《Power of Possibility》Chapter 23


For the first time in years, Aleks woke up feeling refreshed and relaxed. His eyes glanced over the unfamiliar ceiling and his mind caught up with what had happened.

The fall. The golden blood falling over us. Where’s Tiny?

He looked around the room and saw the rest of his companions sleeping. Damon and Kastor particularly were snoring so loudly he was surprised that he was the only one awake. The sun streamed through an open window and Aleks relaxed as he saw Tiny curled up beneath the window. It wasn’t every day that one cheats death and that meant that you can sleep in for a bit. Aleks laid there for a while as he thought about everything that had happened recently. His insistence to help those that needed it was not something unnatural, but it had developed since he left Athens. He gripped his mother’s necklace and smiled.

Mom. It’s going good with me. I will continue helping those in need and make you proud.

Groaning came from his right and he saw Horus sitting up with bandages all over his body. He looked at Aleks and saw him staring at him.

“How are you still alive?” Horus asked shocked.

Aleks frowned. “What do you mean?”

“I saw you fall. The bat was on you as well. You should’ve been crushed to death.” he replied.

Aleks felt his neck and couldn’t find any discomfort. He stood up and stretched. He did not feel any impediment in his movement. He felt more supple and his body reacted faster to what he wanted than normal.

“This must be a miracle.” Horus gasped.

The rest started waking up and saw Aleks move about. They gasped in surprise.

“Aleks!” Luke shouted. “I’m so glad you’re alive,” he said as a tear ran down his face.

“What happened?” Aleks asked.

“I have no idea,” Luke said. “The last I remember is you crashing into the ground with Ti-.” his face morphed in horror. “Where is Tiny?!”

Aleks pointed to the window sill where Tiny lay curled up.

Luke sighed. “Thank the gods. The little one is a survivor,” he said before continuing. “As I said, the moment you hit the ground we rushed to you, but then the golden liquid fell on you and splattered over us. . . that’s the last I remember.”

Their attention turned to the open door as a draconian walked through. He had dull red scales and bandages over his shoulders and only one arm. He bowed his head.


“Thank you, mighty warriors, for saving me and my people!” he said reverently. “If you had not found it in your hearts to help us then we would be gone with those foul beasts.”

“It was what any honourable man would do,” Horus said with a smile. “What is your name?”

“Apologies, my name is Vortred. I am the elder of Middle Stop,” he said. “Might I know the names of this town’s saviours?”

They introduced themselves and Vortred committed every name and face to memory.

“Tell me Vortred, what happened after we passed out?” Winston asked.

“After one of the bats fell from the sky and knocked over my cage, the lock sprang open. We got out as you fought the silver-eyed one. After freeing my kin we saw strange things in the sky and you- “ he said pointing at Aleks. “Fell on the ground with that golden water immersing you. The rest of the great warriors rushed to help you but once they came into contact with that golden flow, they passed out. We cautiously closed in to help. Power oozed in the air and we dared not touch it. The flow from the sky stopped as the zone of possibility ended.” he said as he looked at each of them in turn. “I feared for the worst. Aleksander here and the small gorilla should’ve drowned in it if they had not already died from the impact. The golden waters disappeared and with it the power that permeated the air.”

Winston looked at Phillip and they nodded. “Then you brought us back here?” Winston asked.

“That is correct. We treated your wounds. . . but to our surprise, it was not needed. You started healing by yourself. Aleksander’s limbs popped back into place and now you are healed.” he replied.

“How long have we been unconscious?” Luke asked.

“Today is the second day.” Vortred slowly said.

“Thank you. We will gather outside when we are ready.” Winston said amicably.

“We have a small feast ready for you with our special grilled chicken,” he said.

They thanked him. The draconian inclined his head and left the room. A silence settled in the room as everyone digested what they had heard. Then everyone talked at once. Questions like ‘How is this possible’ and ‘can we go grow back lost limbs’ came from the room as they checked their bodies for wounds.

“Hey, Aleks,” Luke said and pointed at his chest. “The scar on your chest is gone.”


Aleks looked down and saw smooth skin where the jagged scar used to be that Cyril’s man gave him.

“Winston. Do you have any idea what this means?” Horus asked.

Horus once again exchanged a look with Phillip. “I might have an idea.” he sat on one of the beds. “The zone of possibility is where anything can happen. When one appears it can either mean good fortune, death, or nothing at all. Many artefacts of power were found after a zone appeared. Many heroes and overlords’ stories began with such a zone.” he cleared his throat and then said. “The Circlet of Ambition was found after one of these events, as was the ring we need.”

The men had thoughtful looks as they digested the information.

“Well doesn’t help to overthink I’d say,” Luke said. “It’s just one more interesting thing that this world has to offer.”

“Aye. But what if it corrupts us like the Circlet.” Horus voiced.

“Not everything from the zone is like the Circlet. But there is always a chance.” Phillip said. “If anyone feels their mind begin to warp or notice it from others. . . well, let’s just say we need to watch out for each other.”

They nodded in agreement.

“Does anyone feel any different?” asked Kastor. “Cause I feel amazing. Almost as if I could flip over a bull if it charged at me.”

“That is oddly specific.” Luke chuckled. “I also feel great.”

“We can test our limits on the journey ahead of us. For now, let’s take up the offer of the grilled chicken. I’m starving!” Horus exclaimed.

The rest nodded their heads with gusto. Like Horus, they could also feel the hunger of not eating for two days. Aleks walked over to where Tiny was passed out. He poked him in the side and only got a groan out of him. He frowned at him before a smile blossomed on his face. With outstretched hands, he furiously tickled the little gorilla. Tiny woke up with a start and cried out in delight, trying his very best to stop Aleks from this delightful torture. He grabbed one of Aleks's arms and climbed onto his back where he stuck out his tongue at Luke who watched everything happen.

“We’re going to get some food, little guy,” Aleks said to him.

They walked out of the room and into the sunlight. The previously desolate streets of Middle Stop was now thriving with draconians that had smiles on their faces. When they saw the party step out of the house, they cheered. Every member got approached and thanked for saving them from sure death. A few of the younger draconians looked at Tiny with big eyes and touched him. At first, he shied away and looked at Aleks.

Aleks laughed and nodded at him to play with the little ones. He carefully let go of his grip on Aleks’ back and dropped to the ground. A few moments later and he was happily wrestling with a few of them and running around.

“I’m glad to see that he can play a bit. He’s still a kid after all.” Luke said with a smile.

“Barely a kid. He’s more like a baby and still led us where we needed to go.” Aleks replied.

Gasps sounded out from further away where a small crowd had formed around a table. Curious, Aleks and Luke walked over. They stood in awe as Horus, Damon, Kastor, Ikaros, Thanos and Nike together with Winston and Phillip devoured whole chickens. Bones flew as they spat it out and dug in the tender grilled white meat. Kastor had tears in his eyes as he held a leg in his mouth. He saw Luke and Aleks stare at him and mumbled.

“Dis ish bes cheekn eve. “

The magic of this world barely translated the meaning of his mumbling to them. A growing pile of bones was in the middle of the table as the grateful draconians brought more of their famed grilled chicken to their saviours. The smell was intoxicating causing Aleks and Luke to drool as their stomachs growled in anticipation.

To the crowd's delight, they sat down and joined their comrades in the feast. When Aleks finished his third whole chicken, he knew something was unnatural. In the past, he could barely eat a whole chicken in one sitting. Now he finished three and felt like he could finish three more.

It might be the two days of no eating, the great taste of this grilled chicken or maybe. . . with the regeneration our bodies need more sustenance.

Either way, they surprised their hosts when they finished close to forty chickens that day. Afterwards, they said their goodbyes to Middle Stop and boarded Betty, their steamship. They were a bit behind on schedule and with a great expulsion of steam, the ship once again cut through the great canal towards the city of Arena.

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