《Legacy of Ennea》Chapter 2 - Introduction...


My name is Nicolas Maxwell, and I am 2 years old... I could talk fluently and I understand adult conversation, that's why every people keep praising me...

But not everyone loves me... there are several people, and even most people hate me... It's not because of jealousy or else... but because of my birth mark...

Yes, my eyes... they are red... They said that I am the descendant of demon... and there are several attempts of my murder... at first, mom and dad deal with it... and 5 or more has been taken care of by Rueger...

Rueger is a good old man... I like him really much, I always think of him as my second Dad...

And also, Nate... he is a year old when Nathalia born... He is lucky enough that he doesn't have the same eye color like I do... so actually, people likes Nate more than I.

Nate loves watching mom and dad practicing... I have this feeling that one day, he will be a great warrior...

Nathalia... she is the youngest among us... and I have this feeling that I have to make my sister happy... maybe it is the feeling that I brought from the previous world....

I forgot to tell you, after I passed out for the whole day after mom gives birth to Nathalia

And wake up on the next day...

When I open my eyes...

"Nico!" Mom shouted while hugging me... Dad was behind her... he carried Nate with him...

"He is a genius boy, a 2 years old boy that can follow up a conversation... I guess it takes a lot of energy for him to do so... so, let him take a rest..." He said after I awake...

The doctor said that I am too tired... is that really the problem? But I guess I did overthink about my little sister...

"I'm okay..." I said to her and she still won't let me go...

Aww... mom I don't know that you care me this much...

"Nico... don't overthink everything..." Dad said with soft voice...

I guess he worried as well...

And Nate just laughed.... This brother of mine...

"Okay, let's just make him rest a little longer..." The doctor said...

"Let's go..." Dad said to Mom...

"Okay... make sure you rest well Nico..." Mom said in worry voice

I nodded...

After they left the room... I notice that there is one person that isn't leaving me alone...

"Rueger-san?" I called him

"Ah, Nicolas-sama... please just take a rest... I will always be here if you need help..." he said

H-He is such a kind man...

Then I sleep even more...

Until I reach 4 years old, Rueger still keep me accompany... he is my guardian after all...

At this age I started to read books in library...

You see, at the previous world, it would bore me after 10minutes reading...

But in this world... I promise to live seriously, and make both my parents proud of me...

It took 15 minutes after I start reading and then I got bored...

I was reading a book about fiction... but all of them are... too magical... I hate it...

When I returned the book... I saw a magic category book...

There is no magic... but I still take one of the books... which has a title of 'Basic Element of Magic Training'

It seems that this book really teaches magic...

I open the first page and continue reading it from early morning to nearly afternoon...

So, magic in this world are differentiate into 5 types of magic...


Elemental Magic

Elemental Fighter Magic

Nullification Magic

Barrier Magic

Fusion Magic

Elemental, Nullification, Barrier Magic has its own tier... from








Basic Tier is the lowest and God Tier is the highest and impossible one...

While Elemental Fighter and Fusion Magic has no tier...

Elemental Magic and Elemental Fighter Magic are divided into different element...







There are 6 types of element...

And Fusion Magic is a combination of 2 different Magic Elements...

Why this book is really convincing?!

D-Does magic truly exist??

I opened the next page...

'How to learn Elemental Magic?'

I read the next step...

The only way to use magic is by spell the mantra, Incantation...

I see the next step is the incantation of each elements but only the basic level...

Fire type... should I try it? It won't just popped out of nowhere right?

I read the incantation from deep of heart... without letting a sound

After I finished reading it...

Nothing happens...

I should have known that magic is not real...

But then, I looked above my head and a floating red spherical light appeared...

"W-What is this..." I said out loud....

Then a fire summoned... from my hand...

"W-Wow..." I said

M-Magic... Its Magic!!!

I can use magic!!

I heard Rueger's step... and immediately, I grasp my hand to turn of the fire... and the red light on my head was gone as well...

I continue reading the book when Rueger come checked me...

"I'm sure I did smell something burning... Don't you?" Rueger asked me...

"Ahh, I didn't smell anything..." I said

"Hmmm, maybe I smell something different..." He said while sitting next to me now...

I-I can't continue if you are here! Rueger-san!

"Ah.. Magic Book? Finally you are interested in magic Nicolas-sama..." he said while patting my head

I nodded and smile....

He then continues his word....

"Only 10% people in this world that are able to use magic..." He said

W-What?!?!? Only 10%?!? B-But I just did... and I guess nothing went wrong?!

"N-Nicolas-sama? Is there something wrong?" Rueger asked me...

I then return to my sense...

"N-Nothing..." I said

Maybe I should tell Rueger what I am capable of doing...

"Rueger-san... I want to show you something... but promise me not to tell anyone..." I said

And he looks confused, but then he nodded...

I then tried to summon the red shiny sphere back... but what is it the words.... ah I remember...

'Create... Fire' I said it within my heart while also grasping my hand forward... and a red shiny sphere appeared on my right head...

I slowly open my hand and a fire created...

Then I looked at Rueger-san's face...

His mouth was opened so big... and his jaw was way too low...

"Ummm..." I said

And he returned to his sense....

"A-As expected from Nicolas-sama..." He said to me and now he looks happy...

"D-Don't tell anyone about this Rueger-san..." I said

I afraid everyone started to praise me too much... I hate that...

"Don't worry Nicolas-sama... you can count on me..." Rueger said while giving me a blink on his eye...

Fiuh... I know that I can count on him...

"Then, why don't you try the next element?" Rueger asked me...

"Ah.. Sure... wait..." I said and turn to the next page... it's water...

"Create.... Water!" I said it this time.... and...

A blue shiny sphere appeared on my head... next to the red one...


And from my hand... I can feel water was flowing through my hand...

"I-I did it!!" I said to Rueger-san...

While Rueger still has his mouth hanged...

Hmmm... let's continue to the next one...

'Create... Earth!' I said in without speaking it... and I guess it is a success as well?

A brown shiny sphere appeared next to the blue one...

I feel like a dirt on my hand... did I just use earth magic?

I looked back at Rueger and he still looked speechless...

Fine... I will continue this without you...

And the last one is wind...

'Create..... Wind!!' I said it inside my heart... and a green light appeared...

I didn't feel anything in my hand...

But when I open my hand... I feel the breeze from it...

Wow... I guess it is not that hard isn't it?

I opened the next page... and it's about Holy Element...

Holy and Dark are both the special elements... and Fire, Water, Earth and Wind are the normal elements

But before I continue... Rueger stopped me...

"N-Nicolas-sama... if you continue, I will die from heart attack... and it's time for lunch, let's continue after lunch..." He said while controlling his breath...

"S-Sure... let's eat..." I said and both of us walked toward the Dining Room...

Before we went outside the library, I deactivated my magic so that the spherical lights are off..

No one know that I am capable of using magic, except Rueger... And he kept his promises by not telling anyone, including my Dad and Mom...

After lunch, I returned to the library with Rueger... and continue learning magic...

"The next one is 'Holy Element', if you are able to use this... you will be known globally... everyone in this world will know your name..." Rueger warned me...

"F-Fine... I hope it's not happening..." I said

It would be troublesome if everyone knows my name...

"I hope it's happening...." Rueger said and he patted my head

T-This is two different prayers....

"H-Here I go..." I said and Rueger nodded...

"Light... Create!" I said while closing my eyes....

I looked on my head and... there is a white light shining above my head...

"N-Nicolas-sama... it happened!!" He shoutted happily...

Nuuuu, please don't spread my name!!

"D-Don't tell this to anyone! R-Remember that Rueger-san!" I said to make sure he remember his promises...

"Ahh... sure... although I wanted to tell everyone in this mansion...but I will keep my promise..." He said

I-Is it really a good choice to tell him about all of this? Ah it's too late either way...

I opened the next page...

'Basic Dark Magic'

It sounds so... dark...

"Next is the Dark Magic... if one could control light, they could not control the dark..." Rueger said

"So you mean I can't learn Dark Magic?" I asked

He looks troubled but then he said

"I guess so, but you can try it if you want.." He said

I nodded and read the book

I said the incantation... and

"Dark... Create!"

I look for the sphere but nothing appeared...

"I guess it is not possible even for you Nicolas-sama..." Rueger said

"Yes... I guess that's enough..." I said

And when I stood up from my chair...

My view is getting darker...

"Nicolas-sama!" Rueger's voice from distant...

D-Did I just passed out again?

The next day, Rueger told me that I am run out of mana... but he covered it up and told my parent that I am running all day so that I wore out... and passed out...

Thanks Rueger-san...

When I reached 6 years old, I was taught swordsmanship for the first time...

"Which weapon do you want to learn?" Mom asked...

So... there are swords, spears, Axe, and even bow....

"I guess I choose the basic one... swords..." I said

"HAHAHAHA" Dad suddenly laughed...

And Mom's face suddenly looks sad...

"I win!" Dad said...

T-They are betting?! On what?!

"I guess I could learn both... sword and spear..." I said

"H-Hey! That's cheating!" Dad said

"Okay! Then, it is settled..." Mom said while smiling and she patted my head...

I guess they bet on what weapon I choose for the future... since Dad use sword and mom use spear... learning both is not a problem right? I have a lot of free time...

Not only swordsmanship, I still learn magic accompanied by Rueger...

And both of my parents still don't know about me using magic...

Except Nathalia... she suddenly sneaked inside the library without Rueger and my notice...

"D-Don't tell this to anyone okay Nathalia?" I told her... and she nodded...

Fiuh.. Thank god she understands what I am saying...

But since then... she always followed me whenever I went to the library...

I don't mind with that as long as she keep her promise...

At early morning... I practice my sword with Dad before breakfast, and after breakfast I practice my spear technique with mom...

And Nate look at me enviously...

"Mom... I guess Nate wants to learn too..." I said to Mom when we are practicing...

Mom come and approached Nate

Then she looks at Nate... and asked him

"Do you want to join?" Mom asked...

Nate nodded...

"Yes... can I?" Nate asked her back

"Of course!" Mom said happily...

With that, I learn together with Nate...

Mom is a Master Spear Wielder... while Dad is a Expert Sword Wielder... which means, Mom has a higher rank than Dad

I started my swordsmanship when I was 6 years old, while Nate started when he was 5 years old...

When I reaches 8 years old, I reached Intermediate for both sword and spear... while Nate reached Advance level for spear bearing...

He is a genius in swordsmanship...

Nathalia also learn both like I do... but she is talented with sword while my brother with spear...

How about me? Not both of them...

But I guess, I am quite talented in magic... I learned to Manipulate Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, and Light already since I was 6 years old

Manipulating Element is an Intermediate Level... but since then, I have no improvement...

One day, we had a really big trouble...

There was a big trouble that Mom, Dad and Rueger having a hard time to handle...

We were attacked by black clothed man... the same uniform that attacked me when I was 2 years old... but this time, there were 8 of them...

We just finished our lunch before they came...

They broke the windows of our dining room... and some of them are mages... because they are using staff...

Mom, Dad and Rueger immediately protected us by hiding us behind their back...

"Please Clement-sama... if you are wise enough, just give the red eye to us... and we won't bother..." A man with black cloth said...

"No! We won't!" Nate shouted...

But then the black clothed man waited for Dad's answer...

"You know my answer... I guess my son just answered it for me... please leave and we won't kill you" Dad said

"Leave? Huh! They won't be able to leave this place!" Mom said while smiling...and she prepared her spear...


"Then so be it!" the black clothed man that seems to be the leader said...

"Prison!" he said...

And 3 mages create a wall that surround our right, left and back... so that we cannot run...

They have brown spherical light above their head...

"T-They brought 3 mages? Just how much they love our son..." Mom said

Mom prepared her stance... and...

In a second, she stood in front of the leader....

The leader looked surprised with mom's speed... and before he could run, his head was chopped of by Mom...

"Rueger!" Dad shouted...

"I understand!" Rueger said...

He also rushed forward and killed the 3 mages that cast the prison for us...

He stabbed the three of them in really fast ...

Then Dad move forward and kill another 3 swordsmans... and only one left...

Dad, Mom and Rueger completely surrounded him... but...

The last man shouted...

"Long Live Mera-sama!"

Then he cast Fire Magic toward Me, Nate and Nathalia...

"RUN!" Dad shouted while running toward us as well...

While Mom try to cut the fire with her spear which is not possible...

There is no time... we couldn't evade this attack...

I looked toward Rueger...

"DO IT!!" Rueger shouted...

I shouldn't think about hiding it forever... Fine!! I'll do it!!

My brother and sister hide behind my back

I won't let anyone be killed...

Then I cast the magic

"Create... Water!!!" I shouted

A blue spherical light appeared near me...

A water flow through my hand and I shot the water toward the fire....

Water is stronger than Fire... I could do this....

After I feel temperature lower, I stop the shot and looked what happen...

What happened is that I create a big hole on the wall... after using water magic...

And the caster is gone as well...

After seeing that I grasp my hand and the blue spherical light is gone....

My mom immediately hugged the three of us...

While my Dad looked at me with his surprised eyes...

"H-How did you do that?" he asked me...

"Umm.. It's magic..." I said to him...

Before telling everything, the soldiers come...

All of them looked confused... then Dad scold the soldier, since the assassins could pass through...

"You could manipulate water magic?" Mom asked me while the soldier clean the mess...

I nodded...

Dad still looks surprised... but Mom looks happy...

"Our children are truly wonderful!" Mom said happily...

"Nico will be the mage, Nate will be the spear bearer, and Nathalia be the sword wielder.." Mom continues...

"N-Nisan! Since when you could do that!" Nate asked me in envious way....

"Y-You know... since I was 2 years old..." I said

And now Mom and Dad's mouth are hanged open....

Y-You shouldn't ask that Nate!!

But then Rueger come....

"Clement-sama.... Nicole-sama..." Rueger come and called both of them... and both of them return to their sense...

R-Rueger my savior!!

"Not only water, but all the basic element, Fire, Wind and Earth" He said while blinking his eye on me...


"W-What?!?" Mom, Dad, and Nate in unison....

Nathalia and Rueger smile while facing on me...

T-This is betrayal!!

"W-Why didn't you tell us Nico?" Dad asked...

Why I didn't tell them?

"Um... I guess it would be annoying if people start to talk about me..." I said

"T-That would make me proud! If everyone talks about my son..." Dad said

"Let's hold a feast!!" Dad shouted to one of the maid...

"Yes.. Clement-sama..." The maid said...

"W-Wait!!" I shouted...

And now everyone's eyes are on me...

"Y-You see... this is the one that I'm trying to avoid... I don't like being the central of attention..." I said while looking downward...

And silences rule the room...

"Aww.. If that's what you want... then we don't need any feast..." Mom said while hugging me...

"You sure are a humble boy..." Dad said while walking to our direction... and then he joined mom, hugging me...

When almost every problem solved, there will be another problem.... right Nathalia?

"But he could use Holy Attribute as well..." Nathalia said

"FEAST!!" Mom and Dad said...

"NOOO!!!" I shouted but they ignored me... no... Mom and Dad is laughing this time while hugging me...

Rueger and Nathalia and even Nate laughed at me...

This is betrayal!!

A week after the announcement of my talent in magic, my name spread globally...

"T-This is ridiculous...!" I said after reading the newspaper

"Not only Human Continent's Newspaper Nisan~" Nathalia said

And she gave me a Newspaper from Dragon Continent...

'The Mage that control all four element, Nicolas Maxwell'

"T-This is troublesome..." I said

After saying such... Nate come...

"Nisan... see this!! You are a star now!!" He said innocently...

"Yes! Our Nisan is a star!" Nathalia said while hugging Nate...

And both of them dancing happily...

T-This is troublesome...

"Ah, which continent now broadcasting about my name?" I asked Nate uninterestedly...

"Oh yes, it's the Ocean Kingdom, Beastman Kingdon, Elven Kingdom and Dwarven Kingdom..." he said innocently...

T-That's literally the whole world...

"I guess you are now officially known globally..." Nathalia said...

"Nisan! You should prepare for tomorrow feast!" Nate remembered me...

"W-What?! Is it tomorrow?" I asked

And both nodded...

I take a long breath....

"Huh.. I should prepare myself mentally..." I said...

"Don't worry nisan! We are always with you!" Nathalia said and she come to hug me...

"Yep! If someone want to harm you, they should face me first!" Nate said while punching the air..

Both of them sure are cute...

I am thankfull that I have kind brother and sister...

I should prepare myself whether there will be or there will be no attack on me or my family...

It would risk Nate and Nathalia again if it was a big attack like last week...

The next day, at around 4 pm... people start coming...

My family including myself is sitting on the throne now...

There are 2 big throne for mom and dad and 3 smaller one for Nate, Nathalia and I...

The first one came is the King itself...

Ethen Perius...

He come to the throne while Mom and Dad also the 3 of us giving him a bow...

He then hugged both my Mom and Dad one by one... and finally he sees me...

"Wow... you sure have grown Nico..." He said to me...

"I am 8 years old now..., your highness..." I said to him...

He then laughed...

"I will looked forward for the main attraction later..." King Ethen said

"W-What?! Main attraction?! What's that?" I asked...

I have a bad feeling about this...

He then looked confused... and he direct his view toward Mom and Dad...

"Ummm you see, we need you to make everyone believe by you performing magic..." Dad said

"W-What?! Why didn't you told me?" I asked...

Then both of them showed a sad face...

Ah mom.. dad.. please don't show that kind of face..

"Fine.. fine.., I will do it..." I said

And both face are now back happy...

T-This parents of mine!

Also my brother and sister are laughing!

T-This family of mine!

"Tousan.... Just how many people have you invited?" I asked him...

I see hundreds of people had gathered here...

"Hmm every noble from every kingdom..." Dad said with a smile...


Thanks dad..

The next one is quite a troublesome...

"Wow Clement-dono, you sure have such a splendid child..." he said

"Metiu-dono... he is still young, and still need to grow even more..." Dad said...

H-He is way too different... this Dad of mine...

He was keep praising me in front of me.. but in front of other, he kept his face up high...

"Ah this is my daughter..." he said while showing his daughter...

She then give a bow...

"Hello, my name is Marie Gavenhallen... nice to meet you..." she said..

"She is such a beatiful girl... I believe she will be a beatiful woman one day..." Mom said while patting her head...

"I am happy to hear that, maybe, we could arrange a marriage between our child!" Metiu said...


Hey! I am still 8 years old... and now they are talking about marriage?

I looked speechless... and both my parents and also my sibling noticed that I am annoyed...

They laughed at me but then mom said to him...

"I would like to give a freedom for my child to choose his own wife..." mom said

"I-I see... then let's see what happened in the future..." he said and left...

T-Thanks mom...

And she give a wink at me... guess she knows me more than anyone else...

Then, I see many people keep coming... I see the High Elven Race, also the Wood Elven Race...

Also! I see a dwarf!! They are as short as I am...

Then, I also see which is taller than the human...

The beastman race is the tallest one... I see a lion looked human... he stands with his feet, walks like human but his face is looked like lion...

Both, my sister and brother looks astonished after seeing it...

Not only the lion, but also an elephant-human species...

They looked amazing...

The dragon race looks the same as human race, only the color of the hair differ us... also ocean race...

Dragon race has blonde hair, while ocean race has blue hair... human race... black, grey, white, green, red, every color which is not blonde and blue...

Hmmm so, mom is a Dragon Race? How about Nathalia? It is still a mystery....

After every noble and kings greeted us, dad stood up and start his speech...

"I thanks everyone for coming... I know that each of you has come across the oceans and lands to see my son... but at first... we must celebrate our unity after long time... this is the first time after the great war, we all have gathered here... every race.. every kingdom...lets celebrate it..." dad said

Everyone shouted their own battlecry

Then everyone raised their cup up high and drink their wine...

And they looked happy... I guess after the great war, they have their own business and have no time to gather...

As I know, the Great War 2 happened when Navroth the Tyrant tried to rule every nation... but her attempt failed by the leader of the alliance... Epius Perius... the ancestor of Ethen Perius... our current King

After they drink a bit of the wine, my Dad continue...

"So, now, the stage is belonged to my son... Nicolas Maxwell" Dad said...

C-Can he even introduce me more properly!!

But everyone still gave me an applause....

I start walking forward and now everyone watched me...

First... I use...


And a red spherical light appeared above my head...

"Woaahhh" could be heard everywhere....

It looks like I am an animal for circus...

Tschh, but this is for Dad's pride... I won't let him down...

'Create.... Water!'

I said it in my heart and a blue spherical light appeared next to the red one...

'clap clap' heard

'Create.... Earth'

A brown spherical light appeared next to the blue one...

'Create.... Wind..'

The green spherical light appeared next to the brown one....

Everyone didn't move an inch...

Then, I move to the last step...

'Create... Light...'

And a white spherical light appeared...

"W-Wow!!" I heard Nate's voice...

At least I know that someone still alive...

W-Wait... but why he looks so impressed?! I thought he...

Oh.. He never seen me using all of them at once...

Wait... even Mom and Dad...

I looked at both of them.. And they still looked like an idiot... both of their mouths are fully open...

T-This is their first time seeing this as well...

D-Did they trust me this much? It would be risky if I lied... Mom, Dad, be more careful okay....

After a minute... I heard some of them had regain their consciousness...

And they woke the other up... fiuh...

I then created a really flashy light using light magic.... that could almost blind people to wake up the rest...

[FLASHBANG] I name it...

"Waaahh" could be heard... they looked afraid but amazed at the same time...

Then I deactivated my magic... all of them...

"My son is truly amazing!" Dad said....

T-That's not helping!! Tousan!!

Then everyone gave me an applause louder than ever...

At that day, I was known by everyone in the world, and they have seen it with their own eyes about me...

After performing such thing, my Dad promote about something that he hasn't told me either....

"2 years from now, my son, Nicolas will enter Auxem School... so, let's tighten our friendship by trusting your son and daughter to our school..." Dad said and he got a big applaud...

S-School?! There are schools too in this world?!?

When we got down from stage... Dad give me a piggyback...

"T-Tousan... you shouldn't have to do this..." I said shyly...

I-I am 8 years old!

"Hahaha don't worry, today, I'm so proud of you..." Dad said while giving me a gentle smile...

Somehow that words made me stop struggling...

We both move toward the crowd... and we met every nobles and kings from every kingdom...

"This is a gift from Dwarven Kingdom!" a dwarf said...

He wore his own crown... and I believe, he is the King of the Dwarven Kingdom...

He is known as master of armor making... his creation has globally known... and also, as the king of Dwarven Kingdom, Goldrac Godarmor...

"T-Thank You...." I said

He gave me an armor... and my servant take the armor to be kept...

Then, Tousan and I met the king of Qiteron Kingdom... an Ocean Kingdom... the largest military power in the world...

The King's name is Feurius Qiteron, and he is... old?

"Ah Clement-dono..." He said after sitting down but when he met us, he stood up...

H-He sure is a polite man... knowing his age.. He should be in his 80s

"Please, let's talk in a better place..." Dad said and guided him to an empty table that has just been prepared...

Then he sit peacefully, followed by his grandson?

He was following him since we met...

"Ah, forgive my rudeness... my name is Euclio Qiteron, the son of Feurios Qiteron..." He introduced himself after noticing my suspiciousness...


"H-Hello, I'm Nicolas Maxwell... son of Clement Maxwell" I said to him...

"Hahaha, I am surprised that kids these day still could respect each other... don't you agree Clement-dono?" Feurios asked

"Hahaha, I couldn't be more agree... and may I ask, how old are you Euclio?" Dad asked...

"I am 9 already..." Euclio said..

"Ah, so both of you born in the same year... Nico will turn to 9 this June..." Dad said...

And I just nodded...

"Ah yes... I just remembered what I wanted to talk about..." Feurios said...

All of us then listen to him carefully...

"I will put my son under your care when he turns to 10..." He said


"W-What?!" Euclio said in quite sad tone...

I guess both of us had an unpredictable dad...

"I mean, to study here..." Feurios continue...

Then all of us relaxed a bit...

"I see, then leave it to us... we will teach everything we can to your son... and also, he will be in the same class with my son..." Dad said... then he looked at me...

I guess I should nod...

"Great..." he said... and then stood up...

"Then, I will be back in two years with my son..." He continue...

"You are going home already?" Dad asked...

"Yes, my kingdom is in unstable state... but after seeing the news, I guess I have to see it by my own eyes... I never seen anyone could control more than 4 elements..." Feurios said..

"Also, this boy is the key to make everyone united... like old times... look at now..." he continues

We all looked around, and see elves talking to dwarves... beastman talking to human... and so on...

"Everyone was united here by him..." Feurios said while pointing his hand on me...

"T-Thank you..." I said to him...

"No don't thank me... you still have more way to go... and after looking at you, I guess I have to learn to trust the current generation" he said to me and then he looked at Euclio....

Guess, he has trust issues?

"Then, we will see in two years..." Dad said and both said their farewell...

We accompanied King Feurius and Euclio until they reached their carriage...

When they left...

"T-That King surely has an aura of a real king..." I said to Dad...

"Hmmm? Why?" Dad asked me...

"Because I could not talk to him casually..." I said and Dad laughed...

"And you never stop entertaining me..." Dad said while laughing...

Then we visited our own king...

"Your highness..." Dad greeted him... and give him a little bow while still giving me a piggyback...

"Ah Clement... what is the minimum age to join Auxem School?" Ethen asked my Dad...

"It's 10 years old... your son could join in 3 more years, with my son, Nate..." Dad said...

"Ahh... I see..." Ethen said...

"Then... I guess my son could join..." a man said...

Who is he?

"Ah Vierten-dono... of course... please apply, I believe our son could learn more in the school..." Dad said

Vierten? Is he Vierten Staviel?

Noticing my confusion, he introduced himself...

"Ah, Nicolas... my name is Vierten Staviel... the current king of Staviel Kingdom..." He introduced himself...

"S-Sorry for not noticing you..." I said while looking downward...

"No problem... this is my first time visiting this place as well... so it is understandable that you don't know me...." he explained

He is a good man isn't he?

"Also, my daughter.... will join the school you build..." Metiu Gavenhallen joined

He came with his daughter as well...

And her daughter was walking beside her Dad... while me... I'm still on my dad's back...

T-This is embarrassing....

"T-Tousan, you can put me dow-" before I finished my sentence

"Nope!" he said while smiling....

H-He is evil inside!! I know right!

Hearing our conversation everyone laughed....

T-This dad of mine!!

So, at least I have met some of my later friends....

There is a girl name Marie Gavenhallen.... princess from Gavenhallen Kingdom... she looks pretty with her long blue hair... and also, she looks pretty kind as well... the way she talked with me is so polite...

Also, a boy name Euclio Qiteron... he looks like... he has the same Dad as mine... a blue haired boy from Ocean Race... the prince of Qiteron Kingdom... the current strongest kingdom in this world... I guess we will be ok later...

After talking with the nobles... I search my own way to return to my sibling... but I found them talking to other nobles as well...

When Nate found me, he run toward me and he shows his new spear....

"W-Wow... it looks cool..." I complimented the spear...

"I know right!!" His eyes are sparkling....

"And look at this too Nisan!" Nathalia called me

She shows her sword...

"W-Wow, hey you all got a good weapon! That's cheating!" I said but they only laughed...

T-That's not helping!!

"Ah, I got a shiny armor" I try to make them envious!

But I received an unexpected answer....

"Let me try it later!" Nate say it with his puppy eyes....

I-I can't resist this eye... dammitt

"F-Fine!" I said

With that, the feast ended... and everyone return to their own kingdom....

In that event, only the kingdom of Reudora doesn't show off...

But then I notice that Kingdom of Reudora was the Kingdom where Navroth come from, which is the cause of Great War 2...

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