《Power of Possibility》Chapter 15


The council of Elders were situated in the middle of the city and it overlooked all of Canalis. To call it a building like the rest of the buildings surrounding it would be a lapse of judgement. It was a tall tower coated in four colours, representing each race. Large wooden double doors guarded the entrance with stone steps leading up to it.

When Aleks and Rebekka arrived at the tower, they had people already waiting for them. Luke, Ikaros and Horus stood close to the entrance. Upon seeing them, they waved at each other.

“What do you think of the city?” Luke asked with a grin.

“Did you see those steamboats?” Aleks immediately asked, garnering a laugh from the party.

“If we had that on our ship, we could get to Athens in three weeks instead of two months,” Ikaros said while holding his chin.

“I’m glad to see you guys talking and having fun, but you have a meeting.” Rebekka sternly said.”Just go through the doors and climb the stairs till there are no more stairs to climb. They usually meet on the tower tops.”

The party gazed up at the tower, their necks craned to reach the top.

“Are you trying to kill us, woman?” Luke asked.

They turned to look at her, but she had already disappeared.

Shrugging, they entered the tower and began their climb. Ten minutes later they stopped to catch their breath as they were nearly at the top.

“So. . .” Luke started while struggling to breathe. “What do you think they’ll ask of us?”

“It has to be about the portal and the fact that those Vikings explored the ‘Dark king’s territory,” Aleks said in a low voice.

“Aye, that was my thought as well,” Ikaros spoke up.

I wonder if they will ask us to take care of the Vikings. . . and we still need to get those villagers back to their children.

After they regained their normal breathing patterns, they ascended the last flight of stairs. The top of the tower had a spectacular view of the city and one could see past the wall in the distance and far into the ocean. There were a few simple wooden tables present with their respective chairs. Seated, were four people, each a representative of their respective races.

The Human stood up from his chair, a man with greying hair, a wise beard and a slight build.

“Welcome to the council, travellers. I am Albertus.” he said with a shallow bow of his head.” To my right is Marcillius, representative of the Otters.” he continued as he pointed at the Otter next to him. Like Albertus himself, Marcillius appeared elderly and had grey matting his fur. “To my left, sits elder Koris and elder Voxsor.” A Draconian with deep blue scales inclined their head at the name Koris and the Rockfolk elder lifted their hand in greeting.

Wow, in comparison to Runir that stood so tall, Voxsor would probably not even reach my chest.


Aleks and his comrades introduced themselves before they started with their discussions.

“The man that met you outside Canalis, Mark, he told me about where you came from and from which territory it is.” Albertus began, laying down the foundation of their discussion. “This is quite worrying for us as-”

“Bah! Not just worrying, it’s damn right terrifying.” the draconian, Koris said as blue flames leaked from his mouth. “If my people hear of this there would be panic. I need not remind you council, of what effect it had last time.”

“No you don’t elder Koris.” came the wizened voice of Marcillius, the Otter elder. “I and my kin are quite aware of what happened and remember it clearly as we spent weeks digging the graves.”

A deep voice that resounded with everyone’s hearts began. “Elders, we do not bicker. Tell them what we expect of them.” Voxsor said, instantly silencing the room.

For such a smaller rock person, his voice sure does not lack any power.

Albertus cleared his throat. “Thank you Voxsor. Men, as you are most familiar with these ‘Vikings’ that you escaped from, we request that you join a scouting party to assess the possible danger that they pose in the Dark Kings’ territory.”

“What would we ge-” Luke began before he was interrupted.

“We accept,” Aleks said as he ignored the questioning look that Luke gave him. “On one condition.”

“Speak your condition.” Koris the Draconian said.

“Some of the people we came with need to get back to their homes. We wish to escort them to the portal before the scouting starts.” Aleks said, then he started telling them of how they came to be in the clutches of the Vikings. After Aleks finished, the elders looked at them with thoughtful expressions.

“You are an honourable man, Aleksander,” Marcillius said. “Some of my kin could learn from you.”

“I made a promise. I intend to keep it.” Aleks said as his companions nodded along.

“Very well. You will leave tomorrow morning. Get your people ready. There will be a ship anchored next to yours come the morrow.” Albertus announced.

They started greeting each other when a wondrous light appeared in the distance. Aleks looked over and stared. The light appeared cylindrical in nature and contained all the possible colours one could imagine. It was like a rainbow, except it did not arch into the distance. It shot up straight into the sky and was much more visible.

“What is that?” Luke exclaimed.

“That is a zone of possibility,” Marcillius said. “And quite a big one at that.”

“What is a zone of possibility?” Aleks asked as the light reflected in his eyes.

“It is difficult to say, many a man had tried to glean its secrets and origin, only to miserably fail,” Albertus replied. “The reason it is called ‘zone of possibility’ is because anything can happen in the area that it occupies. Many strange and powerful items had been gained in the zones. Some travellers going through it, received power, others, death. Heck, once I saw a whale swimming through the air.” Albertus said with a laugh.


“Why doesn’t everybody go to it then?” Luke asked with a frown.

“You can not predict where it will appear and for how long,” Koris said. “A long time ago, one of my kin walked through such a zone and found a powerful artefact called the Circlet of Ambition. He ended up becoming the Dark king. . .” Koris looked at them. “It is time for you to go, travellers.”

Those zones sound mystical. I wonder if that is where the Rockfolk came from.

They said their goodbyes and descended the tower. The rays of sunlight were beaten back by the approaching darkness when they arrived at their accommodation. Aleks and his comrades split up as they went to each room and let their fellow people know that they would be leaving for home tomorrow. Their emotions were mixed but most were happy as they had children that were still alive.

Night had fully settled in when Aleks dropped down on his bed. With his pillow behind his head, he stared up at the ceiling and thought about his day. A lot had happened. There are many amazing sights in this world. Mother would have loved to look out into the distance and see those rainbow coloured flashes of light. . . and Charon too. I will never forget you!

Soft snores escaped from his bed as he drifted off to sleep. The darkness in the night deepened and a thick mist settled over the city. Aleks woke up as a soft sound barely pierced through the mist and made its way to his room. He rubbed his eyes and moved to the window sill. Looking outside, the mist was so thick that he could not see the water, only the stone in front of his room. He heard the sound again. With his ears strained, he made out a melody. Curious, he left his room and descended the stairs. He arrived outside his building and saw the faint glow of lights from the city as the mist obscured everything.

He waited patiently as he listened for the melody. It started again and he followed it. He walked on the dock wall, past the creaking wooden ship and the silent lapping of waves against stone. The melody became clearer, making his path straight. The sound of the melody caused a tear to appear unwillingly as he walked through the mist. The muted sound of his feet tapping the cobblestone blended in with the creaks and the waves as the music became clearer. He slowed down as the beautiful sound became crystal clear. With the last step, the mist revealed a girl standing on the dockside, looking out over the misty waters. She had white hair that fell over her dark nightgown that contrasted with her fair skin. She supported a string instrument on her shoulder. With bare feet on the stony dock wall, she swayed to the melody she made.

The mist obscured everything, even time. The only thing that existed at that moment was Aleks, the girl, and her music. Aleks’ vision became blurry as tears fell to the ground. The music stopped and the girl let the instrument rest on the ground. Her hands clasped in front of her and then it started. A crystal clear voice broke through the mist. Words of sadness and loss cascaded out onto the waters as figures in the mist danced to her voice, depicting a story of tragedy. Aleks’ tears streamed down freely as he felt her soulful voice wash over him. It penetrated the walls he had built in his heart and like a dam wall, it broke open and emotions flooded out. The loss of his father and mother. The home which he had lost. The hand of Charon as it reached out to him. All these memories escaped with the sound of her voice. . . for a moment it felt too much for him, then her voice and words changed. Words of sadness and loss transformed into words of hope and love. She sang about the love that parents had for their children, the love that a stranger had when they helped someone they didn’t know. The hope one has when they still breathe, the life they had in front of them that only they could live.

Aleks was on his knees as memories of his friends supporting him through their voyage appeared and broke down the last vestiges of the wall he had left around his heart. He couldn’t remember when he started crying, only when he felt warm arms embrace him and the gentle caress of hands over his head did he come to. The girl held him in a tight hug, her shoulder already wet from his tears. She smelled like a fresh sea breeze with a hint of mystery mist.

His hands reached around her and he embraced her back. Time had disappeared in the mist and they stayed like that for an indeterminable time. Eventually, his heart settled and he released his arms around her. She moved up a bit and for the first time, he could see her face. For a moment time stopped again as he lost himself in her deep blue eyes that stared directly into his soul. Her face held an ethereal beauty that words simply could not give credit to. As he looked at her she looked back, her full lips parted to reveal a smile that he would never forget.

“There is always hope.” she softly whispered in a voice that tugged at his heartstrings. With those words, she stood up and walked into the mist.

Before he could react she disappeared into the night. The only evidence that she was real was her scent and her warmth that remained on him. After a while, he stood and walked back to his room. Wearily he fell on his bed and passed out.

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