《Power of Possibility》Chapter 25


Winston was angry. Aleks watched the otter as he jumped up and down and berated the old guide. The man tried his best to calm the otter, but it was for nought. That is until the king of Arena arrived. The first thing Aleks noticed was the crowd in the street parting and soldiers in golden livery marching towards them from the palace. None of them was armoured but they carried themselves confidently as if to say they could rather dodge than take a hit.

The king himself, a younger man than Aleks expected, was in the middle of the soldiers. He wore a gaudy black robe with gold trimmings with a crown almost larger than his head. The moment they came into earshot, Winston turned his head towards them.

“I should’ve expected something like this would happen!” Winston shouted at the king.

“Something like what old Winston?” he replied nonchalantly.

“To think that the apple would fall so far from the tree,” Winston said with pity.

“You know nothing otter!” the king shouted. His men put their hands on their scabbards, ready to draw at a moment's notice.

“You think I know nothing when it was I that went into battle alongside your father?” Winston seethed.

The young king grimaced and then calmed himself. “Speak your piece otter. What do you want in my city?”

Winston looked at him and then glared at the old guide next to him. The older man gulped and stepped back.

“The Dark King lives again,” Winston stated.

Gasps rang out from everyone listening. They whispered amongst themselves and some ran to let others know.

“Preposterous! My father was there when he was killed. Where do you get this information?” the king demands.

“I know your father was there, I was with him!” Winston shouted.

Luke leaned closer to Aleks. “Wow, I didn’t expect him to be that old.”

Aleks nodded. Winston continued.

“We received reports of activity in his territory and went to scout. There I saw a new Dark King with my own eyes.”

Understanding dawned on the king's face. “You want the ring of Defiance.” he softly said.

“Aye, and what do I hear when I come to collect?” Winston stated more than asked.

“You know our traditions. The champion can choose whatever he wants.”

Winston nodded. “That is true, but your father would never have allowed something so precious to the life of the continent to fall in another's grasp.”

“What’s done is done. You will have to buy the ring back from the winner.” the king stated.

“And if he doesn’t want to part with it? Or the Dark King himself offers more than money for this ring?” Winston asked.

“There is nothing I can do. If I interfere and demand the ring back, I lose my kingship.”

Winston spat. “To think that power is more important than honour to you. My friend would’ve turned in his grave if he saw you now.”

“I would allow you to enter the tournament. . . But alas, there is no more tokens and no more space.” the king said haughtily.

Aleks suddenly thought of something. At the time when they left Canalis, a certain draconian that loved boxing and wanted to compete in Arena gave him something. His hand went to his money bag and he felt the edges of a medallion that he hadn't thought of much. He pulled it out and the engravings of a sword and spear shone in the afternoon sun.


“Would this work?” Aleks asked.

The king looked at him as if seeing him for the first time. Winston saw the medallion in his hand and grinned. He motioned to Aleks and in a moment, Aleks flicked the medallion to him.

“Well, seems like we will be competing after all,” Winston said.

The king stared daggers at Aleks. “Who are you nameless one?” he demanded.

Before Aleks could say anything, Luke interjected. “He is Aleksander. The one who will win this tournament and become the new champion of this city.”

The king’s face was frozen. One of his soldiers started laughing. The laughter infected the rest as they clutched their stomachs. The king laughed with them and tears sprung from his eyes.

“Winston, you travel with a jester.” the king mocked. “Can I hire him from you for my courts?”

After some time of uncontrolled laughter, the king looked at them and noticed that they were serious.

“Oh this is going to be great.” the king said as he wiped his eyes. “You will get the best accommodation and your flag will fly next to the most promising of fighters. Everyone will hear of your statement and you will start against the strongest of opponents.” the king smirked.

“Thank you, son of a great king,” Winston said with a slight inclination of his head.

The king’s smirk turned into annoyance at the veiled jab. “Elias!” he shouted.

A lanky fellow with a prominent moustache and dark hair appeared next to him.

“You will guide our ‘guests’ and make sure that all their needs are seen to,” he said. “Make sure that the announcer of the coliseum knows exactly who graces them with their presence.”

“Your wish is my command.” Elias saluted with his hand over his chest.

“Till we see each other again.” the king said to Winston. He left the group with his escort, leaving Elias with the rest.

Elias turned to his charges. “If you would follow me to the accommodation fitting for your stature,” he said with a bow.

Winston nodded and indicated to the rest to follow. Elias led them through the crowd in the direction of the coliseum. The crowd parted when they saw the golden livery worn by their guide. They whispered, asking each other who the men were that followed him.

The heat was unrelenting on Aleks and his friends as they walked through the crowds. The wisdom of those wearing hats was evident in the sweat dripping down Aleks’ face. They turned around the corner and there the coliseum stood. It loomed over them with many flags hanging in the windless day. A few minutes later they entered the coliseum. The shadows of the building cooled the surroundings down to an acceptable level and the party breathed out a sigh of relief. The sigh was drowned out from the cheers originating from deeper in the coliseum. The drumming had fortunately stopped.

“Esteemed guests.” Elias began. “You will be staying in the upper part of the coliseum where all will see you as your skill is unmatched.”

“What do you mean with that?”Aleks asked, confused.

“It means,” Winston said with a scowl. “The king expects us to lose early and be humiliated in front of thousands. He wants us to be seen by all.”


“This is going to be epic.” Luke grinned.

Elias frowned at Luke’s reaction and motioned for them to follow them to a wooden platform. Once everyone was on, he rang a bronze bell hanging from the ceiling. With a lurch, the platform ascended causing some of the member’s knees to buckle. They passed the first level and saw beasts of labour yoked to cogs of steel walking in a circle.

“Unlike Canalis, Arena still uses beasts to power their contraptions,” Winston said when the rest looked at it.

They passed more levels, each showing different scenes. Some looked like waiting areas for contestants while others were armouries. They passed a floor that could only be described as a brothel where scantily clad women eyed them like meals. Luke gulped when a rather busty woman licked her lips and made eye contact with him.

“Keep the focus lad,” Horus said gruffly.

Luke nodded fervently and the floor passed when they stopped directly above it. Grand halls on either side greeted them. It was decorated with flags that hung from the railings into the coliseum. Aleks walked towards the railings and looked down. The arena came into view. Sand so clean that it almost blinded him was brushed even by worker teams. The pavilion was made out of the same sandstone that most of the buildings were made of.

“The flags hanging into the arena are the champions from the past and present,” said Elias, his chest puffed out with pride.

A large beam of wood crossed the middle of the coliseum, connecting to the opposite side. Smaller flags hung there with only one place open.

“That is where the contestants’ flags are presented. Your’s will be taking up space near the centre, where the most anticipated and skilful fighters are located.” Elias told them.

Elias motioned to the side of the hall where golden curtains blocked their view. “The rooms here do not have walls and are divided by curtains. It has a dual purpose. It can get extremely hot at the uppermost parts of the coliseum and also for ease of access for servants and-” he cleared his throat. “Ladies of the fine arts.”

Luke gulped again. Horus punched him in the shoulder and gave him a stare. Elias frowned at his behaviour and led them to the golden curtains. He pulled open the curtains and bade them enter. When Aleks entered the ‘room’ and felt his jaw slacken. Thick carpets and rich plump cushions awaited them. A bar filled with wine, ale and ice stood at the centre. ‘Ladies of the fine arts’ stood ready to receive them with large palm leaves in their hands. One of them had raven dark hair and a face they were familiar with. Kendra’s eyes widened for a second before her face returned to the same sultry gaze that the rest of the attendants gave them. Luke saw her and was about to point when Horus squeezed his shoulder.

“I trust this meets your standards,” Elias said with a bow before motioning to the side. “You will see that to the back there are curtained rooms if you require some privacy.” he finished with a knowing smile.

“Thank you, Elias, that will be all,” Winston said.

Elias bowed again and left. The companions looked at each other.

“This is going to be an amazing stay or one of the worst. I reckon there will be no in between,” said Horus.

One of the attendants, a woman with golden hair and an hourglass figure sashayed up to Horus and put her finger on his chest. “Why would you say that great warrior,” she said in a seductive voice.

Horus grabbed her arm. “I have a loving wife and children back home, woman. Do not do that,” he said seriously.

She backed off, insulted. “Do I not look better than your wife?” she said and grabbed her body in provocative ways.

Ikaros put his hand on Horus’ shoulder and eyed the woman. “I do not know how your culture works here, but we men from Greece do not take kindly to cheaters.”

“Excuse Sarah gentlemen,” said Kendra as she walked forward and embraced Sarah from behind. “She is not used to dealing with honourable men. It is different and quite refreshing.” she beamed a smile at them.

Suddenly the drums began again. Kendra looked up and her smile turned jovial.

“The opening ceremony is starting!” she said loudly to be heard over the drums and cheering.

Aleks and his companions, as well as the attendants, moved to the railings and looked down. The pavilions were filled to the brim with people shouting and flying small flags in the air. It created a vast ocean of colours as only a few blocks on the pavilion were of the same colour.

A man holding an object walked to the middle of the arena. He wore a strange hat that helped little with the heat. He moved the object to his mouth.

“Lords and ladies, viewers of the games.” He said with a booming voice that overwhelmed the drums and the cheering of the crowds.

“How is he so loud?” Aleks asked.

“Zone artefact.” Winston simply replied.

“It is with great pleasure that I announce the start of the great tournament!” he shouted.

The crowd reached a new intensity of shouting as they went ballistic. Thousands of flags fluttered, creating a tempest-like noise as they showed their allegiance passionately.

“I have received news of something that will excite some of you, but rightfully anger most of you.” the announcer said over the noise.

This statement silenced the crowd as they listened on with interest.

“Some visitors from the ‘Oh so great city of Canalis’ have graced us with their presence,” he said with a roll of eyes, getting snickers from the crowd. “But they haven’t just come to grace us with their presence. No, they say that in their midst they have the best fighter this city has ever seen.” gasps rang out as the crowd looked at one another. “He is called Aleksander!” he shouted and pointed to where Aleks stood.

The entirety of the colosseum looked at him. A man with familiar, wild red hair looks at them from the other side of the uppermost rooms. His eyes became filled with hate as he recognised them.

“You’re gonna die Aleksander!” he shouted.

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