《Passing Onto Fog》Chapter 6 - Chaos


Amelia Bones, Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, sat at her desk, rather early in comparison to her co-workers. She was reading the letter she received just yesterday for what felt like the millionth time. To be honest, she wasn't sure how to respond to it. Her morals demanded justice, but the subject matter made it hard to be impartial. It was about Sirius Black, her ex-lover. The only man she's ever loved. She never really believed the story of what had happened, but, at the time, she had no power to do anything. Now, though, she could. Especially if this evidence pans out. She gripped the letter a little tighter, letting elation take over for a short stint. No Bones. Concentrate. She reprimanded herself. If this is going to work, you need to plan. She quickly set out equipment to write a letter, thinking what to say.

Dear Harry Potter,

Sorry for the late reply…


Davion and Harry made their way to breakfast, the mass of tired children slumbering their way alongside them. Davion's epiphany still needed some work, but he was largely happy about it. There was still some questionable rules that needed to be placed. One such example would have to do with time-travel. He was leaning towards making it have exceptions to it, because no matter how much he dislikes it, there are still instances where it may be required.

Harry for his part just left Davion to his thoughts. The short burst of excitement, while wierd, largely forgotten. He had more important things to think about. Mainly, how to get his Godfather out, and escape the Dursleys. It helped to serve to ignore the staring and whispering. Some cases that he heard were just plain ridiculous. Their quiet companionship broke when reaching the hall. Harry took a glance around to find a seat, but then looked to Davion. No, I've relied on him enough. He decided and took the lead. He settled on the far end of the table, where no one has sat yet.

Davion raised a brow, but shrugged it off and followed. It was a good sign that Harry was taking some sort of charge. No matter how miniscule seat arrangement was. Before sitting, he patted Harry's shoulder to show support.


"So, think any big plans up last night?" Davion asked, watching the students filter in.

"Plans? Not really. Thoughts, I've had plenty of."

"Well, let them out, before the masses conglomerate." Davion insisted.

"Just… what if my Godfather is worse. Or what if this brings unwanted attention? I already suffer from plenty of enough attention as is." Harry replied, letting a little fear show.

"Well, Harry, you'll never know unless you take the chance. Opportunities usually work that way, but fearing them will just ensure you never change anything. Weigh your risk and rewards, then make a choice. You're in Slytherin now, use the values." Davion stated. Harry flinched a little, it being said a little more forceful than he was used to from Davion. Davion shrugged before continuing.

"Harry, if you're going to survive, you'll have to learn how to take your own opportunities. Like I said before, you're becoming too attached to me. I'll be here and offer advice, but you can't always rely on me. I led, now you need to pave the rest of the way. Being an Heir is a big boon. You now have paths that weren't open before. I wish we could of had you emancipated, but it fell through. Now, you just need to keep gathering knowledge to be able to utilize chances presented. You have some time. How far along did you get in the Occlumency book?" Davion explained a little more gently. Harry nodded in understanding, fixing his expression.

"I've accessed my "mindscape", but that's as far as I've gotten."

"That's great! I've given all the help I can give at this point. Just make sure not to neglect the other books." Davion said. Harry, again, nodded. They quieted as the rest of the students made for their seats. Some surprises came with Malfoy and his gang pointedly sitting near them. Along with the young Daphne Greengrass and a few others that may be considered top families. They sat quietly for now, but Davion could see the questions forming that they weren't able to ask during Sorting. It made him glad that the clones were able to avoid them. No such luck this time.


Food was served and chaos ignited. It was funny watching Harry flounder until Davion decided to step in.

"Alright. One at a time." Davion said with a clap, cutting the questions short. Daphne, while quiet during the onslaught, took this chance.

"Heir Slytherin, my father told me to ask if you were open to meetings at this time?" She asked, her face a mask of indifference. It was impressive for a eleven year old. Some of the others raised their voice in protest. Apparently, not all of them really belonged in this House.

"Ah, this is a perfect opportunity to address some things." Davion said before standing. He made his way to the front of the hall, where everyone could see him. He gave a bow to the professors before clapping and gathering attention of all.

"I'd like to address some things that I'm sure will become a nuisance throughout the year. Maybe not from everyone here, but your parents. I will take formal meetings with your Head of houses starting now, but if it has anything to do with marriage contracts. I wish to see a written letter of acceptance from the potential fiance in question. I have four houses, meaning I am meant to take four wives. Not particularly something I want myself, but I've accepted it. This will allow any of you with the more crafty of Heads to know their intentions. Also, they will not be able to move forward without your approval. If you do accept their decision on that account, come to me so we may talk. We're young right now, I understand this, but this will give us the opportunity to get to know one another before a wedding must take place. If you are forced to write the letter, talk to me in person. Be honest and I may have a solution." Davion took a deep breath before continuing. "Also, I will take meetings with any House. No matter Light, Dark, or Neutral. I know Slytherin has been historically Dark, but I don't particularly subscribe to those ideals. Neither do I with Light. Further details can be discussed later. I'll imply Neutral for now." The hall was quiet, enraptured with what would be the latest gossip. "I'm in the public now, so I will let it be known so you may take it to your parents. I am Lord Slytherin now, not just Heir. This will bring a lot of Dark family allegiances into question, I'm sure." He said, bringing the rings into view. Not just revealing Slytherin, but the slew of other Houses also. "For further implication, I'd like to let some information slip. The Dark families rhetoric of Pure Bloodness is brought into question when you consider they aligned themselves with a Half-Blood to bring about the change. I urge you and your Heads to research this information. Tom Marvolo Riddle, also known as Lord Voldemort, is born from a squib witch named Merope Gaunt and muggle Tom Riddle Sr. Meaning, while he does have claim to the Slytherin name, he was never a Pure Blood. I encourage you spread this information and, again, research it yourselves." Davion started making his way back to his seat, before remembering something.

"Aw, one more thing. I, Lord Davion Slytherin, as of now banish Tom Riddle from his claim to the Slytherin name. May the family name and magic be stripped from thee. So mote it be." A flash of light ignited the hall, and a silent screech came from one of the professors. Thankfully for the professor, no one noticed in the stunned silence of the hall. "Let that be evidence. Whatever that evidence is for… I'll let you decide." Was his last remark, before he swaggered his way to his seat. Not that he could claim the Lordship with all the rituals negating it.

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