《Legacy of Ennea》Chapter 3 - School (Part 1)


Two years has passed since the feast my Dad held...

"D-Dad... do you think is it a must to go to school?" I asked in the morning where I have to go to school

"Of course! You are the star of our school" Dad said while smiling....

"T-Tousan, I would be happier if you told me the plan before you tell your plan to other..." I said to him with serious eyes....

But he ignored me...

"I am happier when I see your surprised face..." Dad said while smiling...

"H-Hey!!" I said and trying to approached dad... but his body is big enough so that he could hold me only with a single hand...

We are in the dining room, and having our breakfast here...

"Where is Nate and Nathalia?" I asked Mom and Dad...

"Hey, you slept with them... why you ask?" Dad said with his annoying face...

"Nisan!" Nate shouted...

"H-Hey Nate! You are late!" I said in impatient tone...

Then Nathalia appeared behind him as well...

Both of them come inside the dining room and give me a present...

"W-What is this?" I asked both of them...

"Ahh... you see, we made this last night for you... It is a parting gift...." Nate said...

"P-Parting gift? W-What do you mean? I will return here every day right?" I asked Tousan...

Then Nathalia looked at me in suspicious eyes...

What's with that?

"What?! Everyday?!? Of course no! You won't be able to return for a year! Ah, also, you need to pack your belonging..." Dad said out of a sudden...

"T-Tousan!! Why don't you tell!!" I yelled at him...

But then everyone laughed...

"See!! His face is so cute when he mad!" Dad said

"T-That's true!" Mom joined...

"Onisan is funny!" Nate said

"Tousan is right!" Nathalia said

T-They all planned this?! H-Hey that's annoying...

"Don't worry Nico... I packed everything for you..." Mom said with her soft voice...

"T-Thank you Kasan..." I thanked her...

"Hey! Nisan! Open the box!" Nate said

Ah I almost forgot about that...

I open the box and...

A necklace?

"You should use it... like we do" Nate said

Nate and Nathalia both showed their necklace...

It's the exact same necklace like both of them

It's a necklace with ring shaped... made of gold... and a writing is on it...

'Maxwell' it is said...

"Y-You made this?" I asked

"No... we make the box..." Nate said... still in happy voice....

But the other start to giggle...

H-He isn't maturing....

I guess Nathalia is much more mature....

"T-Thanks Nate... Nathalia..." I said while patting both of them...

And both of them smile....

After we eat our breakfast... Rueger come inside the dining room...

"Clement-sama... the carriage is ready..." Rueger informed us...

"Okay, we will be there in a minute..." Dad said...

I am a bit sad leaving this house for a whole year...

Dad... you should told me earlier....

But I am still in this city after all... there should be no problem, right?

After we finished our breakfast... all of us went to the lobby...

I guess they want to see me off for a while...

Then I hugged each one of them... From Nathalia to Tousan...

After hugging them... they all looked like... holding their laugh?

"S-Something wrong?" I asked

"N-Nothing.." Dad said... While holding his laugh

Now I am a hundred percent suspicious....

Then I enter the carriage... but then, when I want to close the carriage...


"Wait!" Dad's voice...

"W-What?" I asked...

He then enters the carriage

"Who said I'm not going with you!" Dad said...

"W-What??! What are you doing?!" I asked...

But then everyone entered the carriage...

"H-Hey! What happened!" I asked in my confusion but no one answer...

"Go to Auxem School please..." Dad said to the driver...

"O-Of course Clement-sama!" the driver said while holding his laugh as well...

"Y-You don't need to accompany me you know...." I said

"Who said we are going to accompanied you?" Dad said

Then mom chuckle a bit....

"T-Then what are you going to do?" I asked

"Huh? You don't know?" He asked...

I shook my head from side to side...

"I will lead the opening ceremony..." he said

"W-What?! T-Then I guess that's okay..." I said while looking away...

"Awww" all of them in unison....

"See! Onisan will miss us!" Nate said

They are annoying...

Seeing my face looks annoyed they laughed....

They are truly annoying, why they only bother me...

After five minutes of traveling... we arrived in front of the school....

W-Wow it is huge...

It has a big lobby fit for 10 carriages, and it has like tens of building... and also outdoor field...

Those building looks quite tall as well... I can see a building with 5 floor...

But I don't see a single person...

Umm where is everyone?

When we get down from the carriage...

"Ah, Clement-sama... we are waiting for you..." a man come and greeted us

"Even the principle welcomed us personally... it would be our honor..."

"Please Clement-sama... you are more than worthy... and this is the least I can do for you..." the man said

So, this man is currently the principle of the school?

He is an old man with long white beard... like santa claus?

Seeing my confusion...

"Ah, this should be the famous Nicolas Maxwell" He said...

"P-Please call me Nico..." I said...

"Then, you can call me Santa..." he said

'Pffftt' could be heard...

But, not only me... Nathalia as well...

I looked at her and she looked at me...

"Do I hear something?" Santa asked...

"N-Nothing..." I said

"Okay then, please come and follow me..." Santa continues while leading us to a room...

We all followed him and enter the building... it has a nice lobby... I see quite a lot of people there... a lot of people from different race... different continent and different kingdom... gather here and talk to each other.... I guess this place has a high diversity....

Then someone poke my shoulder...

I looked back and...

"Hey!" a boy called me...

A blue haired boy with blue eyes... I believe I've seen him before...

"Ah! Euclio-kun..." I said in panicked voice

"Just call me Euclio" He told me with calm tone...

"Then, you can call me with Nicolas..." I said

"Okay, that would be nice... since we are going to be together for 6 years..." Euclio continued....

"W-What?!?" I said

I looked at Dad....

"T-That's a lie, right?" I asked Dad...

"Lie? Of course, no..." Santa looks happy... like Santa supposed to be...

Seeing my trouble face, Santa calmed me down....

"You see, time flows really fast... you will miss this place when it's time for you to leave... so better enjoy every moment..." Santa cheered me up

"O-Okay..." I said...

Then an old man come from Euclio's back...

"Ah... Feurios-sama..." Santa greeted...

"Santa... you are still alive! And still even here?!" Feurios greeted him


I guess both of them are in the same age...

"Hey.. Look... it's Nicolas Maxwell"

"You mean the mage that can use 4 elements?"

"N-Not only 4, but 5 with Holy attribute!"

I heard whispers everywhere...

"Hey look at you Mr.Popular!" Dad teased me...

"I-It's your fault!" I blamed my Dad and he laughed on me...

And also, I heard another whispers...

"T-That's Euclio Qiteron isn't he?"

"W-What?! You mean the Dual Sword wielder?!"

"Y-Yes it's him... so, he is Nicolas's friends?"

"I hear that he can use Elemental Fighter Magic?!"

"Y-You must be kidding me!"

"This year new students are sure pretty good"

D-Dual Sword Wielder?!

E-Elemental Fighter Magic?!?

I looked at him... and he looked at me, and he threw his face away while whistling...

D-Did he just avoided me?!?

"Okay, both of you... please proceed to that door..." Santa pointed a door

Euclio and I nodded.... and both of us walked together...

"I hope everything goes smoothly..." I said

"What do you mean... we haven't even started yet..." he said

"I know... but you know... 6 years is quite a long time, right?" I said

"You know, just enjoy your time... Santa said that it would be fun... just let's see what is his real definition of fun..." Euclio said

"T-That's true... hey, let's find a seat..." I said

"I guess there are 2 seats available there..." Euclio said...

We both come to the seat... but then, someone blocked us...

An elephant?

"W-What?!? Elephant?!" I said it out loud....

And now everyone is looking at me...

The elephant looked at me and she looks like she wants to punch me...

"H-Hey you shouldn't shout that word..." Euclio whispered me...

"A-Ah I'm sorry" I said while bowing a bit and Euclio pulled me...

We left the elephant...

"Hey! I thought you are hoping for no trouble!" Euclio said...

"T-That was a reflect you see..." I said then Euclio let a sigh...

"That's fine... let's fine seats on the opposite side" Euclio suggested me...

"F-Fine" I said...

Then both of us found a seat a bit far away from the Elephant and the main stage as well...

"Fiuh... If you are alone, you sure are hopeless..." Euclio said

"T-That's true... thanks" I said while thanking me...

"Yeah, just buy me a drink later okay..." Euclio said...

"Sure!" I said

I am truly grateful I had a friend already before entering the school...

After waiting for a little longer....

The ceremony begins... at first, Santa gives his speech...

"Hey everyone, welcome back to this new school year... there are also some that have this as their last year or even their first year... But then, we must enjoy everything while we could... this life is temporary, so make sure, you learn everything you want, everything you can and always be friend without being discriminating... Remember the rules are only 3.... No fighting... No discrimination... and... Enjoy your time...."

After he finished his speech everyone gave him a big applause...

He left the stage... and I know whose speech going to be the next...

I stood up and...

"H-Hey Euclio... I think I need to go to the bath-" Before I finished my word...

Euclio hold my hand...

"U-Ummm... you see, you don't know my Tousan..."

"Don't worry, I know him quite well... since our Tousan is actually quite alike..." he said... while laughing...

And my Dad enter the stage...

I then sit back on my seat...

"Hello everyone...." Dad said...

"Hello Clement-sama!" Everyone shouted...

"As you can see, we are now in the new school year, which mean, new determination, new friend, new study, and new life!" he said while winking on me!

No!! He spotted me!!!

"All of you are the new generation! That will change your city! Kingdom! Race! Or even world! Study well, and make your parents proud of you... you are the next generation... all of you will surpass me one day... and it might be you who changes my place!"

He finished his words....

He is surprisingly.... Normal! In front of other!

"Haaa!! I found you Nico!!! HAHAHAHAHA" He then shouted!


He then pointed at me....


"E-Euclio!!" I said but then he only laughed...

H-Hey this is another betrayal!!

Now everyone is looking at me....

"You should do well in this first year okay!!" Dad shouted from the stage...

I won't answer!!

"Do you hear me Nico?!?" Dad asked me again???

W-When will this is ended?!?

"F-FINE!!!" I shouted and he laughed again...

"AHAHAHAHAHAHA Then! Everything is done! Goodluck everyone!!" he left the stage and everyone is still.... looking at me....

"U-Umm... Nico, what did you do? Why everyone is looking at you?" Euclio asked while laughing...

"W-Why you ask!!" I protested... and he laughed even more....

H-He is no different than my Dad!!

"Hey, it's him..."

"So, the rumor about the red-eye is true..."

"Wow, he is the mage that could use 5 elements..."

"He is danger... be careful, don't get too close with him..."

This is what I am trying to avoid...

Dad... you sure make the problems bigger...

I just let a sigh...

"Hey! Nicolas... your eyes looks cool!" Euclio praised me out loud...

I then close his mouth during the whole ceremony....

After the ceremony, we are supposed to return to our dorm...

My room will be next to Euclio's room... it is on the third floor of building B which is a building for male dorm... while building C is for female dorm...

Then, an elephant blocked our way...

"So... you are this Nicolas Maxwell..." The elephant said

"Ahhh... see, I told you my Tousan will only give me more trouble! I should have left! And you shouldn't hold me!" I shouted at Euclio...

"You see, even without your Tousan, everyone knows you already..." Euclio said

"W-What?! How?" I asked...

He then pointed his hand to his eyes...

I forgot that my eyes are red...

"Hey! Don't ignore me like that!" the elephant said....

"Ah I forgot about you... sorry..." I said

But then she looks even angrier...

"D-Did I say something wrong?" I asked Euclio...

"Y-You are truly hopeless" Euclio said while laughing...

But then the elephant shouted!

"I challenge you to a duel!" the elephant said...

"W-What?!?" I shouted...

H-Hey! I never dueled someone before... Only Mom, Dad, and Rueger... maybe sometimes with Nate...

"Go... Beat him..." Euclio whisper through my ear...

Then he waved his hand and went away...

"W-What?! Hey... Euclio! Don't leave me!" I shouted

But then...

Someone blocked Euclio...

"And you will be facing me..." A human faced like lion appear....

"W-What?! A Lion!?" I said it out loud... and...

Everyone looked at me...

G-Guess I did the same mistake...

Then I hear Euclio couldn't hold his laughed...

"You sure are the best Nico!" he said!

D-Damn... it was all a reflect...

"Hey! How about a two on two?" Euclio suggested them...

Then, both of them looked at each other...

And finally, both of them nodded...

"Fine... let's move to the duel arena..." the elephant said...

All of us move toward the duel arena...

"Are you sure we can do this?" Euclio asked me...

"W-What?!?!" I said it out loud...

Even the other start looking at us as well...

"I thought you have some plan..." I said it while whispering it...

"H-Hey! You are Nicolas Maxwell... you can do it..." Euclio said while hitting my back...

I wonder if I choose the wrong friend...

When we arrived at the arena, we see a lot of spectator are waiting already...

"H-Hey, why there are a lot of people here?" I asked them...

"It seems that they want to see your power..." The lion said...

"Of course, you are the son of Clement Maxwell... everyone wants to see you fight" Euclio said

Son of Clement Maxwell? What's so important about that...

And in the middle of the arena, we found a circle... which will be the arena for the duel...

Euclio and I enter the circle... and so does Elephant and Lion...

I prepare my stance...

"Ahem... so it's a battle of Nicolas Maxwell against the Elephant and the Lion..." Euclio announced...

"W-WHAT!?!?!" Everyone was shocked

After the audience surprised... they become silent... and eyes are on me...

"H-Hey! You should be helping me!!" I shouted...

"You don't need my help Nico... I trusted everything on you..." Euclio said while hitting my back...


I looked at the spectator...

D-Dad?!? Mom?!? Nate?!? Nathalia?!? And even Santa?!?!

Also Rueger?!

What is this!! I feel like everything has been planned...

"Did you agree on this?" Elephant asked me...

"NO!" I shouted...

"Don't worry, he is more than enough to defeat both of you" Euclio continue...

And Elephant and Lion looks pissed off....

"Then both of us agree!" Lion said


"I will act as the judge!" Euclio said

"Rules are no killing, and the duel ends until one side can't fight or surrender... both sides agree?" he asked

"Yes!!" Elephant and Lion said

"NO!!" I said

"THEN GO!!" Euclio shouted...

H-He ignores me?!

Lion charge at me...

He used his four feet this time to charge...

H-He is fast...


I create light and also summon a bright light... which make everything shiny

[FLASHBANG] I named it...

Lion stop moving...

But Elephant use magic?!

She took her staff and...

"Create Wind!"

S-She could use wind attribute!!

"Manipulate Wind!" she shouted and attacked on me...

Wind come and pushing me back

With that, she disturbed my light casting magic...

Lion recovered and start rushing toward me...

'Create Earth!' I said it within my heart.... and a brown spherical light appeared next to me...

I then created a wall between us... it is tall enough that lion shouldn't be able to jump off...

I-I should think how to disable them...

I guess it will be another flashbang and I have to lock the elephant first...

I then hear the lion hits my wall... it won't take long until it breached...

Just wait for it...


The wall breached... and...

"[FLASHBANG]" I shouted and Lion followed by the Elephant closed their eyes...

After they close their eyes...

I deactivate the light so that I could looked at the elephant's position and...

I found her!

She moved a bit closer now... then it would be easier...

"[PRISON]" I said and I succeed in trapping her inside the earth magic...

PRISON is creating a wall from every side of the target and also the top of the target... which is making it impossible to escape... except by destroying it... or by another Earth Magic... by descending the wall...

And... last one is the lion...

He recovered from the light blinding attack and saw his friend trapped already...


He then moved much faster...

But it won't affect me...

"[PRISON]" I said...

And 5 walls are appeared in front of him, behind him, on his right and left... also above him...

Since he is moving... I created a big prison...

With that, it should be done right?

"Nicolas Maxwell WIN!" Euclio shouted...

And everyone gives me an applauds...

Also I hear some of them praises me..

"T-The rumor is true... he is incredibly strong"

"Wow... he is a Maxwell after all..."

"As expected from the son of Clement Maxwell"

"He even defeated both without moving..."

"H-Hey, he only used 2 attributes... what if he uses 5 of them?!"

T-That, I can't stand of...

I leave the arena immediately... but...

Euclio hold my hand...

"W-WHAT AGAIN?!" I shouted at him.... I am a bit pissed off...

"Umm.. You see..." Euclio pointed at the prison I made for both of them...

"Ahh... okay..." I undone the magic... and both of them are perfectly safe...

"G-Guess that's all..." I said

I'm out of here...

I returned to my own room... in building B... third floor... room number 1.... seems like special number...

I opened my room and...


"WELCOME HOME NICO!!" Mom and Dad shouted... also Nate and Nathalia was there...

H-How did they could come faster than me? I thought I see both of them in the arena...

Ah, I don't care...

"H-Hey!" I said since suddenly Nate and Nathalia come and hug me...

"We will leave you for a year... so, maybe you want to say a word or two, to your brother and sister..." Dad said with serious face...

"Don't trust Dad... especially when he started to smile evilly." I said to both Nate and Nathalia

"H-he-" Dad can't even finished his senteces

"You better run before you will be humilliated!! That's all" I said

And they all laughed...

"We will miss you Nico..." Mom come and hugged me...

"Don't worry Kasan, I can take care of myself..." I said...

"Yeah! You should see how he defeated the lion and the elephant!" Nate said...

"H-Hey, so let me teach you some manners... if you see a beastman race, it is not polite to call them like elephant or lion... because they will think that you are comparing them with animal... and they are not animal, but a beastman race..." Mom said...

And all of us nodded...

"T-That's why they looked angry..." I said

"Yes... so make sure you apologize to them tomorrow okay?" Mom said while patting me...

"Okay" I said...

But Dad looks troubled...

"Hmmm" he mumbled...

"W-What is it?" I asked...

"But it would be hard if you have defeated them in a duel, which they have challenged" Dad said...

"W-Why?!" I asked

"Because their pride is number one... especially when they are the son and daughter of the North Beastman Kingdom and South Beastman Kingdom..." Dad said

"W-What?!?!" Nate, Nathalia and I shouted....

"T-That's cool Nisan!!" Nate praised me even more...

"T-That's not" I said...

And they all laughed...

H-Hey! It's a problem right?

After we all finished talking... they all left my room...

"See you next year Nisan!" Nate said... and they all left...

And I see Nathalia walked slower...

"N-Nathalia?" I called her...

"Nisan... can I asked something?" she asked me out of a sudden...

She looks serious about it...

She then looked around and make sure that there is no one...

"Sure.. What is it?" I asked her...

"Are you reincarnated?" she asked me...

And, with that question... I feel my heartbeat like want to stop...

A-Am I found out?!

W-Wait?! Or she is a reincarnated person as well?

"Y-Yes... and so you are right?" I asked her back...

Since she laughed about the Santa's joke I guess she is reincarnated...

Then she nodded...

"Nathalia! Where are you!" Mom called her...

Nathalia looked panicked...

"More importantly... don't tell anyone about this okay..." I said to her while holding both of her shoulder and she nodded...

"Bye nisan!" Nathalia said...

"Bye!" I shouted to her as well...

When I couldn't see her again, I close the door...

So... there is another reincarnated person like me....

It is a shocking news... but I have already suspecting her from the beginning...

Since she was born, she is too smart... maybe she just acted like I did... but I guess she acted better...

"Guess I shouldn't think too much about that..." I said out loud...

"Yep you shouldn't!"


"Who's there?" I asked

It was from outside my room...

"Your dearest friend!" he said...

Arghh its him...

I opened the door...

"Thanks for taking care both of them for me..." Euclio said and he throws a box of food toward me...

"Fine... I'll take it..." I said then I was about to close the door... but he held the door...

"P-Please don't be mad at me... you see, how about I treat you another food for tomorrow as well..." Euclio offered...

I actually don't hate him.... it's just that, I'm too tired...

"Fine..." I said, and let him enter...

Both of us eat in my dining room...

After both of us finished our food, both of us take a bath... it is like the Japanese public bath... so I don't mind taking a bath with him...

After bath, I immediately returned to my bed...

"Hey, sleeping already?" Euclio asked...

"Yes, thanks to the fight against two..." I said and he feel bad about it...

I guess he really feel bad about it...

"You see, I didn't mean to-"

"Yeah I know, just go away, I want to sleep..." I cut his word before he finished his...

"That's what I like about you!" Euclio said

After he said such, I sleep in an instance... because I don't remember anything...

I don't even dream... I sleep so peaceful...

The next morning

I suddenly feel something moving on my bed...

And I feel hot too...

When I woke up...

"H-HEY! WHY YOU SLEEP ON MY BED!!" I said to Euclio...

"W-What?!" He then awakes...

"Ah... sorry, you see, yesterday I traveled from Qiteron Kingdom to Auxem... it takes time and tires me a lot..." he said while still closing his eyes...

I-I never thought about that... since I just need five minutes to arrive at the school...

"I will leave now..." Euclio said...

"See you tomorrow..." Euclio continues...

W-Wait... something wrong...

"E-Euclio! We are late!!"

On that day, I met my very first friend

Euclio Qiteron... he is weird... annoying... but I guess he is a good friend...

I guess...

After changing our cloth, both of us run toward the class room...

But, there is a problem...

"Where is the classroom?" I asked...

"D-Do you think I know?!" He answered...

"W-Wait, so where are we running to?" I asked

"W-What?! I just followed you!!" he answered

T-This friend of mine!!

"Ahh, both of you looked lost..." Santa suddenly appeared...

"S-Santa-san, can you tell us where our class room is?" I asked him...

"Hmmm you don't know? It was written on your room..." Santa said

"I-It is?!" Euclio asked him...

And Santa nodded...

"I think yesterday's duel tired both of you..." Santa said...

"Let me explain... both of you are in the special class... so your class room will be always in building E" Santa continue...

"Special?" Both of us in unison...

"Yes, both of you are not joining the regular classes... but the special one... it is a class for Nobles and the talented one... talented either in swordsmanship or witchcraft...." he explained...

"I-I see..." I said...

"W-Wait!" Euclio said...

"W-What?!" I asked...

"What do you mean by late if you even does not check the schedule?!" Euclio asked me...

"W-We are late for..." I can't finish my words...

"I-I thought we should gather for breakfast?" I said while asking in the same time....

"Ah, you can go to the mess hall anytime you like..." Santa said...

And Euclio looked at me as if he wanted to eat me...

"I-if you excuse me..." Santa walked away and it's only both of us...

"Y-You see, let me treat you breakfast!" I said as an apology...

"Deal!" he said and his mood is back... that's fast!

Both of us walk toward the Mess Hall... where people buy and eat their food...

We buy our breakfast and eat there...

"You said it's late? It's even still 8 am... just what time did you usually wake up?" Euclio asked me while he start eating his soup...

"I usually wake up at 6 am... and train my sword wielding and spear wielding as well..." I said while eating...

"Wow... you learned swordsmanship as well? I thought you only learn magic..."

"No... my mom said that it was for safety that I have to learn at least one of them... but when I choose to learn sword wielding, my mom looks unhappy, and it happen the same when I choose to learn spear, my dad looks unhappy... so I ended up learning both of them..." I said while sighing...

Euclio then laughed...

"You sure are a good boy..." He praised...

"N-Not really..." I said

"Hey... how about you?" I asked him back...


"Yep... I heard you use unique weapon... a dual sword wielder?" I asked...

"Ah yes, but apparently, I couldn't test my strength there..." he said

"Why?" I asked...

"Because I have no teacher...." He said...

"W-What?! So how could you learn that by yourself?" I asked him

"I don't know, I guess I improve myself and create my own move... that's why people keep praising me... and that's annoying..." he said...

Me and him are truly alike...

"Fiuh... it's happy to know someone in the same place as I do..." I said...

"Huh? You put yourself as the same level as mine? I guess your level should be at least twice higher..." Euclio started to praise me...

Urghh that hurts my ear...

"Hey, how about Elemental Fighter Magic?" I asked...

"Oh, I actually could use magic too... but unlike you, I could only use one element, which is water..." Euclio explained...

"Hey, isn't it great since you are an Ocean Race..." I said...

If you live in the ocean and you control water... that would be very powerful...

"Yeah, it is... that's why there are a lot of people envy me... they even tried to kill me, saying that I am a threat" he explained...

"W-What?! They are targeting you too?" I asked him

And he looked confuse...

"What do you mean? You mean you are being targeted as well?" He asked me back....

"Of course! ... don't you see my eyes?" I pointed my eyes...

"Ahh, of course, sorry, I forgot about that..." Euclio said...

"Don't worry, let's just tell each other if something happened..." I said


After we ate our breakfast...

"Hey... Nico.."

"What?" I asked Euclio...

"Are you sure we have no class today?" He asked me...

"Ummm... did I ever say that I checked the schedule?" I asked him back...

Then, both of us missed our first class on our very first day....

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