《Power of Possibility》Chapter 24


The rest of the journey differed a lot from their previous one. Where previously they would idly talk or ask the Otters questions concerning the world they found themselves in, they now had different priorities.

“No no, a bit to the left,” Aleks said as he pointed at Luke. “That’s way too far left. More to the right.”

Luke moved the breastplate more to the right. “Is this better?” he asked.

Aleks narrowed his eyes at Luke and after a moment nodded. “That’s the best as I see it. What do you think, Ikaros?”

“Looks about right,” he replied.

He pulled back his arm and the bowstring went taut with tension. The arrowhead pointed straight at Luke’s chest. With a twang, the tension was relieved and the arrow flew from Ikaros. Aleks could see the arrow clearly as he followed it to Luke. Moments away from Luke’s chest, Luke grabbed it with hardly any effort.

The spectators cheered as Luke hefted the arrow in the air.

“Yeah!” he shouted.

“Master Takashi would be proud to see his weakest student achieve this feat,” Aleks said with a grin.

“Weakest?!” Luke shouted as the rest laughed loudly.

“Come on.” Horus nudged Luke. “It’s Aleks’ turn.”

Luke grumbled as he removed the breastplate and moved out of the way. Aleks took his place and equipped the armour.

“Let’s go with three this time,” Aleks smirked.

“Three? Are you sure lad?” Horus asked surprised.

The spectators righted themselves as the stakes were higher than before. Winston exchanged a silver coin with Phillip as they whispered while Horus and Damon joined Ikaros with bows in their hands. Aleks closed his eyes and calmed his breathing before setting into the same stance that his master used when they were attacked at sea.

He opened his eyes. “Ready,” he said.

Three bows were pulled back and released their payload. All the spectators watched the arrows fly with their enhanced perception. The arrows arrived at Aleks and he was prepared. With ease, he caught an arrow with each hand before bending over backwards. His foot went up and caught the third arrow between his toes.

His friends cheered loudly and clapped their hands together at this awesome feat. Luke walked up to Aleks with a smile on his face.

“Not too shabby friend,” he said as he slapped him on the back.

Horus with his bow still in his hand joins them. “I think after that golden shower that you could be the Olympic champion when we return to Athens.”

“It was more of a golden bath than a shower,” Luke said as he watched Aleks. “He got a lot of the good stuff. If only we knew what it did we should’ve immersed ourselves in it.”

“I’m just glad to be alive,” Aleks said. He stumbled forward as Tiny impacted into his back. “Hey little one,” he said as Tiny dropped to the ground. He reached his waist when standing. “Soon we won’t be calling you little one anymore,” Aleks said at Tiny.

Tiny grinned back at him before jumping onto Kastor that was balancing on the edge of the ship. Kastor cursed as they both fell into the water.

“Man overboard,” Damon shouted while laughing.

It had been two days since they left the town of Middle Stop and the scenery had changed from deep woods to plains on both sides with only a tree seen now and then. The journey so far had brought them much closer than before and they treated each other as family. The day turned into night and the night turned into dawn. With dawn, the change from plains to desert began. The dry grass changed to sand and now and then a small oasis was seen in the distance. As they continued down the canal they could see the shimmering of a city in the distance. They called Winston from the engine room.


“That in the distance is the city of Arena. The reason we can see it from here is because of the grand coliseum that the city has. It can house close to fifty thousand spectators.” Winston said while peering into the distance.

“Fifty thousand?!” the rest exclaimed.

“Aye, fighting is like a religion to them.”

Atop the coliseum, two humongous flags fluttered in the wind. Luke pointed at it and asked Winston. “What are those flags for?”

Winston squinted into the distance. “You’ve got some good eyes, kid. The one represents the king that is present. The other flag is the current champion of the coliseum.”

“The champion is held in the same high esteem as the champion?” Horus asked surprised.

“Aye, the champion can also choose what the one that defeats him can win. Sometimes they choose priceless artefacts in an attempt to tempt the strongest contenders.” Winston said.

“At our current pace, we’ll be there come midday,” Phillip stated.

True to his word, they arrived at midday. The city of Arena had no walls and most of its buildings were created with sandstone. It truly was a desert city that was rich and popular as streams of people entered the city from the canals and the desert itself. When they docked at the port, Aleks saw all the ships present flying flags of their own. Some homes also had flags mounted on top of it and the citizens of the city walked around with small flags attached to their shoulders.

“What’s with the flags?” Aleks asked Winston.

“The flags on the ships and buildings represent the fighter that it houses. Much like the champion and the king flying their flags at the highest point in the city, so do they fly their own. The citizens are the spectators. They support the fighter of their choice by wearing that fighters flag on them. They buy the flag from the fighters group and then the group is enriched and supports the fighter.” he replied.

“So it is lucrative to be a fighter?” Luke asked.

“If you are good or entertaining then yes. If you’re bad. . . well let’s just say that the only payment you’ll receive is broken bones.” Winston said.

As they watched the inhabitants of the city, drums began playing. It started in the distance but soon it arrived near them. The people on the street clapped together with the drums and cheered loudly.

“The drums signal the opening ceremony of the great tournament,” Winston said loudly as the sound became loud.

The cheers and drums created a vibrant atmosphere as people smiled wildly and cried out passionately.

“We need to get to the treasury and get the ring,” Winston shouted over the noise. “Nike, Phillip and Thanos. Can you stay with the ship?”

They nodded and the rest, including Tiny riding on Aleks's shoulders, disembarked with Winston as he led them through the crowds. The people here were garbed in loose-fitting robes and hats that kept the harsh sun out of their faces. There was a distinct lack of Otters while most of the crowd consisted of Humans and Draconians with a single Rockfolk standing out now and then.

Winston led them down the main street away from the coliseum and towards the palace. They came to the great market and saw it was too crowded even for Winston to lead them through. After some cursing, the otter led them to one of the less crowded side streets. The noise was less here and allowed them to hear their thoughts.


“Is it normally this busy?” Luke gasped.

“It is normally a busy city, but with the championship, it’s overflowing,” Winston said as they passed in the shadows of the side streets.

The sound of feet slapping against sandstone came from around the corner moments before someone bumped into Aleks. He did not budge at all and saw the person collapse in front of him as if they ran into a wall. Raven dark hair cascaded down her shoulders and her green eyes were puffy from crying.

“Help me, please!” she begged as she got to her feet and hid behind him.

Before anyone could react, a group of people came around the corner. They were five and held themselves as men used to violence. The leader, a young man with wild red hair and a well-built body looked at Aleks and saw the woman behind him.

“There you are,” he said as an ugly smile bloomed on his face. He walked towards her and did not so much as notice Aleks.

Aleks folded his arms. Aleks might be short but he was on the heavier scale of muscle and cut quite the intimidating figure if he stared you down. This forced the red-haired man to look down at him.

“Who are you country bumpkin?” he menacingly said.

His companions stepped forward and came eye to eye with Horus and the rest.

“He’s out of this world,” Horus replied instead of Aleks.

The man whipped his head to Horus. “Maybe you should use your head and speak when spoken to.”

He snapped his fingers and one of his companions took out a knife and lunged at Horus. The knife almost pierced his chest when Horus grabbed his arm and with great force headbutted him in the nose. The man fell with a thump.

“That is great advice. I’ll use my head more often.” Horus said and grinned at the astonished man.

His astonishment turned to anger. “Do you know who I am?!”

“I’m quite sure you’re going to tell us now,” Aleks said.

“I am the - “ He stopped as he watched Aleks through slitted eyes. “I see that you think you’re funny. I will enjoy watching you tell jokes as you are whipped in public.”

“Oh, are you now?” Winston said with a laugh. “Under whose authority?”

“My father is lord Kadnezer, second only to the king,” he said haughtily. “Do you understand the depth of your transgressions now?”

“We are under the authority of the council of Canalis,” Winston said as he watched the young man deflate. “I will be having a discussion with the king and your father about the welcome we have received in this city.”

The young man paled.

“What did you say was your name again, son of Kadnezer?” Luke asked with a taunting smile.

“This won’t be the last time you heard of me,” he said as he snapped his fingers. His men followed him as they walked away.

“That was great Winston!” Luke shouted. “Although I would’ve loved to test our new strength.”

“It’s not wise to fight if we do not know why we are fighting,” Winston said as he looked at the woman behind Aleks.

The woman came out from behind Aleks and bowed her head. She had a beauty that could bring her many blessings in life, but some curses as well.

“Thank you, gentlemen! My name is Kendra,” she said. When she saw their questioning gazes she continued. “ Jakta, the man who you drove off now, is a horrible man. He has a lust for women that cannot be quenched. Normally this is not a problem for him as he has wealth and does not look bad, but he cares not if his bed partners are willing or not.” She looked up and they could see the determination on her face. “I am not willing.”

“Do not fear Kendra. I don’t think he’ll be back soon.” Luke said as he watched her moist eyes.

“Will you protect me?” she asked Luke.

“Is that even a que-” Luke began before he was interrupted by Horus.

“We are only here for something then we are leaving. Unfortunately, we cannot promise that.”

Luke frowned at Horus’ words. He looked like he wanted to say something more but held his mouth when Horus gave him a look.

“Well then, I thank you for your help. I won’t keep you any longer,” she said sadly.

“But I - “Luke said but Horus grabbed him by his shoulder and they moved on.

“Why are you doing this?” Luke asked when they were out of earshot.

“Never give your allegiance to someone you don’t know. Especially when they have a pretty face and beautiful eyes.” Horus told him.

“Aye lad, there are many tales of tragedy that start like that,” Winston added. “Let’s just get what we want and go back.”

The treasury for some reason was not located in the palace but right next to it. It was an ornate building with golden letters decorating the walls and guards securing the entrance. Aleks looked up and saw guards on the rooftops as well. It reminded him of his rooftop chase back in Athens. They arrived in front of the building where four guards levelled their spears at them.

“Halt! State your business.” the human guard demanded. He was dark-skinned and had golden flowing robes, the same colour as the king’s flag.

“We are here backed by the full authority of the city of Canalis.” Winston took out a writ and held it for the guard to examine.

After a brief moment, the guard nodded.

“Everything seems in order. A guide will be here momentarily to take you where you want to go.”

One of the guards ran to the palace while they waited. A few moments later an elderly draconian came from the treasury and greeted them. After hearing that they wanted the ring, he hesitated and shared a look with the lead guard.

“My apologies. I’m afraid that this won’t be possible.” the old guide told them.

“What do you mean?” Winston asked as his eyes narrowed.

“The ring of Defiance is the prize that the Champion chose to award the one that defeated him.” the guide said.

“What!?” Winston screamed at him.

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