might be the only way, beside killing thousands of people...

"You see, I can't do it... especially to my own kingdom... and people..." Daigo said...

He is so... Staviel...

"That is a bit risky... and my kingdom is kingdom of justice... Assassination is not justice... unless I pretend not to hear anything..." Marie said

"Let's just keep assassination as our last resort..." I said

And all of them nodded...

"Is there any other way to choose a new minister? I mean, there must be a period for being a minister, right?" I asked Daigo...

"Yes, but they always got elected over and over again..." Daigo explained...

"Why?" I asked...

"You see, the rich one will always get what they want..." Daigo said...

"But the people choose right?" I asked

He nodded...

"How many minister do the corruption?" I asked...

"I can't tell, but a lot..." Daigo said

If we do assassination, that would be really hard... since there are a lot to kill...

"Y-You said that you are loved by your people right?" Ethan asked...

"Y-Yeah... I think everyone keep saying that I am a good leader someday..." Daigo said

"Then why don't you be the minister..." a voice behind me...

All of us looked behind my back...

"E-Euclio!" All of us in unison...

"Ughh you took so long! I am worried to death... sorry, I listened some of your conversation..." Euclio apologized...

And Marie nodded...

"That's what on your thought right?" Euclio asked Ethan...

He nodded...

That might be true...

The only one that can win the election is the son of the king... which is loved by its people...

"When is the new election started?" I asked...

"Next year... on the first month..." Daigo said...

"Then! You still have sometimes to prepare it right?" I asked

He nodded...

"But..." Daigo said

And all of us looked at him

Euclio joined us and sit on the bench next to me...

"I have no experience at all..." Daigo said...

And all of us looked at each other...

"But you are smart enough... I mean, at least you know which is right and which is not..." Euclio said

"How about this... you talked to our Tousan this weekend... and asked for their help...you see, when you return to you kingdom, you bring Perius Kingdom, Gavenhallen Kingdom, Qiteron Kingdom, and maybe Aerios Kingdom as well..." I said

"T-That is actually a good plan..." Daigo said

"Also, you have to choose your own minister, the person you trust in the kingdom to help you... since you will be the Prime Minister..." Ethan said

"Yeah... I guess I have people I can trust..." Daigo agreed...

"Then... this saturday? I believe Euclio's Tousan, Ethan's Tousan, and Leon's Tousan is still in my mansion..." I said

"I-If you don't mind..." Daigo said shyly

"There is no time for doubting! You see, a lot of people in your kingdom are dying of hunger!" Marie said

S-She is truly speaking of justice...

This world is like a fantasy... where people uphold justice...

Oh nevermind... I can use magic here... it is fantasy...

"Then, I will be visiting your mansion this saturday... I will also prepare things for the discussion..." Daigo said

And all of us nodded...

"Oh also, can you ask your Tousan not to wage a war until next year..." Daigo said to Marie

"Of course... I will send him a letter, and tell our plan to him..." Marie said

All of us nodded...

"Everyone... thank you.... thank you!! I mean it!" Daigo said while crying...

"No problem! Don't cry Daigo! You have a lot of job to do!" I said to encourage him...

"O-Of course... but still... my thanks is not enough..." Daigo said... while wiping his tears...

"Hey! We are friends right... that is what friends are for!" I told him

And he nodded...

"Okay! I will be making some of list for the discussion also prepare my mental... Talking to 3 Kings at once is going to make me nervous..." Daigo said

"Yeah, I would pee on my pants..." Ethan said and we laughed...

"Okay! Just tell us if you need more help... Marie, Daigo..." I said to both of them...

Both of them nodded...

"Thanks..." Marie said with a smile...

That is the first time I see her smile...

Then all of us left the mess hall...

When we entered our room... everyone is still waiting...

Nate asked me to tell what happened... but I am too tired...

So, Ethan explained it for me...

"That is a great idea both of you have!" I praised both Ethan and Euclio

"Thanks!" Ethan said with a smile...

"Of course!" Euclio said

Euclio is unexpectedly... smart...

No, he is smart...

He is a man with strategy... while I usually use my instinct...

"So, we have nothing to worried... let's return everyone... it's 11 PM already..." Precilla said

Everyone returned to their own room....

"Hoahh... I am glad we can help Daigo and Marie..." I said in bed...

"Yeah, I was surprised when it was Marie that come to the room..." Euclio said

"Yep, she never starts a conversation... but when she does, she asked for our help..." I said

And Euclio just laughed... I guess he is tired already....

After several minutes... he sleeps...

He sleeps like a log... but with a sound...

Then I leave my bed...

I left my room... and it's time to see the sword...

It should be on the delivery room...

There is a delivery room in the lobby, where you send something to your parents or friend... but also, when you received something...

When I was walking... I see Ed...

"Yo Ed!" I greeted him... he was sitting on the bench near the lobby alone...

"H-Hey..." Ed said in panicked...

"What are you doing?" I asked him while sit next to him...

"I just need some fresh air..." Ed said in cold way... as usual...

"Wanna accompany me?" I asked him while standing up

"Where are you going?" He asked me curiously

"I'm going to take Euclio's sword..." I said

And he looks curious as well

"Okay..." he said and he stood up as well

Both of us walk toward the delivery room...

When the person see me from a far, he took my package before I had the chance to talk to him...

"For Nicolas-sama..." the person said and give a package for me

It was on a long wooden crate....

"Thanks!" I said and give him a silver coin for a tip... and he looked delightful...

I took the crate... and Ed is helping me, since the crate is quite heavy...

Everyone that pass us looked curious on what we are bringing...

We went to the mess hall... and opened the crate...

There are some people watching as well...

A sword.... sheathed with metal but covered by black leather... which make things really expensive...

The locket of the scabbard has some gold ornament... (Search in google with the keys 'Part of Swords')

The handle of the sword is black... and also some gold accessories on the cross guard...

When I unsheathed the sword...

The blade is made of dark blue but shiny material... and it is quite a perfect weight... a bit heavy than the normal one thou...

"Wow..." Ed said

"This is perfect!" I said happily

I bet Euclio will be happy...

"Wanna hold it?" I offered Ed...

"Sure..." he said and take the sword from my hand...

He then play the sword...

And everyone around us looked amazed... including me...

"This is a good sword..." Ed said...

"I know right! I bet Euclio will be happy!" I said

I take the sword from Ed... and put it back to its scabbard

"And... what will you do?" I asked Ed...

And he give some thought...

"I think I will return to my room..." Ed said

"Okay... don't stay up too late! You need some sleep..." I said

"Y-Yeah, thanks..." he said a bit shy...

Then he left...

I throw the wooden crate on a trash bin... which is doesn't fit... so I put next to it...

After that, I return to my room with the sword on my hand...

Then I open my shoes and return to bed with the sword... since I know that Euclio won't be awake...

I put the sword on the floor, leaning on the table next to him...

I return to the bed, next to him...

And I feel that he will be really happy with the sword, and he will jump around the room...

I just couldn't sleep thinking how happy he will...

The next day... I feel someone knock the door to my room...

And I remember that it is Euclio's birthday... and we planned to surprised him...

"Nico... opened the door..." he said while still closing his eyes...

"Fine..." I said while smiling...

He doesn't even realize that we are about to surprised him...

I opened the door... and see everyone waiting...

"Come... but keep quite..." I said whisperingly...

After everyone enter my room, we enter the bedroom... and

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY EUCLIO!" we shouted together...

And what is his respond?!

"Huh? Thanks..." he said while still sleeping!!

I then kicked him out of the bed

"H-Hey! What... just calmed down... okay... I am awake..." he said after seeing my angry face...

Then he returned to the bed and sit...

He doesn't realize that his sword is next to him... while everyone already looked amazed with the sword...

I let a sigh...

I take the sword and give it to him...

"This is from me..." I said to him...

And he looked at the sword....

His face looks really happy...

"T-Thanks..." he said with soft voice...

It didn't go like what I expect...

But then he cried...

"I am truly... grateful..." he said while looking at me...

"I am grateful having a friend like you" he said and hugged me...

"Calm down..." I said while patting his head

He cried?! I thought he will jump around the room...

"Thanks..." he said it again

"No problem... you are my best buddy after all..." I said

"Hey... can I try it?" Ethan asked...

He destroyed the situation...

But Euclio wiped his tears...

"No! That's mine!" Euclio said...

He then pulled the sword from the scabbard...

"Wow..." everyone in unison...

"T-That is made of sapphire?!" Leon asked in surprised...

I nodded...

"That is the best material to combine with Water Elemental Fighting Magic!" Leon continues...

"Wow... Nico! You planned everything! That is great!" Precilla praised me...

I-I don't even notice that...

"E..u...cli...o.. Qi...te..ron...." Euclio read the writing carved on the sword...

"And also, behind it..." I said

And he rotate the sword and see the other side...

"Ni...co..las..." he read it...

"Nicolas Maxwell!" Euclio said it

"Yeah, that's my personal gift..." I said while stretching my hand toward him...

I guess he cried a bit... again

But he take my hand...

"Happy birthday..." I said

"Thanks!" he said while wiping his tears again...

After that he stood up...

And try to swing the sword...

"Perfect weight!" Euclio said

"Is it? I thought it was a bit heavier..." I said

"No... for me it's perfect..." Euclio said

"Can I try it?!" Ethan and Leon said with puppy eyes...

After seeing their face... I guess Euclio can't refuse...

"Fine... just don't break it okay..." Euclio said

"Break it? You see, this is the second best material in the world... just one right below adamantine..." Ethan said

"I-Is it?!" Euclio looked surprised but happy at the same time...

"Yeah! I bet you could break normal sword easily..." Leon said

"R-Really?" Euclio asked with happy face...

And Ethan and Leon nodded...

"Should we try it?" Ethan asked...

"Sure! I guess I don't need this sword anymore..." Euclio said while pointing one of his swords...

"This one? Are you sure?" Leon asked...

"Yeah... it's just a sword for training..." Euclio said...

"Then... let's go to the field..." Roxane asked...

"Okay!" All of us in unison...

Euclio and I prepared ourselves before going down... we change our cloth... after both of us changed, we head to the training field...

And same as usual, no one trains in early morning...

On the field, Euclio and Ethan prepared themselves...

"Let's use our maximum power..." Ethan said and Euclio nodded...

Precilla give the countdown...

"Both of you ready?" she asked to both, and they nodded...

"Then, 3....2.....1..."

Both of them begin to swung their sword...



The sound of both swords collides...

All of us make 'Woahh' sound

It's not broken immediately

But after we examine the normal sword....

"It cracked..." Ethan said

"Wow... That's cool..." Nate said

And Euclio touch the blade of the sword that Ethan hold... and...

It broke...

"You see... if I use this during the tournament... I guess everyone will hate me..." Euclio said

"Yeah, that is just a special case... if you really need it..." I said

And he nodded...

"Let's go trained for some time, and then we go for breakfast... today is Nate's and Leon's day..." Ethan said

All of us agreed and train for some time...

After we trained for about an hour, we head to Mess Hall to eat our breakfast...

And one thing I just realize...

Everyone around me always carry their weapon...

Ethan with his sword... Leon with a sword, Nate with his halberd, Precilla always fully armored also a sword and a shield on her back... Roxane a sword as well... and Euclio with his three swords... two on his right hips, and another one on his left hips...

Only both Serena and I... but Serena is not the fighting type... so it's only me...

I am a swordsman and a mage without sword nor staff... a bit ironic...

Maybe I should buy a sword for myself...

I keep borrowing Leon's sword...

"Hey Nico..." Euclio called me...

"Hmm? What?" I asked

"Don't buy any sword okay, I'm gonna give the best one for you on your birthday!" Euclio said

"W-What? S-Sure..." I said

Usually, people don't tell that they want to give a present for the birthday one... but Euclio did...

It's just... Euclio... it's Euclio after all...

After we eat our breakfast... we prepare ourselves to watch the tournament...

I took a bath... and so does Euclio...

All of us meet up in front of the Duel Arena building...

While waiting for Precilla and Roxane, Daigo come...

"Hey Daigo!" I called him...

"Yo Nico... can you help me with the discussion tonight?" He asked me...

"S-Sure... why don't you come to my room, there will be a lot of us and it will be better..." I said

"Sure... you guys have no problem with it?" Daigo asked...

"Nope..." Euclio said

And the other shook their head as well..

"If you guys have no problem, then it is settled! See you later!" Daigo said and left...

He then entered with his friends...

And Roxane come with Precilla...

"Sorry guys... let's get inside!" Roxane said to us...

All of us entered the duel arena... and we see hundreds of people has come inside...

"Hey! I see our Tousan!" Leon said while pointing out his hand...

There are Clement Maxwell, Ethen Perius, Zeon Aerios, and Feurius Qiteron

The four of them sit on the different stage from the other student... like a stage for them...

Also, there are 4 guards guarding them... and one of them is using a golden armor... it's Rueger...

He realized that I am watching him and he gives me a wink from a far...

I waved my hand as well...

"Should we sit there?" Ethan asked...

"Nope... let's just sit here..." I said

We then choose a sit a bit further than Tousan...Or else it will be annoying...

"Okay, then, we will be preparing for the battle..." Nate said and left...

"Good luck!" I said to Nate...

"Be the champion okay?" Ethan said

"Sure! Thanks everyone..." Leon said and follow behind Nate's back...

Both of them leave and we watched the match from morning to afternoon...

None of them are interesting for me...

Everyone was defeated by Nate and Leon in less than 10 seconds...

I guess the difference just too far...

And they become the champion of the group...

When night comes... Daigo enter my room and all of us helped him with the discussion that he will discuss with the kings...

He comes with Marie as well... and all of us don't mind...

We have a good result, there are a lot of topic that Leon and Ethan gave and Daigo hasn't thought about

The next day is my day and Euclio's... we defeated everyone quite fast...

Euclio is not using his new sword... since his previous swords are not bad either...

His previous sword is made of silver... strong but not as strong as Sapphire...

"Euclio! Now!" I said and Euclio start running...

I created a stair so that Euclio can raise to the top of the wall easily

Euclio attacked and knock one of the swordsmans back till he is out of the line...

When the match start, I activated my earth element and create a wall in front of the enemies we are fighting with...

They looked surprised and has no chance to dodge Euclio's sword...

And the other guy swung his sword toward Euclio but Euclio parried it with one sword and throw it away... and Euclio put his other sword near the other guy's neck...

"Nicolas and Euclio win!" Santa declared...

And everyone cheers on us...

Euclio and I give a fist bump afterward...

It's an easy battle compared to me fighting Noc and Navael...

The next day, also a battle... and surprisingly... Gina and Lex were defeated...

They were defeated by the fourth-year special class student...

A boy and a girl....

His name is Edrick and the girl name is Lucy...

Edrick is a unique weapon wielder... same like Euclio... but he used a big blade sword, I think it is called as Broadsword...

He is strong enough and could throw Lex away from the battlefield...

While Lucy, she is a mage... a mage with water element... she just showed one of the elements when they are fighting against Lex and Gina

What made her special, is that she used an Advance Water Magic... which I couldn't do...

And we will face them during the semi-final...

"Don't worry! I will think about it..." Euclio said

I nodded...

It will be very hard... but I trust Euclio...

Today is the end of the group stage.... and Monday will be the semifinal... only two matches... Ethan and Ed against Nate and Leon, the other match is my match, Euclio and I against Edrick and Lucy...

The next day is Saturday, which mean we can go outside the school...

And the first destination we are heading is... my mansion...

Along with Daigo and Marie...

Yesterday, after the tournament ended... I have talked with my Dad... and he agreed to held a meeting... at 10 AM

At 9 AM we prepared ourselves from school...

We used our royal cloth... and everyone was staring at us...

Two carriages are waiting for us...

We are 7 persons now... so we need 2 carriages...

Me, Euclio, Ethan, Precilla, Roxane, Daigo and Marie...

Serena can't join us since she has to attend a meeting... including Nate and Leon...

They are busy with student council...

So, the seven of us went to the mansion...

When we arrived, the servant greeted us nicely, like usual...

Then, all of us were directed to the throne chamber.... which can also be used for meeting room...

A long table has been prepared... and everyone has been seated... Tousan, Feurius, Ethen, and Zeon...

All of us give a formal greeting...

It's not all of us... Precilla and Roxane decided not to join, since the pressure is too much for them...

At first I said "That's okay, it's not a big deal... you will get used to it..."

But now...

The pressure is too heavy... since we are going to debate a lot of things...

But this is for Daigo's sake

After we bowed... we are seated on the table...

"So, what are the king's child going to talk about?" Feurius asked

He mean Ethan, Marie, Daigo and Euclio...

Me? Umm I'm not a King's child...

Then I give a wink to Daigo and he understand and nodded...

I start the conversation...

"We heard a news about Staviel Kingdom and Gavenhallen Kingdom war... so we have talked about the problems why it occur..." I said

And Tousan asked...


I feel like he is testing me... since I know that he has talked about it... but maybe he wanted to know more...

"It's because of the corruption of the prime minister..." I said

And the kings look unsurprised...

That brings my heart to race...

"But we have some plan to stop the corruption" I said

And they waited for my suggestions...

"First, which is only if everything doesn't work according to plan, is Vierten Staviel has to get off the throne..." I said

And everyone looked surprised...

"You see... we don't hate Staviel... he is a good man, and a man with honor as well..." Feurius said praising Daigo's Tousan...

"Yes, that is just the first plan which if everything doesn't work..." I said

"The main thing his, that we want to stop the war... so that is might be one of the option..." I continued...

And they nodded...

"Second... is an assassination..." I said

All of their face looked serious now...

"That is a dirty work..." Zeon said with unsatisfied face...

"Yes, but it might actually work..." Ethen said

King Ethen looked quite agree with this...

And based on fact, Human Kingdom actually did a lot of assassination...

"But the problem is, we had a lot of people to assassinate... since it is not only the Prime Minister that do the corruption... but there are some ministers..." I said

"Then, if the first and second option is almost impossible... what is your third suggestion?" Feurius asked...

H-He knows that I have a third suggestion?! What if I don't?!

"The third one is... we waited for a year..." I said

"A year?" Tousan asked...

"Yes, next year, there will be another election for the new Prime Minister... and we decided to let Daigo Staviel, his own son... to be the Prime Minister..." I said

And Daigo stood up...

Everyone in the room... including Rueger looked surprised...

All of them remains silent

Until Tousan laughed...

"And?" he asked me in quite interested way...

"Staviel is loved by its people... there is a big chance that he could win the election, and he can get rid of the current Prime Minister..." I said

And everyone stayed silent... asking me to continue...

"First thing first... can I asked something? Do all of you satisfied or unsatisfied with Staviel's work?" I asked...

"Personally, he did a great work... and our relationship is not bad..." Ethen said

"Yeah, he has a lot of good relation... since his kingdom is a kingdom of politic..." Feurius said

"I don't know him well, but all I know is that he is loved by his people... means, I am satisfied enough with his work..." Zeon said

And Daigo looked happy...

"So, we personally asked the three kingdoms, Qiteron Kingdom, Perius Kingdom and Aerios Kingdom to help Daigo Staviel, and we will have a lot of offer from Staviel Kingdom, if you are agreed to help him..." I said

And I give a wink to Daigo... giving him the space to talk...

"First, Staviel Kingdom has a lot of resources which are currently corrupted by the government... so if you agreed to help me, I will use the corrupted resources used for market... I will sell it globally with a price that later will be set..." Daigo said

"What is your main resources?" Zeon asked


"Bah... Silver can be found in my Kingdom!" Feurius said and cut Daigo's word...

"And Adamantine..." Daigo continues...

Then King Feurius can't talk...

"Proceed..." Tousan said and the other kings looked interested as well...

"Then, our mine will sell a third of our found to the three kingdom... Qiteron, Dragon, and Perius Kingdom..." Daigo said...

And silence ruled the room...

"Next... is, we will offer you to open an embassy in my Kingdom..." Daigo said

"Embassy?" they all looked confused...

Daigo give me a smile...

"Embassy is where you have a representative from your kingdom, and stay in Staviel Kingdom... we will treat this person like other high rank of the Staviel Kingdom..."

"This person will help your citizen if they have a hard time in Staviel Kingdom... you want to protect every citizens, so that your credibility as a kingdom will increase... there will be more people join your kingdom... which means you got more taxes..." Daigo said

"Hmmm... I guess that is a good idea... none of people in this world have ever thought about that..." Feurius said...

"But... the only person that could put embassy on your kingdom is only an Ocean Race..." Tousan said

Since the Ocean Kingdom lived underwater...

"Yeah, that's why it is better for the three kingdom create an alliance..." Daigo said nervously....

The Kings started to doubt Daigo's words...

"Just an alliance we call as relation... relation so that people can live nicely... and Qiteron Kingdom as the head... since Qiteron Kingdom is an Ocean Kingdom as well... also Qiteron Kingdom will choose a person... and the chosen person will help the citizen of Aerios Kingdom and Perius Kingdom as well..." Daigo explained...

Then silence rules the room...

"We will think about it..." Tousan said, acting as the representative of the three kingdom...

And Daigo nodded...

"Is there anything you want to say?" Tousan asked...

"T-That is all from me..." Daigo said...

"A-Also! An Embassy for my Kingdom..." Marie stood up...

Now everyone stared at her...

"Gavenhallen Kingdom? That's not bad..." Feurius said

"Then, come back next week, after the tournament's final... we will ask permission from the head school..." Tousan said

All of us nodded...

We stood from the chair... and open the door...

Roxane and Precilla have waited for us...

Before we left...

"Euclio..." Feurius called him

"Yes?" Euclio asked...

King Feurius looked at Euclio's sword...

"Nice sword...." Feurius said...

And Euclio smiled happily...

"This is a gift from Nico!" Euclio said with proud...

Feurius, Ethen and Zeon looked surprised...

But Tousan laughed... as usual...

"I guess our son's relation is better than us... why don't we just agreed with the embassy and help the Staviel boy?" Tousan asked...

King Ethen then let a sigh...

"I don't have nothing to worry, since in this agreement I don't lose anything... also, if the Archduke agree, I guess I have to agree as well..." Ethen said

"Yes, I guess I have no problem having an alliance with Perius and Qiteron Kingdom..." Zeon said while thinking

And all looked at Feurius...

But Feurius then looked at Tousan...

"Your son is too kind... I like it... seeing them being friends, looks like old times... I guess I have to agree with it!" Feurius said with a smile...

And all of us overjoyed...

"YESS!!" everyone in unison...

Daigo even cried a bit...

But we all hugged him... including Roxane and Precilla which are waiting outside...

On that day, Aerios Kingdom, Perius Kingdom and Qiteron Kingdom created an alliance... for an embassy in Staviel Kingdom and Gavenhallen Kingdom...

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