《Passing Onto Fog》Chapter 5 - The Rules


Author's Notes: I'd like to start this with an apology with how rushed the last chapter was and felt. Holidays destroyed my focus and it's hard to pinpoint where I was going with the story. Also, I have problems with sporadic thoughts which make writing hard to do. Please forgive me. Anyway, I'll keep up-to-date now that the Holidays are over with. Enjoy.


Davion arrived back at Hogwarts about four hours before classes renewed. He felt oddly tired from all the social interactions and was slightly frustrated with all the questioning. He should of just rebirthed into a normal human and hid his "aura" as the fairies called it. It would of saved him a lot of trouble with the curious creatures. He loved them, he truly did, but fairies can push too far with the curiosity.

He settled into bed to organize through his thoughts. He said he wanted to mess with the Fate Witches, but that was largely a joke. The truth is, he had no idea what he was doing in this life. Knowing what was going to happen actually paralyzed him in a way. He wasn't used to it. It's funny how having too much information made him more indecisive than when coming to his own conclusions. Ofcourse, not everything was the same as the books, but key points usually stayed from what he observed in Naruto. That was the only life he had experience to pull from, since he's avoided going into known stories until now. Mostly because of Naruto also, and that wasn't the best experience. He had to manage defeating the big bad, while also having the characters develop in a way that's beneficial. He couldn't have them the same, though, and that was the hardest part. He's managing other people… He doesn't like doing that. In one part, he doesn't feel like he has the right, and in another he feels like he's interfering in something grander than him. And that's hard to make him feel. No matter how humble he wishes he was, individual worlds usually feel small in comparison to him. The collection, though, that he knew was bigger than him. It could just be remnants from when he indulged in greed and ego. He's, at points, almost singularly represented a human sin. It's not something he's proud of, but sometimes he couldn't resist reveling in the emotions. Consequences to repressing all the time, in most parts. In another part, not being human in those lives. He's had two set morals he never breaks, but everything else has been fair game. No rape, in result in how it ruined him, and never murder without reason. The last being self explanatory. He needed to make, while not a plan, a decision. He hasn't been living how he usually lives in result to all stated before, and it's bothering him. Usually he's not this reluctant to act. Preparing another person he never would of done before. Isolation was the name of the game for him. "Game" caught him somehow. The thing he's been avoiding doing, but there's benefit to him treating it like a game. It's also a trap though, in regards to how you treat life as a whole. It's only for personal fun and takes no other opinions into it. It's dangerous, but if he can somehow set rules to it, he can avoid the trap. He came with fun in mind, but once he arrived the memories of the story hit him.


"I can do it… rules, Davion, rules." He mumbled quietly. He can set rules, if only so he's not so indecisive. It's a necessary evil at this time, if he plans to go to more story worlds. One, limit power, he decided. How to limit? Focus on one skill or set of skills? Yes, he can work with that. How to handle main characters, or characters in general? Like humans, is an obvious number one. Even with that decision, they still will be influenced by what he's read. He'd have to give that one time.

He also needs to incorporate the rules he's already set for himself. He realized early on romance wasn't in his best interest, but also something he wasn't willing to give up. Like he's said before, you need others to confirm yourself. He's already lonely enough as it is. Most of the romance rules are a result of age, and when he didn't have them… things got devious at times. Taking into account how much older he is, it became strange into relation of sex. He had to come to decision to use maturity in that account. Usually, once they understand the consequences and had a long thought to how they want their life to go. No trapping the mortals into a life with a somewhat primordial being. He's brought loved ones with him into multiple lives before, but they're all gone now for a reason. He can't cage them into the same curse he has. Towards the end, they all end up something not entirely the same as what he fell in love with. Not to say anything about how he himself has changed while they were with him.

Next of existing rules, he can't be "the" hero. Not in a traditional sense. A personal hero to a few is a better option than to an entire people. That rule he's broken a number of times and it almost always ends the same way, but it's still not concrete. Sometimes, he just has to take the role. There may be some confusion, but he has a set idea of what a hero is. A martyrdom in most cases. Sacrifices his life to drag the rest of the people to a revolution in a way. Whether he champions an idea or a people, heroes never really vary all too much. They're an irritating existence that you can't help but respect.

Next, no taking away personal freedom. It's why in most cases, he's not spamming mind reading and control spells in this life. You can never act to what a human is thinking, because in most cases, it isn't the action they take. He's been struggling with that in this life, if only because he knows what's to come. Thankfully, Voldemort has already taken action, so he can be condemned, but Dumbledore hasn't done something soul ending. Questionable, for sure, but not evil in nature.


Onto the next of existing rules, no being the executioner. Judge and jury, sure, but never the executioner. This one was a result of having largely a different perspective and is more of an ideal than a rule. Like now, Voldemort is already condemned by the populace, so he could kill him, but what he sees as right and what the populace sees isn't the same in most cases. In worlds where slavery was a staple, he couldn't just go around killing all slave owners, for example. He's worked off the idea that humans are rarely evil in nature. Misguided, for sure, but most basic instincts are work of a genetic evolution, he's realized. It doesn't excuse the actions, but it does have a say in what action to take. The beauty of humans is to break from basic instincts, and restrict themselves to what is ideally right. "Ideally" can be subjective at times, but usually it indicates ideals that allow civilization to blossom. Anything that breaks that can be set squarely in the wrong category. They're all working with the same feelings after all, even if experience sways the action to those emotions.

There. The existing rules, while short, have been set for lifetimes by now. But, like he said, they've been broken and bended for lifetimes also. The two set morals have been the only ones he hasn't broken at this point and he separates those from the rules. The rules are more guidelines than anything else, but they help come to decisions mostly.

Now to add rules or guidelines to the ones he's already set, then decide what to do about them. If he's going to go to more "story worlds", as he's going to call them, he's going to need to decide what to do about the knowledge of the story itself. Circumvent anything that interferes with his personal rules can safely pass and isn't a huge askance.

Manage what is in his purview probably needs to be added. He can't save everyone, but the ones he can see. And it's questionable by what "save" means in any case. He'd have to take that case by case basis, if anything.

He spent the rest of the time working out details.



Harry awoke to find a springy Davion sitting cross legged on his bed. He was happy someone was enjoying themselves while he wallowed in self-pity. Well, that wasn't entirely true, he had the instinct to ruin the fun, but restricted it.

"What has you so happy?" Harry asked, genuinely curious. Davion opened his eyes, a wide smile taking place on his face.

"I've figured it out, Harry!" Davion said in excitement. "Not that it was particularly difficult to figure out." He mumbled towards the end.

"Okay… and what is it you've figured out? How to get my godfather out?" Harry asked, the excitement contagious.

"Aw, no." Davion replied in slight guilt. "But it should help with that in a way. No, no. It was just something that I should've figured out a long time ago. Something that will make things easier."

"Well, spit it out already."

"Rules, Harry. Rules. I've been broken from shackles by adding my own. Isn't that an interesting conundrum? Anyway, it's just something I've been struggling with that I've never really encountered before. Me? To never encounter something. It's exciting, Harry. Really exciting!" Davion said. Harry looked at him like he was crazy, which to his credit was true. The mood was quickly broken by a thrown pillow.

"Shut up!" One of their roommates yelled, the pillow sliding off Davion's face. Davion just busted out laughing.

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