《Legacy of Ennea》Chapter 1 - Parallel World?


What's this?

I feel like I'm on a bed... also this feeling...

I can't open my eyes... it feels so heavy...

What has happened to me? Shouldn't I be dead already?

And what is this feeling?

Why I feel someone touching my cheeks...

Where am I?!

W-Where is my sister?

D-Did we survive?

And now, without realizing... I'm crying...

I feel the tears flow through my cheeks...

"H-Hey Jeremiel! Is he crying?" I heard a female voice nearby....

"What? I didn't hear anything" A male voice from distance...

W-Who are they?

I can't opened my eyes... it feels so heavy....

Then I feel that my body was lifted and now carried....

I feel the warmth from the person that carried me... who is she?

Is that you mom? But my mom's voice isn't sounds like that...

And also...

She couldn't carry me anymore at my age!!

"See, he has tears on his cheek!" a woman voice said

"Hmmm, but why he didn't let a sound? I hope he is okay..." the man said

I feel that the man was being hit by the woman...

"Of course he is okay! He is a healty boy and a smart boy also a handsome boy...." the woman said...

She then hugged me passionately

After recovering from the hit, the man said...

"O-Of course... he is our son after all..." He said while hugging both of us...

I feel the warmth from both hugs, the man and the woman.... but I'm sure that he is not my dad and she is not my mom... just who are they?

I tried to open my eyes... and it is really shiny...

I see two faces that directed on my face....

Both of them look... unfamiliar...

My view is still blurry... what happen with my eyes... and more importantly, who are they?

"H-Hey, he opened his eyes! Hi Ed..." the woman said and greeted me

W-Wait... Ed? I'm not Ed... I should tell them


W-What did I just said?!


I-I can't talk! W-What happened?!?

"I-Is he gonna cry?" the man asked

"I-I don't know too idiot!! This is our first child!" the woman sounds mad...

And after several attempt of trying to speak, I feel tired....

Then finally I closed my eyes....

Before I sleep, I hear chaos out there.... like a thousands people were shouting... also a big thunder...

I wonder what it is... But I'm too tired to open my eyes, maybe I will check it out next time...

While closing my eyes, I still hear some noise from outside.. and finally I heard a door that has been breached...

I feel a bit shaky when I am sleeping....

After feeling more fit than before...

Hmmm... how long have I been sleeping? I feel like a whole week...

I opened my eyes and what I saw first is the ceiling.... It has a great architecture on the ceiling... where am I?

I tried to move but I can't... W-What happened?

I raise my hand toward the ceiling when I realize something...

M-My hand?!? W-Why it looks really small?! And Smooth?!?

A-Am I a baby?!?

W-What has happened?! Wait...

I thought I died? And my sister....

She was killed... and so do I...

T-This is a dream right?

I started to cry loudly... so loud until someone come inside the room...

I see a woman with blond hair... S-She is pretty...

Even I stopped crying...

I guess this is the woman I saw yesterday.... I haven't got to chance to see her yesterday...

"Nico... calm down..." she said...


N-Nico?! Yesterday she called me with different name... what is it...

What did she called me yesterday... I had forgotten already...

And of course I can't talk... I'm a baby...

I do believe in reincarnation...

But is this what reincarnation feels like?

But where am I?

She then carried me like a baby...

Now, I am a hundred percent sure that I am a baby....

I looked at her... she is the real definition of beautiful...

She has blond hair and grey eyes color....

And she wore a dark blue long dress... and a black cape behind her...

I-It is a really long cape... like a wedding cape...

And above her head, she wore a crown? I-Is she a princess or something?!

"Nico... have you calmed down already?" She asked me....

S-She has a really beautiful voice... I feel like everything is a dream...

She then put me back on the bed and say

"You should take a rest...." She said...

After she said that she leave me alone in a room...

Also she turned off the lamp....

After several minutes I think about something really important

H-Hey... what happened with me?!

I actually alive!

Then, if this is a new life...

I promise to play with my sibling as long as they want! I promise that!

I still regret what I have done to her...

I believe now she live better somewhere else... maybe not in this world...

With better brother for sure...

Without realizing it, I passed out and sleep...

The next day, I met my new dad...

New dad? I feel really weird when I still remember my old dad's face....

But my new dad looked so different... compared my previous dad...

My previous dad is a bussinessman... but now, my new dad is... a warrior perhaps describe him the best

Not only a warrior, but also a king?

He wears a crown on his head, also he use a shiny plate armor with a cape behind him...

He grab his sword on his right hand

A really beautiful sword... guess it is pretty expensive... he must love it so much

But when he saw me, he immediately drop his sword to the floor and steal me from my mom...

I was speechless... but happy at the same time...

Unlike my parents in my previous world, they are busy with their own work... even they won't be back for weeks...

While this new dad of mine, throw his looking expensive sword and carried me instead...

I think I am too blessed... this world is too kind for me...

The three of us walk on the garden of our house... usually, when my dad is home, he carried me while walking...

My house is really big, I guess its not even a house anymore... it is a mansion

Our mansion has two floor... I sleep on the second floor with my mom and dad in my own baby bed... it is specially design so that I won't fall...

Also, we have a big library... I see there are a lots of book and many genres as well... it is a 2 floored library... also on the second floor, we have a big balcony...

On the first floor, we have a throne chamber... it is a really big room, with a red line carpet from the entrance of the room till the end of the carpet, I see 2 throne... 1 is the bigger one for my Dad, and the smaller one is for my Mom...

They look pretty cool... looks like expensive as well... I'm lucky enough to be born as a noble...


Also, we have a big garden...

When you watch movie about prince and princess, and you see the garden... that's what my garden looks like.... a maze garden!

And next to our mansion, we have a training field... once a week, my Dad train with the soldiers...

Ah, I haven't told you, based on my prediction, this is supposed to be a medieval age... the soldier are still fighting with swords and spears...

It is a bit sadistic thou... using sword and spear to kill... I hope I won't touch any of those...

And the most important thing is... I hope we don't need to go on war... it would be problematic right?

And there are a lot of thing that I have do... although, mostly I am carried by my Dad or Mom...

I have to attend on ceremony... like my Dad create a feast for my birth...

There are a lot of people come and pinch my cheeks...

That is actually harmful for babies!

But, there is also a time, when people hate me... and shouted at me...

"Red eyes! He is the decendant of the demon!" someone shouted during the feast....

I was quite shocked with that... but then a guard pull him from the crowd...

Red eyes? I actually haven't seen myself...

But, one day...

When I reached the age where I can crawl, I crawl to the nearest mirror and see myself on it...

M-My eyes are red... not red because of the dust... but my pupils are red...

It was during a rainy night... thunders are roaring...

I saw a man standing outside of my window...

He was wearing a black cloth... and have his face covered... like a ninja...

I was looking at him and not moving... but then, he opened the window...

I started to cry loudly when he take his sword that he hide from the shadow...

And in a second, both my parents rush and open the door to my room... my mom with her spear and dad with his sword...

The ninja man looks troubled... so he started to get nervous...

"Who give the order?" my Mom asked loudly... she looks really furious

And there another thunder heard...

"The Gods command me to kill every descandance of demon!" the man in ninja's outfit said...

After saying his sentence, he throw a dagger toward me..

A-Am I going to die again?

But then my Dad move forward and he protects me by standing in front of me...

He then parried the dagger with his golden sword...

And in a second, Mom has pierced the man's body with her spear without any hesitation...

The blood of the man is filling my room...

I was in shock and can't say anything... all I remember is that I peed on my pant...

In that moment I realize that Dad and Mom is really strong... I should be strong as well... one day, I have to surpass them and make them proud of me...

That night I sleep peacefully...

In the morning, both my parents talk about it...

"What should we do? The Believer of Mera will keep coming and harm our child..." Dad said in quite worry face...

Both of them talking about it in front of me... they thought that I won't understand, but I do understand...

And... Believer of Mera? I guess it is the ninja that come here last night...

"Do not worry, they won't be able to harm him as long I watch over him..." Mom sain calmly...

M-Mom is scary... last night, she kills without hesitation...

"We should make someone guard him all the time... maybe last night we are lucky..." Dad said...

Dad really cared about me... I wonder if my previous Dad will do the same thing...

"There is a chance that they will aim for him again..." Dad continue...

M-More attack?!? W-Why is that!!

And both of my parents eyes are looking at me...

D-Did I looked like I understand them? Umm I should be like a baby...

I play with the spoon and smash it on my food...

And now both of them are smiling... fiuh.. that was close...

"That is true... I guess Rueger will fit with the job..." Mom said...


"Ah... my very best bodyguard... and also my military advisor... that is more than quallified..." Dad said...

He then raise his hand and a maid come...

"Call Rueger in" Dad said...

"As you wish... Clement-sama" the maid said.... (-sama means you call your king or such kind)

The maid bow and left the room...

In less than a minute, an old man come inside the room...

Soo.. this old man is Rueger... I met him everytime I met with my Dad after he finished his work...

He come and bow in front of my Dad...

"Rueger, we have a new duty for you..." Dad said

"What is it... Clement-sama?" he asked while bowing

"I want you to-..." before my Dad finish his word... my Mom cut in...

"Rueger... do you believe in gods?" she asked...

Wow mom... that is pretty harsh...

Rueger looked confused... but then he answer...

"No Nicole-sama... I only believe in Clement-sama and Nicole-sama's decision" he said while bowing...

I see... I guess Mom afraid that he is one of the Believer of Mera...

Mom and Dad looked at each other...

Both of them nodded and Dad continue his words...

"From now on, you will serve my son... and protect him no matter what..." Dad said seriously...

Rueger faced downward and say

"That would be a great honor to serve your son.. Clement-sama..." he said without any hesitation...

And somehow... I feel that he is happy to serve me...

I feel something suspicious... but if both my parent trust this guy... I should trust this guy as well right?


And since then I am guarded by him 24 hours a week...

His name is Rueger... I guess he is in his 50s... he is a kind man, and he like to read a story for me...

He once told me a story about a tyrant... her name is Navroth... and she tried to control the world, and she almost did it...

Navroth cast a magic that could manipulate people... but it was cut off by a hero from Perius Kingdom... his name is Epius Perius... and it is now the name of the capital city of Perius Kingdom... which my Dad serve as an Archduke...

I guess that is a fiction right? Magic is not real...

Yep... My name is Nicolas Maxwell... and currently I am 8th months old... everyone don't know that actually I could understand them... but it is fine that way... I live as a son of an Archduke, his name is Clement Maxwell... and I have a really beautiful mom, her name is Nicole Maxwell...

I have a red eyes that is believed as the descendants of demon... but my family didn't believe in such kind and still raise me as their child...

My dad use sword.... And my mom use spear... and she knows no mercy...

I live in a big city... and a city that is ruled by my dad... this city is called Auxem... known as City of Diplomacy...

My dad is called as the Great Strategist by everyone, including mom...

He is well respected... and you see...

The current king is Ethen Perius... one of the descendent of Epius Perius, the hero that slay the tyrant...

My dad and the king is like best friend... the king come to our mansion quite often... and he always went out with dad...

When dad return, he is in drunk state... such a pity...

The king love to give me presents... like sword.. spears and shield...

I hope I won't use them... but I guess I have to practice for my self-defense...

A year has passed after I moved to this world... and I realize that our family will have a guest...

Yes... my mom is pregnant...

Is it a boy or a girl? No matter what I will protect them..

I love everyone in this house... my mom, my dad, Rueger even every maid inside the house... they all treated me very well...

Also, my soon brother or sister... I will be waiting...

And the day has come...

The three of us were eating our breakfast... but then my mom feel the contraction...

Rueger immediately left the room to call the servants and when the servants come, my mom were brought to the nursery room...

I was carried by my Dad...

After several minutes... Rueger come back with a doctor as well...

He is trully reliable...

The doctor come inside the room...

And after an hour of mom's struggling... I heard the sound of baby crying...

After hearing that my Dad's grip loosen... he gripped me so hard previously...

This Dad of mine....

But I guess I understand why... he was worried and he can't do anything at this moment...

After hearing the baby cried... he rushed inside the room while carrying me as well...

But unfortunately the servant asked him to stay outside for a while... they need to do more check up and cleaning as well...

Poor dad...

After several minutes, he was permitted to enter the room...

I see the new born baby was sleeping next to mom...

And the baby sleeps peacefully...

Dad and I let a sigh...

After hearing my sigh... both my parents laughed...

And the first topic they discussed is not the baby but me...

"I never know that a year old boy could sigh...." Mom said while chuckling...

D-Did I make them suspicious now?! I guess I shouldn't did that... but it can't be help... I trully worry about both condition, the baby and my mom

"Hah! This boy is an exception... Nico is a genius! Somehow I feel like he understand our situation...." Dad said...

A-Am I busted?

I should looked like I am distracted...

I point my hand to the new born baby...

Both of them looked at the baby now...

"So?" Dad asked...

"It's a boy" Mom said....

The baby is wearing a blanket.. so we don't know the gender...

My dad put me on my mom's arm...

She hugged me while my dad is now carrying the baby...

"His name is Nate.... Nate Maxwell..." he said...

My mom cried happily...

Our new member of family has born...

Nate Maxwell... Mom and Dad has high expectation from him...

At the age where he could crawl, I could walked already...

When he crawl, he always crawls to the training room and watched the soldier practicing...

One day, Mom and Dad were practicing... and I watched them with a very intense so that I don't realize a thing...

Nate supposed to be sit here, next to me... but then he was crawling without my notice...

But fortunately... Rueger come and stop the match between mom and dad...

"Stop!" he said...

Mom and Dad stopped... at first both of them looked at Rueger, including me...

But then I saw no Nate next to me...

Then all of their gazes are on the baby that is sitting behind dad...

"NATE!" All of us in unison... including me...

Dad immediately drop his sword and carried Nate...

Rueger come and retrieve Nate from Dad...

But one thing that keeps bothering me...

Mom is staring on me... what did I do?!

"Is something wrong Nicole?" Dad asked...

S-Should I act like baby? But, this is the age that I should grow right?

I just keep staring at mom...

"You sure are dense Clement" mom said while keep staring at me...

Dad suddenly stared at me as well...

"Rueger..." mom called him...

After placing Nate back to its position, he move toward mom and bow...

"Yes... Nicole-sama?" Rueger said

"Did you know that Nico is able to talk?" Mom asked...

T-Talk?! What did I say?!

Wait... I just shouted Nate's name.... how stupid I am...

I hope both my parents won't notice my act until today...

I guess a year old boy could talk is normal right?

"So far he just said like 'awwawa' and 'mama' also 'papa'" Rueger said while following what I did...

I laughed a bit...

My mom come toward me and carried me...

"You understand our talk don't you?" Mom asked...

"Nicole... he is still one year old... I guess it is still to earl-.."

Before Dad finish his word I nodded...

And now Dad's mouth is open real big...

Even Rueger looks confuse...

"See... he is a genius, like you Clement..." Nicole said while laughing...

She patted my head and put me back on my chair...

Then I see Nate sit next to me...

He looked at me confusely... he is so cute....

I hope he won't grow older...

"So... he did understand us..." Dad said while scratching his head...

This useless dad...

"Just go and try to talk to him Clement..." Mom said with her uninterested face...

My mom then take a new spear from the shelf...

While my dad come approached me...

And he lower his head to me...

At first he don't know what to ask... but somehow he got an idea...

"So, do you know what spear is?" he asked me...

This useless dad of mine...

His face looked awkward, like he was talking to a tree....

I then pointed at the spear that mom bring...

When I return my direction to dad... he is...

He looks super happy...

"H-He is trully a genius!" he shouted to my mom with joy...

Mom shows her distrustful face...

"What?! So you don't believe me until just now?" she said in her quite angry tone...

Umm.. you make a big mistake dad...

And suddenly she throws her spear to dad...

But dad hold by grapping the spear by his bare hand....

H-Hey! Isn't it dangerous?!

My face looks like an idiot now... but Nate is laughing... scary....

This family... is scary...

"Hey! That's dangerous!..." Dad said to mom...

"No... you won't die easily Clement..." Mom said while smiling...

Now I am a hundred percent sure that this family is not sane...

Rueger also displayed his disbelief face... but then he laugh after seeing Nate laughing...

This family is weird... but fun.... But also scary....

After dinner, Rueger told Nate and I another story about 3-Kingdom...

It was about the three kingdoms that live peacefully but then mysteriously dissappear...

3 Kingdoms with 3 Kings and 5 Legendary Weapon... a halberd, a double sword, a sword, a trident and a staff?

"Staff?" I asked Rueger...

I guess he was shocked with me asking...

"Yes, the staff, it is the strongest out of all legendary weapon..." Rueger continue...

"Why?" I asked him

"Because it can cast magic..." He said while smiling...

I see... so another fairy tale... I then kept silent and Rueger continue his story...

The next month, I see my mom... and there is something I found odd about her...

Her tummy is growing again...

Mom... Dad... both of you are so productive lately...

I almost reach 2 years old, but I can talk fluently... and everyone said that I am a genius...

Ah.. I guess I talk a bit too early... I hate being praised too much... it become annoying when you try to interact with other

But, more things to be concerned is that why I still remember my life in the previous world...

Maybe I am indeed special... or maybe because of this red eyes of mine? I don't know about anything...

By the way, I talk to everyone already, and I replied them with answer... And everyone looks so happy when I talk... is it my way of speaking are weird?

There is also this moment where I talk to Nate... I thought Nate would be a reincarnated person as well...

"Hey Nate, do you know that spear is an outdated weapon... we use guns right?" I said to him

And also, I make sure that there is noone around...

But his reply is...


Did he just act like I did?

And then he laughed...

Then I am sure that he is just a baby... he didn't act like I did...

I hope so...

When I was 2 years old, everyone are used to my voice... and also, I stop acting like babies... I walk around, run around as well... and also hide from Rueger...

I could run real fast, and it makes everyone started to praise me even more...

Several months after Nate's first birthday, we got another new member...

I was waiting with Dad and Nate outside the surgery room...

"Tousan(Dad), do you want a baby girl or baby boy?" I asked...

He looks worried so I try to calm him down...

"Uhh, everything is okay... I just want to see both of them healthy, your mom and the baby...." He said

Wow... I never seen Dad this mature... I always thought that he is a childish man... he is still 30 years old and he hold an important rank in the entire kingdom...

"But I hope it's a girl..." he said out of a sudden...

Nevermind Dad, my expectation of you is even lower now...

And Nate's laughed...

D-Did he understand our talk?

"N-Nate do you understand us?" I asked him... and he laughed again....

Nevermind Nate...

After minutes.. We heard a baby crying....

Dad immediately carried Nate and I and rush toward the room...

"Tousan... we should not enter immediately..." I said

"Don't wor-.." Before he finished his sentence, a nurse come and ask Dad to leave...

"Clement-sama, please wait outside for a moment, we haven't finish the surgery yet..." She said while bowing...

"See..." I said...

He looks a bit dissapointed...

"Fine!" He said while leaving the room...

T-This useless Dad of mine...

But, before we left the room, another nurse shouted...

"All done here..." she said quite loud

And my Dad rushed toward my mom....

Dad looks worry... but also happy....

I see mom and the newborn baby sleeping next to each other...

"Hey..." Mom called Dad with a soft voice... then he looked at me...

"How are you feeling?" Dad asked my mom...

Then mom chuckle...

"I won't die easily you know... you know that more than anyone else..." She said

Then we all laughed...

I understand their jokes... since I saw mom fighting with Dad... I could say that she is better than Dad...

She always win every match against Dad...

"Nico... what do you want? A baby girl or a baby boy?" Mom asked me out of a sudden...

Ummm.. What should I say...

Ah, I should say what Dad said just now....

"Tousan said that he want a baby girl..." I said

And Dad's face looked troubled... I'm sorry Dad...

"Y-You know.. The most important thing is that both are safe..." he said

Then mom looked at me... like asking... what do you want?

I should give a better answer than dad's answer...

"Both are okay..." I said...

And mom patted my head...

"It is a girl..." she said suddenly...

And Dad's face is showing the most happiest man in the entire world...

He then put both Nate and I on my mom's bed and carried the new born baby....

"Her name will be... Nathalia... Nathalia Maxwell..." he said proudly...

I bet he had prepared the name for quite a long time....

"Nathalia... that's a good name... you sure are good at naming people Clement..." Mom praised Dad... and this is quite a rare moment...

"Wanna carried the baby?" Mom offered me...

I nodded...

Then Tousan put Nathalia on my lap...

I carried Nathalia while I was sitting on Mom's bed...

At first I was happy when I carried her...

She is so cute and pretty... her hair was just like Mom... blonde hair...

But then, suddenly... this sad feeling...

I have another sister... it would be my job to protect her... I should learn swordsmanship as well...

Suddenly, Nathalia cried...

"D-Don't cry..." I said in panicked voice...

W-What did I do wrong?

Then Dad take her from me...

"N-Nico... are you alright?" he asked me...

W-What do you mean? I'm okay...

"You are crying...." Mom said while patting me... she looks worried as well

I touched my cheek and I feel the tears on it...

W-What? Did I just cried?

Then I feel dizzy

My view is getting darker... and I feel myself sleep on the bed...

Did I just passed out?

Before I completely unconscious, I heard Mom's shout...

"Nico!" she shouted...

What happened to me...

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