《Legacy of Ennea》Prologue


On that day I was staying at my home alone with my sister

My Father and Mother both work for our family

It was 4pm and it was a rainy day

"Oniisan, im bored..... lets play something"

"Im busy Lily, you know I have to study for tomorrow exam...."

Yeah, I have to study for this week of exam so that I have no time to slack off.

By the way, my name is Rey, and I'm 16 years old

My sister's name is Lily, she is 4 years old younger than me.

Since we are little, we don't really play together. After school I go immediately to my room and play my games. I feel that I live more in games than in my real life, it is a fact that I have more friend in games than in my real life. Yeah I do sometime hangout with them too

My house is quite big, no, it's actually big. My friend once visit my house and they just can't stop praising me. And I have to shut them up for being annoyance.

My house has 4 floor and its almost as big as soccer field. We have swimming pool and our own bath. When I was small I used to bath with my dad, but since I reach 8, I think he started to be getting more busy so we don't have the chance.

The house I'm staying is always guarded by 10 security every 24 hours and we have at least hmmm maybe 12 maid? I don't really pay any attention to that

I hate being praised, yeah somehow most people like to be praised but I'm not. Because they actually praise only my wealth which actually is my dad and mom's result of working. I haven't done anything in my life.

My father is too kind, he never scold me and taught me to just study seriously at school.

While my mother, is just being a mother. I did wrong and she will be the one that angry to me

My father and mother both work in our company,

Yes, we own a quite big company that spread in almost entire Japan.

Maybe not we, but their company....

And of course our parents work hard for it to grow that big.

They also told me that one day I will be the one that will succeed the company. My father sometimes bring me to his own factory to teach me and my mother sometimes bring me to her office and teach me about business.

As you can see, my father is a professional engineer and my mother is a businesswoman.

And lately they work really hard that they have to stay in hotel and not coming home. They have a lot of meeting to attempt while I actually don't really care whether they are coming home or not.


While my parents work hard, I stayed at home and do nothing but playing computer games and reading some novel on the internet.

My mom always scold me to study harder and be a good example for your sister.

But yeah, without studying actually I have good score too in school.

While my sister is also like me, she seems to be playing a lot. But she had even better score than me, I'm not sure why but it seems we are indeed are genius.

But for this time when my parents are away for a business trip me and my sister are left behind. And I try to be a good example for my sister,..maybe......just once.

"Why should you study when Okasan and Otousan are gone... Oniisann? I never see you study you know..."

Oh damn, I got a direct hit to my heart. I still want to be that kind of cool onisann you know. Just shut up and see my cool part.

"No, tomorrow exam is gonna be hard, I should just not underestimate everything"

"Hmmm? I never see you got really this serious oniisan"

"Yeah but what can I do? I must study hard to make Otousan and Okasan proud..."

That was quite a cool act and she started to show a disappointed face

"Hmmphh then I will just play alone downstair, come when you have finished your study ok?"

Fuhh she finally give up, hmmm? If it's later I think it's ok


Then finally she leave the my room and start running downstair.

It is somehow really rare to see her coming to my room and asked me to play with her.

I don't know what game or maybe she had some intention to ask me play with her.

Okasan told me once to be more closer with my sister....

Hmmm maybe she told Lily the same and finally she start her initiative first than mine.

I continue my study for another 30 minutes and I never thought that studying alone will be this hard. I never study on my own, If it is study in school I could endure it, but when it come to study alone and just read the textbook I cant hold it anymore. Why it is much different with when I read novel.

So I decided to go downstair and

what happen is...

I see my sister fall on the floor.

With red liquid around her and knife behind her..

I-Is it blood?

My mouth are widely open


Then I come closer to her and realize that the red liquid are indeed blood.


I immediately hold her on my hands and shake her body

"Lily please wake up, lets go and play... let's play all day... wake upp!! Please..!!"


My voice are getting weaker.... I never thought this gonna happen, why should it come to me and why now.

Why no one reply? Usually without even a shout when I call some maid will come

I try to call the security that suppose to watch our house, but no one reply at my shout

I take my phone out and started to call mother. After several tries finally she hanged up.

"Rey, Okasan is in the middle of meeting, can you hold on for a while, I will call you back in an hour"

I have no idea what to say, but I just need to say what I see



And after several seconds of silence she break the silence

"OK Rey, listen to me......."

Mom start with a serious sound

"Can you call the police, I will go home right away with Otosan so please wait and please hide in a room, there should be someone danger..... Lock the room and wait for me to come home"

Then, I sensed someone behind me..... When I look back, I see a familiar face holding a knife in his right hand and smile watching my pale face.

It seems he is watching me since I started to shout

His body is big and muscular like a rugby player with their suit on and have a killing eyes directed to me

Then I know who stabbed my little sister...

I have nothing to hold back and immediately shout at him


He is apparently the head of security that watch my house.

I think I have talked to him once and just like other security and maids, he talk really politely but I never expect that the culprit is one of the security

And he said without any feel of guilt and cheerfully

"Hmm? What have we got here? A brat boy that only give order are now trembling?"

Trembling? Yeah I never realize that my body shake this much

He give a very satisfaction face....

What should I do... where is the other guard and maid? Did they die?

This time I should buy some time and wait till someone come

With my shaking voice

"Youu... Why did you do this? I never done anything wrong...."

Anyway it's weird if no one comes, have they all plan this from a long time......

My handphone is still on and a voice of my mom in panic comes out from the phone

His face show no change, with smile on his face...

"Turn off your phone"

He told me that with flat voice.... It is a scary sound and somehow I do close my handphone

I think it is necessary to buy time and play with his game for a while

"Good boy"

He told me that and start to pat my head

"Yeah you never done anything wrong, but you know....."

He said....

His smile is just getting wider

"I have agreed to someone to take things in your house, there are a lot of precious things and unfortunately that girl comes down. And it cant be help"

Can't be help? My anger rouse I can't think clearly and I punch his face with all of my might and it seems that he isn't moving at all.

What do you mean by can't be help? Do you think someone life is just a play for you? I don't give a fck about it


I spit out everything I wanted to say and my vein begin to pop up on my face, I lost my fear and release my anger

My eyes start to see things blurly and I cannot see clearly

He hold his knife as if he wanna thrust me and...

and what I feel is knife thrust my body.

He thrust his knife on my chest..

I cant feel anything, I cant even feel the pain but I feel blood comes out of my body....

Its hard to breath, I never thought breathing will be this rough

I'm barely breathing

Why... why this thing happen to me, I should have just play with Lily and this wont happen.

Okasan, Otosan please comeback home....

Why this world is so unfair? Is god really do exist? I never feel any miracle happen to me.

If god give me another chance then I will live seriously I promise not to disappoint my parents and will keep my sister happy

Ahh... in the end I cant make anyone happy. My sister is dead and I guess I follow her.

The last thing I see is my sister's body, and finally, my eyes are too tired to stay awake...

I slowly close my eyes

I feel cold through my body

What will my parents thought about me? Will they be angry because I cant protect my sister... or will they cry for me too... I haven't done anything to pay their kindness, I'm such a parasite in my family

Indeed I'm useless.

Then suddenly I woke up and.....

I still cry out loud when that happen and I see someone holding me on with her hand?

Im not sure what happen but I feel really tired and I go to sleep after several minutes....

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