《Legacy of Ennea》Chapter 13 - Final


After the organization was created, Euclio talks with a lot of people... he act as the leader... and create rules...

Ethan and Leon as the vice... which is the representative of each kingdom...

So basically, most Human respect Ethan, and Ethan put respect on me... which means that they have to respect me...

And so does Leon for Dragon Race and Euclio for Ocean Race...

Beastman, Elven and Dwarven has no representative... since all of them doesn't discriminate me from the beginning...

While Euclio busy, I talked a lot with Ed... about his past and also his current activity...

Surprisingly, Ed is an opened person, when I asked something, he will answer... unlike my previous thought...

At first, I thought Ed is a very close person and prefer to be alone... but when I talks with him, I feel that he is happy... which means, he prefers to be with us than alone...

"So, since when you meet Ethan?" I asked him

"I don't know... since I was born, I grow in the palace, and I learn magic when I was 5 years old... and I tried every element, but only mastered both Holy and Wind elements..." Ed said

"So, until this day, you protected Ethan and act as his bodyguard?" I asked and he nodded...

There is a lot of guy like Ethan, like sending a bodyguard along his child to the school, so that it will keep the child safe... usually, for royalty... Ethan has Ed... and apparently, I have one too... which is Roxane... Rueger has planned it since the beginning...

Rueger be my bodyguard at home and Roxane be my bodyguard in school...

We talked a lot... and finished our food...

After we ate... I called Nathalia

"Nathalia~" I called her...

She notice me and come to me...

"Nathalia... this guy is Ed..." I said

"Hello Ed..." Nathalia called him

"H-Hello Nathalia..." Ed greeted her...

"So... he is curious with your swordsmanship... maybe, you can teach him a little" I said while winking my eyes...

"S-Sure... let's go!" Nathalia said

Ed duel against Nathalia...

We left the Mess Hall without noticing other... I just don't want to create a lot of ruckus...

The three of us went to the Training Field... and see no one here...

I believe everyone went to the Mess Hall for free food...

Ed and Nathalia prepared their stance...

I act as the judge and...


Before 30 seconds... Ed got 5 kicks and 3 punches...

He then admits defeats...

"Y-You are truly strong!" Ed praised Nathalia...

"Oh don't worry, you can still improve... and both of you are on the same age..." I said

And Nathalia looked surprised...

"D-Don't tell that to anyone okay..." Ed said to Nathalia and she understands...

The three of us headed back to the mess hall... and it is still a mess...

Nathalia run to Tousan immediately...

But I feel tired out of a sudden...

"E-Ed..." I called him

"Yes?" He asked...

"C-Can you accompany me to my room?" I asked him...

"S-Sure... hey! Your face is so pale... should I call Euclio?" Ed asked me...

"N-No... he is having fun..." I said

Yes, it is a rare moment to see Euclio interact to other...

Ed gives me his shoulder... and we are heading back to my room...

While we are walking to my room...

"Hey... Nicolas?" a voice heard...

I can't look at the face... my vision is blurry...

Then, everything becomes dark... and my body feel so light...

And I guess I passed out...


Ughh... I think Fusion Magic drained too much mana...

The next time I awake... a person is waiting for me...

"E-Ed?" I said in surprised...

He is still waiting for me?!

"You okay now?" Ed asked me with worried...

"Y-Yeah I am..." I said

"I am grateful that you passed out when we meet Keito-sensei..." Ed said

And I looked at outside my bedroom...

Keito-sensei is on my kitchen?

I stood up but... I am not balance yet...

"Woah woah... calm down... let me help you..." Ed said and he lend me his shoulder...

Both of us arrived at the living room... and he seated me on the sofa...

He sit next to me and both of us are waiting for Keito-sensei...

"What is he doing?" I asked Ed whisperingly...

"I think he is making us a tea?" Ed said without whispering...

"Yes... a tea to make you regain your stamina..." Keito-sensei said while preparing the cup...

He then joined us and put the tea on the table...

"T-Thank you..." I told him

"No problem if it's for my grandsons..." Keito-sensei said

At first... I don't fine any problem...

The three of us drink the tea with manner....



Both, Ed and I spit out our drinks...

"H-Hey! It tasted good!" Keito-sensei sounds offended...

"W-Wait..." I said

And I looked at Ed...

"Ed... you mean you are Edmund Maxwell?" I asked Ed

"W-What? I don't have any last name..." Ed said

"Oh, you do..." Keito-sensei said and slurp his tea...

"You are a Maxwell... and Nico's brother..." Keito-sensei said

Then we remain silent

"H-How did you know?" I asked him

"How do I know? Both of you smells the same..." Keito-sensei said

Smells?! He can tell?!?

"But, I born without parents..." Ed said

"And so do I..." I said

Ed looked confused...

And I explained from the very beginning...

It takes like halve hour

I hate to keep explaining people... it is taking too much time...

And also... there will be a lot of questions...

"S-So... you are not Clement-sama's son?" Ed asked...

"Yes..." I said

"And you are the son of Jeremiel Maxwell... which is the real Head of Maxwell House?" Ed asked...


"And I am your brother?"


Silence rules the room...

I looked at his eyes... he is about to cry...

And I bet, in any second he could burst out to cry so...

I come and hugged him...

Then he hugged me back...

Also he started to cry...

"I-I have a family..." Ed said while crying

And he cried even louder...

He hugged me really hard

I think it feels really sad that you don't feel any love from anyone...

Like Ed... no one actually really love him, since he has no parents...

I still have Clement-tousan and Nicole-kasan...

Both of them loved me

Also Nate and Nathalia... both loved me...

But Ed...

He took around 10 minutes to recover...

"I-I'm sorry for not recognizing you faster..." I said

"N-No, that's okay... We both don't know about this as well..." Edmund said and he is back to the normal Ed...

Then I have to told him that all of this story and Navroth, also what happen in Maxwell House is a secret...

"So... only You, Euclio, Nate and Leon know about this..." I said to Ed...

"I see... Don't worry, I won't tell anyone" he said with his cool calm face...

If we are brother...


Am I cool like him?

"The first time I saw you... I thought I am seeing myself there..." I said

Ed laughed...

Now his laughed are different... he didn't hold back...

"At first... I have this feeling that you are related to me... that's why, I avoided you..." Ed said to me...

"W-Why you avoided me?" I asked him

"S-Somehow... it is sad to think that we are not related... although I feel that we are related... but thankfuly, my feeling is telling the truth! I never thought of having a brother!" Ed said to me

I was speechless with his words...

No wonder, he looks sad when we invited him to lunch together when we were in the town...

"Don't ever leave me okay?" Ed continues

"Yeah... I won't... you are my only family I got!" I said to him and patted his head...

And he looks really happy...

Then... to make us closer I think I could recommend Ed to join the Special Class... he is more than qualified to join the Special Class...

"Yes... and about the class... you will continue as a Special Student..." I said to Ed

"What?! Are you out of your mind?! You want to tell everyone that this boy is actually your brother? And he is a royalty? So that he can join the special class?" Keito-sensei sounds mad...

H-He is truly scary...

"N-No... hey! Hear me out first..." I said

"What?" Keito-sensei asked... He is a bit impatient

"First... Ed uses Holy Attributes..." I said

And Keito-sensei remain silence

"Also, he can uses Elemental Fighter Magic..." I said

Keito-sensei still remains silence...

He never watches the tournament... which is why he doesn't know anything...

"So, tomorrow, you will move to special class..." Keito sensei said...

I displayed an annoyed face... that is why I told him to move Ed to the special class... this old man should hear me first before he starts talking

But then, I smiled...

Finally! I can stay close with my brother

"I-Is that really okay?" Ed asked

He looks unsure...

"Of course! And also, I will tell this to Euclio, Nate and Leon... both of you have no problem?" I asked to both of them....

"T-That is a problem..." Ed said

And both, Keito-sensei and I looked at Ed...

"Why?" I asked...

"Ummm, I just not use to it... can you delay it until sometime..." Ed begged...

I looked at Keito... and Keito nodded...

"Okay... let's not tell to anybody first... until you are ready..." I said

"T-Thanks... nisan?" Ed said with confusion

And I decided to hug him one more time...

He looks happy

"No problem!" I said and patted Ed's head...

Ed smiles really bright...

He is now a different person...

After Keito-sensei left to manage Ed's transfer from regular class to special class... we are heading toward the Mess Hall...

It is 6 PM and Euclio is not back yet, that worries me...

When I arrived at the Mess Hall...a lot of people slept...

"W-What happened?!" I said in panicked...

I look for the kings... and

I spotted them...

Both of us goes toward the King's table and I see Tousan fell asleep as well...

"Hey! Nico! Wanna join?" Feurius asked me...

He then lifted up his drinks...

"S-Sake?!" both of us in unison...

And I look arround... everyone was passed out with drinks on their hand... no wonder...

Tousan and Zeon... both has passed out and sleeps with sound...

Feurius is already... drunk... but I guess he is about to pass out...

Ethen? He is still drinking quitely...

"N-No thanks... I don't drink..." I said

"T-That is not fun..." Feurius said and he come closer to me...

He lifted up his sake and showed it in front of my face...

"Go drink it..." Feurius said...

Ed looked at me in confusion and so do I...

"That is the King's order..." Feurius said while sounds mad...

"O-Okay..." I said

When I was about to take it...

A man behind him knocked Feurius's head...

"K-King Ethen?!" both of us in unison...

"Hey... your king is me, not him..." King Ethen said with a smile...

"Y-Yes King Ethen..."

He looked at both of us...

Everyone is sleeping in the mess hall besides us...

"Both of you truly look alike... I thought both of you are twins!" Ethen said

And both of us remain silence...

D-Did he know about the secret?

But our face is indeed look identical

Maybe King Ethen means that we have an identical face... not like brother relationships...

But of us show a little laugh...

But then.....

"Jeremiel would be so proud..." Ethen said while smiling

My eyes are now staring at him... and I started to get nervous

I remembered what Keito-sensei said...

"The only one that knows about Jeremiel is only the people you have told... and me... and Jeremiel itself... besides that... it might be Navroth itself..." Keito-sensei said...

I prepared my magic already...

Ed notices it as well... he remembered what Keito-sensei told us...

Ed held his sword already...

After preparing my magic one by one... King Ethen smiled...

"You won't win against me..." King Ethen said...

He then sit down and started to drink again...

While both of us still in our guard...

After a minute... he stood up and take his halberd...

The legendary weapon...

If I faced Navroth right now... this place... a mage that able to cast God Tier magic... I will lose in an instant...

"Ed..." King Ethen called him...

"W-What is it?" Ed asked while still holding his sword and pointing toward King Ethen...

"Want me to tell you about how you are able to live in the Royal Palace?" King Ethen asked...

Both of us let our guard down...

"Please tell me..." Ed said seriously...

He come closer to us... and we stay on alert...

And he come really close... he held both of our shoulders...

"Let's find a place to talk..." King Ethen said...

He then released our shoulder and walk away...

Both of us looked at to each other...

I nodded... means that it is okay...

He can kill us just now, but he didn't...

Both of us followed him...

And of course, while staying alert...

After a minute of walk... we realize that we are walking toward building F... the teacher's dorm...

We walked toward the 3rd floor...

And move to the end of the corridor...


It is 301... Keito-sensei's room...

King Ethen knocked the door... and...

"Who's there?" a voice from inside the room...

D-Did he want to kill Keito-sensei as well?!

King Ethen looked at me...

"I-If you want to kill me... just kill me... don't bother Ed and Keito-sensei..." I said with anger... and also loud voice... to asked help... I hope Keito Sensei come with preparation...

Then he looked confused...

"K-Kill? No... I don't have any intention to kill both of you..." King Ethan said in confuse...

Then the door opened...

Keito-sensei with his staff... and even without his mask...

"Release both of them... or I can kill you..." Keito-sensei said

And King Ethen said in confuse...

"W-What? I don't even hold them?" King Ethen said...

And Keito-sensei just realized that as well...

So, Keito-sensei deactivated his magic...

"Ah... that's true... want to have a drink?" Keito sensei offer King Ethen...

"Sure..." King Ethen said and enter the room...

Now both of them looks like friend... just what have happened

Ed and I has no idea what is actually happening...

"Agh.., let's just enter the room..." I said to Ed without thinking...

I guess I don't care if I died that day...

"A-Are you sure?" Ed asked while hesitating

I hold his hand and enter the room...

If King Ethen is a threat, Keito-sensei could kill him... I hope...

I see King Ethen is sitting on the sofa...

Both of us seat on the other sofa...

Silence rules the room...

Only sounds from the kitchen, where Keito-sensei prepare the drinks...

After several minutes, Keito-sensei come and join us...

"Here you go..." Keito-sensei said while serving a cup for the king...

"Thank you...." King Ethen said...

He drinks the tea served in a cup...

"You are still the same you... drinking teas, with an antique cup... it looks elegant... Zerotus-san..." King Ethen said...

"Wow... look at what we have here... still the old Ethen boy..." Keito-sensei said...

"So... you are not manipulated?" King Ethen asked Keito-sensei...

"That is actually my question..." Keito-sensei said...

"You see... I have powerful eyes with me... I won't be able to be manipulated..." Keito-sensei said while pointing his red eyes...

"So... your eyes are still functional?" King Ethen asked while laughing...

"Hey... I am old but still strong... or I won't be the fourth strongest if I lose my eyes..." Keito-sensei said with a smile...

Ed and I looked at them with our mouth hanged...

Seeing our confuse King Ethen explain

"Your name is Edmund Maxwell... your tousan, Jeremiel asked me to raise you... and at the same time, hide your identity..." King Ethen explained...

"Wait, just how you are not manipulated?" I asked him before he explain anything else...

He then looked at his weapon...

The legendary Halberd...

"Ah... Auxillium's Halberd... the Peace Keeper" Zerotus said

"Yes... your ancestor's weapon..." King Ethen said...

"So, Manipulation doesn't affect the wielder of a Legendary Weapon?" I asked

"Yes... and there is one thing that I will tell to Ed..." King Ethen said

And Ed listened to King Ethen carefully...

"Jeremiel always loves you... he has to leave you to ensure your safety... since he is the target of Navroth..." King Ethen said

"I-I know... at least I have my brother..." Ed said while looking at me...

And I nodded...

"So... Jeremiel-tousan know who is this Navroth?" I asked King Ethen...

Keito-sensei also has interest about the talks...

"Yes of course... since he is Navroth's first target... during your birth..." King Ethen said while pointing at me...

"M-My birth?" I asked

"Jeremiel knows... but I don't know... he never told me who is Navroth... Jeremiel always said that I am bad in lying... so, if I know the truth, I will be killed by Navroth... and he decided not to tell me... but he left Ed with me..." King Ethen explained...

So... Even King Ethen don't know about the identity of Navroth...

"Let's return to the Mess Hall... before anyone realize I'm here..." King Ethen said

"O-Okay..." Ed and I in unison

"Just act like never of this has happened okay?" King Ethen said

Both of us nodded...

The three of us decided to return to the Mess Hall...

After walking for few minutes, we arrived...

"Ah! There you are!" Euclio shouted and come toward me...

King Ethen moved away and sit with the other king...

"Where have you been!" Euclio asked me...

"I got dizzy, and Ed accompanied me to my room... and I take some rest..." I said

"And what is happening here?" Ed asked

The three of us looked at the mess hall, and sees a lot of people still sleeps...

Ed and I pretend to not knowing anything...

"Ah, you see... your Tousan bring a lot of sake for creating this new organization... and he asked us to try the sake... but as you can see..." Euclio said while scratching his head

"Everyone fainted?" I asked

And he nodded....

"Including you?" I asked

"H-Hey I am strong enough! It takes 3 cups before I passed out!" Euclio said

"Fine...Fine.... Let's get some rest for tomorrow's final..." I said

"Ah, we should wake everyone else..." Ed said

"T-That's true... let's go..." I said

The three of us wake the other up...

"H-Hey... Ethan... wake up..." I said

"Ughh... one more minute please..." Ethan said

"You can sleep more in your room..." I said


Ethan stood up while his eyes are still closed...

We woke the other up as well... when the other has awake... I return to my room with Euclio...

Both of us take a bath... and sleep...

But, at 9 PM... a knocked on the door...

Who comes at 9 PM?

I opened the door...

"Oh... it's everybody..." I said

Nate, Leon, Precilla, Roxane, Serena, Ethan and Ed?!

"Hey! Come in..." I welcome them...

"Sure..." Nate said and enter...

Everyone enters and Ethan with Ed enters the last...

Both of them are talking...

"Wow... it's a rare moment for you to join..." I said to Ed...

And Ed smiled a bit...

"That's okay right?" Ed asked me

"You are more than welcome..." I said

After everyone enter... I close the door...

Everyone gathered on my living room...

"So... the final will be held tomorrow... both sides ready?" Roxane asked

I nodded... also Leon and Nate...

"Where is Euclio?" Precilla asked...

I pointed on the bedroom...

"H-He is sleeping already?" Precilla asked in unbelievable face...

"Yeah... it is Euclio after all..." I said and everyone nodded...

Euclio is a talkative boy... but he is smart as well... and also sleep a lot... most importantly... he is a good friend... I never have a friend until this close when I was in my previous world...

We talked a lot... about the new organization and also about the final tomorrow...

And after an hour, everyone decided to return to their own room...

Ed is left...

"Hmmm Keito-sensei told me about the new room... I will stay on 303..." Ed said

"That's great! You can always visit me every day!" I said happily...

And he smiled a bit...

"H-Hey... don't be so cold!" I said

"A-Am I?" Ed asked...

But I just laughed at him...

After a minute of talks...

He gives me his sword...

"Take this, her name is White Snow ... make sure to practice it tomorrow morning..." Ed said

"White Snow? Okay! Thank you my little bro!" I said with big smile

And he blushed a bit...

"N-No problem Nisan..." Ed said and he leaved me alone...

T-That is cold... but we are getting closer to each other...

He is just a bit embrassed...

The fact that I am Ed's brother is shocking... it makes me tired... I feel like I can fall asleep anytime...

I close the door and sleep next to Euclio...

Tomorrow, is gonna be a big day...

The next day, I wake up at 6 AM, as usual... no one wake me up... but I always awaken around 6 AM...

I wake Euclio up...

And both of us wake Nate's room...

The four of us went to the training ground... and as usual, it is quite...

But as always as well, we see a girl trained herself...

"Boys are slow..." Roxane said from afar..

"W-What?! Did she just insult us?" Euclio asked

I ignored what Euclio said and goes to the field...

I train my swordsmanship

"Euclio... let's train..." I said

"Okay!" Euclio answered happily...

I duel against Euclio for practice... and as always, he wins...

"You should train your stamina..." Euclio said

"Yeah, I'm trying" I said

Nate and Leon also do a practice... but of course... they are in a different level...

And after we trained... we met with Ethan and Precilla in Mess Hall...

"Where is Ed?" I asked Ethan...

"Ohhh, he is busy moving stuff to his new room..." Ethan said

So... he is moving already... the school has fast response... It's not even 24 hours...

"Should we help him?" Euclio asked...

"Hmmm, I think so... how about after breakfast... while you tell me the strategy..." I said to Eu

And he nodded...

"Then Leon and I will continue practicing..." Nate said

We nodded...

"I'll go to the library..." Precilla said

"Hey! Can I join?" Roxane asked

"Sure..." Precilla said with smile...

"Hmmm I guess I will help Ed as well..." Ethan said in confuse

"No problem..." Euclio said

Everyone has their own plan now...

And after eating breakfast, we proceed everything...

The three of us come to the lower floor... of building B...

Floor 3 is used by special class students, while 1 and 2 used by regular students...

"He is on the 108 room" Ethan said

We went to the first floor... and the three of us met Ed...

Ed is holding his stuff and he is walking toward the stair...

"E-Ethan-sama? N-Nico?! Also Euclio? What are you doing here?" Ed looked confuse...

"Let us help you..." I said

He give a thought... but seeing my smile...

Ed nodded...

"I will be back, you guys can go to my room first..." Ed said

We nodded...

And I visited his room for the very first time...

"T-This is a bit small..." Ethan said

"W-Wait? This is your first time too?" I asked him

He nodded...

It's only a single room...

With two beds one on the ground and the other one is above it...

When we are observing the room... someone enter the room...

"Umm..." a boy said in confused

All of us looked back

"S-Sorry... we didn't mean to interrupt you, we are currently helping Ed move his stuff..." I said

"Oh... that's okay... I will wait outside for a while..." the boy said

He is a Dragon Race....

"N-No... we will wait outside..." I said

"Y-You sure?" the boy asked...

"Of course! It's your room!" Euclio said

And the two of us nodded...

He then extend his hand... asking for a handshake to me...

I shaked his hand...

"My name is Noah... a first year regular class student..." Noah said

"My name is Nicolas... you can call me Nicolas... I'm a second-year special class student..."

"And I am Euclio... Nicolas's friend"

"I am Ethan, a first year special class..."

"Wow... meeting a lot of special class student at once... that is cool!" Noah said with sparkling eyes...

"I'm glad I know more regular class student.... the special class is full of weirdo..." I said whisperingly to Noah

And Noah laughed...

Ethan and Euclio looked confused

When we were talking, Ed arrived...

"H-Hey sorry for making all of you wait... Ehh? Noah?" Ed looked at Noah

"Hey Ed... so you are moving?" Noah asked

"Yeah, you can play to my room anytime... it's 303..." Ed said

"Sure... I will..." Noah said with a smile...

With all of us... Ed doesn't need to go up and go down repeatedly

He got the help from the four of us... including Noah...

"Thanks for helping us Noah..." I said to him...

"N-No problem..." he said

And I can hear his stomach's voice...

"Umm..." he said a bit shy...

"Let's have breakfast! I'll treat you!" I said to Noah and Edmund...

"Y-You sure?" Noah hesitate...

"Yep!" I said confidently...

Then, the five of us went to the Mess Hall...

He just helped my bro! Of course I have to thank him...

Euclio, Ethan and I just bought some snacks... but I bought the same menu like I usually order, for Ed and Noah...

"Hey... any idea on how to defeat Nate and Leon?" I asked everyone...

"Oh! The strategy!" Euclio just remembered...

And our match start in an hour...


Euclio explained the strategy....

There are also some advices from Ed, Ethan and Noah...

"And you hit him! And we win!" Euclio said happily...

"If it is working..." I said

"It will! We will win this!" Euclio said

"Goodluck..." Noah said to us...

"Thanks!" I said

"Oh, I will be borrowing this okay?" I said to Ed

I showed the sword...

"Sure..." Ed said and as usual... short answers...

"H-Hey! It's 9.45 AM ! You guys should be in the waiting room by now!" Ethan reminded us...

And both of us... Euclio and I left the mess hall and we are heading to the Stadium without saying anything to them

Not even a minute... we arrived at the Duel Arena Building...

Santa is waiting outside...

"B-Both of you! Where have you been?" Santa asked and sounds worried...

"Ah... we thought we still have some free time..." Euclio said while trying to breath slowly...

"Okay... go wait in the waiting room..." Santa ordered us...

Both of us walk toward the waiting room...

While we are on our way to the waiting room...

"Good luck both of you!"

"Make it a great battle okay?"

"Hey! Win this for me! I put a bet on you!"

"Nicolas is so cool!"

"E-Euclio is cooler right?"

"I hope you win the game!"

T-They are hoping me to win?!

W-Wow... this is the first time?

I will win!

For Euclio... and for me as well...

"Don't cry Nico~" Euclio said to me...

"What? I don't even cry!" I said while wiping my tears...

He laughed on me...

"Let's do this! And show everyone what we are able to do!" Euclio said

I nodded...

Both of us enter the Waiting room...

"Hey... you guys are late!" Leon said

"Yeah... Santa panicked and send some guards to find both of you..." Nate said

T-That seems like a big deal...

"Let's have a fair battle!" I said to both of them...

"Yeah! No matter who is the winner, we are still friends right?" Leon asked

"Of course! Just make sure we have fun!" Nate said

And I nodded...

But I looked at Euclio...

I know that he want to win so much...

"Let's try our best..." I said to both of them... also looking at Euclio...

"Yeah!" Euclio said

I guess Euclio is a bit nervous...

"Oh... by the way... I will be using this..." Euclio showed Ocean Protector...

"T-That's..." Leon words is unfinished...

"I feel bad for my sword..." Leon said

Yeah, the sword I gave to Euclio is extremely sturdy...

"I guess mine would be no problem..." Nate said

Nate using his spear's body to attack... so it won't be a great deal...

"Sorry Leon... this is my only swords... mine was break in last match by Edrick..." Euclio said

"Yeah... no problem! You should not underestimate my sword as well..." Leon said while smiling

After Leon says such thing, Santa's voice could be heard...

"Hello Everyone!!" Santa shouted...

And the crowds answer....

"Oh... it's about to begin..." Euclio said

I put Ed's sword on my left hips...

Euclio put Ocean Protector on his left... and the other sword on his right hips...

Leon on left hips...

And Nate brings his halberd...

The four of us enter the arena...

Everyone gives a big applause...

The applause is much louder than yesterday...

What can you expect... this is a final match... everyone has been waiting for this...

I see Tousan and the other three kings watching as well...

After both team handshake to each other... we move further...

When we are on our position, we readied our weapon...

Both team gives signal to Santa

"Let the final battle begin in 3......2.......1......now!" Santa shouted...

Leon move toward me with fast speed... and Nate move toward Euclio...

Everything is like what Euclio has said when we were in the mess hall...

He smiled a bit...

"Swap!" Euclio said

And I swap place swiftly with Euclio and I move toward Nate.... while Euclio move toward Leon...

"You see... Leon will attack you in an instance... since his attack his much brutal compared to Nate... that's why Leon will attack you and try to remove you from the battle as fast as possible..." Euclio said during our snack time...

I will hold Nate's attack for several seconds... until Euclio come for help...

Euclio used his Elemental Fighter Magic...

And the swords are glowing blue... without exception, Ocean Protector... it shines beautifully...

Euclio attack Leon multiple of times...

Personally... I said that Euclio is still better compared to Nate and Leon in swordsmanship... eventhou both of them has reached Expert Level... but fighting Euclio with his Dual Swords is like fighting a Master Level...

Then I see Leon parried a lot of attack... same as planned...

"SWAP!" Euclio shouted...

And I moved back from Nate... also he kicked me... so that is a good opportunity...

We change our position... and I fight Leon...

And it is true...

Leon's attack is slower...

Euclio's attack when he used Elemental Fighter Magic makes the enemy's weapon heavier... There are waters on Leon's sword...

"Ugh..." Leon said while swung his sword heavily...

I can easily dodge the attack...

And I kicked him away...

'Create Light...'


Before I create another sphere, Leon come closer and starts attacking...

This time... his attacks are getting faster...

S-So, it is a temporary effect...


I said and

"Ughhh" Leon said loudly...

That means! He got blinded...

But I won't be reckless...

"If Leon shouted like 'Ughh' or something like that to gives code to Nate... you should be careful, he might be planning to counter you... it is better to use magic..." Ed said

I believe he learn from his experience as well...

'Create Wind...'


And again, Leon moved forward...

"There might be a chance that he wants you to come closer to him, and throw you away, like I was thrown..." Ed said

Thanks Ed...

And that is the fact...

Leon is actually was not blind...

He comes and attack me as the proved...

While playing the swordsmanship against Leon... I used the wind attribute and pushed Leon...

Leon was pushed back...

And now... I am not fighting him...

I am pushing him back until he almost out of the line...

But he used his sword and he pierce his sword to the ground... and hold the wind...

Then, he slowly moved toward Nate... which is fighting Euclio...

That is a smart move!

Should I stop?

If I don't stop my wind pressure... Euclio will be pushed out too...

But... actually, that is the plan...

"If one of them come closer to me, you can pushed me out of the line... at least I take both enemies with me..." Euclio said during our strategy discussion...

But... I'm not that kind of person... I just, can't sacrifice any of my teammates...

I stopped the wind... but I summoned a [FLASHBANG] in front of their face

Before summoning, I whistle... as a code to Euclio...

And after I deactivate the [FLASHBANG] Euclio are able to see...

"You guys could set a timer, like 2 seconds after the flashbang, Nico will deactivate the flashbang... so that Euclio can see, without Nico sending another code to Euclio... or else Nate and Leon could find out the code..." Ethan said in the mess hall...

Thanks Ethan...

He kicked Nate away... but not far enough...

And Euclio returned to me...

"Now..." Euclio said...

I put my wind pressure...

But both of them moved away from each other... and confused me, on which should I follow...

'Create Earth'

Before I create the other thing, Nate attacks me... but Euclio able to pushed him back...

So the blind effect has gone...

And again... Leon, slowly move behind the fight of Euclio and Nate... which means I have to pushed both of them...


Sorry Leon...

Before Leon move behind Euclio...

I created a wall high enough, so that Leon can't move any closer...

And I keep sending a huge output of wind toward Leon...


"Leon Aerios is out!" Santa announced...

Everyone cheers on us...

Only Nate's left...

He is fighting Euclio...

Sorry Nate...

I whistle... and


After two seconds... Euclio opened his eyes...

And Euclio swung his swords toward Nate's spear and Nate was pushed back pretty far...

Is he out of the line?

"Nate is out of the line!" Santa shouted...

Euclio and I remained silence


"The champion of the year is Nicolas Maxwell and Euclio Qiteron!" Santa announced...

And the arena become really loud...

After Nate regained his vision, Nate and Leon come toward both Euclio and I...

The four of us shake our hands...

"That is fast!"

"Wow... Euclio is really something..."

"Euclio's dual swords defeat an Expert Level..."

"But magic is truly convenient... I hope I can use one..."

Everyone begins talking about the match

This is faster than I fought Noc and Edrick...

But still, I played my swords a lot in this match compared to the other matches...

Especially, I have to hold Nate's attack... that is scary... but I did it...

Euclio's plan went according to plan this time...

But I can't say that it is a pure idea from Euclio... we received a lot of suggestion from Ed and Ethan as well...

Santa then give us a trophy...

I-It's the same trophy like the previous world...

With the exact shape... I wonder if Santa is actually a reincarnated man...

But nevermind...

I hold the trophy up high with Euclio...

The trophy is made of pure gold...

Also, crafted there a writing...

'Champion of Tournament 621'

621 is the current year...

Euclio looks happy! He smiled while waving his hand to the crowd...

I never thought that he is this happy...

And the tournament ended...

We are the champion!

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