《Power of Possibility》Chapter 16


The morning they left Canalis was a blur for Aleks. After waking up from a deep sleep, they were met by a group of six experienced scouts which consisted of four Otters and two Draconians. They were a hardy bunch and most importantly, knew how to operate the steamship. An hour had passed and they were all aboard as they followed the scout ship.

After a few days of sailing, Aleks and his companions once again noticed the vibrancy of life disappear from where they were. The medium-sized steamship ahead of them blasted into the air as it cut through the waters and made its way to the Dark King’s land. They once again passed the massive mountains that they had previously. It dwarfed everything around it as it loomed in the distance. Luke asked the scouts about the mountains and they said that there used to be a large kingdom built into the mountain, but it was abandoned because of the Dark King.

A few more days passed when they saw a dark spire rise in the distance. The two ships anchored next to each other as they discussed what had to happen. After shouting back and forth, Aleks, Luke and the rest of the men from Athens boarded the scout ship. The original surviving crew stayed aboard the trading ship together with the villagers. After some promises that they would return when they were done, they set off towards the portal.

Aleks waved at them as they sailed away. When they were a distance away, he turned around and assessed the steamship. It was made out of steel and dark wood. It had no sail and did not rise high above the waters. Instead, it had two large cylinders on its roof that billowed out steam depending on how fast it was going. With a lurch, they accelerated towards the beach of the land. They anchored on a sandbank and readied the needed equipment.

Rope, weapons and dried food were put into backpacks and held over their heads as they jumped into the water and waded to shore. Four of their group stayed behind to defend the ship. They were two of the otters and Nike and Thanos.

When they reached the beach the ten of them huddled together. Damon and Kastor were outfitted with rope, grappling hooks and spears. Horus and Ikaros had bows strapped to their back with short swords on their waists. The two Otters, Phillip and Winston had a bandolier of throwing knives over their chests and their extendable tridents were attached to their backs. The two Draconians, Typhon and Nocturne, each had a shield coated with fire-resistant paint and curved swords that had reverse grips. They were ready for anything that might happen.

“Have any of you been here before?” Damon asked.


“No, only our grandparents had been here,” Winston said as he checked his knives.

“For good reason, after the war, it was said that this land is cursed,” Typhon said as he spat liquid flame onto the sand.

“Cursed?” Kastor asked.

“It was our kin that made up most of the army of the Dark king. The flames of their breath became too hot and burned everything and everyone around them. It created a field of ash that made the surroundings of the Dark Citadel look like a black desert.” Nocturne replied.

“But how do you know it’s cursed?” Kastor asked again, a frown marring his scarred face.

“A few nights after the great battle, some men just disappeared when they walked on it. You would walk with your friend and look away. When you turn to look at them again, they are gone.” Nocturne said, his red scales glistening in the receding sunlight.

“Well enough horror stories for the day. Let’s find out if their longship is still on the beach, and then move up to the citadel.” Horus said. “I will take the lead since I have keen eyes.”

They all nodded their heads as they stood up and followed Horus as he moved to the tree line. With a last wave at their ship, they disappeared. They stuck to the side of the forest, hugging the beach and staying in the shadows as they moved.

The forest was a dull green. The large trees appeared healthy at first glance, but on closer inspection, something was amiss. Apparently in this World of Possibilities, the possibilities that were dormant here had been used and kept the forest from reaching its potential. Dried leaves crunched under Aleks’ foot as he followed in the wake of Horus. He expertly traversed the ever-drying forest, never staying in the overcast light for too long. With their quick pace, they arrived near the colossal stone arch. They hid behind the trees as they looked at where the longship used to be. They only evidence of its existence was an ashen firepit and a dredge in the sand.

“They have moved on,” Kastor whispered at them.

“Now we need to find out if they went back to the portal, or the Dark Citadel,” Winston said in a low voice as he thumbed one of his knives.

“Aye, let's follow the river. Remember to stay low and stick to the shadows, or you'll stick out like a sore thumb.” Horus said in a low tone.

Allowing the experienced warrior to lead, they followed him as they moved from shadow to shadow. Aleks quickly learned how to miss the dried leaves and walk with muffled steps. With the river as their guide, they walked till it became too dark to continue. The moon barely penetrated the forest, only lighting up the river as it flowed past them. They huddled together and slept against a tree with one of them always on the watch for any danger.


The sun rose differently in the dying forest than in other places. Instead of shining down on the inhabitants of the forest, it crept down at them. After the night spent, Aleks finally realised what was amiss.

There are no insects. There is nothing alive except the trees and the few bushes, and they are barely alive. . .

They continued following the river when something changed. At first, it looked like snow that drifted in the wind, but it was too hot for snow. Ash drifted in the air as it coated the dying trees and caused the Otters to cough. They took out masks and put them on, stopping the ash from getting in their airways. The Draconians had no issue with the ash. They only looked at each other with knowing eyes.

“What is it, Typhon, Nocturne?” Aleks asked.

They hesitated a bit before answering.

“The ash. . .” Typhon began. “It is not burnt wood. It is warriors that were burned,” he said in a sorrowful tone. “It is a reminder of what happened and what my race can do if they follow the wrong leader.”

They trudged onwards and left footprints in the dark fallen ash.

Why is the ash dark and not grey like it normally is? Aleks thought as he rubbed it between his fingers.

“Draconian fire is different from your normal fire. It leaves a unique impression upon its passing.” Phillip whispered to Aleks when he saw him rubbing the ash in his hand.

Phillip’s eyes peeked over his mask as he peered at Aleks with scrunched eyes. His whiskers twitched when ash fell on it, shaking it off. As they walked, the trees became more sparse but the light became less as they neared the dark spire. With the trees no longer blocking their sight, the spire was visible and near. Horus stopped in front of them as they reached the end of the treeline and crouched behind one. His hands talked as he signalled them to be silent and keep low. They crouched behind a fallen log and peered into the distance.

Ash drifted in the air obscuring a clear view but revealing a dark wall with an open portcullis over the river mouth. The Dark Citadel loomed in the distance, creating an ominous atmosphere. Movement could be seen as men walked on the walls, watching for any danger. The area around the walls was open and looked like a desert of ash. It gave no option for them to hide.

“We now know that these ‘Vikings’ have taken control of the Dark Citadel,” Nocturne said with a grimace.

“I hope they followed their instincts and didn’t don the circlet of Ambition,” Typhon said.

“Well that's why we are here, to find out if they did or not and if possible, secure it before any of them are stupid enough to do it.”’Winston said with a confident smile as he flashed his teeth.

“We’ll have to circle and look for any openings, there must be some way to get in,” Horus said as he watched the fortifications with a discerning eye.

“We can always swim into the citadel. If these men are like you and have not seen any Otters like us before, then they wouldn’t expect anything from the water.” Winston said with a smirk.

“That’s a really good idea.” Aleks thoughtfully said as he imagined the look on the Vikings faces when they saw talking Otters. They would think they are creatures of Loki.

“Are you sure you can do this?” Horus asked them.

“We are more silent than you lumbering buffoons. Our fur also gives natural camouflage in the darkness of the buildings.” Winston confidently added as he twirled a knife on his finger.

“Alright then, we’ll do that,” Horus said before adding. “We will scout around to the back of the citadel first. Once you see where we want to ascend, you can head back to the river.”

Sounds of aye softly resounded in the air and they once again sneaked through the dying woods. It was noon when they finally reached the back of the citadel. As expected, it was less patrolled, with a pair of Vikings only making their rounds every ten minutes. They watched the wall for an hour before Horus pointed out the area which they wanted to scale. Damon and Kastor gave them their rope and grappling hooks which they curled around their waists and back. With a quick salute, they scurried off into the fading daylight.

“We only need to find and secure the circlet. If you don’t have to fight, don’t.” Horus said. “I’ve had many skirmishes which went wrong because some young fool was hot-headed.”

Agreement came from the rest as they waited behind the trees. Damon took out his waterskin and wet the ash near his feet. He used the ash to coat his skin and his equipment.

“I’ll advise you lot to do the same. The moonlight can also glint off metal.” Damon said as he rubbed ash on his legs.

The rest followed his advice and blended in with their surroundings. When darkness truly settled on the land, Horus took the lead and they began the long crawl to the wall.

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